
Program Listing for File special.h

Return to documentation for file (torch/csrc/api/include/torch/special.h)

#pragma once

#include <ATen/ATen.h>
#include <torch/types.h>

namespace torch {
namespace special {

inline Tensor gammaln(const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_gammaln(self);

inline Tensor& gammaln_out(Tensor& result, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_gammaln_out(result, self);

inline Tensor gammainc(const Tensor& self, const Tensor& other) {
  return torch::special_gammainc(self, other);

inline Tensor& gammainc_out(
    Tensor& result,
    const Tensor& self,
    const Tensor& other) {
  return torch::special_gammainc_out(result, self, other);

inline Tensor gammaincc(const Tensor& self, const Tensor& other) {
  return torch::special_gammaincc(self, other);

inline Tensor& gammaincc_out(
    Tensor& result,
    const Tensor& self,
    const Tensor& other) {
  return torch::special_gammaincc_out(result, self, other);

inline Tensor multigammaln(const Tensor& self, int64_t p) {
  return torch::special_multigammaln(self, p);

inline Tensor& multigammaln_out(Tensor& result, const Tensor& self, int64_t p) {
  return torch::special_multigammaln_out(result, self, p);

inline Tensor polygamma(int64_t n, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_polygamma(n, self);

inline Tensor& polygamma_out(Tensor& result, int64_t n, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_polygamma_out(result, n, self);

inline Tensor psi(const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_psi(self);

inline Tensor& psi_out(Tensor& result, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_psi_out(result, self);

inline Tensor digamma(const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_digamma(self);

inline Tensor& digamma_out(Tensor& result, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_digamma_out(result, self);

inline Tensor entr(const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_entr(self);

inline Tensor& entr_out(Tensor& result, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_entr_out(result, self);

inline Tensor erf(const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_erf(self);

inline Tensor& erf_out(Tensor& result, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_erf_out(result, self);

inline Tensor erfc(const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_erfc(self);

inline Tensor& erfc_out(Tensor& result, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_erfc_out(result, self);

inline Tensor erfcx(const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_erfcx(self);

inline Tensor& erfcx_out(Tensor& result, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_erfcx_out(result, self);

inline Tensor erfinv(const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_erfinv(self);

inline Tensor& erfinv_out(Tensor& result, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_erfinv_out(result, self);

inline Tensor logsumexp(const Tensor& self, IntArrayRef dims, bool keepdim) {
  return torch::special_logsumexp(self, dims, keepdim);

inline Tensor& logsumexp_out(
    Tensor& result,
    const Tensor& self,
    IntArrayRef dims,
    bool keepdim) {
  return torch::special_logsumexp_out(result, self, dims, keepdim);

inline Tensor ndtri(const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_ndtri(self);

inline Tensor& ndtri_out(Tensor& result, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_ndtri_out(result, self);

inline Tensor log_ndtr(const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_log_ndtr(self);

inline Tensor& log_ndtr_out(Tensor& result, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_log_ndtr_out(result, self);

inline Tensor logit(const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_logit(self);

inline Tensor& logit_out(Tensor& result, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_logit_out(result, self);

inline Tensor expit(const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_expit(self);

inline Tensor& expit_out(Tensor& result, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_expit_out(result, self);

inline Tensor exp2(const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_exp2(self);

inline Tensor& exp2_out(Tensor& result, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_exp2_out(result, self);

inline Tensor expm1(const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_expm1(self);

inline Tensor& expm1_out(Tensor& result, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_expm1_out(result, self);

inline Tensor xlogy(const Tensor& self, const Tensor& other) {
  return torch::special_xlogy(self, other);

inline Tensor xlogy(const Scalar& self, const Tensor& other) {
  return torch::special_xlogy(self, other);

inline Tensor xlogy(const Tensor& self, const Scalar& other) {
  return torch::special_xlogy(self, other);

inline Tensor& xlogy_out(
    Tensor& result,
    const Tensor& self,
    const Tensor& other) {
  return torch::special_xlogy_out(result, self, other);

inline Tensor& xlogy_out(
    Tensor& result,
    const Scalar& self,
    const Tensor& other) {
  return torch::special_xlogy_out(result, self, other);

inline Tensor& xlogy_out(
    Tensor& result,
    const Tensor& self,
    const Scalar& other) {
  return torch::special_xlogy_out(result, self, other);

inline Tensor xlog1py(const Tensor& self, const Tensor& other) {
  return torch::special_xlog1py(self, other);

