
Source code for ignite.distributed.utils

import socket
from functools import wraps
from numbers import Number
from typing import Callable, List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, Union

import torch

from ignite.distributed.comp_models import (
from ignite.utils import setup_logger

__all__ = [

_model = _SerialModel()

_need_to_sync = True

[docs]def sync(temporary=False): """Helper method to force this module to synchronize with current distributed context. This method should be used when distributed context is manually created or destroyed. Args: temporary (bool): If True, distributed model synchronization is done every call of ``idist.get_*`` methods. This may have performance negative impact. """ global _model for comp_model_cls in registered_computation_models: if comp_model_cls == _SerialModel: continue model = comp_model_cls.create_from_context() if model is not None: _set_model(model, temporary=temporary) return _model = _SerialModel()
[docs]def device() -> torch.device: """Returns current device according to current distributed configuration. - `torch.device("cpu")` if no distributed configuration or native gloo distributed configuration - `torch.device("cuda:local_rank")` if native nccl distributed configuration - `torch.device("xla:index")` if XLA distributed configuration Returns: torch.device """ if _need_to_sync and isinstance(_model, _SerialModel): sync(temporary=True) return _model.device()
[docs]def backend() -> Optional[str]: """Returns computation model's backend. - `None` for no distributed configuration - "nccl" or "gloo" or "mpi" for native torch distributed configuration - "xla-tpu" for XLA distributed configuration Returns: str or None """ if _need_to_sync and isinstance(_model, _SerialModel): sync(temporary=True) return _model.backend()
[docs]def available_backends() -> Tuple[str]: """Returns available backends. """ out = () for m in registered_computation_models: out += m.available_backends return out
[docs]def model_name() -> str: """Returns distributed configuration name (given by ignite) - `serial` for no distributed configuration - `native-dist` for native torch distributed configuration - `xla-dist` for XLA distributed configuration """ if _need_to_sync and isinstance(_model, _SerialModel): sync(temporary=True) return
[docs]def get_world_size() -> int: """Returns world size of current distributed configuration. Returns 1 if no distributed configuration. """ if _need_to_sync and isinstance(_model, _SerialModel): sync(temporary=True) return _model.get_world_size()
[docs]def get_rank() -> int: """Returns process rank within current distributed configuration. Returns 0 if no distributed configuration. """ if _need_to_sync and isinstance(_model, _SerialModel): sync(temporary=True) return _model.get_rank()
[docs]def get_local_rank() -> int: """Returns local process rank within current distributed configuration. Returns 0 if no distributed configuration. """ if _need_to_sync and isinstance(_model, _SerialModel): sync(temporary=True) return _model.get_local_rank()
[docs]def get_nproc_per_node() -> int: """Returns number of processes (or tasks) per node within current distributed configuration. Returns 1 if no distributed configuration. """ if _need_to_sync and isinstance(_model, _SerialModel): sync(temporary=True) return _model.get_nproc_per_node()
[docs]def get_nnodes() -> int: """Returns number of nodes within current distributed configuration. Returns 1 if no distributed configuration. """ if _need_to_sync and isinstance(_model, _SerialModel): sync(temporary=True) return _model.get_nnodes()
[docs]def get_node_rank() -> int: """Returns node rank within current distributed configuration. Returns 0 if no distributed configuration. """ if _need_to_sync and isinstance(_model, _SerialModel): sync(temporary=True) return _model.get_node_rank()
[docs]def hostname() -> str: """Returns host name for current process within current distributed configuration. """ return socket.gethostname()
