
Source code for functorch._src.compilers

import copy
import logging
import os
import pickle
import random
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import partial
from typing import Callable, Optional, Tuple, Union

import torch
import torch.fx as fx
import torch.nn as nn
from torch._decomp import get_decompositions

from .aot_autograd import aot_function, aot_module, make_boxed_compiler
from .compile_utils import strip_overloads
from .partitioners import (

# These canonicalizations are needed here (and not decompositions), as the ops
# we're trying to canonicalize to CompositeImplicitAutograd.
def _canonicalize(fx_g):
    for node in fx_g.graph.nodes:
        if == torch.ops.aten._to_copy:
    return fx_g

def _disable_jit_autocast():
    old_jit_autocast_flag = torch._C._jit_set_autocast_mode(False)

[docs]@make_boxed_compiler def ts_compile(fx_g: fx.GraphModule, inps) -> Callable: """ Compiles the :attr:`fx_g` with Torchscript compiler. .. warning:: This API is experimental and likely to change. Args: fx_g(fx.GraphModule): The input Fx graph module to be compiled. Returns: Torch scripted model. """ with _disable_jit_autocast(): strip_overloads(fx_g) for node in fx_g.graph.nodes: if ( == torch.ops.aten._to_copy and len(node.args) == 1 and len(node.kwargs) == 1 and "dtype" in node.kwargs ): = for node in fx_g.graph.nodes: new_kwargs = {} for k, v in node.kwargs.items(): if isinstance(v, torch.device): v = v.type new_kwargs[k] = v node.kwargs = new_kwargs fx_g.graph.lint() fx_g.recompile() f = torch.jit.script(fx_g) torch._C._jit_pass_remove_mutation(f.graph) f = torch.jit.freeze(f.eval()) f = torch.jit.optimize_for_inference(f) f(*inps) return f
@make_boxed_compiler def _draw_graph_compile(fx_g, _, name, clear_meta=True): print(fx_g.code) draw_graph(fx_g, name, clear_meta=clear_meta) return fx_g def draw_graph_compile(name): return partial(_draw_graph_compile, name=name)
[docs]@make_boxed_compiler def nop(fx_g: fx.GraphModule, _) -> Callable: """ Returns the :attr:`fx_g` Fx graph module as it is. This is a no-op compiler and can be used to check accuracy. .. warning:: This API is experimental and likely to change. """ return fx_g
@make_boxed_compiler def simple_ts_compile(fx_g, _): strip_overloads(fx_g) f = torch.jit.script(fx_g) f = torch.jit.freeze(f.eval()) return f def nnc_jit(f, static_argnums=None): return aot_function(f, simple_ts_compile, static_argnums=static_argnums) aten = torch.ops.aten default_decompositions = { aten.detach, aten.gelu_backward, aten.leaky_relu_backward, aten.sigmoid_backward, aten.threshold_backward, aten.hardtanh_backward, aten.hardsigmoid_backward, aten.hardswish_backward, aten.tanh_backward, aten.silu_backward, aten.elu_backward, aten.cudnn_batch_norm, aten.cudnn_batch_norm_backward, aten.masked_fill.Scalar, aten.masked_fill.Tensor, aten.elu, aten.leaky_relu, aten.hardtanh, aten.hardswish, aten.hardsigmoid, aten.conj_physical, aten.is_same_size, } default_decompositions = get_decompositions(default_decompositions) @make_boxed_compiler def print_compile(fx_g, _): print(fx_g.code) return fx_g
[docs]def memory_efficient_fusion( fn: Union[Callable, nn.Module], static_argnums: Optional[Tuple[int]] = None, **kwargs, ): """ Wrapper function over :func:`aot_function` and :func:`aot_module` to perform memory efficient fusion. It uses the :func:`min_cut_rematerialization_partition` partitioner to perform efficient recomputation. It uses NVFuser to compile the generated forward and backward graphs. .. warning:: This API is experimental and likely to change. Args: fn (Union[Callable, nn.Module]): A Python function or a ``nn.Module`` that takes one ore more arguments. Must return one or more Tensors. static_argnums (Optional[Tuple[Int]]): An option tuple of ints to mark the arguments of the function as static. **kwargs: Any other overrides you want to make to the settings Returns: Returns a ``Callable`` or ``nn.Module`` that retains the eager behavior of the original :attr:`fn`, but whose forward and backward graphs have gone through recomputation optimizations, and the graphs have been compiled with nvfuser. """ config = { "fw_compiler": ts_compile, "bw_compiler": ts_compile, "partition_fn": min_cut_rematerialization_partition, "decompositions": default_decompositions, "static_argnums": static_argnums, } config.update(kwargs) if isinstance(fn, torch.nn.Module): return aot_module(fn, **config) else: return aot_function(fn, **config)
