
Source code for torchvision.tv_tensors._dataset_wrapper

# type: ignore

from __future__ import annotations


import contextlib
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import copy

import torch

from torchvision import datasets, tv_tensors
from torchvision.transforms.v2 import functional as F

__all__ = ["wrap_dataset_for_transforms_v2"]

[docs]def wrap_dataset_for_transforms_v2(dataset, target_keys=None): """Wrap a ``torchvision.dataset`` for usage with :mod:`torchvision.transforms.v2`. Example: >>> dataset = torchvision.datasets.CocoDetection(...) >>> dataset = wrap_dataset_for_transforms_v2(dataset) .. note:: For now, only the most popular datasets are supported. Furthermore, the wrapper only supports dataset configurations that are fully supported by ``torchvision.transforms.v2``. If you encounter an error prompting you to raise an issue to ``torchvision`` for a dataset or configuration that you need, please do so. The dataset samples are wrapped according to the description below. Special cases: * :class:`~torchvision.datasets.CocoDetection`: Instead of returning the target as list of dicts, the wrapper returns a dict of lists. In addition, the key-value-pairs ``"boxes"`` (in ``XYXY`` coordinate format), ``"masks"`` and ``"labels"`` are added and wrap the data in the corresponding ``torchvision.tv_tensors``. The original keys are preserved. If ``target_keys`` is omitted, returns only the values for the ``"image_id"``, ``"boxes"``, and ``"labels"``. * :class:`~torchvision.datasets.VOCDetection`: The key-value-pairs ``"boxes"`` and ``"labels"`` are added to the target and wrap the data in the corresponding ``torchvision.tv_tensors``. The original keys are preserved. If ``target_keys`` is omitted, returns only the values for the ``"boxes"`` and ``"labels"``. * :class:`~torchvision.datasets.CelebA`: The target for ``target_type="bbox"`` is converted to the ``XYXY`` coordinate format and wrapped into a :class:`~torchvision.tv_tensors.BoundingBoxes` tv_tensor. * :class:`~torchvision.datasets.Kitti`: Instead returning the target as list of dicts, the wrapper returns a dict of lists. In addition, the key-value-pairs ``"boxes"`` and ``"labels"`` are added and wrap the data in the corresponding ``torchvision.tv_tensors``. The original keys are preserved. If ``target_keys`` is omitted, returns only the values for the ``"boxes"`` and ``"labels"``. * :class:`~torchvision.datasets.OxfordIIITPet`: The target for ``target_type="segmentation"`` is wrapped into a :class:`~torchvision.tv_tensors.Mask` tv_tensor. * :class:`~torchvision.datasets.Cityscapes`: The target for ``target_type="semantic"`` is wrapped into a :class:`~torchvision.tv_tensors.Mask` tv_tensor. The target for ``target_type="instance"`` is *replaced* by a dictionary with the key-value-pairs ``"masks"`` (as :class:`~torchvision.tv_tensors.Mask` tv_tensor) and ``"labels"``. * :class:`~torchvision.datasets.WIDERFace`: The value for key ``"bbox"`` in the target is converted to ``XYXY`` coordinate format and wrapped into a :class:`~torchvision.tv_tensors.BoundingBoxes` tv_tensor. Image classification datasets This wrapper is a no-op for image classification datasets, since they were already fully supported by :mod:`torchvision.transforms` and thus no change is needed for :mod:`torchvision.transforms.v2`. Segmentation datasets Segmentation datasets, e.g. :class:`~torchvision.datasets.VOCSegmentation`, return a two-tuple of :class:`PIL.Image.Image`'s. This wrapper leaves the image as is (first item), while wrapping the segmentation mask into a :class:`~torchvision.tv_tensors.Mask` (second item). Video classification datasets Video classification datasets, e.g. :class:`~torchvision.datasets.Kinetics`, return a three-tuple containing a :class:`torch.Tensor` for the video and audio and a :class:`int` as label. This wrapper wraps the video into a :class:`~torchvision.tv_tensors.Video` while leaving the other items as