import bisect
import warnings
import functools
from torch._utils import _accumulate
from torch import randperm
# No 'default_generator' in torch/__init__.pyi
from torch import default_generator
from import _DataPipeMeta
from typing import TypeVar, Generic, Iterable, Iterator, Sequence, List, Optional, Tuple, Dict, Callable
from ... import Tensor, Generator
T_co = TypeVar('T_co', covariant=True)
T = TypeVar('T')
[docs]class Dataset(Generic[T_co]):
r"""An abstract class representing a :class:`Dataset`.
All datasets that represent a map from keys to data samples should subclass
it. All subclasses should overwrite :meth:`__getitem__`, supporting fetching a
data sample for a given key. Subclasses could also optionally overwrite
:meth:`__len__`, which is expected to return the size of the dataset by many
:class:`` implementations and the default options
of :class:``.
.. note::
:class:`` by default constructs a index
sampler that yields integral indices. To make it work with a map-style
dataset with non-integral indices/keys, a custom sampler must be provided.
def __getitem__(self, index) -> T_co:
raise NotImplementedError
def __add__(self, other: 'Dataset[T_co]') -> 'ConcatDataset[T_co]':
return ConcatDataset([self, other])
# No `def __len__(self)` default?
# See NOTE [ Lack of Default `__len__` in Python Abstract Base Classes ]
# in pytorch/torch/utils/data/
[docs]class IterableDataset(Dataset[T_co], metaclass=_DataPipeMeta):
r"""An iterable Dataset.
All datasets that represent an iterable of data samples should subclass it.
Such form of datasets is particularly useful when data come from a stream.
All subclasses should overwrite :meth:`__iter__`, which would return an
iterator of samples in this dataset.
When a subclass is used with :class:``, each
item in the dataset will be yielded from the :class:``
iterator. When :attr:`num_workers > 0`, each worker process will have a
different copy of the dataset object, so it is often desired to configure
each copy independently to avoid having duplicate data returned from the
workers. :func:``, when called in a worker
process, returns information about the worker. It can be used in either the
dataset's :meth:`__iter__` method or the :class:`` 's
:attr:`worker_init_fn` option to modify each copy's behavior.
Example 1: splitting workload across all workers in :meth:`__iter__`::
>>> class MyIterableDataset(
... def __init__(self, start, end):
... super(MyIterableDataset).__init__()
... assert end > start, "this example code only works with end >= start"
... self.start = start
... self.end = end
... def __iter__(self):
... worker_info =
... if worker_info is None: # single-process data loading, return the full iterator
... iter_start = self.start
... iter_end = self.end
... else: # in a worker process
... # split workload
... per_worker = int(math.ceil((self.end - self.start) / float(worker_info.num_workers)))
... worker_id =
... iter_start = self.start + worker_id * per_worker
... iter_end = min(iter_start + per_worker, self.end)
... return iter(range(iter_start, iter_end))
>>> # should give same set of data as range(3, 7), i.e., [3, 4, 5, 6].
>>> ds = MyIterableDataset(start=3, end=7)
>>> # Single-process loading
>>> print(list(, num_workers=0)))
[3, 4, 5, 6]
>>> # Mult-process loading with two worker processes
>>> # Worker 0 fetched [3, 4]. Worker 1 fetched [5, 6].
>>> print(list(, num_workers=2)))
[3, 5, 4, 6]
>>> # With even more workers
>>> print(list(, num_workers=20)))
[3, 4, 5, 6]
Example 2: splitting workload across all workers using :attr:`worker_init_fn`::
>>> class MyIterableDataset(
... def __init__(self, start, end):
... super(MyIterableDataset).__init__()
... assert end > start, "this example code only works with end >= start"
... self.start = start
... self.end = end
... def __iter__(self):
... return iter(range(self.start, self.end))
>>> # should give same set of data as range(3, 7), i.e., [3, 4, 5, 6].
>>> ds = MyIterableDataset(start=3, end=7)
>>> # Single-process loading
>>> print(list(, num_workers=0)))
[3, 4, 5, 6]
>>> # Directly doing multi-process loading yields duplicate data
>>> print(list(, num_workers=2)))
[3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6]
>>> # Define a `worker_init_fn` that configures each dataset copy differently
>>> def worker_init_fn(worker_id):
... worker_info =
... dataset = worker_info.dataset # the dataset copy in this worker process
... overall_start = dataset.start
... overall_end = dataset.end
... # configure the dataset to only process the split workload
... per_worker = int(math.ceil((overall_end - overall_start) / float(worker_info.num_workers)))
... worker_id =
... dataset.start = overall_start + worker_id * per_worker
... dataset.end = min(dataset.start + per_worker, overall_end)
>>> # Mult-process loading with the custom `worker_init_fn`
>>> # Worker 0 fetched [3, 4]. Worker 1 fetched [5, 6].