[docs]def spawn( backend: str, fn: Callable, args: Tuple, kwargs_dict: Optional[Mapping] = None, nproc_per_node: int = 1, **kwargs ): """Spawns ``nproc_per_node`` processes that run ``fn`` with ``args``/``kwargs_dict`` and initialize distributed configuration defined by ``backend``. Examples: 1) Launch single node multi-GPU training .. code-block:: python # >>> python # import ignite.distributed as idist def train_fn(local_rank, a, b, c, d=12): import torch.distributed as dist assert dist.is_available() and dist.is_initialized() assert dist.get_world_size() == 4 device = idist.device() assert device == torch.device("cuda:{}".format(local_rank)) idist.spawn("nccl", train_fn, args=(a, b, c), kwargs_dict={"d": 23}, nproc_per_node=4) 2) Launch multi-node multi-GPU training .. code-block:: python # >>> (node 0): python --node_rank=0 --nnodes=8 --master_addr=master --master_port=2222 # >>> (node 1): python --node_rank=1 --nnodes=8 --master_addr=master --master_port=2222 # >>> ... # >>> (node 7): python --node_rank=7 --nnodes=8 --master_addr=master --master_port=2222 # import torch import ignite.distributed as idist def train_fn(local_rank, nnodes, nproc_per_node): import torch.distributed as dist assert dist.is_available() and dist.is_initialized() assert dist.get_world_size() == nnodes * nproc_per_node device = idist.device() assert device == torch.device("cuda:{}".format(local_rank)) idist.spawn( "nccl", train_fn, args=(nnodes, nproc_per_node), nproc_per_node=nproc_per_node, nnodes=nnodes, node_rank=node_rank, master_addr=master_addr, master_port=master_port ) 3) Launch single node multi-TPU training (for example on Google Colab) .. code-block:: python # >>> python # import ignite.distributed as idist def train_fn(local_rank, a, b, c, d=12): import torch_xla.core.xla_model as xm assert xm.get_world_size() == 8 device = idist.device() assert "xla" in device.type idist.spawn("xla-tpu", train_fn, args=(a, b, c), kwargs_dict={"d": 23}, nproc_per_node=8) Args: backend (str): backend to use: `nccl`, `gloo`, `xla-tpu` fn (function): function to called as the entrypoint of the spawned process. This function must be defined at the top level of a module so it can be pickled and spawned. This is a requirement imposed by multiprocessing. The function is called as ``fn(i, *args, **kwargs_dict)``, where `i` is the process index and args is the passed through tuple of arguments. args (tuple): arguments passed to `fn`. kwargs_dict (Mapping): kwargs passed to `fn`. nproc_per_node (int): number of processes to spawn on a single node. Default, 1. **kwargs: acceptable kwargs according to provided backend: - | "nccl" or "gloo" : `nnodes` (default, 1), `node_rank` (default, 0), `master_addr` | (default, ""), `master_port` (default, 2222), `timeout` to `dist.init_process_group`_ function | and kwargs for `mp.spawn`_ function. - "xla-tpu" : `nnodes` (default, 1), `node_rank` (default, 0) and kwargs to `xmp.spawn`_ function. .. _dist.init_process_group: .. _mp.spawn: .. _xmp.spawn: """ _assert_backend(backend) if kwargs_dict is None: kwargs_dict = {} for comp_model_cls in registered_computation_models: if backend not in comp_model_cls.available_backends: continue comp_model_cls.spawn( fn, args=args, kwargs_dict=kwargs_dict, nproc_per_node=nproc_per_node, backend=backend, **kwargs )
[docs]def all_reduce(tensor: Union[torch.Tensor, Number], op: str = "SUM") -> Union[torch.Tensor, Number]: """Helper method to perform all reduce operation. Args: tensor (torch.Tensor or number): tensor or number to collect across participating processes. op (str): reduction operation, "SUM" by default. Possible values: "SUM", "PRODUCT", "MIN", "MAX", "AND", "OR". Returns: torch.Tensor or number """ if _need_to_sync and isinstance(_model, _SerialModel): sync(temporary=True) return _model.all_reduce(tensor, op)
[docs]def all_gather(tensor: Union[torch.Tensor, Number, str]) -> Union[torch.Tensor, Number, List[str]]: """Helper method to perform all gather operation. Args: tensor (torch.Tensor or number or str): tensor or number or str to collect across participating processes. Returns: torch.Tensor of shape `(world_size * tensor.shape[0], tensor.shape[1], ...)` or List of strings """ if _need_to_sync and isinstance(_model, _SerialModel): sync(temporary=True) return _model.all_gather(tensor)
