- torch.stft(input, n_fft, hop_length=None, win_length=None, window=None, center=True, pad_mode='reflect', normalized=False, onesided=None, return_complex=None)[source]
Short-time Fourier transform (STFT).
From version 1.8.0,
must always be given explicitly for real inputs and return_complex=False has been deprecated. Strongly prefer return_complex=True as in a future pytorch release, this function will only return complex tensors.Note that
can be used to recover a real tensor with an extra last dimension for real and imaginary components.Warning
From version 2.1, a warning will be provided if a
is not specified. In a future release, this attribute will be required. Not providing a window currently defaults to using a rectangular window, which may result in undesirable artifacts. Consider using tapered windows, such astorch.hann_window()
.The STFT computes the Fourier transform of short overlapping windows of the input. This giving frequency components of the signal as they change over time. The interface of this function is modeled after (but not a drop-in replacement for) librosa stft function.
Ignoring the optional batch dimension, this method computes the following expression:
where is the index of the sliding window, and is the frequency for
, or foronesided=True
must be either a 1-D time sequence or a 2-D batch of time sequences.If
(default), it is treated as equal tofloor(n_fft / 4)
(default), it is treated as equal ton_fft
can be a 1-D tensor of sizewin_length
, e.g., fromtorch.hann_window()
. Ifwindow
(default), it is treated as if having everywhere in the window. If ,window
will be padded on both sides to lengthn_fft
before being applied.If
will be padded on both sides so that the -th frame is centered at time . Otherwise, the -th frame begins at time .pad_mode
determines the padding method used oninput
. Seetorch.nn.functional.pad()
for all available options. Default is"reflect"
(default for real input), only values for in are returned because the real-to-complex Fourier transform satisfies the conjugate symmetry, i.e., . Note if the input or window tensors are complex, thenonesided
output is not possible.If
(default isFalse
), the function returns the normalized STFT results, i.e., multiplied by .If
(default if input is complex), the return is ainput.dim() + 1
dimensional complex tensor. IfFalse
, the output is ainput.dim() + 2
dimensional real tensor where the last dimension represents the real and imaginary components.
Returns either a complex tensor of size if
is true, or a real tensor of size . Where is the optional batch size ofinput
, is the number of frequencies where STFT is applied and is the total number of frames used.Warning
This function changed signature at version 0.4.1. Calling with the previous signature may cause error or return incorrect result.
- Parameters
input (Tensor) – the input tensor of shape (B?, L) where B? is an optional batch dimension
n_fft (int) – size of Fourier transform
hop_length (int, optional) – the distance between neighboring sliding window frames. Default:
(treated as equal tofloor(n_fft / 4)
)win_length (int, optional) – the size of window frame and STFT filter. Default:
(treated as equal ton_fft
)window (Tensor, optional) – the optional window function. Shape must be 1d and <= n_fft Default:
(treated as window of all s)center (bool, optional) – whether to pad
on both sides so that the -th frame is centered at time . Default:True
pad_mode (str, optional) – controls the padding method used when
. Default:"reflect"
normalized (bool, optional) – controls whether to return the normalized STFT results Default:
onesided (bool, optional) – controls whether to return half of results to avoid redundancy for real inputs. Default:
for realinput
otherwise.return_complex (bool, optional) –
whether to return a complex tensor, or a real tensor with an extra last dimension for the real and imaginary components.
Changed in version 2.0:
is now a required argument for real inputs, as the default is being transitioned toTrue
.Deprecated since version 2.0:
is deprecated, instead usereturn_complex=True
Note that callingtorch.view_as_real()
on the output will recover the deprecated output format.
- Returns
- A tensor containing the STFT result with shape (B?, N, T, C?) where
B? is an optional batch dimension from the input.
N is the number of frequency samples, (n_fft // 2) + 1 for onesided=True, or otherwise n_fft.
T is the number of frames, 1 + L // hop_length for center=True, or 1 + (L - n_fft) // hop_length otherwise.
C? is an optional length-2 dimension of real and imaginary components, present when return_complex=False.
- Return type