
Source code for torchvision.transforms.v2._type_conversion

from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import PIL.Image
import torch

from torchvision import datapoints
from torchvision.transforms.v2 import functional as F, Transform

from torchvision.transforms.v2.utils import is_simple_tensor

[docs]class PILToTensor(Transform): """[BETA] Convert a PIL Image to a tensor of the same type - this does not scale values. .. v2betastatus:: PILToTensor transform This transform does not support torchscript. Converts a PIL Image (H x W x C) to a Tensor of shape (C x H x W). """ _transformed_types = (PIL.Image.Image,) def _transform(self, inpt: PIL.Image.Image, params: Dict[str, Any]) -> torch.Tensor: return F.pil_to_tensor(inpt)
[docs]class ToImageTensor(Transform): """[BETA] Convert a tensor, ndarray, or PIL Image to :class:`~torchvision.datapoints.Image` ; this does not scale values. .. v2betastatus:: ToImageTensor transform This transform does not support torchscript. """ _transformed_types = (is_simple_tensor, PIL.Image.Image, np.ndarray) def _transform( self, inpt: Union[torch.Tensor, PIL.Image.Image, np.ndarray], params: Dict[str, Any] ) -> datapoints.Image: return F.to_image_tensor(inpt)
[docs]class ToImagePIL(Transform): """[BETA] Convert a tensor or an ndarray to PIL Image - this does not scale values. .. v2betastatus:: ToImagePIL transform This transform does not support torchscript. Converts a torch.*Tensor of shape C x H x W or a numpy ndarray of shape H x W x C to a PIL Image while preserving the value range. Args: mode (`PIL.Image mode`_): color space and pixel depth of input data (optional). If ``mode`` is ``None`` (default) there are some assumptions made about the input data: - If the input has 4 channels, the ``mode`` is assumed to be ``RGBA``. - If the input has 3 channels, the ``mode`` is assumed to be ``RGB``. - If the input has 2 channels, the ``mode`` is assumed to be ``LA``. - If the input has 1 channel, the ``mode`` is determined by the data type (i.e ``int``, ``float``, ``short``). .. _PIL.Image mode: """ _transformed_types = (is_simple_tensor, datapoints.Image, np.ndarray) def __init__(self, mode: Optional[str] = None) -> None: super().__init__() self.mode = mode def _transform( self, inpt: Union[torch.Tensor, PIL.Image.Image, np.ndarray], params: Dict[str, Any] ) -> PIL.Image.Image: return F.to_image_pil(inpt, mode=self.mode)
# We changed the name to align them with the new naming scheme. Still, `ToPILImage` is # prevalent and well understood. Thus, we just alias it without deprecating the old name. ToPILImage = ToImagePIL


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