Transforms are common text transforms. They can be chained together using torch.nn.Sequential
or using torchtext.transforms.Sequential
to support torch-scriptability.
- class torchtext.transforms.SentencePieceTokenizer(sp_model_path: str)[source]
Transform for Sentence Piece tokenizer from pre-trained sentencepiece model
Additional details:
- Parameters:
sp_model_path (str) – Path to pre-trained sentencepiece model
- Example
>>> from torchtext.transforms import SentencePieceTokenizer >>> transform = SentencePieceTokenizer("spm_model") >>> transform(["hello world", "attention is all you need!"])
- Tutorials using
: SST-2 Binary text classification with XLM-RoBERTa model
SST-2 Binary text classification with XLM-RoBERTa model
- class torchtext.transforms.GPT2BPETokenizer(encoder_json_path: str, vocab_bpe_path: str, return_tokens: bool = False)[source]
Transform for GPT-2 BPE Tokenizer.
Reimplements openai GPT-2 BPE in TorchScript. Original openai implementation
- Parameters:
- class torchtext.transforms.CLIPTokenizer(merges_path: str, encoder_json_path: Optional[str] = None, num_merges: Optional[int] = None, return_tokens: bool = False)[source]
Transform for CLIP Tokenizer. Based on Byte-Level BPE.
Reimplements CLIP Tokenizer in TorchScript. Original implementation:
This tokenizer has been trained to treat spaces like parts of the tokens (a bit like sentencepiece) so a word will be encoded differently whether it is at the beginning of the sentence (without space) or not.
The below code snippet shows how to use the CLIP tokenizer with encoder and merges file taken from the original paper implementation.
- Example
>>> from torchtext.transforms import CLIPTokenizer >>> MERGES_FILE = "" >>> ENCODER_FILE = "" >>> tokenizer = CLIPTokenizer(merges_path=MERGES_FILE, encoder_json_path=ENCODER_FILE) >>> tokenizer("the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog")
- Parameters:
merges_path (str) – Path to bpe merges file.
encoder_json_path (str) – Optional, path to BPE encoder json file. When specified, this is used to infer num_merges.
num_merges (int) – Optional, number of merges to read from the bpe merges file.
return_tokens – Indicate whether to return split tokens. If False, it will return encoded token IDs as strings (default: False)
- class torchtext.transforms.RegexTokenizer(patterns_list)[source]
Regex tokenizer for a string sentence that applies all regex replacements defined in patterns_list. It is backed by the C++ RE2 regular expression engine from Google.
- Parameters:
- Caveats
The RE2 library does not support arbitrary lookahead or lookbehind assertions, nor does it support backreferences. Look at the docs here for more info.
The final tokenization step always uses spaces as separators. To split strings based on a specific regex pattern, similar to Python’s re.split, a tuple of
('<regex_pattern>', ' ')
can be provided.
- Example
- Regex tokenization based on
(patterns, replacements)
list. >>> import torch >>> from torchtext.transforms import RegexTokenizer >>> test_sample = 'Basic Regex Tokenization for a Line of Text' >>> patterns_list = [ (r''', ' ' '), (r'"', '')] >>> reg_tokenizer = RegexTokenizer(patterns_list) >>> jit_reg_tokenizer = torch.jit.script(reg_tokenizer) >>> tokens = jit_reg_tokenizer(test_sample)
- Regex tokenization based on
(single_pattern, ' ')
list. >>> import torch >>> from torchtext.transforms import RegexTokenizer >>> test_sample = 'Basic.Regex,Tokenization_for+a..Line,,of Text' >>> patterns_list = [ (r'[,._+ ]+', r' ')] >>> reg_tokenizer = RegexTokenizer(patterns_list) >>> jit_reg_tokenizer = torch.jit.script(reg_tokenizer) >>> tokens = jit_reg_tokenizer(test_sample)
- Regex tokenization based on
- class torchtext.transforms.BERTTokenizer(vocab_path: str, do_lower_case: bool = True, strip_accents: Optional[bool] = None, return_tokens=False, never_split: Optional[List[str]] = None)[source]
Transform for BERT Tokenizer.
