[docs]classExponentialFamily(Distribution):r""" ExponentialFamily is the abstract base class for probability distributions belonging to an exponential family, whose probability mass/density function has the form is defined below .. math:: p_{F}(x; \theta) = \exp(\langle t(x), \theta\rangle - F(\theta) + k(x)) where :math:`\theta` denotes the natural parameters, :math:`t(x)` denotes the sufficient statistic, :math:`F(\theta)` is the log normalizer function for a given family and :math:`k(x)` is the carrier measure. Note: This class is an intermediary between the `Distribution` class and distributions which belong to an exponential family mainly to check the correctness of the `.entropy()` and analytic KL divergence methods. We use this class to compute the entropy and KL divergence using the AD framework and Bregman divergences (courtesy of: Frank Nielsen and Richard Nock, Entropies and Cross-entropies of Exponential Families). """@propertydef_natural_params(self):""" Abstract method for natural parameters. Returns a tuple of Tensors based on the distribution """raiseNotImplementedErrordef_log_normalizer(self,*natural_params):""" Abstract method for log normalizer function. Returns a log normalizer based on the distribution and input """raiseNotImplementedError@propertydef_mean_carrier_measure(self):""" Abstract method for expected carrier measure, which is required for computing entropy. """raiseNotImplementedError
[docs]defentropy(self):""" Method to compute the entropy using Bregman divergence of the log normalizer. """result=-self._mean_carrier_measurenparams=[p.detach().requires_grad_()forpinself._natural_params]lg_normal=self._log_normalizer(*nparams)gradients=torch.autograd.grad(lg_normal.sum(),nparams,create_graph=True)result+=lg_normalfornp,ginzip(nparams,gradients):result-=(np*g).reshape(self._batch_shape+(-1,)).sum(-1)returnresult
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