Source code for ignite.contrib.metrics.average_precision
from typing import Callable
import torch
from ignite.metrics import EpochMetric
def average_precision_compute_fn(y_preds: torch.Tensor, y_targets: torch.Tensor) -> float:
from sklearn.metrics import average_precision_score
except ImportError:
raise RuntimeError("This contrib module requires sklearn to be installed.")
y_true = y_targets.numpy()
y_pred = y_preds.numpy()
return average_precision_score(y_true, y_pred)
[docs]class AveragePrecision(EpochMetric):
"""Computes Average Precision accumulating predictions and the ground-truth during an epoch
and applying `sklearn.metrics.average_precision_score <
sklearn.metrics.average_precision_score.html#sklearn.metrics.average_precision_score>`_ .
output_transform: a callable that is used to transform the
:class:`~ignite.engine.engine.Engine`'s ``process_function``'s output into the
form expected by the metric. This can be useful if, for example, you have a multi-output model and
you want to compute the metric with respect to one of the outputs.
check_compute_fn: Default False. If True, `average_precision_score
#sklearn.metrics.average_precision_score>`_ is run on the first batch of data to ensure there are
no issues. User will be warned in case there are any issues computing the function.
AveragePrecision expects y to be comprised of 0's and 1's. y_pred must either be probability estimates or
confidence values. To apply an activation to y_pred, use output_transform as shown below:
.. code-block:: python
def activated_output_transform(output):
y_pred, y = output
y_pred = torch.softmax(y_pred, dim=1)
return y_pred, y
avg_precision = AveragePrecision(activated_output_transform)
def __init__(self, output_transform: Callable = lambda x: x, check_compute_fn: bool = False) -> None:
super(AveragePrecision, self).__init__(
average_precision_compute_fn, output_transform=output_transform, check_compute_fn=check_compute_fn