
Source code for functorch._src.aot_autograd

import collections
import dataclasses
import warnings
from contextlib import contextmanager, nullcontext
from functools import wraps
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

import torch
import torch.fx.traceback as fx_traceback
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.utils._pytree as pytree
import torch.utils.dlpack
from torch import Tensor
from torch._subclasses import FakeTensorMode, CrossRefFakeMode
from torch.fx import immutable_collections, Interpreter
from torch.fx.experimental.symbolic_shapes import ShapeEnv
from torch.nn.utils import stateless

from functorch import make_fx
from functorch.experimental import functionalize
from torch._dispatch.python import enable_python_dispatcher
from . import config
from .named_members_polyfill import _named_buffers, _named_parameters
from .partitioners import default_partition

    from torchdynamo import disable as disable_torchdynamo
except ImportError:

    def disable_torchdynamo(x):
        return x

    from torchdynamo.utils import dynamo_timed
except ImportError:

    def dynamo_timed(x):
        return x

    lambda x: (list(x), None),
    lambda x, c: immutable_collections.immutable_list(x),
    lambda x: (list(x.values()), list(x.keys())),
    lambda x, c: immutable_collections.immutable_dict(
        {key: value for key, value in zip(c, x)}

aten = torch.ops.aten

def preserve_rng_state():
    rng_state = torch.clone(torch.random.get_rng_state())
    if torch.cuda.is_available():
        cuda_rng_state = torch.clone(torch.cuda.get_rng_state())
        if torch.cuda.is_available():

# Set up hooks so that during backward the fx's stack_trace is properly set
callback_set = False

def setup_stacktrace_preservation_hooks(roots: List):
    def iter_graph(roots):
        if not roots:
        seen = set()
        q = collections.deque()
        for node in roots:
            if node is not None:

        while q:
            node = q.popleft()
            for fn, _idx in node.next_functions:
                if fn in seen or fn is None:

            yield node

    def get_callback(saved_stack_):
        def callback():
            global callback_set
            callback_set = False

        return callback

    def get_prehook(stack_):
        def prehook(grad_output):
            global callback_set

            if not callback_set:
                callback_set = True


        return prehook

    def get_posthook(special_stack_):
        def posthook(grad_input, grad_output):

        return posthook

    for node in iter_graph(roots):
        forward_node_stack = node.metadata.get("traceback_", [])

        special_stack = forward_node_stack.copy()
            "Gradient addition node due to multiple use of tensor around:"

def create_joint_forward_backward(fn):
    def joint_forward_backward(
        primals: List[Any], tangents: List[Any]
    ) -> Tuple[List[Any], List[Any]]:
        # Call the forward pass
        outs = fn(*primals)
        # Get the inputs that need gradients
        grad_primals = []
        inputs_needs_grads = []
        for p in primals:
            is_grad_tensor = isinstance(p, Tensor) and p.requires_grad
            if is_grad_tensor:

        # Get the outputs that need gradients
        assert len(tangents) == len(outs)
        needed_outs = []
        needed_tangents = []
        for out, tangent in zip(outs, tangents):
            if isinstance(out, Tensor) and out.requires_grad:

        setup_stacktrace_preservation_hooks([out.grad_fn for out in needed_outs])

        backward_out = []
        # Call the backwards pass
        if grad_primals:
            with fx_traceback.override_stack_trace():
                backward_out = torch.autograd.grad(
        backward_out_iter = iter(backward_out)
        return outs, [
            next(backward_out_iter) if i else None for i in inputs_needs_grads

    return joint_forward_backward

def normalize_as_list(x):
    if isinstance(x, tuple):
        return list(x)
    elif isinstance(x, list):
        return x
    return [x]

aot_autograd_decompositions = {}

# This is a list since looking forward, we can have this arbitrarily nested.
graph_being_compiled: List[str] = []
nth_graph: int = 0
model_name: str = "model"

def set_model_name(name):
    global model_name
    model_name = name

def get_aot_compilation_context() -> Tuple[List[str], str, int]:
    return list(graph_being_compiled), model_name, nth_graph

def get_aot_graph_name() -> str:
    Returns the name of the graph being compiled.
    global model_name, graph_being_compiled, nth_graph
    return f"{model_name}_{'_'.join(graph_being_compiled)}_{nth_graph}"