inline Tensor xlog1py(const Scalar& self, const Tensor& other) {
  return torch::special_xlog1py(self, other);

inline Tensor xlog1py(const Tensor& self, const Scalar& other) {
  return torch::special_xlog1py(self, other);

inline Tensor& xlog1py_out(
    Tensor& result,
    const Tensor& self,
    const Tensor& other) {
  return torch::special_xlog1py_out(result, self, other);

inline Tensor& xlog1py_out(
    Tensor& result,
    const Scalar& self,
    const Tensor& other) {
  return torch::special_xlog1py_out(result, self, other);

inline Tensor& xlog1py_out(
    Tensor& result,
    const Tensor& self,
    const Scalar& other) {
  return torch::special_xlog1py_out(result, self, other);

inline Tensor zeta(const Tensor& self, const Tensor& other) {
  return torch::special_zeta(self, other);

inline Tensor zeta(const Scalar& self, const Tensor& other) {
  return torch::special_zeta(self, other);

inline Tensor zeta(const Tensor& self, const Scalar& other) {
  return torch::special_zeta(self, other);

inline Tensor& zeta_out(
    Tensor& result,
    const Tensor& self,
    const Tensor& other) {
  return torch::special_zeta_out(result, self, other);

inline Tensor& zeta_out(
    Tensor& result,
    const Scalar& self,
    const Tensor& other) {
  return torch::special_zeta_out(result, self, other);

inline Tensor& zeta_out(
    Tensor& result,
    const Tensor& self,
    const Scalar& other) {
  return torch::special_zeta_out(result, self, other);

inline Tensor i0(const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_i0(self);

inline Tensor& i0_out(Tensor& result, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_i0_out(result, self);

inline Tensor ndtr(const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_ndtr(self);

inline Tensor& ndtr_out(Tensor& result, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_ndtr_out(result, self);

inline Tensor i0e(const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_i0e(self);

inline Tensor& i0e_out(Tensor& result, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_i0e_out(result, self);

inline Tensor i1(const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_i1(self);

inline Tensor& i1_out(Tensor& result, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_i1_out(result, self);

inline Tensor i1e(const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_i1e(self);

inline Tensor& i1e_out(Tensor& result, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_i1e_out(result, self);

inline Tensor sinc(const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_sinc(self);

inline Tensor& sinc_out(Tensor& result, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_sinc_out(result, self);

inline Tensor round(const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_round(self);

inline Tensor& round_out(Tensor& result, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_round_out(result, self);

inline Tensor log1p(const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_log1p(self);

inline Tensor& log1p_out(Tensor& result, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_log1p_out(result, self);

inline Tensor log_softmax(
    const Tensor& self,
    int64_t dim,
    c10::optional<ScalarType> dtype) {
  return torch::special_log_softmax(self, dim, dtype);

inline Tensor softmax(
    const Tensor& self,
    int64_t dim,
    c10::optional<ScalarType> dtype) {
  return torch::special_softmax(self, dim, dtype);

inline Tensor airy_ai(const Tensor& x) {
  return torch::special_airy_ai(x);

inline Tensor& airy_ai_out(Tensor& y, const Tensor& x) {
  return torch::special_airy_ai_out(y, x);

inline Tensor bessel_j0(const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_bessel_j0(self);

inline Tensor& bessel_j0_out(Tensor& result, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_bessel_j0_out(result, self);

inline Tensor bessel_j1(const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_bessel_j1(self);

inline Tensor& bessel_j1_out(Tensor& result, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_bessel_j1_out(result, self);

inline Tensor bessel_y0(const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_bessel_y0(self);

inline Tensor& bessel_y0_out(Tensor& result, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_bessel_y0_out(result, self);

inline Tensor bessel_y1(const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_bessel_y1(self);

inline Tensor& bessel_y1_out(Tensor& result, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_bessel_y1_out(result, self);

inline Tensor chebyshev_polynomial_t(const Tensor& x, const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_chebyshev_polynomial_t(x, n);

inline Tensor chebyshev_polynomial_t(const Scalar& x, const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_chebyshev_polynomial_t(x, n);

inline Tensor chebyshev_polynomial_t(const Tensor& x, const Scalar& n) {
  return torch::special_chebyshev_polynomial_t(x, n);

inline Tensor& chebyshev_polynomial_t_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Tensor& x,
    const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_chebyshev_polynomial_t_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor& chebyshev_polynomial_t_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Scalar& x,
    const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_chebyshev_polynomial_t_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor& chebyshev_polynomial_t_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Tensor& x,
    const Scalar& n) {
  return torch::special_chebyshev_polynomial_t_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor chebyshev_polynomial_u(const Tensor& x, const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_chebyshev_polynomial_u(x, n);