is. .. note:: Only datasets constructed with ``output_format="TCHW"`` are supported, since the alternative ``output_format="THWC"`` is not supported by :mod:`torchvision.transforms.v2`. Args: dataset: the dataset instance to wrap for compatibility with transforms v2. target_keys: Target keys to return in case the target is a dictionary. If ``None`` (default), selected keys are specific to the dataset. If ``"all"``, returns the full target. Can also be a collection of strings for fine grained access. Currently only supported for :class:`~torchvision.datasets.CocoDetection`, :class:`~torchvision.datasets.VOCDetection`, :class:`~torchvision.datasets.Kitti`, and :class:`~torchvision.datasets.WIDERFace`. See above for details. """ if not ( target_keys is None or target_keys == "all" or (isinstance(target_keys, and all(isinstance(key, str) for key in target_keys)) ): raise ValueError( f"`target_keys` can be None, 'all', or a collection of strings denoting the keys to be returned, " f"but got {target_keys}" ) # Imagine we have isinstance(dataset, datasets.ImageNet). This will create a new class with the name # "WrappedImageNet" at runtime that doubly inherits from VisionDatasetTVTensorWrapper (see below) as well as the # original ImageNet class. This allows the user to do regular isinstance(wrapped_dataset, datasets.ImageNet) checks, # while we can still inject everything that we need. wrapped_dataset_cls = type(f"Wrapped{type(dataset).__name__}", (VisionDatasetTVTensorWrapper, type(dataset)), {}) # Since VisionDatasetTVTensorWrapper comes before ImageNet in the MRO, calling the class hits # VisionDatasetTVTensorWrapper.__init__ first. Since we are never doing super().__init__(...), the constructor of # ImageNet is never hit. That is by design, since we don't want to create the dataset instance again, but rather # have the existing instance as attribute on the new object. return wrapped_dataset_cls(dataset, target_keys)
class WrapperFactories(dict): def register(self, dataset_cls): def decorator(wrapper_factory): self[dataset_cls] = wrapper_factory return wrapper_factory return decorator # We need this two-stage design, i.e. a wrapper factory producing the actual wrapper, since some wrappers depend on the # dataset instance rather than just the class, since they require the user defined instance attributes. Thus, we can # provide a wrapping from the dataset class to the factory here, but can only instantiate the wrapper at runtime when # we have access to the dataset instance. WRAPPER_FACTORIES = WrapperFactories() class VisionDatasetTVTensorWrapper: def __init__(self, dataset, target_keys): dataset_cls = type(dataset) if not isinstance(dataset, datasets.VisionDataset): raise TypeError( f"This wrapper is meant for subclasses of `torchvision.datasets.VisionDataset`, " f"but got a '{dataset_cls.__name__}' instead.\n" f"For an example of how to perform the wrapping for custom datasets, see\n\n" "" ) for cls in dataset_cls.mro(): if cls in WRAPPER_FACTORIES: wrapper_factory = WRAPPER_FACTORIES[cls] if target_keys is not None and cls not in { datasets.CocoDetection, datasets.VOCDetection, datasets.Kitti, datasets.WIDERFace, }: raise ValueError( f"`target_keys` is currently only supported for `CocoDetection`, `VOCDetection`, `Kitti`, " f"and `WIDERFace`, but got {cls.__name__}." ) break elif cls is datasets.VisionDataset: # TODO: If we have documentation on how to do that, put a link in the error message. msg = f"No wrapper exists for dataset class {dataset_cls.__name__}. Please wrap the output yourself." if dataset_cls in datasets.