
Source code for torch.distributed.checkpoint.state_dict_saver

# mypy: allow-untyped-decorators
# mypy: allow-untyped-defs
import inspect
import os
import warnings
from concurrent.futures import Future, ThreadPoolExecutor
from typing import cast, Optional, Union
from typing_extensions import deprecated

import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
from torch.distributed._state_dict_utils import _offload_state_dict_to_cpu
from torch.distributed.checkpoint._storage_utils import _storage_setup
from torch.distributed.checkpoint.default_planner import DefaultSavePlanner
from torch.distributed.checkpoint.logger import _dcp_method_logger
from torch.distributed.checkpoint.metadata import Metadata, STATE_DICT_TYPE
from torch.distributed.checkpoint.planner import SavePlan, SavePlanner
from torch.distributed.checkpoint.staging import AsyncStager
from torch.distributed.checkpoint.stateful import Stateful
from import StorageWriter
from torch.distributed.distributed_c10d import _get_default_group

from .utils import _api_bc_check, _DistWrapper, _profile

__all__ = ["save_state_dict", "save", "async_save"]

[docs]@deprecated( "`save_state_dict` is deprecated and will be removed in future versions." "Please use `save` instead.", category=FutureWarning, ) def save_state_dict( state_dict: STATE_DICT_TYPE, storage_writer: StorageWriter, process_group: Optional[dist.ProcessGroup] = None, coordinator_rank: int = 0, no_dist: bool = False, planner: Optional[SavePlanner] = None, ) -> Metadata: """This method is deprecated. Please switch to 'save'.""" storage_writer.reset() # TODO: test returning `save` here instead. with _profile(): return _save_state_dict( state_dict, storage_writer, process_group, coordinator_rank, no_dist, planner, )
[docs]@_dcp_method_logger(log_exceptions=True) # type: ignore[arg-type] @_api_bc_check def save( state_dict: STATE_DICT_TYPE, *, checkpoint_id: Union[str, os.PathLike, None] = None, storage_writer: Optional[StorageWriter] = None, planner: Optional[SavePlanner] = None, process_group: Optional[dist.ProcessGroup] = None, ) -> Metadata: """ Save a distributed model in SPMD style. This function is different from ```` as it handles ``ShardedTensor`` , and ``DTensor`` by having each rank only save their local shards. For each ``Stateful`` object (having both a ``state_dict`` and a ``load_state_dict``), save will call ``state_dict`` before serialization. .. warning:: There is no guarantees of Backwards Compatibility across PyTorch versions for saved state_dicts. .. warning:: If using the `process_group` argument, make sure that only its ranks call `save_state_dict` and that all data in state_dict belong to it. .. note:: When saving checkpoint for FSDP's `ShardingStrategy.HYBRID_SHARD`, only one of the shard_group should be calling `save_state_dict` and the corresponding process group needs to be passed in. .. note:: If no process group is available, this function assumes the intention is to save the state_dict in the local process. .. note: Rank 0 is assumed to be the coordinator rank. Args: state_dict (Dict[str, Any]): The state_dict to save. checkpoint_id (Union[str, os.PathLike, None]): The ID of this checkpoint instance. The meaning of the checkpoint_id depends on the storage. It can be a path to a folder or to a file. It can also be a key if the storage is a key-value store. (Default: ``None``) storage_writer (Optional[StorageWriter]): Instance of StorageWriter used to perform writes. If this is not specified, DCP will automatically infer the writer based on the checkpoint_id. If checkpoint_id is also None, an exception will be raised. (Default: ``None``) planner (Optional[SavePlanner]): Instance of SavePlanner. If this is not specificed, the default planner will be used. (Default: ``None``) process_group (Optional[ProcessGroup]): ProcessGroup to be used for cross-rank synchronization. (Default: ``None``) Returns: Metadata: Metadata object for the saved checkpoint. Example: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP >>> my_model = MyModule() >>> state_dict = {"model": my_model} >>> fs_storage_writer = torch.distributed.checkpoint.FileSystemWriter("/checkpoint/1") >>> >>> state_dict=state_dict, >>> storage_writer=fs_storage_writer, >>> ) .. note:: save_state_dict uses collectives to coordinate writes across ranks. For NCCL-based process groups, internal tensor representations of objects must be moved to the GPU device before communication takes place. In this case, the device used is given by ``torch.cuda.current_device()`` and it is the user's responsibility to ensure that this is set so that each rank has an individual GPU, via ``torch.cuda.set_device()``. """ torch._C._log_api_usage_once("") no_dist = not (dist.is_available() and dist.is_initialized()) if no_dist: warnings.warn( "torch.distributed is unavailable or uninitialized, assuming the intent is to save in a single process." ) with _profile(): storage_writer = cast( StorageWriter, _storage_setup(storage_writer, checkpoint_id, reader=False) ) return _save_state_dict( state_dict=_stateful_to_state_dict(state_dict), storage_writer=storage_writer, process_group=process_group, no_dist=no_dist, planner=planner, )
