• Docs >
  • Utils >
  • torchtnt.utils.distributed.rank_zero_fn


torchtnt.utils.distributed.rank_zero_fn(fn: Callable[[...], TReturn]) Callable[[...], Optional[TReturn]]

Function that can be used as a decorator to enable a function to be called on global rank 0 only.


This decorator should be used judiciously. it should never be used on functions that need synchronization. It should be used very carefully with functions that mutate local state as well


>>> from torchtnt.utilities.distributed import rank_zero_fn
>>> @rank_zero_fn
... def foo():
...     return 1
>>> x = foo() # x is 1 if global rank is 0 else x is None
Parameters:fn – the desired function to be executed on rank 0 only
Returns:the wrapped function that executes only if the global rank is 0
Return type:wrapped_fn


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