
Program Listing for File clip_grad.h

Return to documentation for file (torch/csrc/api/include/torch/nn/utils/clip_grad.h)

#pragma once

#include <torch/csrc/Export.h>

#include <utility>

namespace torch {
namespace nn {
namespace utils {

// Clips gradient norm of a vector of Tensors.
// See
// for more details about this module.
// Difference with the python version: unlike the python version, even when
// skipping the finiteness checks (error_if_nonfinite = false), this function
// will introduce a device <=> CPU synchronization (for devices where that makes
// sense!) in order to return a CPU-side `double`. This C++ version therefore
// cannot be run fully asynchronously w.r.t. the device of the gradients.
inline double clip_grad_norm_(
    const std::vector<Tensor>& parameters,
    double max_norm,
    double norm_type = 2.0,
    bool error_if_nonfinite = false) {
  std::vector<Tensor> params_with_grad;

  for (const auto& param : parameters) {
    auto& grad = param.grad();
    if (grad.defined()) {

  if (params_with_grad.empty()) {
    return 0.0;

  Tensor total_norm_tensor;
  if (norm_type == std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) {
    std::vector<Tensor> norms;

    for (const auto& param : params_with_grad) {
    total_norm_tensor =
        (norms.size() == 1) ? norms[0] : torch::max(torch::stack(norms));
  } else if (norm_type == 0) {
    total_norm_tensor =
        torch::full({}, static_cast<double>(params_with_grad.size()));
  } else {
    std::vector<Tensor> norms;

    for (const auto& param : params_with_grad) {
    total_norm_tensor =
        (norms.size() == 1) ? norms[0] : torch::stack(norms).norm(norm_type);

  // When possible (ie when skipping the finiteness check), we avoid
  // synchronizing the CPU and the gradients' device until the very end to
  // preserve async execution on the device. When checking for finite-ness, this
  // optional ensures we only sync once.
  c10::optional<double> total_norm = c10::nullopt;
  if (error_if_nonfinite) {
    total_norm = total_norm_tensor.item().toDouble();
        "The total norm of order ",
        " for gradients from `parameters` ",
        "is non-finite, so it cannot be clipped. To disable this error and scale ",
        "the gradients with the non-finite norm anyway, set ",

  auto clip_coef = max_norm / (total_norm_tensor + 1e-6);
  auto clip_coef_clamped =
      torch::clamp(clip_coef, c10::nullopt /* min */, 1.0 /* max */);
  for (auto& param : params_with_grad) {

  if (!total_norm.has_value()) {
    total_norm = total_norm_tensor.item().toDouble();
  return *total_norm;

// A wrapper around clip_grad_norm_ that allows us to call the function with a
// braced-init-list of Tensors.
inline double clip_grad_norm_(
    std::initializer_list<Tensor> parameters,
    double max_norm,
    double norm_type = 2.0,
    bool error_if_nonfinite = false) {
  return clip_grad_norm_(
      std::vector<Tensor>(parameters), max_norm, norm_type, error_if_nonfinite);

// A wrapper around clip_grad_norm_ that allows us to call the function with a
// single Tensor.
inline double clip_grad_norm_(
    Tensor parameter,
    double max_norm,
    double norm_type = 2.0,
    bool error_if_nonfinite = false) {
  std::vector<Tensor> params = {std::move(parameter)};
  return clip_grad_norm_(
      std::move(params), max_norm, norm_type, error_if_nonfinite);

// Clips gradient of an iterable of parameters at specified value.
// Gradients are modified in-place.
// See
// for more details about this module.
inline void clip_grad_value_(
    const std::vector<Tensor>& parameters,
    double clip_value) {
  for (const auto& param : parameters) {
    if (param.grad().defined()) {
      param.grad().data().clamp_(-clip_value, clip_value);

// A wrapper around clip_grad_value_ that allows us to call the function with a
// braced-init-list of Tensors.
inline void clip_grad_value_(
    std::initializer_list<Tensor> parameters,
    double clip_value) {
  clip_grad_value_(std::vector<Tensor>(parameters), clip_value);

// A wrapper around clip_grad_value_ that allows us to call the function with a
// single Tensor.
inline void clip_grad_value_(Tensor parameter, double clip_value) {
  std::vector<Tensor> params = {std::move(parameter)};
  clip_grad_value_(std::move(params), clip_value);

} // namespace utils
} // namespace nn
} // namespace torch


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