


Tells the compiler frontend (Dynamo) to skip symbolic introspection of the function and instead directly write it to the graph when encountered.

If you are using torch.compile() (with backend=”inductor” (the default)), or torch.export.export(), and trying to black-box a Python function throughout all tracing, do not use this API. Instead, please create a custom operator (see PyTorch Custom Operators Landing Page)


If you’re a typical torch.compile user (e.g. you’re applying torch.compile to a model to make it run faster), you probably don’t want to use this function. allow_in_graph() is a footgun because it skips the compiler frontend (Dynamo) that is responsible for doing safety checks (graph breaks, handling closures, etc). Incorrect usage will lead to difficult-to-debug silent incorrectness issues.

Given a Python function with no allow_in_graph decorator, regular execution of torch.compile traces through the function. allow_in_graph() changes it so that the frontend does not trace inside the function, but the compiler backend still traces through it. Compare this to custom operators, which treats a function as a black box throughout the torch.compile stack. The following table compares these mechanisms.


Frontend (Dynamo)

Backend (AOTAutograd+Inductor)

no decorator

trace inside

trace inside


opaque callable

trace inside

custom op

opaque callable

opaque callable

One common use case for allow_in_graph() is as an escape hatch for the compiler frontend: if you know the function works w.r.t. to the downstream components of the compilation stack (AOTAutograd and Inductor) but there is a Dynamo bug that prevents it from symbolically introspecting the function properly (or if your code is in C/C++ and therefore cannot be introspected with Dynamo), then one can decorate said function with allow_in_graph() to bypass Dynamo.

We require that fn adhere to the following restrictions. Failure to adhere results in undefined behavior:

  • The inputs to fn must be Proxy-able types in the FX graph. Valid types include: Tensor/int/bool/float/None/List[Tensor?]/List[int?]/List[float?] Tuple[Tensor?, …]/Tuple[int?, …]/Tuple[float?, …]/torch.dtype/torch.device

  • The outputs to fn must be Proxy-able types in the FX graph (see previous bullet)

  • all Tensors used inside of fn must be passed directly as inputs to fn (as opposed to being captured variables).


fn – A callable representing the function to be included in the graph. If fn is a list or tuple of callables it recursively applies allow_in_graph() to each function and returns a new list or tuple containing the modified functions.



def fn(a):
    x = torch.add(x, 1)
    x = my_custom_function(x)
    x = torch.add(x, 1)
    return x


Will capture a single graph containing my_custom_function().


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