

Building torch::deploy via Docker

The easiest way to build torch::deploy, along with fetching all interpreter dependencies, is to do so via docker.

git clone
cd multipy
docker build -t multipy .

The built artifacts are located in multipy/runtime/build.

To run the tests:

docker run --rm multipy multipy/runtime/build/test_deploy

Installing via pip install

We support installing both the python modules and the c++ bits (through CMake) using a single pip install -e . command, with the caveat of having to manually install the dependencies first.

First clone multipy and update the submodules:

git clone
cd multipy
git submodule sync && git submodule update --init --recursive

Installing system dependencies

The runtime system dependencies are specified in build-requirements-{debian,centos8}.txt. To install them on Debian-based systems, one could run:

sudo apt update
xargs sudo apt install -y -qq --no-install-recommends < build-requirements-debian.txt

While to install on a CentOS 8 system:

xargs sudo dnf install -y < build-requirements-centos8.txt

Installing environment encapsulators

We recommend using the isolated python environments of either conda or pyenv + virtualenv because torch::deploy requires a position-independent version of python to launch interpreters with. For conda environments we use the prebuilt libpython-static=3.x libraries from conda-forge to link with at build time. For virtualenv/pyenv, we compile python with the -fPIC flag to create the linkable library.


While torch::deploy supports Python versions 3.7 through 3.10, the libpython-static libraries used with conda environments are only available for 3.8 onwards. With virtualenv/pyenv any version from 3.7 through 3.10 can be used, as python can be built with the -fPIC flag explicitly.

Running pip install

Once all the dependencies are successfully installed, including a -fPIC enabled build of python and the latest nightly of pytorch, we can run the following, in either conda or virtualenv, to install both the python modules and the runtime/interpreter libraries:

# from base torch::deploy directory
pip install -e .
# alternatively one could run
python develop

The C++ binaries should be available in /opt/dist.

Alternatively, one can install only the python modules without invoking cmake as follows:

# from base multipy directory
pip install  -e . --install-option="--cmakeoff"


As of 10/11/2022 the linking of prebuilt static -fPIC versions of python downloaded from conda-forge can be problematic on certain systems (for example Centos 8), with linker errors like libpython_multipy.a: error adding symbols: File format not recognized. This seems to be an issue with binutils, and these steps can help. Alternatively, the user can go with the virtualenv/pyenv flow above.

Running torch::deploy build steps from source

Both docker and pip install options above are wrappers around the cmake build of torch::deploy. If the user wishes to run the build steps manually instead, as before the dependencies would have to be installed in the user’s (isolated) environment of choice first. After that the following steps can be executed:


# checkout repo
git checkout
git submodule sync && git submodule update --init --recursive

cd multipy
# install python parts of `torch::deploy` in multipy/multipy/utils
pip install -e . --install-option="--cmakeoff"

cd multipy/runtime

# build runtime
mkdir build
cd build
# use cmake -DABI_EQUALS_1=ON .. instead if you want ABI=1
cmake ..
cmake --build . --config Release

Running unit tests for torch::deploy

We first need to generate the neccessary examples. First make sure your python enviroment has torch. Afterwards, once torch::deploy is built, run the following (executed automatically for docker and pip above):

cd multipy/multipy/runtime
python example/
cd build


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