
Source code for torch.utils.benchmark.utils.common

"""Base shared classes and utilities."""

import collections
import contextlib
import dataclasses
import textwrap
from typing import cast, Any, DefaultDict, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np
import torch

__all__ = ["TaskSpec", "Measurement"]


# Measurement will include a warning if the distribution is suspect. All
# runs are expected to have some variation; these parameters set the
# thresholds.

@dataclasses.dataclass(init=True, repr=False, eq=True, frozen=True)
class TaskSpec:
    """Container for information used to define a Timer. (except globals)"""
    stmt: str
    setup: str
    label: Optional[str] = None
    sub_label: Optional[str] = None
    description: Optional[str] = None
    env: Optional[str] = None
    num_threads: int = 1

    def title(self) -> str:
        """Best effort attempt at a string label for the measurement."""
        if self.label is not None:
            return self.label + (f": {self.sub_label}" if self.sub_label else "")
        elif "\n" not in self.stmt:
            return self.stmt + (f": {self.sub_label}" if self.sub_label else "")
        return (
            f"stmt:{f' ({self.sub_label})' if self.sub_label else ''}\n"
            f"{textwrap.indent(self.stmt, '  ')}"

    def setup_str(self) -> str:
        return (
            "" if (self.setup == "pass" or not self.setup)
            else f"setup:\n{textwrap.indent(self.setup, '  ')}" if "\n" in self.setup
            else f"setup: {self.setup}"

    def summarize(self) -> str:
        """Build TaskSpec portion of repr string for other containers."""
        sections = [
            self.description or "",
        return "\n".join([f"{i}\n" if "\n" in i else i for i in sections if i])

_TASKSPEC_FIELDS = tuple( for i in dataclasses.fields(TaskSpec))