Based on WordPiece algorithm introduced in paper:
The backend kernel implementation is taken and modified from
See PR summary for more details.
The below code snippet shows how to use the BERT tokenizer using the pre-trained vocab files.
- Example
>>> from torchtext.transforms import BERTTokenizer >>> VOCAB_FILE = "" >>> tokenizer = BERTTokenizer(vocab_path=VOCAB_FILE, do_lower_case=True, return_tokens=True) >>> tokenizer("Hello World, How are you!") # single sentence input >>> tokenizer(["Hello World","How are you!"]) # batch input
- Parameters:
vocab_path (str) – Path to pre-trained vocabulary file. The path can be either local or URL.
do_lower_case (Optional[bool]) – Indicate whether to do lower case. (default: True)
strip_accents (Optional[bool]) – Indicate whether to strip accents. (default: None)
return_tokens (bool) – Indicate whether to return tokens. If false, returns corresponding token IDs as strings (default: False)
never_split (Optional[List[str]]) – Collection of tokens which will not be split during tokenization. (default: None)
- class torchtext.transforms.VocabTransform(vocab: Vocab)[source]
Vocab transform to convert input batch of tokens into corresponding token ids
- Parameters:
vocab – an instance of
>>> import torch >>> from torchtext.vocab import vocab >>> from torchtext.transforms import VocabTransform >>> from collections import OrderedDict >>> vocab_obj = vocab(OrderedDict([('a', 1), ('b', 1), ('c', 1)])) >>> vocab_transform = VocabTransform(vocab_obj) >>> output = vocab_transform([['a','b'],['a','b','c']]) >>> jit_vocab_transform = torch.jit.script(vocab_transform)
- Tutorials using
: SST-2 Binary text classification with XLM-RoBERTa model
SST-2 Binary text classification with XLM-RoBERTa model
- class torchtext.transforms.ToTensor(padding_value: Optional[int] = None, dtype: dtype = torch.int64)[source]
Convert input to torch tensor
- Parameters:
padding_value (Optional[int]) – Pad value to make each input in the batch of length equal to the longest sequence in the batch.
dtype (
) –torch.dtype
of output tensor
- class torchtext.transforms.Truncate(max_seq_len: int)[source]
Truncate input sequence
- Parameters:
max_seq_len (int) – The maximum allowable length for input sequence
- Tutorials using
: SST-2 Binary text classification with XLM-RoBERTa model
SST-2 Binary text classification with XLM-RoBERTa model
- class torchtext.transforms.Sequential(*args: Module)[source]
- class torchtext.transforms.Sequential(arg: OrderedDict[str, Module])
A container to host a sequence of text transforms.
- Tutorials using
: SST-2 Binary text classification with XLM-RoBERTa model
SST-2 Binary text classification with XLM-RoBERTa model
- Tutorials using
- class torchtext.transforms.StrToIntTransform[source]
Convert string tokens to integers (either single sequence or batch).
- class torchtext.transforms.CharBPETokenizer(bpe_encoder_path: str, bpe_merges_path: str, return_tokens: bool = False, unk_token: Optional[str] = None, suffix: Optional[str] = None, special_tokens: Optional[List[str]] = None)[source]
Transform for a Character Byte-Pair-Encoding Tokenizer.
:param : param bpe_encoder_path: Path to the BPE encoder json file. :param : type bpe_encoder_path: str :param : param bpe_merges_path: Path to the BPE merges text file. :param : type bpe_merges_path: str :param : param return_tokens: Indicate whether to return split tokens. If False, it will return encoded token IDs (default: False). :param : type return_tokens: bool :param : param unk_token: The unknown token. If provided, it must exist in encoder. :param : type unk_token: Optional[str] :param : param suffix: The suffix to be used for every subword that is an end-of-word. :param : type suffix: Optional[str] :param : param special_tokens: Special tokens which should not be split into individual characters. If provided, these must exist in encoder. :param : type special_tokens: Optional[List[str]]