def debug_compile(fx_g, inps): fx_g.to_folder("foo") print( f""" ############################################################## # To minimize FX graph, copy and paste the below and run it # ############################################################## import torch import torch.fx as fx from functorch.compile import minifier, check_nvfuser_subprocess, check_nvfuser_correctness_subprocess inps = {[(i.shape, i.dtype) for i in inps]} inps = [torch.ones(shape, dtype=dtype, device='cuda') for (shape, dtype) in inps] from foo import FxModule mod = FxModule().cuda() with torch.jit.fuser("fuser2"): # check_nvfuser_subprocess can be replaced with check_nvfuser_correctness_subprocess minifier(fx.symbolic_trace(mod), inps, check_nvfuser_subprocess) """ ) from foo import FxModule FxModule().cuda()(*inps) return ts_compile(fx_g, inps) graph_index = 0 def get_inputs(input_data_path): """ Return a random input for the given inputs meta generated from _save_fx_default. """ inputs = [] with (open(input_data_path, "rb")) as f: inputs_meta = pickle.load(f) inputs = [] for meta in inputs_meta: if len(meta) == 1: type = meta input = type(random.rand()) else: type, shape, stride, dtype, device = meta if dtype in {, torch.int32, torch.int64, torch.bool,, torch.uint8, int, float, }: input = torch.randint(0, 1, shape, dtype=dtype, device=device) else: input = torch.rand(shape, dtype=dtype, device=device) inputs.append(input) return inputs def _save_fx_default(current_name, folder_name, dump_example_input, gm, example_inputs): """ The forward, backward, and joint computation graph will be stored in {folder_name}/{current_name}/{current_name}_forward_{graph_index}, {folder_name}/{current_name}/{current_name}_backward_{graph_index}, and {folder_name}/{current_name}/{current_name}_joint_{graph_index} respectively. The input shape of the graphs will be stored in the .input files. These files can be loaded with pickle, and is a list of format (type, shape, stride, dtype, device). In the case of type = int or float, it is just (type,). For joint graph input, it is a nested list [[],[]] where the two inner lists have the same format. If dump_example_input is True, example_inputs will be stored in .pt file. Since each function might produce multiple graphs, the graph_index is used to distinguish difference graphs """ from functorch.compile import aot_module_simplified def get_input_meta(args): input_meta = [] if len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], tuple): # joint input input_meta += get_input_meta(args[0]) input_meta += get_input_meta(args[1]) return input_meta for arg in args: if type(arg) == int or type(arg) == float: input_meta.append((type(arg),)) else: input_meta.append( (type(arg), arg.shape, arg.stride(), arg.dtype, arg.device) ) return input_meta def graph_saver_helper(gm_to_save, args, type_name): global graph_index if len(gm_to_save.graph.nodes) == 0: logging.log( logging.WARNING, f"No nodes in graph {current_name}_{type_name}_{graph_index}.", ) return gm = copy.deepcopy(gm_to_save) gm.graph.set_codegen(torch.fx.graph.CodeGen()) # remove codegen gm.recompile() input_meta = get_input_meta(args) isExist = os.path.exists(f"{folder_name}/{current_name}") if not isExist: os.makedirs(f"{folder_name}/{current_name}") gm.to_folder( f"{folder_name}/{current_name}/{current_name}_{type_name}_{graph_index}" ) pickle.dump( input_meta, open( f"{folder_name}/{current_name}/{current_name}_{type_name}_{graph_index}/{current_name}_{type_name}_{graph_index}.input", # noqa: B950 "wb", ), ) # noqa: E501 if dump_example_input: args, f"{folder_name}/{current_name}/{current_name}_{type_name}_{graph_index}/{current_name}_{type_name}_{graph_index}.pt", # noqa: B950 ) # noqa: E501 def graph_saver_forward(gm, fw_args): graph_saver_helper(gm, fw_args, "forward") return gm def graph_saver_backward(gm, bw_args): graph_saver_helper(gm, bw_args, "backward") global graph_index graph_index += 1 return gm def graph_saver_joint(gm, joint_args): graph_saver_helper(gm, joint_args, "joint") return default_partition(gm, joint_args) return aot_module_simplified( gm, fw_compiler=graph_saver_forward, bw_compiler=graph_saver_backward, partition_fn=graph_saver_joint, decompositions=default_decompositions, ) def graph_dumper_aot(current_name, folder_name, dump_example_input=False): """ Dump the forward, backward, and joint computation graph. Example Usage: save_fx_func = graph_dumper_aot(current_name, folder_name, dump_example_input = False) optimize_ctx = torchdynamo.optimize( save_fx_func ) with torch.enable_grad(): with optimize_ctx: result = forward_and_backward_pass(model, example_inputs) """ global graph_index graph_index = 0 return partial(_save_fx_default, current_name, folder_name, dump_example_input)


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