
Source code for

import io
from typing import Iterator, List, Optional

import torch
from torch import Tensor

from ._stream_reader import _get_afilter_desc, StreamReader
from ._stream_writer import CodecConfig, StreamWriter

class _StreamingIOBuffer:
    """Streaming Bytes IO buffer. Data are dropped when read."""

    def __init__(self):
        self._buffer: List(bytes) = []

    def write(self, b: bytes):
        if b:
        return len(b)

    def pop(self, n):
        """Pop the oldest byte string. It does not necessary return the requested amount"""
        if not self._buffer:
            return b""
        if len(self._buffer[0]) <= n:
            return self._buffer.pop(0)
        ret = self._buffer[0][:n]
        self._buffer[0] = self._buffer[0][n:]
        return ret

def _get_sample_fmt(dtype: torch.dtype):
    types = {
        torch.uint8: "u8",
        torch.int16: "s16",
        torch.int32: "s32",
        torch.float32: "flt",
        torch.float64: "dbl",
    if dtype not in types:
        raise ValueError(f"Unsupported dtype is provided {dtype}. Supported dtypes are: {types.keys()}")
    return types[dtype]

class _AudioStreamingEncoder:
    """Given a waveform, encode on-demand and return bytes"""

    def __init__(
        src: Tensor,
        sample_rate: int,
        effect: str,
        muxer: str,
        encoder: Optional[str],
        codec_config: Optional[CodecConfig],
        frames_per_chunk: int,
        self.src = src
        self.buffer = _StreamingIOBuffer()
        self.writer = StreamWriter(self.buffer, format=muxer)
        self.fpc = frames_per_chunk

        # index on the input tensor (along time-axis)
        # we use -1 to indicate that we finished iterating the tensor and
        # the writer is closed.
        self.i_iter = 0

    def read(self, n):
        while not self.buffer._buffer and self.i_iter >= 0:
            self.writer.write_audio_chunk(0, self.src[self.i_iter : self.i_iter + self.fpc])
            self.i_iter += self.fpc
            if self.i_iter >= self.src.size(0):
                self.i_iter = -1
        return self.buffer.pop(n)

def _encode(
    src: Tensor,
    sample_rate: int,
    effect: str,
    muxer: str,
    encoder: Optional[str],
    codec_config: Optional[CodecConfig],
    buffer = io.BytesIO()
    writer = StreamWriter(buffer, format=muxer)
        writer.write_audio_chunk(0, src)
    return buffer

def _get_muxer(dtype: torch.dtype):
    # TODO: check if this works in Windows.
    types = {
        torch.uint8: "u8",
        torch.int16: "s16le",
        torch.int32: "s32le",
        torch.float32: "f32le",
        torch.float64: "f64le",
    if dtype not in types:
        raise ValueError(f"Unsupported dtype is provided {dtype}. Supported dtypes are: {types.keys()}")
    return types[dtype]

