

class torcheval.metrics.FrechetAudioDistance(preproc: Callable[[Tensor], Tensor], model: Module, embedding_dim: int, device: Optional[device] = None)[source]

Computes the Fréchet distance between predicted and target audio waveforms.

Original paper:

  • preproc (Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]) – Callable for preprocessing waveforms prior to passing to model.
  • model (torch.nn.Module) – Model for generating embeddings from preprocessed waveforms.
  • embedding_dim (int) – Size of embedding.
  • device (torch.device or None, optional) – Device where computations will be performed. If None, the default device will be used. (Default: None)
__init__(preproc: Callable[[Tensor], Tensor], model: Module, embedding_dim: int, device: Optional[device] = None) None[source]

Initialize a metric object and its internal states.

Use self._add_state() to initialize state variables of your metric class. The state variables should be either torch.Tensor, a list of torch.Tensor, or a dictionary with torch.Tensor as values


__init__(preproc, model, embedding_dim[, device]) Initialize a metric object and its internal states.
compute() Computes the Fréchet distance on the current set of internal states.
load_state_dict(state_dict[, strict]) Loads metric state variables from state_dict.
merge_state(fads) Merges the states of other FrechetAudioDistance instances into those of the current instance.
reset() Reset the metric state variables to their default value.
state_dict() Save metric state variables in state_dict.
to(device, *args, **kwargs) Move tensors in metric state variables to device.
update(preds, targets) Update states with a batch of predicted and target waveforms.
with_vggish([device]) Builds an instance of FrechetAudioDistance with TorchAudio's pretrained VGGish model.


device The last input device of


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