[docs]def barrier(): """Helper method to synchronize all processes. """ if _need_to_sync and isinstance(_model, _SerialModel): sync(temporary=True) _model.barrier()
[docs]def set_local_rank(index: int): """Method to hint the local rank in case if torch native distributed context is created by user without using :meth:`~ignite.distributed.initialize` or :meth:`~ignite.distributed.spawn`. Usage: User set up torch native distributed process group .. code-block:: python import ignite.distributed as idist def run(local_rank, *args, **kwargs): idist.set_local_rank(local_rank) # ... dist.init_process_group(**dist_info) # ... Args: index (int): local rank or current process index """ from ignite.distributed.comp_models.base import ComputationModel ComputationModel._ext_local_rank = index
def _set_model(model, temporary=False): global _model, _need_to_sync _model = model _need_to_sync = True if not isinstance(_model, _SerialModel) and not temporary: _need_to_sync = False def _assert_backend(backend): backends = available_backends() if backend not in backends: raise ValueError("Backend should be one of '{}'".format(backends))
[docs]def initialize(backend: str, **kwargs): """Initializes distributed configuration according to provided ``backend`` Examples: Launch single node multi-GPU training with ``torch.distributed.launch`` utility. .. code-block:: python # >>> python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 # import ignite.distributed as idist def train_fn(local_rank, a, b, c): import torch.distributed as dist assert dist.is_available() and dist.is_initialized() assert dist.get_world_size() == 4 device = idist.device() assert device == torch.device("cuda:{}".format(local_rank)) idist.initialize("nccl") local_rank = idist.get_local_rank() train_fn(local_rank, a, b, c) idist.finalize() Args: backend (str, optional): backend: `nccl`, `gloo`, `xla-tpu`. **kwargs: acceptable kwargs according to provided backend: - "nccl" or "gloo" : timeout(=timedelta(minutes=30)) """ if not (has_xla_support or has_native_dist_support): # nothing to do => serial model # maybe warn about this return _assert_backend(backend) for comp_model_cls in registered_computation_models: if backend not in comp_model_cls.available_backends: continue _set_model(comp_model_cls(backend, **kwargs))
[docs]def finalize(): """Finalizes distributed configuration. For example, in case of native pytorch distributed configuration, it calls ``dist.destroy_process_group()``. """ _model.finalize() _set_model(_SerialModel())
[docs]def show_config(): """Helper method to display distributed configuration via ``logging``. """ # setup parallel logger logger = setup_logger(__name__)"distributed configuration: {}".format(model_name()))"backend: {}".format(backend()))"device: {}".format(device().type))"hostname: {}".format(hostname()))"world size: {}".format(get_world_size()))"rank: {}".format(get_rank()))"local rank: {}".format(get_local_rank()))"num processes per_node: {}".format(get_nproc_per_node()))"num nodes: {}".format(get_nnodes()))"node rank: {}".format(get_node_rank()))
[docs]def one_rank_only(rank: int = 0, with_barrier: bool = False): """Decorator to filter handlers wrt a rank number Args: rank (int): rank number of the handler (default: 0). with_barrier (bool): synchronisation with a barrier (default: False). .. code-block:: python engine = ... @engine.on(...) @one_rank_only() # means @one_rank_only(rank=0) def some_handler(_): ... @engine.on(...) @one_rank_only(rank=1) def some_handler(_): ... """ def _one_rank_only(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): ret = None if get_rank() == rank: ret = func(*args, **kwargs) if with_barrier: barrier() return ret return wrapper return _one_rank_only

© Copyright 2025, PyTorch-Ignite Contributors. Last updated on 01/04/2025, 10:24:02 AM.

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