

class torchaudio.models.Wav2Vec2Model(feature_extractor: Module, encoder: Module, aux: Optional[Module] = None)[source]

Acoustic model used in wav2vec 2.0 [Baevski et al., 2020].


To build the model, please use one of the factory functions.

See also

  • feature_extractor (torch.nn.Module) – Feature extractor that extracts feature vectors from raw audio Tensor.

  • encoder (torch.nn.Module) – Encoder that converts the audio features into the sequence of probability distribution (in negative log-likelihood) over labels.

  • aux (torch.nn.Module or None, optional) – Auxiliary module. If provided, the output from encoder is passed to this module.

Tutorials using Wav2Vec2Model:
Speech Recognition with Wav2Vec2

Speech Recognition with Wav2Vec2

Speech Recognition with Wav2Vec2
ASR Inference with CTC Decoder

ASR Inference with CTC Decoder

ASR Inference with CTC Decoder
Forced Alignment with Wav2Vec2

Forced Alignment with Wav2Vec2

Forced Alignment with Wav2Vec2



Wav2Vec2Model.forward(waveforms: Tensor, lengths: Optional[Tensor] = None) Tuple[Tensor, Optional[Tensor]][source]

Compute the sequence of probability distribution over labels.

  • waveforms (Tensor) – Audio tensor of shape (batch, frames).

  • lengths (Tensor or None, optional) – Indicates the valid length of each audio in the batch. Shape: (batch, ). When the waveforms contains audios with different durations, by providing lengths argument, the model will compute the corresponding valid output lengths and apply proper mask in transformer attention layer. If None, it is assumed that all the audio in waveforms have valid length. Default: None.



The sequences of probability distribution (in logit) over labels. Shape: (batch, frames, num labels).

Tensor or None

If lengths argument was provided, a Tensor of shape (batch, ) is returned. It indicates the valid length in time axis of the output Tensor.

Return type:

(Tensor, Optional[Tensor])


Wav2Vec2Model.extract_features(waveforms: Tensor, lengths: Optional[Tensor] = None, num_layers: Optional[int] = None) Tuple[List[Tensor], Optional[Tensor]][source]

Extract feature vectors from raw waveforms

This returns the list of outputs from the intermediate layers of transformer block in encoder.

  • waveforms (Tensor) – Audio tensor of shape (batch, frames).

  • lengths (Tensor or None, optional) – Indicates the valid length of each audio in the batch. Shape: (batch, ). When the waveforms contains audios with different durations, by providing lengths argument, the model will compute the corresponding valid output lengths and apply proper mask in transformer attention layer. If None, it is assumed that the entire audio waveform length is valid.

  • num_layers (int or None, optional) – If given, limit the number of intermediate layers to go through. Providing 1 will stop the computation after going through one intermediate layers. If not given, the outputs from all the intermediate layers are returned.


List of Tensors

Features from requested layers. Each Tensor is of shape: (batch, time frame, feature dimension)

Tensor or None

If lengths argument was provided, a Tensor of shape (batch, ) is returned. It indicates the valid length in time axis of each feature Tensor.

Return type:

(List[Tensor], Optional[Tensor])

Factory Functions


Builds custom Wav2Vec2Model.


Builds "base" Wav2Vec2Model from wav2vec 2.0 [Baevski et al., 2020]


Builds "large" Wav2Vec2Model from wav2vec 2.0 [Baevski et al., 2020]


Builds "large lv-60k" Wav2Vec2Model from wav2vec 2.0 [Baevski et al., 2020]


Builds "base" HuBERT from HuBERT [Hsu et al., 2021]


Builds "large" HuBERT from HuBERT [Hsu et al., 2021]


Builds "extra large" HuBERT from HuBERT [Hsu et al., 2021]

Utility Functions


Builds Wav2Vec2Model from the corresponding model object of fairseq.


Builds Wav2Vec2Model from the corresponding model object of Transformers.


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