get_graph_being_compiled = get_aot_graph_name

def track_graph_compiling(graph_name, increment_index=False):
    global graph_being_compiled
    graph_being_compiled = [graph_name]
    if increment_index:
        global nth_graph
        nth_graph += 1
    graph_being_compiled = []

def make_boxed_func(f):
    def g(args):
        return f(*args)

    g._boxed_call = True
    return g

def make_boxed_compiler(compiler):
    def f(fx_g, inps):
        out_f = compiler(fx_g, inps)
        fx_g = make_boxed_func(out_f)
        return fx_g

    return f

def call_func_with_args(f, args, steal_args=False):
    if not steal_args:
        args = list(args)
    assert isinstance(args, list)

    if hasattr(f, "_boxed_call"):
        out = normalize_as_list(f(args))
        # TODO: Please remove soon
            "Your compiler for AOTAutograd is returning a a function that doesn't take boxed arguments. "
            "Please wrap it with functorch.compile.make_boxed_func or handle the boxed arguments yourself. "
            "See for rationale."
        out = normalize_as_list(f(*args))
    return out

class AOTConfig:
    Configuration for AOTDispatcher

    fw_compiler: Callable
    bw_compiler: Callable
    partition_fn: Callable
    decompositions: Dict[Callable, Callable]

def aot_dispatch_base(flat_fn, flat_args: List[Tensor], aot_config: AOTConfig):
    fw_module = make_fx(flat_fn, aot_config.decompositions)(*flat_args)
    if config.debug_graphs:
        print("====== Forward (only) graph ======")
    with track_graph_compiling("inference"):
        compiled_fw = aot_config.fw_compiler(fw_module, flat_args)

    def new_fn(args):
        fw_outs = call_func_with_args(compiled_fw, args)
        return fw_outs

    return new_fn

def aot_dispatch_autograd(flat_fn, flat_args: List[Tensor], aot_config: AOTConfig):
    # Deduplicate inputs.  Suppose you have:
    #   [a, b, a, c]
    # We want:
    #   remove_dupe_args([a, b, a, c]) == [a, b, c]
    #   add_dupe_args([a, b, c]) == [a, b, a, c]
    # This is done via (respectively):
    #   seen_args = {2}  # what to drop
    #   add_dupe_map = {  # how to get args from the deduped list
    #       0: 0,
    #       1: 1,
    #       2: 0,
    #       3: 2,
    #   }
    # Whether to use flat_args or deduped_flat_args?  flat_fn takes flat_args,
    # and the autograd.Function must take deduped_flat_args; everything
    # else is just getting the types right.

    seen_args = {}
    keep_arg_mask = []
    dropped_args = False
    add_dupe_map = {}
    duped_arg_len = len(flat_args)

    j = 0  # index into deduped_flat_args
    for i, t in enumerate(flat_args):
        if t in seen_args:
            dropped_args = True
            add_dupe_map[i] = seen_args[t]
        seen_args[t] = j
        add_dupe_map[i] = j
        j += 1

    # NB: Hot path, avoid set lookups here
    def remove_dupe_args(args):
        if not dropped_args:
            return args
        return [t for t, keep in zip(args, keep_arg_mask) if keep]

    def add_dupe_args(args):
        if not dropped_args:
            return args
        return [args[add_dupe_map[i]] for i in range(duped_arg_len)]

    deduped_flat_args = remove_dupe_args(flat_args)

    joint_forward_backward = create_joint_forward_backward(lambda *args: flat_fn(*add_dupe_args(args)))

    out = flat_fn(*flat_args)
    out = pytree.tree_map(
        lambda x: x.detach().contiguous() if isinstance(x, Tensor) else x,

    if isinstance(out, (list, tuple)):
        _num_outs = len(out)
        _num_outs = 1

    joint_inputs = (deduped_flat_args, out)

    if config.use_functionalize:
        # Trace once without decompositions, into a graph of ATen ops.
        # NB: tracing_mode is real, as it's assumed the calling context setup
        # fake tensor mode / symbolic shapes if that is needed
        fx_g = make_fx(joint_forward_backward)(*joint_inputs)

        def fake_fn(primals, tangents):
            with torch.fx.traceback.override_stack_trace():
                return torch.fx.Interpreter(fx_g).run(primals, tangents)

