
Source code for torch_xla.utils.gcsfs

import builtins
import collections
import glob
import io
import locale
import os
import re
import tempfile
import sys
import torch_xla

GcsBlob = collections.namedtuple('GcsBlob', 'path size mtime isdir')


def _mkblob(path, fstat):
  return GcsBlob(
      mtime=fstat['mtime_nsec'] * 1.0e-9,

def _slurp_file(path):
  fstat = torch_xla._XLAC._xla_tffile_stat(path)
  gcs_file = torch_xla._XLAC._xla_tffile_open(path)
  return torch_xla._XLAC._xla_tffile_read(gcs_file, 0, fstat['length'])

class WriteableFile(io.RawIOBase):

  def __init__(self, path, init_data=None, append=False, encoding=None):
    super(WriteableFile, self).__init__()
    self._path = path
    self._encoding = encoding
    self._wfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
    if init_data is not None:
      if not append:, os.SEEK_SET)

  def close(self):
    if self._wfile is not None:
      self._wfile = None

  def _sync(self):
    offset = self._wfile.tell(), os.SEEK_SET)
    write(self._path,, os.SEEK_SET)

  def _get_bytes(self, data):
    return data if isinstance(data, bytes) else data.encode(self._encoding)

  def closed(self):
    return self._wfile is None

  def fileno(self):
    raise OSError('Not supported on GCS files: {}'.format(self._path))

  def isatty(self):
    return False

  def flush(self):

  def readable(self):
    return True

  def writable(self):
    return True

  def tell(self):
    return self._wfile.tell()

  def seekable(self):
    return True

  def truncate(self, size=None):
    return self._wfile.truncate(size=size)

  def seek(self, offset, whence=os.SEEK_SET):
    return, whence)

  def readline(self, size=-1):
    return self._wfile.readline(size=size)

  def readlines(self, hint=-1):
    return self._wfile.readlines(hint=hint)

  def writelines(self, lines):
    return self._wfile.writelines(lines)

  def read(self, size=-1):

  def readall(self):
    return self._wfile.readall()

  def readinto(self, bbuf):
    return self._wfile.readinto(bbuf)

  def write(self, bbuf):
    return self._wfile.write(self._get_bytes(bbuf))

  def __enter__(self):
    return self

  def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):