>>> print(list(, num_workers=2, worker_init_fn=worker_init_fn)))
[3, 5, 4, 6]
>>> # With even more workers
>>> print(list(, num_workers=20, worker_init_fn=worker_init_fn)))
[3, 4, 5, 6]
functions: Dict[str, Callable] = {}
reduce_ex_hook : Optional[Callable] = None
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[T_co]:
raise NotImplementedError
def __add__(self, other: Dataset[T_co]):
return ChainDataset([self, other])
# No `def __len__(self)` default?
# See NOTE [ Lack of Default `__len__` in Python Abstract Base Classes ]
def __getattr__(self, attribute_name):
if attribute_name in IterableDataset.functions:
function = functools.partial(IterableDataset.functions[attribute_name], self)
return function
raise AttributeError
def register_function(cls, function_name, function):
IterableDataset.functions[function_name] = function
def register_datapipe_as_function(cls, function_name, cls_to_register):
if function_name in IterableDataset.functions:
raise Exception("Unable to add DataPipe function name {} as it is already taken".format(function_name))
def class_function(cls, source_dp, *args, **kwargs):
return cls(source_dp, *args, **kwargs)
function = functools.partial(class_function, cls_to_register)
IterableDataset.functions[function_name] = function
def __reduce_ex__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if IterableDataset.reduce_ex_hook is not None:
return IterableDataset.reduce_ex_hook(self)
except NotImplementedError:
return super().__reduce_ex__(*args, **kwargs)
def set_reduce_ex_hook(cls, hook_fn):
if IterableDataset.reduce_ex_hook is not None and hook_fn is not None:
raise Exception("Attempt to override existing reduce_ex_hook")
IterableDataset.reduce_ex_hook = hook_fn
[docs]class TensorDataset(Dataset[Tuple[Tensor, ...]]):
r"""Dataset wrapping tensors.
Each sample will be retrieved by indexing tensors along the first dimension.
*tensors (Tensor): tensors that have the same size of the first dimension.
tensors: Tuple[Tensor, ...]
def __init__(self, *tensors: Tensor) -> None:
assert all(tensors[0].size(0) == tensor.size(0) for tensor in tensors), "Size mismatch between tensors"
self.tensors = tensors
def __getitem__(self, index):
return tuple(tensor[index] for tensor in self.tensors)
def __len__(self):
return self.tensors[0].size(0)
[docs]class ConcatDataset(Dataset[T_co]):
r"""Dataset as a concatenation of multiple datasets.
This class is useful to assemble different existing datasets.
datasets (sequence): List of datasets to be concatenated
datasets: List[Dataset[T_co]]
cumulative_sizes: List[int]
def cumsum(sequence):
r, s = [], 0
for e in sequence:
l = len(e)
r.append(l + s)
s += l
return r
def __init__(self, datasets: Iterable[Dataset]) -> None:
super(ConcatDataset, self).__init__()
# Cannot verify that datasets is Sized
assert len(datasets) > 0, 'datasets should not be an empty iterable' # type: ignore[arg-type]
self.datasets = list(datasets)
for d in self.datasets:
assert not isinstance(d, IterableDataset), "ConcatDataset does not support IterableDataset"
self.cumulative_sizes = self.cumsum(self.datasets)
def __len__(self):
return self.cumulative_sizes[-1]
def __getitem__(self, idx):
if idx < 0:
if -idx > len(self):
raise ValueError("absolute value of index should not exceed dataset length")
idx = len(self) + idx
dataset_idx = bisect.bisect_right(self.cumulative_sizes, idx)
if dataset_idx == 0:
sample_idx = idx
sample_idx = idx - self.cumulative_sizes[dataset_idx - 1]
return self.datasets[dataset_idx][sample_idx]
def cummulative_sizes(self):
warnings.warn("cummulative_sizes attribute is renamed to "
"cumulative_sizes", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
return self.cumulative_sizes
[docs]class ChainDataset(IterableDataset):
r"""Dataset for chainning multiple :class:`IterableDataset` s.
This class is useful to assemble different existing dataset streams. The
chainning operation is done on-the-fly, so concatenating large-scale
datasets with this class will be efficient.
datasets (iterable of IterableDataset): datasets to be chained together
def __init__(self, datasets: Iterable[Dataset]) -> None:
super(ChainDataset, self).__init__()
self.datasets = datasets
def __iter__(self):
for d in self.datasets:
assert isinstance(d, IterableDataset), "ChainDataset only supports IterableDataset"
for x in d:
yield x
def __len__(self):
total = 0
for d in self.datasets:
assert isinstance(d, IterableDataset), "ChainDataset only supports IterableDataset"
# Cannot verify that all self.datasets are Sized
total += len(d)
return total
[docs]class Subset(Dataset[T_co]):
Subset of a dataset at specified indices.
dataset (Dataset): The whole Dataset
indices (sequence): Indices in the whole set selected for subset
dataset: Dataset[T_co]
indices: Sequence[int]
def __init__(self, dataset: Dataset[T_co], indices: Sequence[int]) -> None:
self.dataset = dataset
self.indices = indices
def __getitem__(self, idx):
return self.dataset[self.indices[idx]]
def __len__(self):
return len(self.indices)
[docs]def random_split(dataset: Dataset[T], lengths: Sequence[int],
generator: Optional[Generator] = default_generator) -> List[Subset[T]]:
Randomly split a dataset into non-overlapping new datasets of given lengths.
Optionally fix the generator for reproducible results, e.g.:
>>> random_split(range(10), [3, 7], generator=torch.Generator().manual_seed(42))
dataset (Dataset): Dataset to be split
lengths (sequence): lengths of splits to be produced
generator (Generator): Generator used for the random permutation.
# Cannot verify that dataset is Sized
if sum(lengths) != len(dataset): # type: ignore[arg-type]
raise ValueError("Sum of input lengths does not equal the length of the input dataset!")
indices = randperm(sum(lengths), generator=generator).tolist()
return [Subset(dataset, indices[offset - length : offset]) for offset, length in zip(_accumulate(lengths), lengths)]