Program Listing for File interpreter_impl.h¶
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// Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
// All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#pragma once
// multi-python abstract code
#include <ATen/ATen.h>
#include <ATen/core/ivalue.h>
#include <caffe2/serialize/inline_container.h>
#include <multipy/runtime/Exception.h>
#include <multipy/runtime/interpreter/Optional.hpp>
namespace torch {
namespace deploy {
struct InterpreterSessionImpl;
struct Obj;
// Representation a Pickled Object
struct PickledObject {
std::string data_;
std::vector<at::Storage> storages_;
// types for the storages, required to
// reconstruct correct Python storages
std::vector<at::ScalarType> types_;
std::shared_ptr<caffe2::serialize::PyTorchStreamReader> containerFile_;
// PickledObject contains a python object that's been pickled with the tensors
// saved separately. Unpickling this will share the underlying data across
// multiple copies/interpreters.
struct InterpreterObj {
friend struct Obj;
friend struct ReplicatedObjImpl;
friend struct InterpreterSessionImpl;
InterpreterSessionImpl* owningSession_;
InterpreterObj() : owningSession_(nullptr) {}
explicit InterpreterObj(InterpreterSessionImpl* owningSession)
: owningSession_(owningSession) {}
InterpreterObj(const InterpreterObj& obj) = delete;
InterpreterObj& operator=(const InterpreterObj& obj) = delete;
InterpreterObj(InterpreterObj&& obj) = default;
InterpreterObj& operator=(InterpreterObj&& obj) = default;
virtual ~InterpreterObj() = default;
virtual at::IValue toIValue() const = 0;
virtual Obj call(at::ArrayRef<std::shared_ptr<InterpreterObj>> args) = 0;
virtual Obj call(at::ArrayRef<at::IValue> args) = 0;
virtual Obj callKwargs(
std::vector<at::IValue> args,
std::unordered_map<std::string, c10::IValue> kwargs) = 0;
virtual Obj callKwargs(
std::unordered_map<std::string, c10::IValue> kwargs) = 0;
virtual bool hasattr(const char* attr) = 0;
virtual Obj attr(const char* attr) = 0;
struct Obj {
friend struct InterpreterSessionImpl;
friend struct InterpreterObj;
explicit Obj(std::shared_ptr<InterpreterObj> baseObj)
: isDefault_(false), baseObj_(baseObj) {}
Obj() : isDefault_(true), baseObj_(nullptr) {}
at::IValue toIValue() const;
Obj operator()(at::ArrayRef<Obj> args);
Obj operator()(at::ArrayRef<at::IValue> args);
Obj callKwargs(
std::vector<at::IValue> args,
std::unordered_map<std::string, c10::IValue> kwargs);
Obj callKwargs(std::unordered_map<std::string, c10::IValue> kwargs);
bool hasattr(const char* attr);
Obj attr(const char* attr);
bool isDefault_;
std::shared_ptr<InterpreterObj> baseObj_;
// The underlying implementation of `InterpreterSession`
struct InterpreterSessionImpl {
friend struct Package;
friend struct ReplicatedObj;
friend struct Obj;
friend struct InterpreterSession;
friend struct ReplicatedObjImpl;
virtual ~InterpreterSessionImpl() = default;
virtual Obj global(const char* module, const char* name) = 0;
virtual Obj fromIValue(at::IValue value) = 0;
virtual Obj createOrGetPackageImporterFromContainerFile(
const std::shared_ptr<caffe2::serialize::PyTorchStreamReader>&
containerFile_) = 0;
virtual PickledObject pickle(Obj container, Obj obj) = 0;
virtual Obj unpickleOrGet(int64_t id, const PickledObject& obj) = 0;
virtual void unload(int64_t id) = 0;
virtual at::IValue toIValue(Obj obj) const = 0;
virtual Obj call(Obj obj, at::ArrayRef<Obj> args) = 0;
virtual Obj call(Obj obj, at::ArrayRef<at::IValue> args) = 0;
virtual Obj callKwargs(
Obj obj,
std::vector<at::IValue> args,
std::unordered_map<std::string, c10::IValue> kwargs) = 0;
virtual Obj callKwargs(
Obj obj,
std::unordered_map<std::string, c10::IValue> kwargs) = 0;
virtual Obj attr(Obj obj, const char* attr) = 0;
virtual bool hasattr(Obj obj, const char* attr) = 0;
int64_t isDefault(Obj obj) const {
return obj.isDefault_;
std::shared_ptr<InterpreterObj> getBaseObj(Obj obj) const {
return obj.baseObj_;
bool isOwner(Obj obj) const {
return this == obj.baseObj_->owningSession_;
// The underlying implementation of `Interpreter`
struct InterpreterImpl {
virtual InterpreterSessionImpl* acquireSession() = 0;
virtual void setFindModule(
std::function<multipy::optional<std::string>(const std::string&)>
find_module) = 0;
virtual ~InterpreterImpl() = default; // this will uninitialize python
// inline definitions for Objs are necessary to avoid introducing a
// source file that would need to exist it both the and then
// the libtorchpy library.
inline at::IValue Obj::toIValue() const {
return baseObj_->toIValue();
inline Obj Obj::operator()(at::ArrayRef<Obj> args) {
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<torch::deploy::InterpreterObj>> copy;
for (Obj arg : args) {
return baseObj_->call(copy);
inline Obj Obj::operator()(at::ArrayRef<at::IValue> args) {
return baseObj_->call(args);
inline Obj Obj::callKwargs(
std::vector<at::IValue> args,
std::unordered_map<std::string, c10::IValue> kwargs) {
return baseObj_->callKwargs(std::move(args), std::move(kwargs));
inline Obj Obj::callKwargs(
std::unordered_map<std::string, c10::IValue> kwargs) {
return baseObj_->callKwargs(std::move(kwargs));
inline bool Obj::hasattr(const char* attr) {
return baseObj_->hasattr(attr);
inline Obj Obj::attr(const char* attr) {
return baseObj_->attr(attr);
} // namespace deploy
} // namespace torch