__dict__.values(): msg = ( f"{msg} If an automated wrapper for this dataset would be useful for you, " f"please open an issue at" ) raise TypeError(msg) self._dataset = dataset self._target_keys = target_keys self._wrapper = wrapper_factory(dataset, target_keys) # We need to disable the transforms on the dataset here to be able to inject the wrapping before we apply them. # Although internally, `datasets.VisionDataset` merges `transform` and `target_transform` into the joint # `transforms` # # some (if not most) datasets still use `transform` and `target_transform` individually. Thus, we need to # disable all three here to be able to extract the untransformed sample to wrap. self.transform, dataset.transform = dataset.transform, None self.target_transform, dataset.target_transform = dataset.target_transform, None self.transforms, dataset.transforms = dataset.transforms, None def __getattr__(self, item): with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): return object.__getattribute__(self, item) return getattr(self._dataset, item) def __getitem__(self, idx): # This gets us the raw sample since we disabled the transforms for the underlying dataset in the constructor # of this class sample = self._dataset[idx] sample = self._wrapper(idx, sample) # Regardless of whether the user has supplied the transforms individually (`transform` and `target_transform`) # or joint (`transforms`), we can access the full functionality through `transforms` if self.transforms is not None: sample = self.transforms(*sample) return sample def __len__(self): return len(self._dataset) # TODO: maybe we should use __getstate__ and __setstate__ instead of __reduce__, as recommended in the docs. def __reduce__(self): # __reduce__ gets called when we try to pickle the dataset. # In a DataLoader with spawn context, this gets called `num_workers` times from the main process. # We have to reset the [target_]transform[s] attributes of the dataset # to their original values, because we previously set them to None in __init__(). dataset = copy(self._dataset) dataset.transform = self.transform dataset.transforms = self.transforms dataset.target_transform = self.target_transform return wrap_dataset_for_transforms_v2, (dataset, self._target_keys) def raise_not_supported(description): raise RuntimeError( f"{description} is currently not supported by this wrapper. " f"If this would be helpful for you, please open an issue at" ) def identity(item): return item def identity_wrapper_factory(dataset, target_keys): def wrapper(idx, sample): return sample return wrapper def pil_image_to_mask(pil_image): return tv_tensors.Mask(pil_image) def parse_target_keys(target_keys, *, available, default): if target_keys is None: target_keys = default if target_keys == "all": target_keys = available else: target_keys = set(target_keys) extra = target_keys - available if extra: raise ValueError(f"Target keys {sorted(extra)} are not available") return target_keys def list_of_dicts_to_dict_of_lists(list_of_dicts): dict_of_lists = defaultdict(list) for dct in list_of_dicts: for key, value in dct.items(): dict_of_lists[key].append(value) return dict(dict_of_lists) def wrap_target_by_type(target, *, target_types, type_wrappers): if not isinstance(target, (tuple, list)): target = [target] wrapped_target = tuple( type_wrappers.get(target_type, identity)(item) for target_type, item in zip(target_types, target) ) if len(wrapped_target) == 1: wrapped_target = wrapped_target[0] return wrapped_target def classification_wrapper_factory(dataset, target_keys): return identity_wrapper_factory(dataset, target_keys) for dataset_cls in [ datasets.Caltech256, datasets.CIFAR10, datasets.CIFAR100, datasets.ImageNet, datasets.MNIST, datasets.FashionMNIST, datasets.GTSRB, datasets.DatasetFolder, datasets.ImageFolder, datasets.Imagenette, ]: WRAPPER_FACTORIES.register(dataset_cls)(classification_wrapper_factory) def segmentation_wrapper_factory(dataset, target_keys): def wrapper(idx, sample): image, mask = sample return image, pil_image_to_mask(mask) return wrapper for dataset_cls in [ datasets.VOCSegmentation, ]: WRAPPER_FACTORIES.register(dataset_cls)(segmentation_wrapper_factory) def video_classification_wrapper_factory(dataset, target_keys): if dataset.video_clips.output_format == "THWC": raise RuntimeError( f"{type(dataset).