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# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import copy
from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, Optional, Union

import torch

    from torchaudio.functional import frechet_distance

except ImportError:

from torcheval.metrics.metric import Metric

# pyre-ignore-all-errors[16]: Undefined attribute of metric states.

def _validate_torchaudio_available() -> None:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "TorchAudio is required. Please make sure ``torchaudio`` is installed."

[docs]class FrechetAudioDistance(Metric[torch.Tensor]): """Computes the Fréchet distance between predicted and target audio waveforms. Original paper: Args: preproc (Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]): Callable for preprocessing waveforms prior to passing to model. model (torch.nn.Module): Model for generating embeddings from preprocessed waveforms. embedding_dim (int): Size of embedding. device (torch.device or None, optional): Device where computations will be performed. If `None`, the default device will be used. (Default: `None`) """
[docs] def __init__( self, preproc: Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor], model: torch.nn.Module, embedding_dim: int, device: Optional[torch.device] = None, ) -> None: _validate_torchaudio_available() super().__init__(device=device) self.preproc = preproc # pyre-ignore self.model = self.model.eval() self.model.requires_grad_(False) self._add_state("pred_mean_partial", torch.zeros(1, embedding_dim)) self._add_state("pred_cov_partial", torch.zeros(embedding_dim, embedding_dim)) self._add_state("pred_n", 0) self._add_state("target_mean_partial", torch.zeros(1, embedding_dim)) self._add_state("target_cov_partial", torch.zeros(embedding_dim, embedding_dim)) self._add_state("target_n", 0)
def _compute_embedding(self, waveform: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: model_input = self.preproc(waveform) model_input = return self.model(model_input) def _update_state(self, state_prefix: str, waveforms: torch.Tensor) -> None: n = getattr(self, f"{state_prefix}_n") mean_partial = getattr(self, f"{state_prefix}_mean_partial") cov_partial = getattr(self, f"{state_prefix}_cov_partial") for idx in range(waveforms.size(0)): embedding = self._compute_embedding( waveforms[idx] ) # (n_example, embedding_dim) n += embedding.size(0) mean_partial += embedding.sum(0).unsqueeze(0) cov_partial += embedding.T @ embedding setattr(self, f"{state_prefix}_n", n) setattr(self, f"{state_prefix}_mean_partial", mean_partial) setattr(self, f"{state_prefix}_cov_partial", cov_partial) @torch.inference_mode() # pyre-ignore[14]: inconsistent override on *_:Any, **__:Any def update( self, preds: torch.Tensor, targets: torch.Tensor ) -> "FrechetAudioDistance": """Update states with a batch of predicted and target waveforms. Args: preds (torch.Tensor): Predicted waveforms, with shape (B, T) targets (torch.Tensor): Target waveforms, with shape (C, U) """ self._update_state("pred", preds) self._update_state("target", targets) return self @torch.inference_mode() def compute(self: "FrechetAudioDistance") -> torch.Tensor: """Computes the Fréchet distance on the current set of internal states. Returns: torch.Tensor: the Fréchet distance between the accumulated predicted and target waveforms. """ target_mean = self.target_mean_partial / self.target_n target_cov = self.target_cov_partial / (self.target_n - 1) - target_mean.T @ ( target_mean ) * self.target_n / (self.target_n - 1) pred_mean = self.pred_mean_partial / self.pred_n pred_cov = self.pred_cov_partial / (self.pred_n - 1) - pred_mean.T @ ( pred_mean ) * self.pred_n / (self.pred_n - 1) return frechet_distance( pred_mean.squeeze(0), pred_cov, target_mean.squeeze(0), target_cov ) @torch.inference_mode() # pyre-ignore[14]: inconsistent override on *_:Any, **__:Any def merge_state( self, fads: Iterable["FrechetAudioDistance"] ) -> "FrechetAudioDistance": """Merges the states of other `FrechetAudioDistance` instances into those of the current instance. Args: fads (Iterable[FrechetAudioDistance]): The other `FrechetAudioDistance` instances to merge states from. """ for fad in fads: self.pred_mean_partial += fad.pred_mean_partial self.pred_cov_partial += fad.pred_cov_partial self.pred_n += fad.pred_n self.target_mean_partial += fad.target_mean_partial self.target_cov_partial += fad.target_cov_partial self.target_n += fad.target_n return self def to( self, device: Union[str, torch.device], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> "FrechetAudioDistance": super().to(device=device) return self @staticmethod def with_vggish(device: Optional[torch.device] = None) -> "FrechetAudioDistance": """Builds an instance of FrechetAudioDistance with TorchAudio's pretrained VGGish model. The returned instance expects batches of waveforms of shape `(B, T)` and sampled at a rate of 16KHZ. Args: device (torch.device or None, optional): Device where computations will be performed. If `None`, the default device will be used. (Default: `None`) Returns: FrechetAudioDistance: Instance of FrechetAudioDistance preloaded with TorchAudio's pretrained VGGish model. """ _validate_torchaudio_available() try: from torchaudio.prototype.pipelines import VGGISH except ImportError: raise RuntimeError( "Using the pretrained VGGish model requires the TorchAudio nightly binary as it is a prototype feature. " "Please install the latest nightly version of ``torchaudio``." ) model = copy.deepcopy(VGGISH.get_model()) model.embedding_network = torch.nn.Sequential( *list(model.embedding_network.children())[:-1] ) return FrechetAudioDistance( VGGISH.get_input_processor(), model, 128, device=device )


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