[docs]class AudioEffector: """Apply various filters and/or codecs to waveforms. .. versionadded:: 2.1 Args: effect (str or None, optional): Filter expressions or ``None`` to apply no filter. See for the details of filter syntax. format (str or None, optional): When provided, encode the audio into the corresponding format. Default: ``None``. encoder (str or None, optional): When provided, override the encoder used by the ``format``. Default: ``None``. codec_config (CodecConfig or None, optional): When provided, configure the encoding codec. Should be provided in conjunction with ``format`` option. pad_end (bool, optional): When enabled, and if the waveform becomes shorter after applying effects/codec, then pad the end with silence. Example - Basic usage To use ``AudioEffector``, first instantiate it with a set of ``effect`` and ``format``. >>> # instantiate the effector >>> effector = AudioEffector(effect=..., format=...) Then, use :py:meth:`~AudioEffector.apply` or :py:meth:`` method to apply them. >>> # Apply the effect to the whole waveform >>> applied = effector.apply(waveform, sample_rate) >>> # Apply the effect chunk-by-chunk >>> for chunk in, sample_rate): >>> ... Example - Applying effects Please refer to for the overview of filter description, and for the list of available filters. Tempo - >>> AudioEffector(effect="atempo=1.5") Echo - >>> AudioEffector(effect="aecho=0.8:0.88:60:0.4") Flanger - >>> AudioEffector(effect="aflanger") Vibrato - >>> AudioEffector(effect="vibrato") Tremolo - >>> AudioEffector(effect="vibrato") You can also apply multiple effects at once. >>> AudioEffector(effect="") Example - Applying codec One can apply codec using ``format`` argument. ``format`` can be audio format or container format. If the container format supports multiple encoders, you can specify it with ``encoder`` argument. Wav format (no compression is applied but samples are converted to 16-bit signed integer) >>> AudioEffector(format="wav") Ogg format with default encoder >>> AudioEffector(format="ogg") Ogg format with vorbis >>> AudioEffector(format="ogg", encoder="vorbis") Ogg format with opus >>> AudioEffector(format="ogg", encoder="opus") Webm format with opus >>> AudioEffector(format="webm", encoder="opus") Example - Applying codec with configuration Reference: MP3 with default config >>> AudioEffector(format="mp3") MP3 with variable bitrate >>> AudioEffector(format="mp3", codec_config=CodecConfig(qscale=5)) MP3 with constant bitrate >>> AudioEffector(format="mp3", codec_config=CodecConfig(bit_rate=32_000)) """ def __init__( self, effect: Optional[str] = None, format: Optional[str] = None, *, encoder: Optional[str] = None, codec_config: Optional[CodecConfig] = None, pad_end: bool = True, ): if format is None: if encoder is not None or codec_config is not None: raise ValueError("`encoder` and/or `condec_config` opions are provided without `format` option.") self.effect = effect self.format = format self.encoder = encoder self.codec_config = codec_config self.pad_end = pad_end def _get_reader(self, waveform, sample_rate, output_sample_rate, frames_per_chunk=None): num_frames, num_channels = waveform.shape if self.format is not None: muxer = self.format encoder = self.encoder option = {} # Some formats are headerless, so need to provide these infomation. if self.format == "mulaw": option = {"sample_rate": f"{sample_rate}", "channels": f"{num_channels}"} else: # PCM muxer = _get_muxer(waveform.dtype) encoder = None option = {"sample_rate": f"{sample_rate}", "channels": f"{num_channels}"} if frames_per_chunk is None: src = _encode(waveform, sample_rate, self.effect, muxer, encoder, self.codec_config) else: src = _AudioStreamingEncoder( waveform, sample_rate, self.effect, muxer, encoder, self.codec_config, frames_per_chunk ) output_sr = sample_rate if output_sample_rate is None else output_sample_rate filter_desc = _get_afilter_desc(output_sr, _get_sample_fmt(waveform.dtype), num_channels) if self.pad_end: filter_desc = f"{filter_desc},apad=whole_len={num_frames}" reader = StreamReader(src, format=muxer, option=option) reader.add_audio_stream(frames_per_chunk or -1, -1, filter_desc=filter_desc) return reader
[docs] def apply(self, waveform: Tensor, sample_rate: int, output_sample_rate: Optional[int] = None) -> Tensor: """Apply the effect and/or codecs to the whole tensor. Args: waveform (Tensor): The input waveform. Shape: ``(time, channel)`` sample_rate (int): Sample rate of the input waveform. output_sample_rate (int or None, optional): Output sample rate. If provided, override the output sample rate. Otherwise, the resulting tensor is resampled to have the same sample rate as the input. Default: ``None``. Returns: Tensor: Resulting Tensor. Shape: ``(time, channel)``. The number of frames could be different from that of the input. """ if waveform.ndim != 2: raise ValueError(f"Expected the input waveform to be 2D. Found: {waveform.ndim}") if waveform.numel() == 0: return waveform reader = self._get_reader(waveform, sample_rate, output_sample_rate) reader.process_all_packets() (applied,) = reader.pop_chunks() return Tensor(applied)
[docs] def stream( self, waveform: Tensor, sample_rate: int, frames_per_chunk: int, output_sample_rate: Optional[int] = None ) -> Iterator[Tensor]: """Apply the effect and/or codecs to the given tensor chunk by chunk. Args: waveform (Tensor): The input waveform. Shape: ``(time, channel)`` sample_rate (int): Sample rate of the waveform. frames_per_chunk (int): The number of frames to return at a time. output_sample_rate (int or None, optional): Output sample rate. If provided, override the output sample rate. Otherwise, the resulting tensor is resampled to have the same sample rate as the input. Default: ``None``. Returns: Iterator[Tensor]: Series of processed chunks. Shape: ``(time, channel)``, where the the number of frames matches ``frames_per_chunk`` except the last chunk, which could be shorter. """ if waveform.ndim != 2: raise ValueError(f"Expected the input waveform to be 2D. Found: {waveform.ndim}") if waveform.numel() == 0: return waveform reader = self._get_reader(waveform, sample_rate, output_sample_rate, frames_per_chunk) for (applied,) in yield Tensor(applied)


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