__name__} with `output_format='THWC'` is not supported by this wrapper, " f"since it is not compatible with the transformations. Please use `output_format='TCHW'` instead." ) def wrapper(idx, sample): video, audio, label = sample video = tv_tensors.Video(video) return video, audio, label return wrapper for dataset_cls in [ datasets.HMDB51, datasets.Kinetics, datasets.UCF101, ]: WRAPPER_FACTORIES.register(dataset_cls)(video_classification_wrapper_factory) @WRAPPER_FACTORIES.register(datasets.Caltech101) def caltech101_wrapper_factory(dataset, target_keys): if "annotation" in dataset.target_type: raise_not_supported("Caltech101 dataset with `target_type=['annotation', ...]`") return classification_wrapper_factory(dataset, target_keys) @WRAPPER_FACTORIES.register(datasets.CocoDetection) def coco_dectection_wrapper_factory(dataset, target_keys): target_keys = parse_target_keys( target_keys, available={ # native "segmentation", "area", "iscrowd", "image_id", "bbox", "category_id", # added by the wrapper "boxes", "masks", "labels", }, default={"image_id", "boxes", "labels"}, ) def segmentation_to_mask(segmentation, *, canvas_size): from pycocotools import mask if isinstance(segmentation, dict): # if counts is a string, it is already an encoded RLE mask if not isinstance(segmentation["counts"], str): segmentation = mask.frPyObjects(segmentation, *canvas_size) elif isinstance(segmentation, list): segmentation = mask.merge(mask.frPyObjects(segmentation, *canvas_size)) else: raise ValueError(f"COCO segmentation expected to be a dict or a list, got {type(segmentation)}") return torch.from_numpy(mask.decode(segmentation)) def wrapper(idx, sample): image_id = dataset.ids[idx] image, target = sample if not target: return image, dict(image_id=image_id) canvas_size = tuple(F.get_size(image)) batched_target = list_of_dicts_to_dict_of_lists(target) target = {} if "image_id" in target_keys: target["image_id"] = image_id if "boxes" in target_keys: target["boxes"] = F.convert_bounding_box_format( tv_tensors.BoundingBoxes( batched_target["bbox"], format=tv_tensors.BoundingBoxFormat.XYWH, canvas_size=canvas_size, ), new_format=tv_tensors.BoundingBoxFormat.XYXY, ) if "masks" in target_keys: target["masks"] = tv_tensors.Mask( torch.stack( [ segmentation_to_mask(segmentation, canvas_size=canvas_size) for segmentation in batched_target["segmentation"] ] ), ) if "labels" in target_keys: target["labels"] = torch.tensor(batched_target["category_id"]) for target_key in target_keys - {"image_id", "boxes", "masks", "labels"}: target[target_key] = batched_target[target_key] return image, target return wrapper WRAPPER_FACTORIES.register(datasets.CocoCaptions)(identity_wrapper_factory) VOC_DETECTION_CATEGORIES = [ "__background__", "aeroplane", "bicycle", "bird", "boat", "bottle", "bus", "car", "cat", "chair", "cow", "diningtable", "dog", "horse", "motorbike", "person", "pottedplant", "sheep", "sofa", "train", "tvmonitor", ] VOC_DETECTION_CATEGORY_TO_IDX = dict(zip(VOC_DETECTION_CATEGORIES, range(len(VOC_DETECTION_CATEGORIES)))) @WRAPPER_FACTORIES.register(datasets.VOCDetection) def voc_detection_wrapper_factory(dataset, target_keys): target_keys = parse_target_keys( target_keys, available={ # native "annotation", # added by the wrapper "boxes", "labels", }, default={"boxes", "labels"}, ) def wrapper(idx, sample): image, target = sample batched_instances = list_of_dicts_to_dict_of_lists(target["annotation"]["object"]) if "annotation" not in target_keys: target = {} if "boxes" in target_keys: target["boxes"] = tv_tensors.BoundingBoxes( [ [int(bndbox[part]) for part in ("xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax")] for bndbox in batched_instances["bndbox"] ], format=tv_tensors.BoundingBoxFormat.XYXY, canvas_size=(image.height, image.width), ) if "labels" in target_keys: target["labels"] = torch.tensor( [VOC_DETECTION_CATEGORY_TO_IDX[category] for category in batched_instances["name"]] ) return image, target return wrapper @WRAPPER_FACTORIES.register(datasets.SBDataset) def sbd_wrapper(dataset, target_keys): if dataset.mode == "boundaries": raise_not_supported("SBDataset with mode='boundaries'") return segmentation_wrapper_factory(dataset, target_keys) @WRAPPER_FACTORIES.register(datasets.CelebA) def celeba_wrapper_factory(dataset, target_keys): if any(target_type in dataset.target_type for target_type in ["attr", "landmarks"]): raise_not_supported("`CelebA` dataset with `target_type=['attr', 'landmarks', ...]