        # Trace a second time, running functionalization, and THEN running decompositions.
        # functionalization only acts on ATen today, and doesn't currently handle
        # view and inplace ops that come from primtorch.
        # Eventually, functionalization should support primtorch view/inplace ops,
        # which will make it ok to run decompositions before functionalization.
        fx_g = make_fx(functionalize(fake_fn), aot_config.decompositions)(*joint_inputs)
        fx_g = make_fx(joint_forward_backward, aot_config.decompositions)(*joint_inputs)

    if config.debug_joint:
        print("====== Joint graph ======")

    with torch.no_grad():
        with track_graph_compiling("joint"):
            fw_module, bw_module = aot_config.partition_fn(fx_g, joint_inputs)

        if config.debug_graphs:
            print("====== Forward graph ======")
            print("====== Backward graph ======")

        with track_graph_compiling("forward"):
            compiled_fw_func = aot_config.fw_compiler(fw_module, deduped_flat_args)

    class CompiledFunction(torch.autograd.Function):
        compiled_fw = compiled_fw_func
        compiled_bw = None
        num_outs = _num_outs

        def forward(ctx, *deduped_flat_tensor_args):
            fw_outs = call_func_with_args(
                CompiledFunction.compiled_fw, deduped_flat_tensor_args
            num_outs = CompiledFunction.num_outs
            return tuple(fw_outs[0:num_outs])

        def backward(ctx, *flat_args):
            contiguous_args = [t.contiguous() for t in flat_args]
            all_args = list(ctx.saved_tensors) + list(contiguous_args)
            if CompiledFunction.compiled_bw is None:
                with track_graph_compiling("backward", True):
                    CompiledFunction.compiled_bw = aot_config.bw_compiler(
                        bw_module, all_args
            out = call_func_with_args(
                CompiledFunction.compiled_bw, all_args, steal_args=True

            return tuple(out)

    def compiled_function(*args):
        return CompiledFunction.apply(*remove_dupe_args(args))

    return compiled_function

def create_aot_dispatcher_function(
    flat_fn, flat_args: List[Tensor], aot_config: AOTConfig
    Traces the forward and backward graphs of the attr:`flat_fn` to generate a
    joint graph. The joint graph is an Fx graph with Aten ops. Please refer to
    the tracing mechanism to understand the graph capturing details.

    The joint graph is then passed through attr:`partition_fn` to isolate the
    forward and backward portions, which are then respectively compiled via the
    provided attr:`fw_compiler` and attr:`bw_compiler`.

    The resulting compiled forward and backward graphs are then wrapped up in a
    ``torch.autograd.Function`` object.

    # This is the main entry point.
    # TODO: Chillee argues that dynamo itself should pass in fake tensors to
    # the list of arguments when compiling; at the moment we do not do this

    if aot_config.decompositions is None:
        aot_config.decompositions = {}

    aot_config.decompositions = {
    # NB: don't bother setting allow_fallback_kernels; this should not actually
    # be configurable in fake tensor, we should automatically do the right
    # thing
    if config.debug_fake_cross_ref:
        # This is a little messy but TorchDynamo directly changes `use_fake_tensor`
        # so it's not enough for user to change the config manually
        # TODO: have TorchDynamo read in `use_fake_tensor` from os environ /
        # coordinate flags
        config.use_fake_tensor = False

    fake_mode = FakeTensorMode() if config.use_fake_tensor else nullcontext()
    cross_ref = CrossRefFakeMode() if config.debug_fake_cross_ref else nullcontext()
    python_dispatcher_mode = enable_python_dispatcher() if config.use_dynamic_shapes else nullcontext()
    shape_env = ShapeEnv() if config.use_dynamic_shapes else None

    with preserve_rng_state(), cross_ref, fake_mode, python_dispatcher_mode:

        def process_inputs(flat_args):
            if config.use_fake_tensor:
                def convert(x):
                    return fake_mode.from_tensor(x, shape_env=shape_env)

                return pytree.tree_map_only(Tensor, convert, flat_args)
                return flat_args

        fake_flat_tensor_args = process_inputs(flat_args)

        needs_autograd = (
                    for x in fake_flat_tensor_args
                    if isinstance(x, Tensor)
            and torch.is_grad_enabled()
        # crappy version of dispatcher
        # TODO: Do this properly
        if needs_autograd:
            return make_boxed_func(
                aot_dispatch_autograd(flat_fn, fake_flat_tensor_args, aot_config)
            return aot_dispatch_base(flat_fn, fake_flat_tensor_args, aot_config)

