
Source code for torch.utils.dlpack

from typing import Any

import torch
import enum

from torch._C import _from_dlpack
from torch._C import _to_dlpack as to_dlpack

class DLDeviceType(enum.IntEnum):
    # Enums as in DLPack specification (aten/src/ATen/dlpack.h)
    kDLCPU = 1,
    kDLGPU = 2,
    kDLCPUPinned = 3,
    kDLOpenCL = 4,
    kDLVulkan = 7,
    kDLMetal = 8,
    kDLVPI = 9,
    kDLROCM = 10,
    kDLExtDev = 12,

torch._C._add_docstr(to_dlpack, r"""to_dlpack(tensor) -> PyCapsule

Returns a DLPack representing the tensor.

    tensor: a tensor to be exported

The DLPack shares the tensors memory.
Note that each DLPack can only be consumed once.

# TODO: add a typing.Protocol to be able to tell Mypy that only objects with
# __dlpack__ and __dlpack_device__ methods are accepted.
[docs]def from_dlpack(ext_tensor: Any) -> torch.Tensor: """from_dlpack(ext_tensor) -> Tensor Convers a tensor from a external library into a ``torch.Tensor`` by means of the ``__dlpack__`` protocol. The tensor will share the memory with the object represented in the DLPack. .. warning:: Only call from_dlpack once per capsule. Its behavior when used on the same capsule multiple times is undefined. Args: ext_tensor (object with __dlpack__ attribute or DLPack capsule): The tensor or DLPack capsule to convert. """ if hasattr(ext_tensor, '__dlpack__'): device = ext_tensor.__dlpack_device__() # device is either CUDA or ROCm, we need to pass the current # stream if device[0] in (DLDeviceType.kDLGPU, DLDeviceType.kDLROCM): stream = torch.cuda.current_stream('cuda:{}'.format(device[1])) # cuda_stream is the pointer to the stream and it is a public # attribute, but it is not documented dlpack = ext_tensor.__dlpack__(stream=stream.cuda_stream) else: dlpack = ext_tensor.__dlpack__() else: # Old versions just call the converter dlpack = ext_tensor return _from_dlpack(dlpack)


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