
Source code for ignite.metrics.confusion_matrix

import numbers

import torch

from ignite.metrics import Metric, MetricsLambda
from ignite.exceptions import NotComputableError
from ignite.metrics.metric import sync_all_reduce, reinit__is_reduced

[docs]class ConfusionMatrix(Metric): """Calculates confusion matrix for multi-class data. - `update` must receive output of the form `(y_pred, y)` or `{'y_pred': y_pred, 'y': y}`. - `y_pred` must contain logits and has the following shape (batch_size, num_categories, ...) - `y` should have the following shape (batch_size, ...) and contains ground-truth class indices with or without the background class. During the computation, argmax of `y_pred` is taken to determine predicted classes. Args: num_classes (int): number of classes. See notes for more details. average (str, optional): confusion matrix values averaging schema: None, "samples", "recall", "precision". Default is None. If `average="samples"` then confusion matrix values are normalized by the number of seen samples. If `average="recall"` then confusion matrix values are normalized such that diagonal values represent class recalls. If `average="precision"` then confusion matrix values are normalized such that diagonal values represent class precisions. output_transform (callable, optional): a callable that is used to transform the :class:`~ignite.engine.Engine`'s `process_function`'s output into the form expected by the metric. This can be useful if, for example, you have a multi-output model and you want to compute the metric with respect to one of the outputs. device (str of torch.device, optional): device specification in case of distributed computation usage. In most of the cases, it can be defined as "cuda:local_rank" or "cuda" if already set `torch.cuda.set_device(local_rank)`. By default, if a distributed process group is initialized and available, device is set to `cuda`. Note: In case of the targets `y` in `(batch_size, ...)` format, target indices between 0 and `num_classes` only contribute to the confusion matrix and others are neglected. For example, if `num_classes=20` and target index equal 255 is encountered, then it is filtered out. """ def __init__(self, num_classes, average=None, output_transform=lambda x: x, device=None): if average is not None and average not in ("samples", "recall", "precision"): raise ValueError("Argument average can None or one of ['samples', 'recall', 'precision']") self.num_classes = num_classes self._num_examples = 0 self.average = average self.confusion_matrix = None super(ConfusionMatrix, self).__init__(output_transform=output_transform, device=device) @reinit__is_reduced def reset(self): self.confusion_matrix = torch.zeros(self.num_classes, self.num_classes, dtype=torch.int64, device=self._device) self._num_examples = 0 def _check_shape(self, output): y_pred, y = output if y_pred.ndimension() < 2: raise ValueError("y_pred must have shape (batch_size, num_categories, ...), " "but given {}".format(y_pred.shape)) if y_pred.shape[1] != self.num_classes: raise ValueError("y_pred does not have correct number of categories: {} vs {}" .format(y_pred.shape[1], self.num_classes)) if not (y.ndimension() + 1 == y_pred.ndimension()): raise ValueError("y_pred must have shape (batch_size, num_categories, ...) and y must have " "shape of (batch_size, ...), " "but given {} vs {}.".format(y.shape, y_pred.shape)) y_shape = y.shape y_pred_shape = y_pred.shape if y.ndimension() + 1 == y_pred.ndimension(): y_pred_shape = (y_pred_shape[0],) + y_pred_shape[2:] if y_shape != y_pred_shape: raise ValueError("y and y_pred must have compatible shapes.") @reinit__is_reduced def update(self, output): self._check_shape(output) y_pred, y = output self._num_examples += y_pred.shape[0] # target is (batch_size, ...) y_pred = torch.argmax(y_pred, dim=1).flatten() y = y.flatten() target_mask = (y >= 0) & (y < self.num_classes) y = y[target_mask] y_pred = y_pred[target_mask] indices = self.num_classes * y + y_pred m = torch.bincount(indices, minlength=self.num_classes ** 2).reshape(self.num_classes, self.num_classes) self.confusion_matrix += @sync_all_reduce('confusion_matrix', '_num_examples') def compute(self): if self._num_examples == 0: raise NotComputableError('Confusion matrix must have at least one example before it can be computed.') if self.average: self.confusion_matrix = self.confusion_matrix.float() if self.average == "samples": return self.confusion_matrix / self._num_examples elif self.average == "recall": return self.confusion_matrix / (self.confusion_matrix.sum(dim=1) + 1e-15) elif self.average == "precision": return self.confusion_matrix / (self.confusion_matrix.sum(dim=0) + 1e-15) return self.confusion_matrix