# Inspired by autodidax (thanks!)
class PytreeThunk:
    spec = None
    # These are some kinda dumb microoptimizations that save about 3-4 us of overhead.
    is_simple = (
        None  # if the output spec is a tuple/list, we won't bother unflattening it.
    is_really_simple = None  # if the output spec is a LeafSpec

    def set(self, spec):
        assert self.spec is None or self.spec == spec
        self.spec = spec
        if type(self.spec) in [tuple, list] and all(
            isinstance(i, pytree.LeafSpec) for i in spec.children_specs
            self.is_simple = True
        if isinstance(self.spec, pytree.LeafSpec):
            self.is_really_simple = True

    def unflatten(self, x):
        if self.is_really_simple:
            return x[0]
        if self.is_simple:
            return x
        return pytree.tree_unflatten(x, self.spec)

KNOWN_TYPES = [torch.Tensor, int, str, float, bool]

[docs]def aot_function( fn: Callable, fw_compiler: Callable, bw_compiler: Optional[Callable] = None, partition_fn: Callable = default_partition, decompositions: Optional[Dict] = None, hasher_type=None, # deprecated static_argnums: Optional[Tuple[int]] = None, # deprecated ) -> Callable: """ Traces the forward and backward graph of :attr:`fn` using torch dispatch mechanism, and then compiles the generated forward and backward graphs through :attr:`fw_compiler` and :attr:`bw_compiler`. :func:`aot_function` traces the forward and backward graph ahead of time, and generates a joint forward and backward graph. :attr:`partition_fn` is then used to separate out forward and backward graphs. The partitioner function can be used to perform optimizations such as recomputation. One can set `decompositions` dictionary to decompose the operators into a sequence of core or simpler operators supported by the backend compilers. :func:`aot_function` uses a compilation cache, based on input tensor properties, to detect when there is a need of recompilation. .. warning:: This API is experimental and likely to change. Args: fn (Callable): A Python function that takes one ore more arguments. Must return one or more Tensors. fw_compiler (Callable): A Python function that accepts an Fx graph with Aten ops and input args, and returns a Callable that semantically is equivalent to the input Fx graph. bw_compiler (Optional[Callable]): A Python function that accepts an Fx graph with Aten ops and input args, and returns a Callable that semantically is equivalent to the input Fx graph. Default: None (when None, it defaults to the :attr:`fw_compiler`) partition_fn (Callable): A Python function that takes a joint forward and backward graph, and partitions it into separate forward and backward graphs. decompositions (Dict): A dictionary to define the decomposition of larger Aten ops into simpler or core Aten ops. Returns: Returns a ``Callable`` that retains the eager behavior of the original :attr:`fn`, but with forward and backward graph compiled via :attr:`fw_compile` and :attr:`bw_compile`. A simple example usage of :func:`aot_function` is as follows. This example will print the forward and backward graphs of the function ``fn`` >>> fn = lambda x : x.sin().cos() >>> def print_compile_fn(fx_module, args): >>> print(fx_module) >>> return fx_module >>> aot_fn = aot_function(fn, print_compile_fn) >>> x = torch.randn(4, 5, requires_grad=True) >>> aot_fn(x) """ if static_argnums is not None: raise RuntimeError("static_argnums has been deprecated - manually wrap your function or use torchdynamo.") if bw_compiler is None: bw_compiler = fw_compiler aot_config = AOTConfig( fw_compiler=fw_compiler, bw_compiler=bw_compiler, partition_fn=partition_fn, decompositions=decompositions, ) cached_res = None @wraps(fn) def returned_function(*args, **kwargs): nonlocal cached_res # Now flatten the tensor args flat_args, _ = pytree.tree_flatten((args, kwargs)) # Compile the function and save it in the cache if cached_res is None: # Save the args_spec for flat_tensor_args to unflatten while tracing _, tensor_args_spec = pytree.tree_flatten((args, kwargs)) out_spec = PytreeThunk() def flat_fn(*flat_args): # The input are flattened tensor args. Prepare the args in the # order that original function expects. Add static args as well. # They will appear as tensor constants in the traced graph. nonlocal out_spec args, kwargs = pytree.tree_unflatten( flat_args, tensor_args_spec ) tree_out = fn(*args, **kwargs) flat_out, spec = pytree.tree_flatten(tree_out) for i in flat_out: is_known_type = False for j in KNOWN_TYPES: if isinstance(i, j): is_known_type = True break if not is_known_type: raise RuntimeError( f"Found {type(i)} in output, which is not a known type. " "If this type holds tensors, you need to register a pytree for it. " "See for a brief " "explanation why. If you don't need to register a pytree, please " "leave a comment explaining your use case and we'll make this more " "ergonomic to deal with" ) out_spec.set(spec) return flat_out compiled_fn = create_aot_dispatcher_function( flat_fn, flat_args, aot_config, ) cached_res = (compiled_fn, out_spec) cached_fn, out_spec = cached_res out = cached_fn(flat_args) return out_spec.unflatten(out) return returned_function
