
Source code for torcheval.metrics.ranking.retrieval_recall

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# pyre-ignore-all-errors[16]: Undefined attribute of metric states.

from typing import Iterable, Optional, TypeVar, Union

import torch

from torcheval.metrics.functional.ranking.retrieval_recall import (
from torcheval.metrics.metric import Metric
from typing_extensions import Literal

TRetrievalRecall = TypeVar("RetrievalRecall")

[docs]class RetrievalRecall(Metric[torch.Tensor]): """ Compute the retrieval recall. Its functional version is :func:`torcheval.metrics.functional.retrieval_recall`. (Here, `input` and `target` refer to the arguments of `update` function.) Args: k (int, optional): the number of elements considered as being retrieved. Only the top (sorted in decreasing order) `k` elements of `input` are considered. if `k` is None, all the `input` elements are considered. limit_k_to_size (bool, default value: False): When set to `True`, limits `k` to be at most the length of `input`, i.e. replaces `k` by `k=min(k, len(input))`. This parameter can only be set to `True` if `k` is not None. empty_target_action (str, choose among ["neg", "pos", "skip", "err"], default: "neg"): Choose the behaviour of `update` function when `target` does not contain at least one positive element: - when 'neg': retrieval recall is equal to 0.0, - when 'pos': retrieval recall is equal to 1.0, - when 'skip': retrieval recall is equal to NaN. - when 'err': raise a ValueError. num_queries (int, default value: 1): If >1, `inputs` and `targets` can contain entries related to different queries. An `indexes` tensor must be passed during updates which associates each `input` and `target` to an integer between 0 and `num_queries`-1. Outputs for each query are computed independently and `.compute()` will return a tensor of shape `(num_queries,)`. avg (str, choose among ["macro", "none", None], default: "None"): Choose the averaging method over all queries: - when "none" or None: `.compute()` returns a tensor of shape `(num_queries,)`, which ith value is equal to the retrieval recall of ith query. - when "macro": `.compute()` returns the average retrieval recall over all queries. device: Optional[torch.device]: choose the torch device to be used. Examples: >>> import torch >>> from torcheval.metrics import RetrievalRecall >>> input = torch.tensor([0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.2]) >>> target = torch.tensor([0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1]) >>> metric = RetrievalRecall(k=2) >>> metric.update(input, target) >>> metric.compute() tensor(0.25) Raises: ValueError: if `empty_target_action` is not one of "neg", "pos", "skip", "err". ValueError: if `limit_k_to_size` is True and `k` is None. ValueError: if `k` is not a positive integer. ValueError: if `empty_target_action` == "err" and self.update is called with a target which entries are all equal to 0. ValueError: if input or target arguments of self.update are Tensors with different dimensions or dimension != 1. ValueError: if `num_queries` > 1 and argument `indexes` of function .update() is `None`. """
[docs] def __init__( self: TRetrievalRecall, *, empty_target_action: Union[ Literal["neg"], Literal["pos"], Literal["skip"], Literal["err"] ] = "neg", k: Optional[int] = None, limit_k_to_size: bool = False, num_queries: int = 1, avg: Optional[Union[Literal["macro"], Literal["none"]]] = None, device: Optional[torch.device] = None, ) -> None: _retrieval_recall_param_check(k, limit_k_to_size) super().__init__(device=device) self.empty_target_action = empty_target_action self.num_queries = num_queries self.k = k self.limit_k_to_size = limit_k_to_size self.avg = avg self._add_state("topk", [torch.empty(0) for _ in range(num_queries)]) self._add_state("target", [torch.empty(0) for _ in range(num_queries)])
@torch.inference_mode() # pyre-ignore[14]: `update` overrides method defined in `Metric` inconsistently. def update( self: TRetrievalRecall, input: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, indexes: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> TRetrievalRecall: """ Update the metric state with ground truth labels and predictions. """ _retrieval_recall_update_input_check( input, target, num_queries=self.num_queries, indexes=indexes ) if self.num_queries == 1: self.update_single_query(0, input, target) return self if indexes is None: raise ValueError( "`indexes` must be passed during update() when num_queries > 1." ) for i in range(self.num_queries): if i in indexes: self.update_single_query(i, input[indexes == i], target[indexes == i]) return self def update_single_query( self, i: int, input: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor ) -> None: batch_preds =[self.topk[i], input]) batch_targets =[[i], target]) preds_topk = get_topk(batch_preds, self.k) self.topk[i] = preds_topk[0][i] = batch_targets.gather(dim=-1, index=preds_topk[1]) @torch.inference_mode() def compute(self: TRetrievalRecall) -> torch.Tensor: rp = [] for i in range(self.num_queries): if not len([i]): rp.append(torch.tensor([torch.nan])) elif 1 not in[i]: if self.empty_target_action == "pos": rp.append(torch.tensor([1.0])) elif self.empty_target_action == "neg": rp.append(torch.tensor([0.0])) elif self.empty_target_action == "skip": rp.append(torch.tensor([torch.nan])) elif self.empty_target_action == "err": raise ValueError( f"no positive value found in target={[i]}." ) else: rp.append( retrieval_recall( self.topk[i],[i], self.k, self.limit_k_to_size ).reshape(-1) ) rp = if self.avg == "macro": return rp.nanmean() else: return rp @torch.inference_mode() def merge_state( self: TRetrievalRecall, metrics: Iterable[TRetrievalRecall] ) -> TRetrievalRecall: """ Merge the metric state with its counterparts from other metric instances. Args: metrics (Iterable[Metric]): metric instances whose states are to be merged. """ for i in range(self.num_queries): self.topk[i] =[self.topk[i]] + [m.topk[i] for m in metrics]).to( self.device )[i] = [[i]] + [[i] for m in metrics] ).to(self.device) return self


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