[docs]def open(path, mode='r', encoding=None): """Opens a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) file for reading or writing. Args: path (string): The GCS path of the file. Must be "gs://BUCKET_NAME/PATH" where ``BUCKET_NAME`` is the name of the GCS bucket, and ``PATH`` is a `/` delimited path. mode (string, optional): The open mode, similar to the ``open()`` API. Default: 'r' encoding (string, optional): The character encoding to be used to decode bytes into strings when opening in text mode. Default: None Returns: The GCS file object. """ binary = mode.find('b') >= 0 if encoding is None: encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() if mode.startswith('w'): return WriteableFile(path, encoding=encoding) if mode.startswith('a') or mode.startswith('r+'): try: data = _slurp_file(path) except: data = None return WriteableFile( path, init_data=data, append=mode.startswith('a'), encoding=encoding) data = _slurp_file(path) if binary: return io.BytesIO(data) return io.StringIO(data.decode(encoding))
[docs]def list(path): """Lists the content of a GCS bucket. Args: path (string): The GCS path of the file. Must be "gs://BUCKET_NAME/PATH" where ``BUCKET_NAME`` is the name of the GCS bucket, and ``PATH`` is a `/` delimited path. Returns: A list of ``GcsBlob`` objects. """ blobs = [] for mpath in torch_xla._XLAC._xla_tffs_list(path): try: fstat = torch_xla._XLAC._xla_tffile_stat(mpath) blobs.append(_mkblob(mpath, fstat)) except: pass return blobs
[docs]def stat(path): """Fetches the information of a GCS file. Args: path (string): The GCS path of the file. Must be "gs://BUCKET_NAME/PATH" where ``BUCKET_NAME`` is the name of the GCS bucket, and ``PATH`` is a `/` delimited path. Returns: A ``GcsBlob`` object. """ fstat = torch_xla._XLAC._xla_tffile_stat(path) return _mkblob(path, fstat)
[docs]def remove(path): """Removes a GCS blob. Args: path (string): The GCS path of the file. Must be "gs://BUCKET_NAME/PATH" where ``BUCKET_NAME`` is the name of the GCS bucket, and ``PATH`` is a `/` delimited path. """ torch_xla._XLAC._xla_tffs_remove(path)
[docs]def rmtree(path): """Removes all the GCS blobs within a given path. Args: path (string): The GCS path of the file pattern or folder. Must be "gs://BUCKET_NAME/PATH" where ``BUCKET_NAME`` is the name of the GCS bucket, and ``PATH`` is a `/` delimited path. """ if path.find('*') < 0: if not path.endswith('/'): path += '/' path += '*' ex = None for blob in list(path): try: if not blob.isdir: remove(blob.path) except Exception as e: ex = e if ex is not None: raise ex
[docs]def read(path): """Reads the whole content of a GCS blob. Args: path (string): The GCS path of the file. Must be "gs://BUCKET_NAME/PATH" where ``BUCKET_NAME`` is the name of the GCS bucket, and ``PATH`` is a `/` delimited path. Returns: The bytes stored within the GCS blob. """ return _slurp_file(path)
[docs]def write(path, content): """Write a string/bytes or file into a GCS blob. Args: path (string): The GCS path of the file. Must be "gs://BUCKET_NAME/PATH" where ``BUCKET_NAME`` is the name of the GCS bucket, and ``PATH`` is a `/` delimited path. content (string, bytes or file object): The content to be written into ``path``. """ if not isinstance(content, (bytes, str)): content = gcs_file = torch_xla._XLAC._xla_tffile_create(path) torch_xla._XLAC._xla_tffile_write(gcs_file, content) torch_xla._XLAC._xla_tffile_flush(gcs_file)
[docs]def is_gcs_path(path): """Checks whether a path is a GCS path. Args: path (string): The path to be checked. Returns: Whether `path` is a GCS path. """ return path.startswith(CLOUD_STORAGE_PREFIX)
[docs]def generic_open(path, mode='r', encoding=None): """Opens a file (GCS or not) for reding or writing. Args: path (string): The path of the file to be opened. If a GCS path, it must be "gs://BUCKET_NAME/PATH" where ``BUCKET_NAME`` is the name of the GCS bucket, and ``PATH`` is a `/` delimited path. mode (string, optional): The open mode, similar to the ``open()`` API. Default: 'r' encoding (string, optional): The character encoding to be used to decode bytes into strings when opening in text mode. Default: None Returns: The opened file object. """ if is_gcs_path(path): return open(path, mode=mode, encoding=encoding) else: return, mode=mode, encoding=encoding)
[docs]def generic_write(output_string, path, makedirs=False): """Write a string/bytes or file into a GCS blob or local disk. Depending on the path passed in, this API can write to local or GCS file. Checks if the `path` starts with the 'gs://' prefix, and uses `open` otherwise. Args: output_string (string): The string to be written to the output. path (string): The GCS path or local path of the output. makedirs (bool): Whether the `path` parent folders should be created if missing. Default: False """ if is_gcs_path(path): write(path, output_string) else: if makedirs: dpath = os.path.dirname(path) if not os.path.isdir(dpath): os.makedirs(dpath, exist_ok=True) mode = 'wb' if isinstance(output_string, bytes) else 'wt' with, mode=mode) as fd: fd.write(output_string)
[docs]def generic_read(path): """Reads the whole content of the provided location. Args: path (string): The GCS path or local path to be read. Returns: The bytes stored within the GCS blob or local file. """ if is_gcs_path(path): return read(path) else: with, mode='rb') as fd: return
def generic_glob(path, recursive=False): """Lists all the names within a specified path. Args: path (string): The path to be listed (can have wildcards), either local file system, or GCS. recursive (bool): Whether the glob operation should recurse into subdirectories. Returns: The names list within the provided path. """ if is_gcs_path(path): return torch_xla._XLAC._xla_tffs_list(path) else: return glob.glob(path, recursive=recursive)


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