
Program Listing for File fft.h

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#pragma once

#include <ATen/ATen.h>

namespace torch {
namespace fft {

inline Tensor fft(
    const Tensor& self,
    c10::optional<SymInt> n = c10::nullopt,
    int64_t dim = -1,
    c10::optional<c10::string_view> norm = c10::nullopt) {
  return torch::fft_fft_symint(self, n, dim, norm);

inline Tensor ifft(
    const Tensor& self,
    c10::optional<SymInt> n = c10::nullopt,
    int64_t dim = -1,
    c10::optional<c10::string_view> norm = c10::nullopt) {
  return torch::fft_ifft_symint(self, n, dim, norm);

inline Tensor fft2(
    const Tensor& self,
    OptionalIntArrayRef s = c10::nullopt,
    IntArrayRef dim = {-2, -1},
    c10::optional<c10::string_view> norm = c10::nullopt) {
  return torch::fft_fft2(self, s, dim, norm);

inline Tensor ifft2(
    const Tensor& self,
    at::OptionalIntArrayRef s = c10::nullopt,
    IntArrayRef dim = {-2, -1},
    c10::optional<c10::string_view> norm = c10::nullopt) {
  return torch::fft_ifft2(self, s, dim, norm);

inline Tensor fftn(
    const Tensor& self,
    at::OptionalIntArrayRef s = c10::nullopt,
    at::OptionalIntArrayRef dim = c10::nullopt,
    c10::optional<c10::string_view> norm = c10::nullopt) {
  return torch::fft_fftn(self, s, dim, norm);

inline Tensor ifftn(
    const Tensor& self,
    at::OptionalIntArrayRef s = c10::nullopt,
    at::OptionalIntArrayRef dim = c10::nullopt,
    c10::optional<c10::string_view> norm = c10::nullopt) {
  return torch::fft_ifftn(self, s, dim, norm);

inline Tensor rfft(
    const Tensor& self,
    c10::optional<SymInt> n = c10::nullopt,
    int64_t dim = -1,
    c10::optional<c10::string_view> norm = c10::nullopt) {
  return torch::fft_rfft_symint(self, n, dim, norm);

inline Tensor irfft(
    const Tensor& self,
    c10::optional<SymInt> n = c10::nullopt,
    int64_t dim = -1,
    c10::optional<c10::string_view> norm = c10::nullopt) {
  return torch::fft_irfft_symint(self, n, dim, norm);

inline Tensor rfft2(
    const Tensor& self,
    at::OptionalIntArrayRef s = c10::nullopt,
    IntArrayRef dim = {-2, -1},
    c10::optional<c10::string_view> norm = c10::nullopt) {
  return torch::fft_rfft2(self, s, dim, norm);

inline Tensor irfft2(
    const Tensor& self,
    at::OptionalIntArrayRef s = c10::nullopt,
    IntArrayRef dim = {-2, -1},
    c10::optional<c10::string_view> norm = c10::nullopt) {
  return torch::fft_irfft2(self, s, dim, norm);

inline Tensor rfftn(
    const Tensor& self,
    at::OptionalIntArrayRef s = c10::nullopt,
    at::OptionalIntArrayRef dim = c10::nullopt,
    c10::optional<c10::string_view> norm = c10::nullopt) {
  return torch::fft_rfftn(self, s, dim, norm);

inline Tensor irfftn(
    const Tensor& self,
    at::OptionalIntArrayRef s = c10::nullopt,
    at::OptionalIntArrayRef dim = c10::nullopt,
    c10::optional<c10::string_view> norm = c10::nullopt) {
  return torch::fft_irfftn(self, s, dim, norm);

inline Tensor hfft(
    const Tensor& self,
    c10::optional<SymInt> n = c10::nullopt,
    int64_t dim = -1,
    c10::optional<c10::string_view> norm = c10::nullopt) {
  return torch::fft_hfft_symint(self, n, dim, norm);

inline Tensor ihfft(
    const Tensor& self,
    c10::optional<SymInt> n = c10::nullopt,
    int64_t dim = -1,
    c10::optional<c10::string_view> norm = c10::nullopt) {
  return torch::fft_ihfft_symint(self, n, dim, norm);

inline Tensor hfft2(
    const Tensor& self,
    at::OptionalIntArrayRef s = c10::nullopt,
    IntArrayRef dim = {-2, -1},
    c10::optional<c10::string_view> norm = c10::nullopt) {
  return torch::fft_hfft2(self, s, dim, norm);

inline Tensor ihfft2(
    const Tensor& self,
    at::OptionalIntArrayRef s = c10::nullopt,
    IntArrayRef dim = {-2, -1},
    c10::optional<c10::string_view> norm = c10::nullopt) {
  return torch::fft_ihfft2(self, s, dim, norm);

inline Tensor hfftn(
    const Tensor& self,
    at::OptionalIntArrayRef s = c10::nullopt,
    IntArrayRef dim = {-2, -1},
    c10::optional<c10::string_view> norm = c10::nullopt) {
  return torch::fft_hfftn(self, s, dim, norm);

inline Tensor ihfftn(
    const Tensor& self,
    at::OptionalIntArrayRef s = c10::nullopt,
    IntArrayRef dim = {-2, -1},
    c10::optional<c10::string_view> norm = c10::nullopt) {
  return torch::fft_ihfftn(self, s, dim, norm);

inline Tensor fftfreq(int64_t n, double d, const TensorOptions& options = {}) {
  return torch::fft_fftfreq(n, d, options);

inline Tensor fftfreq(int64_t n, const TensorOptions& options = {}) {
  return torch::fft_fftfreq(n, /*d=*/1.0, options);

inline Tensor rfftfreq(int64_t n, double d, const TensorOptions& options) {
  return torch::fft_rfftfreq(n, d, options);

inline Tensor rfftfreq(int64_t n, const TensorOptions& options) {
  return torch::fft_rfftfreq(n, /*d=*/1.0, options);

inline Tensor fftshift(
    const Tensor& x,
    at::OptionalIntArrayRef dim = c10::nullopt) {
  return torch::fft_fftshift(x, dim);

inline Tensor ifftshift(
    const Tensor& x,
    at::OptionalIntArrayRef dim = c10::nullopt) {
  return torch::fft_ifftshift(x, dim);

} // namespace fft
} // namespace torch


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