fromtypingimportDict,List,Optional,Unionimporttorchfromtorch._C._distributed_rpcimport_TensorPipeRpcBackendOptionsBasefrom.importconstantsasrpc_contantsDeviceType=Union[int,str,torch.device]def_to_device(device:DeviceType)->torch.device:device=torch.device(device)ifdevice.type!="cuda":raiseValueError("`set_devices` expect a list of CUDA devices, but got "f"device type {device.type}.")returndevicedef_to_device_map(device_map:Dict[DeviceType,DeviceType])->Dict[torch.device,torch.device]:full_device_map:Dict[torch.device,torch.device]={}reverse_map:Dict[torch.device,torch.device]={}forkindevice_map:v=device_map[k]k,v=torch.device(k),torch.device(v)ifvinreverse_map:raiseValueError("`device_map` only supports 1-to-1 mapping, "f"trying to map {k} and {reverse_map[v]} to {v}")full_device_map[k]=vreverse_map[v]=kreturnfull_device_mapdef_to_device_list(devices:List[DeviceType])->List[torch.device]:returnlist(map(_to_device,devices))
[docs]classTensorPipeRpcBackendOptions(_TensorPipeRpcBackendOptionsBase):r""" The backend options for :class:`~torch.distributed.rpc.TensorPipeAgent`, derived from :class:`~torch.distributed.rpc.RpcBackendOptions`. Args: num_worker_threads (int, optional): The number of threads in the thread-pool used by :class:`~torch.distributed.rpc.TensorPipeAgent` to execute requests (default: 16). rpc_timeout (float, optional): The default timeout, in seconds, for RPC requests (default: 60 seconds). If the RPC has not completed in this timeframe, an exception indicating so will be raised. Callers can override this timeout for individual RPCs in :meth:`~torch.distributed.rpc.rpc_sync` and :meth:`~torch.distributed.rpc.rpc_async` if necessary. init_method (str, optional): The URL to initialize the distributed store used for rendezvous. It takes any value accepted for the same argument of :meth:`~torch.distributed.init_process_group` (default: ``env://``). device_maps (Dict[str, Dict], optional): Device placement mappings from this worker to the callee. Key is the callee worker name and value the dictionary (``Dict`` of ``int``, ``str``, or ``torch.device``) that maps this worker's devices to the callee worker's devices. (default: ``None``) devices (List[int, str, or ``torch.device``], optional): all local CUDA devices used by RPC agent. By Default, it will be initialized to all local devices from its own ``device_maps`` and corresponding devices from its peers' ``device_maps``. When processing CUDA RPC requests, the agent will properly synchronize CUDA streams for all devices in this ``List``. """def__init__(self,*,num_worker_threads:int=rpc_contants.DEFAULT_NUM_WORKER_THREADS,rpc_timeout:float=rpc_contants.DEFAULT_RPC_TIMEOUT_SEC,init_method:str=rpc_contants.DEFAULT_INIT_METHOD,device_maps:Optional[Dict[str,Dict[DeviceType,DeviceType]]]=None,devices:Optional[List[DeviceType]]=None,_transports:Optional[List]=None,_channels:Optional[List]=None,):full_device_maps=({}ifdevice_mapsisNoneelse{k:_to_device_map(v)fork,vindevice_maps.items()})full_device_list=[]ifdevicesisNoneelse_to_device_list(devices)super().__init__(num_worker_threads,_transports,_channels,rpc_timeout,init_method,full_device_maps,full_device_list,)
[docs]defset_device_map(self,to:str,device_map:Dict[DeviceType,DeviceType]):r""" Set device mapping between each RPC caller and callee pair. This function can be called multiple times to incrementally add device placement configurations. Args: worker_name (str): Callee name. device_map (Dict of int, str, or torch.device): Device placement mappings from this worker to the callee. This map must be invertible. Example:: >>> # both workers >>> def add(x, y): >>> print(x) # tensor([1., 1.], device='cuda:1') >>> return x + y, (x + y).to(2) >>> >>> # on worker 0 >>> options = TensorPipeRpcBackendOptions( >>> num_worker_threads=8, >>> device_maps={"worker1": {0: 1}} >>> # maps worker0's cuda:0 to worker1's cuda:1 >>> ) >>> options.set_device_map("worker1", {1: 2}) >>> # maps worker0's cuda:1 to worker1's cuda:2 >>> >>> rpc.init_rpc( >>> "worker0", >>> rank=0, >>> world_size=2, >>> backend=rpc.BackendType.TENSORPIPE, >>> rpc_backend_options=options >>> ) >>> >>> x = torch.ones(2) >>> rets = rpc.rpc_sync("worker1", add, args=(, 1)) >>> # The first argument will be moved to cuda:1 on worker1. When >>> # sending the return value back, it will follow the invert of >>> # the device map, and hence will be moved back to cuda:0 and >>> # cuda:1 on worker0 >>> print(rets[0]) # tensor([2., 2.], device='cuda:0') >>> print(rets[1]) # tensor([2., 2.], device='cuda:1') """full_device_map=_to_device_map(device_map)curr_device_maps=super().device_mapsiftoincurr_device_maps:fork,vinfull_device_map.items():ifkincurr_device_maps[to]andv!=curr_device_maps[to][k]:raiseValueError("`set_device_map` only supports 1-to-1 mapping, trying"f" to map {k} to {v} and {curr_device_maps[to][k]}")super()._set_device_map(to,full_device_map)
[docs]defset_devices(self,devices:List[DeviceType]):r""" Set local devices used by the TensorPipe RPC agent. When processing CUDA RPC requests, the TensorPipe RPC agent will properly synchronize CUDA streams for all devices in this ``List``. Args: devices (List of int, str, or torch.device): local devices used by the TensorPipe RPC agent. """self.devices=_to_device_list(devices)
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