`") def wrapper(idx, sample): image, target = sample target = wrap_target_by_type( target, target_types=dataset.target_type, type_wrappers={ "bbox": lambda item: F.convert_bounding_box_format( tv_tensors.BoundingBoxes( item, format=tv_tensors.BoundingBoxFormat.XYWH, canvas_size=(image.height, image.width), ), new_format=tv_tensors.BoundingBoxFormat.XYXY, ), }, ) return image, target return wrapper KITTI_CATEGORIES = ["Car", "Van", "Truck", "Pedestrian", "Person_sitting", "Cyclist", "Tram", "Misc", "DontCare"] KITTI_CATEGORY_TO_IDX = dict(zip(KITTI_CATEGORIES, range(len(KITTI_CATEGORIES)))) @WRAPPER_FACTORIES.register(datasets.Kitti) def kitti_wrapper_factory(dataset, target_keys): target_keys = parse_target_keys( target_keys, available={ # native "type", "truncated", "occluded", "alpha", "bbox", "dimensions", "location", "rotation_y", # added by the wrapper "boxes", "labels", }, default={"boxes", "labels"}, ) def wrapper(idx, sample): image, target = sample if target is None: return image, target batched_target = list_of_dicts_to_dict_of_lists(target) target = {} if "boxes" in target_keys: target["boxes"] = tv_tensors.BoundingBoxes( batched_target["bbox"], format=tv_tensors.BoundingBoxFormat.XYXY, canvas_size=(image.height, image.width), ) if "labels" in target_keys: target["labels"] = torch.tensor([KITTI_CATEGORY_TO_IDX[category] for category in batched_target["type"]]) for target_key in target_keys - {"boxes", "labels"}: target[target_key] = batched_target[target_key] return image, target return wrapper @WRAPPER_FACTORIES.register(datasets.OxfordIIITPet) def oxford_iiit_pet_wrapper_factor(dataset, target_keys): def wrapper(idx, sample): image, target = sample if target is not None: target = wrap_target_by_type( target, target_types=dataset._target_types, type_wrappers={ "segmentation": pil_image_to_mask, }, ) return image, target return wrapper @WRAPPER_FACTORIES.register(datasets.Cityscapes) def cityscapes_wrapper_factory(dataset, target_keys): if any(target_type in dataset.target_type for target_type in ["polygon", "color"]): raise_not_supported("`Cityscapes` dataset with `target_type=['polygon', 'color', ...]`") def instance_segmentation_wrapper(mask): # See data = pil_image_to_mask(mask) masks = [] labels = [] for id in data.unique(): masks.append(data == id) label = id if label >= 1_000: label //= 1_000 labels.append(label) return dict(masks=tv_tensors.Mask(torch.stack(masks)), labels=torch.stack(labels)) def wrapper(idx, sample): image, target = sample target = wrap_target_by_type( target, target_types=dataset.target_type, type_wrappers={ "instance": instance_segmentation_wrapper, "semantic": pil_image_to_mask, }, ) return image, target return wrapper @WRAPPER_FACTORIES.register(datasets.WIDERFace) def widerface_wrapper(dataset, target_keys): target_keys = parse_target_keys( target_keys, available={ "bbox", "blur", "expression", "illumination", "occlusion", "pose", "invalid", }, default="all", ) def wrapper(idx, sample): image, target = sample if target is None: return image, target target = {key: target[key] for key in target_keys} if "bbox" in target_keys: target["bbox"] = F.convert_bounding_box_format( tv_tensors.BoundingBoxes( target["bbox"], format=tv_tensors.BoundingBoxFormat.XYWH, canvas_size=(image.height, image.width) ), new_format=tv_tensors.BoundingBoxFormat.XYXY, ) return image, target return wrapper


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