inline Tensor chebyshev_polynomial_u(const Scalar& x, const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_chebyshev_polynomial_u(x, n);

inline Tensor chebyshev_polynomial_u(const Tensor& x, const Scalar& n) {
  return torch::special_chebyshev_polynomial_u(x, n);

inline Tensor& chebyshev_polynomial_u_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Tensor& x,
    const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_chebyshev_polynomial_u_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor& chebyshev_polynomial_u_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Scalar& x,
    const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_chebyshev_polynomial_u_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor& chebyshev_polynomial_u_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Tensor& x,
    const Scalar& n) {
  return torch::special_chebyshev_polynomial_u_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor chebyshev_polynomial_v(const Tensor& x, const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_chebyshev_polynomial_v(x, n);

inline Tensor chebyshev_polynomial_v(const Scalar& x, const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_chebyshev_polynomial_v(x, n);

inline Tensor chebyshev_polynomial_v(const Tensor& x, const Scalar& n) {
  return torch::special_chebyshev_polynomial_v(x, n);

inline Tensor& chebyshev_polynomial_v_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Tensor& x,
    const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_chebyshev_polynomial_v_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor& chebyshev_polynomial_v_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Scalar& x,
    const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_chebyshev_polynomial_v_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor& chebyshev_polynomial_v_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Tensor& x,
    const Scalar& n) {
  return torch::special_chebyshev_polynomial_v_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor chebyshev_polynomial_w(const Tensor& x, const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_chebyshev_polynomial_w(x, n);

inline Tensor chebyshev_polynomial_w(const Scalar& x, const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_chebyshev_polynomial_w(x, n);

inline Tensor chebyshev_polynomial_w(const Tensor& x, const Scalar& n) {
  return torch::special_chebyshev_polynomial_w(x, n);

inline Tensor& chebyshev_polynomial_w_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Tensor& x,
    const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_chebyshev_polynomial_w_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor& chebyshev_polynomial_w_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Scalar& x,
    const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_chebyshev_polynomial_w_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor& chebyshev_polynomial_w_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Tensor& x,
    const Scalar& n) {
  return torch::special_chebyshev_polynomial_w_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor hermite_polynomial_h(const Tensor& x, const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_hermite_polynomial_h(x, n);

inline Tensor hermite_polynomial_h(const Scalar& x, const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_hermite_polynomial_h(x, n);

inline Tensor hermite_polynomial_h(const Tensor& x, const Scalar& n) {
  return torch::special_hermite_polynomial_h(x, n);

inline Tensor& hermite_polynomial_h_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Tensor& x,
    const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_hermite_polynomial_h_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor& hermite_polynomial_h_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Scalar& x,
    const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_hermite_polynomial_h_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor& hermite_polynomial_h_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Tensor& x,
    const Scalar& n) {
  return torch::special_hermite_polynomial_h_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor hermite_polynomial_he(const Tensor& x, const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_hermite_polynomial_he(x, n);

inline Tensor hermite_polynomial_he(const Scalar& x, const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_hermite_polynomial_he(x, n);

inline Tensor hermite_polynomial_he(const Tensor& x, const Scalar& n) {
  return torch::special_hermite_polynomial_he(x, n);

inline Tensor& hermite_polynomial_he_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Tensor& x,
    const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_hermite_polynomial_he_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor& hermite_polynomial_he_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Scalar& x,
    const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_hermite_polynomial_he_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor& hermite_polynomial_he_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Tensor& x,
    const Scalar& n) {
  return torch::special_hermite_polynomial_he_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor laguerre_polynomial_l(const Tensor& x, const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_laguerre_polynomial_l(x, n);

inline Tensor laguerre_polynomial_l(const Scalar& x, const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_laguerre_polynomial_l(x, n);

inline Tensor laguerre_polynomial_l(const Tensor& x, const Scalar& n) {
  return torch::special_laguerre_polynomial_l(x, n);

inline Tensor& laguerre_polynomial_l_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Tensor& x,
    const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_laguerre_polynomial_l_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor& laguerre_polynomial_l_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Scalar& x,
    const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_laguerre_polynomial_l_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor& laguerre_polynomial_l_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Tensor& x,
    const Scalar& n) {
  return torch::special_laguerre_polynomial_l_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor legendre_polynomial_p(const Tensor& x, const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_legendre_polynomial_p(x, n);