[docs]@_dcp_method_logger(log_exceptions=True) def async_save( state_dict: STATE_DICT_TYPE, *, checkpoint_id: Union[str, os.PathLike, None] = None, storage_writer: Optional[StorageWriter] = None, planner: Optional[SavePlanner] = None, process_group: Optional[dist.ProcessGroup] = None, ) -> Future: """Asynchronous version of ``save``. This code first de-stages the state_dict on to the staging storage (defaults to CPU memory), and then calls the `save` in a separate thread. .. warning:: This feature is experimental and subject to change. Args: state_dict (Dict[str, Any]): The state_dict to save. checkpoint_id (Union[str, os.PathLike, None]): The ID of this checkpoint instance. The meaning of the checkpoint_id depends on the storage. It can be a path to a folder or to a file. It can also be a key if the storage is a key-value store. (Default: ``None``) storage_writer (Optional[StorageWriter]): Instance of StorageWriter used to perform 'stage' and 'save'. If this is not specified, DCP will automatically infer the writer based on the checkpoint_id. If checkpoint_id is also None, an exception will be raised. (Default: ``None``) planner (Optional[SavePlanner]): Instance of SavePlanner. If this is not specificed, the default planner will be used. (Default: ``None``) process_group (Optional[ProcessGroup]): ProcessGroup to be used for cross-rank synchronization. (Default: ``None``) Returns: Future: A future holding the resultant Metadata object from `save`. Example: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP >>> my_model = MyModule() >>> state_dict = {"model": my_model} >>> fs_storage_writer = torch.distributed.checkpoint.FileSystemWriter("/checkpoint/1") >>> checkpoint_future = torch.distributed.checkpoint.async_save( >>> state_dict=state_dict, >>> storage_writer=fs_storage_writer, >>> ) >>> >>> # ... do some work ... >>> >>> checkpoint_future.result() """ torch._C._log_api_usage_once("torch.distributed.checkpoint.async_save") if dist.is_available() and dist.is_initialized(): pg = process_group or _get_default_group() assert ( torch.device("cpu") in pg._device_types # type: ignore[attr-defined] ), "A CPU backend must be enabled for async save; try initializing process group with 'cpu:gloo,cuda:nccl'" storage_writer = cast( StorageWriter, _storage_setup(storage_writer, checkpoint_id, reader=False) ) state_dict = _stateful_to_state_dict(state_dict) if isinstance(storage_writer, AsyncStager): staged_state_dict = storage_writer.stage(state_dict) else: # provides bwc for storage_writers not implementing AsyncStager staged_state_dict = _offload_state_dict_to_cpu(state_dict, type_check=False) executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) f: Future = executor.submit( save, staged_state_dict, checkpoint_id=checkpoint_id, storage_writer=storage_writer, planner=planner, process_group=process_group, ) f.add_done_callback(lambda f: executor.shutdown(wait=False)) if ( isinstance(storage_writer, AsyncStager) and storage_writer.should_synchronize_after_execute ): storage_writer.synchronize_staging() return f
def _stateful_to_state_dict(state_dict: STATE_DICT_TYPE) -> STATE_DICT_TYPE: """Creates a shallow copy of `state_dict` where `state_dict` is called for each Stateful object.""" stateful_state_dict = {} for key, elem in state_dict.items(): stateful_state_dict[key] = ( elem.state_dict() if isinstance(elem, Stateful) else elem ) return stateful_state_dict def _save_state_dict( state_dict: STATE_DICT_TYPE, storage_writer: StorageWriter, process_group: Optional[dist.ProcessGroup] = None, coordinator_rank: int = 0, no_dist: bool = False, planner: Optional[SavePlanner] = None, ) -> Metadata: torch._C._log_api_usage_once("torch.distributed.checkpoint.save_state_dict") distW = _DistWrapper(process_group, not no_dist, coordinator_rank) if planner is None: planner = DefaultSavePlanner() assert planner is not None global_metadata = None ckpt_kwargs = {} if (ckpt_id := getattr(storage_writer, "checkpoint_id", None)) is not None: ckpt_kwargs["checkpoint_id"] = ckpt_id @_dcp_method_logger(**ckpt_kwargs) def local_step(): assert planner is not None storage_meta = storage_writer.storage_meta() if "storage_meta" not in inspect.signature(planner.set_up_planner).parameters: warnings.warn( "The function definition for SavePlanner.set_up_planner has been updated" " to include the storage_meta argument. Please update your implementation" " to include this parameter." ) planner.set_up_planner(state_dict, distW.is_coordinator) # type: ignore[call-arg, arg-type] else: planner.set_up_planner( state_dict=state_dict, storage_meta=storage_meta, is_coordinator=distW.is_coordinator, ) storage_writer.set_up_storage_writer(distW.is_coordinator) local_plan = planner.create_local_plan() local_plan = storage_writer.prepare_local_plan(local_plan) return local_plan @_dcp_method_logger(**ckpt_kwargs) def global_step(all_local_plans): nonlocal global_metadata assert planner is not None all_local_plans, global_metadata = planner.create_global_plan(all_local_plans) all_local_plans = storage_writer.prepare_global_plan(all_local_plans) return all_local_plans central_plan: SavePlan = distW.reduce_scatter("plan", local_step, global_step) @_dcp_method_logger(**ckpt_kwargs) def write_data(): assert planner is not None final_local_plan = planner.finish_plan(central_plan) all_writes = storage_writer.write_data(final_local_plan, planner) all_writes.wait() return all_writes.value() @_dcp_method_logger(**ckpt_kwargs) def finish_checkpoint(all_results): assert global_metadata is not None storage_writer.finish(metadata=global_metadata, results=all_results) return global_metadata return distW.all_reduce("write", write_data, finish_checkpoint)


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