

torchvision.transforms.functional.resized_crop(img: torch.Tensor, top: int, left: int, height: int, width: int, size: List[int], interpolation: torchvision.transforms.functional.InterpolationMode = <InterpolationMode.BILINEAR: 'bilinear'>)torch.Tensor[source]

Crop the given image and resize it to desired size. If the image is torch Tensor, it is expected to have […, H, W] shape, where … means an arbitrary number of leading dimensions

Notably used in RandomResizedCrop.

  • img (PIL Image or Tensor) – Image to be cropped. (0,0) denotes the top left corner of the image.

  • top (int) – Vertical component of the top left corner of the crop box.

  • left (int) – Horizontal component of the top left corner of the crop box.

  • height (int) – Height of the crop box.

  • width (int) – Width of the crop box.

  • size (sequence or int) – Desired output size. Same semantics as resize.

  • interpolation (InterpolationMode) – Desired interpolation enum defined by torchvision.transforms.InterpolationMode. Default is InterpolationMode.BILINEAR. If input is Tensor, only InterpolationMode.NEAREST, InterpolationMode.BILINEAR and InterpolationMode.BICUBIC are supported. For backward compatibility integer values (e.g. PIL.Image.NEAREST) are still acceptable.


Cropped image.

Return type

PIL Image or Tensor

Examples using resized_crop:


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