inline Tensor legendre_polynomial_p(const Scalar& x, const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_legendre_polynomial_p(x, n);

inline Tensor legendre_polynomial_p(const Tensor& x, const Scalar& n) {
  return torch::special_legendre_polynomial_p(x, n);

inline Tensor& legendre_polynomial_p_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Tensor& x,
    const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_legendre_polynomial_p_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor& legendre_polynomial_p_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Scalar& x,
    const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_legendre_polynomial_p_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor& legendre_polynomial_p_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Tensor& x,
    const Scalar& n) {
  return torch::special_legendre_polynomial_p_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor modified_bessel_i0(const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_modified_bessel_i0(self);

inline Tensor& modified_bessel_i0_out(Tensor& result, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_modified_bessel_i0_out(result, self);

inline Tensor modified_bessel_i1(const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_modified_bessel_i1(self);

inline Tensor& modified_bessel_i1_out(Tensor& result, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_modified_bessel_i1_out(result, self);

inline Tensor modified_bessel_k0(const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_modified_bessel_k0(self);

inline Tensor& modified_bessel_k0_out(Tensor& result, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_modified_bessel_k0_out(result, self);

inline Tensor modified_bessel_k1(const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_modified_bessel_k1(self);

inline Tensor& modified_bessel_k1_out(Tensor& result, const Tensor& self) {
  return torch::special_modified_bessel_k1_out(result, self);

inline Tensor scaled_modified_bessel_k0(const Tensor& x) {
  return torch::special_scaled_modified_bessel_k0(x);

inline Tensor& scaled_modified_bessel_k0_out(Tensor& y, const Tensor& x) {
  return torch::special_scaled_modified_bessel_k0_out(y, x);

inline Tensor scaled_modified_bessel_k1(const Tensor& x) {
  return torch::special_scaled_modified_bessel_k1(x);

inline Tensor& scaled_modified_bessel_k1_out(Tensor& y, const Tensor& x) {
  return torch::special_scaled_modified_bessel_k1_out(y, x);

inline Tensor shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_t(const Tensor& x, const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_t(x, n);

inline Tensor shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_t(const Scalar& x, const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_t(x, n);

inline Tensor shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_t(const Tensor& x, const Scalar& n) {
  return torch::special_shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_t(x, n);

inline Tensor& shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_t_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Tensor& x,
    const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_t_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor& shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_t_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Scalar& x,
    const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_t_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor& shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_t_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Tensor& x,
    const Scalar& n) {
  return torch::special_shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_t_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_u(const Tensor& x, const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_u(x, n);

inline Tensor shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_u(const Scalar& x, const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_u(x, n);

inline Tensor shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_u(const Tensor& x, const Scalar& n) {
  return torch::special_shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_u(x, n);

inline Tensor& shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_u_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Tensor& x,
    const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_u_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor& shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_u_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Scalar& x,
    const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_u_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor& shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_u_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Tensor& x,
    const Scalar& n) {
  return torch::special_shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_u_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_v(const Tensor& x, const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_v(x, n);

inline Tensor shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_v(const Scalar& x, const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_v(x, n);

inline Tensor shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_v(const Tensor& x, const Scalar& n) {
  return torch::special_shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_v(x, n);

inline Tensor& shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_v_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Tensor& x,
    const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_v_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor& shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_v_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Scalar& x,
    const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_v_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor& shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_v_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Tensor& x,
    const Scalar& n) {
  return torch::special_shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_v_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_w(const Tensor& x, const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_w(x, n);

inline Tensor shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_w(const Scalar& x, const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_w(x, n);

inline Tensor shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_w(const Tensor& x, const Scalar& n) {
  return torch::special_shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_w(x, n);

inline Tensor& shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_w_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Tensor& x,
    const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_w_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor& shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_w_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Scalar& x,
    const Tensor& n) {
  return torch::special_shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_w_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor& shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_w_out(
    Tensor& output,
    const Tensor& x,
    const Scalar& n) {
  return torch::special_shifted_chebyshev_polynomial_w_out(output, x, n);

inline Tensor spherical_bessel_j0(const Tensor& x) {
  return torch::special_spherical_bessel_j0(x);

inline Tensor& spherical_bessel_j0_out(Tensor& y, const Tensor& x) {
  return torch::special_spherical_bessel_j0_out(y, x);
} // namespace special
} // namespace torch


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