[docs]def IoU(cm, ignore_index=None): """Calculates Intersection over Union using :class:`~ignite.metrics.ConfusionMatrix` metric. Args: cm (ConfusionMatrix): instance of confusion matrix metric ignore_index (int, optional): index to ignore, e.g. background index Returns: MetricsLambda Examples: .. code-block:: python train_evaluator = ... cm = ConfusionMatrix(num_classes=num_classes) IoU(cm, ignore_index=0).attach(train_evaluator, 'IoU') state = # state.metrics['IoU'] -> tensor of shape (num_classes - 1, ) """ if not isinstance(cm, ConfusionMatrix): raise TypeError("Argument cm should be instance of ConfusionMatrix, but given {}".format(type(cm))) if ignore_index is not None: if not (isinstance(ignore_index, numbers.Integral) and 0 <= ignore_index < cm.num_classes): raise ValueError("ignore_index should be non-negative integer, but given {}".format(ignore_index)) # Increase floating point precision and pass to CPU cm = cm.type(torch.DoubleTensor) iou = cm.diag() / (cm.sum(dim=1) + cm.sum(dim=0) - cm.diag() + 1e-15) if ignore_index is not None: def ignore_index_fn(iou_vector): if ignore_index >= len(iou_vector): raise ValueError("ignore_index {} is larger than the length of IoU vector {}" .format(ignore_index, len(iou_vector))) indices = list(range(len(iou_vector))) indices.remove(ignore_index) return iou_vector[indices] return MetricsLambda(ignore_index_fn, iou) else: return iou
[docs]def mIoU(cm, ignore_index=None): """Calculates mean Intersection over Union using :class:`~ignite.metrics.ConfusionMatrix` metric. Args: cm (ConfusionMatrix): instance of confusion matrix metric ignore_index (int, optional): index to ignore, e.g. background index Returns: MetricsLambda Examples: .. code-block:: python train_evaluator = ... cm = ConfusionMatrix(num_classes=num_classes) mIoU(cm, ignore_index=0).attach(train_evaluator, 'mean IoU') state = # state.metrics['mean IoU'] -> scalar """ return IoU(cm=cm, ignore_index=ignore_index).mean()
def cmAccuracy(cm): """Calculates accuracy using :class:`~ignite.metrics.ConfusionMatrix` metric. Args: cm (ConfusionMatrix): instance of confusion matrix metric Returns: MetricsLambda """ # Increase floating point precision and pass to CPU cm = cm.type(torch.DoubleTensor) return cm.diag().sum() / (cm.sum() + 1e-15) def cmPrecision(cm, average=True): """Calculates precision using :class:`~ignite.metrics.ConfusionMatrix` metric. Args: cm (ConfusionMatrix): instance of confusion matrix metric average (bool, optional): if True metric value is averaged over all classes Returns: MetricsLambda """ # Increase floating point precision and pass to CPU cm = cm.type(torch.DoubleTensor) precision = cm.diag() / (cm.sum(dim=0) + 1e-15) if average: return precision.mean() return precision def cmRecall(cm, average=True): """ Calculates recall using :class:`~ignite.metrics.ConfusionMatrix` metric. Args: cm (ConfusionMatrix): instance of confusion matrix metric average (bool, optional): if True metric value is averaged over all classes Returns: MetricsLambda """ # Increase floating point precision and pass to CPU cm = cm.type(torch.DoubleTensor) recall = cm.diag() / (cm.sum(dim=1) + 1e-15) if average: return recall.mean() return recall
[docs]def DiceCoefficient(cm, ignore_index=None): """Calculates Dice Coefficient for a given :class:`~ignite.metrics.ConfusionMatrix` metric. Args: cm (ConfusionMatrix): instance of confusion matrix metric ignore_index (int, optional): index to ignore, e.g. background index """ if not isinstance(cm, ConfusionMatrix): raise TypeError("Argument cm should be instance of ConfusionMatrix, but given {}".format(type(cm))) if ignore_index is not None: if not (isinstance(ignore_index, numbers.Integral) and 0 <= ignore_index < cm.num_classes): raise ValueError("ignore_index should be non-negative integer, but given {}".format(ignore_index)) # Increase floating point precision and pass to CPU cm = cm.type(torch.DoubleTensor) dice = 2.0 * cm.diag() / (cm.sum(dim=1) + cm.sum(dim=0) + 1e-15) if ignore_index is not None: def ignore_index_fn(dice_vector): if ignore_index >= len(dice_vector): raise ValueError("ignore_index {} is larger than the length of Dice vector {}" .format(ignore_index, len(dice_vector))) indices = list(range(len(dice_vector))) indices.remove(ignore_index) return dice_vector[indices] return MetricsLambda(ignore_index_fn, dice) else: return dice

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