[docs]def aot_module(mod: nn.Module, *args, **kwargs) -> nn.Module: """ Traces the forward and backward graph of :attr:`mod` using torch dispatch tracing mechanism. It is wrapper function, that underneath uses :func:`aot_function` to perform tracing and compilation. :func:`aot_module` lifts the parameters and buffers of ``nn.Module`` as inputs to a new callable which is then compiled through :func:`aot_function`. .. warning:: This API is experimental and likely to change. Args: mod (Callable): A ``nn.Module`` module. args : args to be passed to :func:`aot_function` kwargs : kwargs to be passed to :func:`aot_function` Returns: Returns a ``nn.Module`` that retains the eager behavior of the original :attr:`mod`, but with forward and backward graph compiled. """ def functional_call(named_params, named_buffers, *args, **kwargs): params_and_buffers = {**named_params, **named_buffers} return stateless.functional_call(mod, params_and_buffers, args, kwargs) compiled_f = aot_function(functional_call, *args, **kwargs) class AOTModule(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(AOTModule, self).__init__() self.orig_module = mod def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): return compiled_f( dict(_named_parameters(mod, remove_duplicate=False)), dict(_named_buffers(mod, remove_duplicate=False)), *args, **kwargs, ) return AOTModule()
def aot_module_simplified(mod: nn.Module, *top_args, **top_kwargs) -> nn.Module: """ This is the simplified or low overhead version of aot_module. For frontends like TorchDynamo, the input functions/modules to AOT are static and have unpacked inputs/outputs. This gives us an opportunity to remove the (1) pytree overhead to parse inputs/outputs, (2) AOT Autograd cache, (3) Reading of params/buffers in every forward call :func:`aot_module_simplified` removes these overheads. """ ######################################################### params = { **dict(_named_parameters(mod, remove_duplicate=False)), **dict(_named_buffers(mod, remove_duplicate=False)), } params_flat, params_spec = pytree.tree_flatten(params) params_flat = tuple(params_flat) params_len = len(params_flat) def functional_call(*args, **kwargs): with stateless._reparametrize_module( mod, pytree.tree_unflatten(args[:params_len], params_spec) ): if isinstance(mod, torch.fx.GraphModule): with fx_traceback.override_stack_trace(), warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", "Anomaly Detection has been enabled." ) with torch.autograd.detect_anomaly(check_nan=False): out = Interpreter(mod).run(*args[params_len:], **kwargs) else: out = mod(*args[params_len:], **kwargs) if not isinstance(out, (tuple, list)): raise RuntimeError( "Graph output must be a tuple(). This is so that we can avoid " "pytree processing of the ouputs. Please change the module to " "have tuple outputs or use aot_module instead." ) return out def aot_function_simplified( fn: Callable, fw_compiler: Callable, bw_compiler: Optional[Callable] = None, partition_fn: Callable = default_partition, decompositions: Optional[Dict] = None, hasher_type=None, static_argnums=None, ) -> Callable: assert static_argnums is None if bw_compiler is None: bw_compiler = fw_compiler aot_config = AOTConfig( fw_compiler=fw_compiler, bw_compiler=bw_compiler, partition_fn=partition_fn, decompositions=decompositions, ) compiled_fn = None @wraps(fn) def new_func(*args): nonlocal compiled_fn if compiled_fn is None: compiled_fn = create_aot_dispatcher_function( fn, args, aot_config, ) return compiled_fn(args) return new_func compiled_f = aot_function_simplified(functional_call, *top_args, **top_kwargs) if top_kwargs: def forward(*args, **kwargs): return compiled_f( *params_flat, *args, **kwargs, ) else: def forward(*args): return compiled_f( *params_flat, *args, ) forward.zero_grad = mod.zero_grad forward.named_parameters = mod.named_parameters return forward compiled_function = aot_function compiled_module = aot_module


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