[docs]@dataclasses.dataclass(init=True, repr=False) class Measurement: """The result of a Timer measurement. This class stores one or more measurements of a given statement. It is serializable and provides several convenience methods (including a detailed __repr__) for downstream consumers. """ number_per_run: int raw_times: List[float] task_spec: TaskSpec metadata: Optional[Dict[Any, Any]] = None # Reserved for user payloads. def __post_init__(self) -> None: self._sorted_times: Tuple[float, ...] = () self._warnings: Tuple[str, ...] = () self._median: float = -1.0 self._mean: float = -1.0 self._p25: float = -1.0 self._p75: float = -1.0 def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: # Forward TaskSpec fields for convenience. if name in _TASKSPEC_FIELDS: return getattr(self.task_spec, name) return super().__getattribute__(name) # ========================================================================= # == Convenience methods for statistics =================================== # ========================================================================= # # These methods use raw time divided by number_per_run; this is an # extrapolation and hides the fact that different number_per_run will # result in different amortization of overheads, however if Timer has # selected an appropriate number_per_run then this is a non-issue, and # forcing users to handle that division would result in a poor experience. @property def times(self) -> List[float]: return [t / self.number_per_run for t in self.raw_times] @property def median(self) -> float: self._lazy_init() return self._median @property def mean(self) -> float: self._lazy_init() return self._mean @property def iqr(self) -> float: self._lazy_init() return self._p75 - self._p25 @property def significant_figures(self) -> int: """Approximate significant figure estimate. This property is intended to give a convenient way to estimate the precision of a measurement. It only uses the interquartile region to estimate statistics to try to mitigate skew from the tails, and uses a static z value of 1.645 since it is not expected to be used for small values of `n`, so z can approximate `t`. The significant figure estimation used in conjunction with the `trim_sigfig` method to provide a more human interpretable data summary. __repr__ does not use this method; it simply displays raw values. Significant figure estimation is intended for `Compare`. """ self._lazy_init() n_total = len(self._sorted_times) lower_bound = int(n_total // 4) upper_bound = int(np.ceil(3 * n_total / 4)) interquartile_points: Tuple[float, ...] = self._sorted_times[lower_bound:upper_bound] std = np.std(interquartile_points) sqrt_n = np.sqrt(len(interquartile_points)) # Rough estimates. These are by no means statistically rigorous. confidence_interval = max(1.645 * std / sqrt_n, _MIN_CONFIDENCE_INTERVAL) relative_ci = np.log10(self._median / confidence_interval) num_significant_figures = int(np.floor(relative_ci)) return min(max(num_significant_figures, 1), _MAX_SIGNIFICANT_FIGURES) @property def has_warnings(self) -> bool: self._lazy_init() return bool(self._warnings) def _lazy_init(self) -> None: if self.raw_times and not self._sorted_times: self._sorted_times = tuple(sorted(self.times)) self._median = float(np.median(self._sorted_times)) self._mean = float(np.mean(self._sorted_times)) self._p25 = float(np.percentile(self._sorted_times, 25)) self._p75 = float(np.percentile(self._sorted_times, 75)) def add_warning(msg: str) -> None: rel_iqr = self.iqr / self.median * 100 self._warnings += ( f" WARNING: Interquartile range is {rel_iqr:.1f}% " f"of the median measurement.\n {msg}", ) if not self.meets_confidence(_IQR_GROSS_WARN_THRESHOLD): add_warning("This suggests significant environmental influence.") elif not self.meets_confidence(_IQR_WARN_THRESHOLD): add_warning("This could indicate system fluctuation.") def meets_confidence(self, threshold: float = _IQR_WARN_THRESHOLD) -> bool: return self.iqr / self.median < threshold @property def title(self) -> str: return self.task_spec.title @property def env(self) -> str: return ( "Unspecified env" if self.taskspec.env is None else cast(str, self.taskspec.env) ) @property def as_row_name(self) -> str: return self.sub_label or self.stmt or "[Unknown]" def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Example repr: <utils.common.Measurement object at 0x7f395b6ac110> Broadcasting add (4x8) Median: 5.73 us IQR: 2.25 us (4.01 to 6.26) 372 measurements, 100 runs per measurement, 1 thread WARNING: Interquartile range is 39.4% of the median measurement. This suggests significant environmental influence. """ self._lazy_init() skip_line, newline = "MEASUREMENT_REPR_SKIP_LINE", "\n" n = len(self._sorted_times) time_unit, time_scale = select_unit(self._median) iqr_filter = '' if n >= 4 else skip_line repr_str = f""" {super().__repr__()} {self.task_spec.summarize()} {'Median: ' if n > 1 else ''}{self._median / time_scale:.2f} {time_unit} {iqr_filter}IQR: {self.iqr / time_scale:.2f} {time_unit} ({self._p25 / time_scale:.2f} to {self._p75 / time_scale:.2f}) {n} measurement{'s' if n > 1 else ''}, {self.number_per_run} runs {'per measurement,' if n > 1 else ','} {self.num_threads} thread{'s' if self.num_threads > 1 else ''} {newline.join(self._warnings)}""".strip() # noqa return "\n".join(l for l in repr_str.splitlines(keepends=False) if skip_line not in l)
[docs] @staticmethod def merge(measurements): # type: (Iterable[Measurement]) -> List[Measurement] """Convenience method for merging replicates. Merge will extrapolate times to `number_per_run=1` and will not transfer any metadata. (Since it might differ between replicates) """ grouped_measurements: DefaultDict[TaskSpec, List[Measurement]] = collections.defaultdict(list) for m in measurements: grouped_measurements[m.task_spec].append(m) def merge_group(task_spec: TaskSpec, group: List[Measurement]) -> Measurement: times: List[float] = [] for m in group: # Different measurements could have different `number_per_run`, # so we call `.times` which normalizes the results. times.extend(m.times) return Measurement( number_per_run=1, raw_times=times, task_spec=task_spec, metadata=None, ) return [merge_group(t, g) for t, g in grouped_measurements.items()]
def select_unit(t: float) -> Tuple[str, float]: """Determine how to scale times for O(1) magnitude. This utility is used to format numbers for human consumption. """ time_unit = {-3: "ns", -2: "us", -1: "ms"}.get(int(np.log10(t) // 3), "s") time_scale = {"ns": 1e-9, "us": 1e-6, "ms": 1e-3, "s": 1}[time_unit] return time_unit, time_scale def unit_to_english(u: str) -> str: return { "ns": "nanosecond", "us": "microsecond", "ms": "millisecond", "s": "second", }[u] def trim_sigfig(x: float, n: int) -> float: """Trim `x` to `n` significant figures. (e.g. 3.14159, 2 -> 3.10000)""" assert n == int(n) magnitude = int(np.ceil(np.log10(np.abs(x)))) scale = 10 ** (magnitude - n) return float(np.round(x / scale) * scale) def ordered_unique(elements: Iterable[Any]) -> List[Any]: return list(collections.OrderedDict({i: None for i in elements}).keys()) @contextlib.contextmanager def set_torch_threads(n: int) -> Iterator[None]: prior_num_threads = torch.get_num_threads() try: torch.set_num_threads(n) yield finally: torch.set_num_threads(prior_num_threads)


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