Common linear algebra operations.
This module is in BETA. New functions are still being added, and some functions may change in future PyTorch releases. See the documentation of each function for details.
(input, *, out=None) → Tensor Computes the Cholesky decomposition of a Hermitian (or symmetric for real-valued matrices) positive-definite matrix or the Cholesky decompositions for a batch of such matrices. Each decomposition has the form:
where is a lower-triangular matrix and is the conjugate transpose of , which is just a transpose for the case of real-valued input matrices. In code it translates to
input = L @ L.t()
is real-valued andinput = L @ L.conj().t()
is complex-valued. The batch of matrices is returned.Supports real-valued and complex-valued inputs.
When given inputs on a CUDA device, this function synchronizes that device with the CPU.
LAPACK’s potrf is used for CPU inputs, and MAGMA’s potrf is used for CUDA inputs.
is not a Hermitian positive-definite matrix, or if it’s a batch of matrices and one or more of them is not a Hermitian positive-definite matrix, then a RuntimeError will be thrown. Ifinput
is a batch of matrices, then the error message will include the batch index of the first matrix that is not Hermitian positive-definite.- Parameters
input (Tensor) – the input tensor of size consisting of Hermitian positive-definite matrices, where is zero or more batch dimensions.
- Keyword Arguments
out (Tensor, optional) – The output tensor. Ignored if
. Default:None
>>> a = torch.randn(2, 2, dtype=torch.complex128) >>> a =, a.t().conj()) # creates a Hermitian positive-definite matrix >>> l = torch.linalg.cholesky(a) >>> a tensor([[2.5266+0.0000j, 1.9586-2.0626j], [1.9586+2.0626j, 9.4160+0.0000j]], dtype=torch.complex128) >>> l tensor([[1.5895+0.0000j, 0.0000+0.0000j], [1.2322+1.2976j, 2.4928+0.0000j]], dtype=torch.complex128) >>>, l.t().conj()) tensor([[2.5266+0.0000j, 1.9586-2.0626j], [1.9586+2.0626j, 9.4160+0.0000j]], dtype=torch.complex128) >>> a = torch.randn(3, 2, 2, dtype=torch.float64) >>> a = torch.matmul(a, a.transpose(-2, -1)) # creates a symmetric positive-definite matrix >>> l = torch.linalg.cholesky(a) >>> a tensor([[[ 1.1629, 2.0237], [ 2.0237, 6.6593]], [[ 0.4187, 0.1830], [ 0.1830, 0.1018]], [[ 1.9348, -2.5744], [-2.5744, 4.6386]]], dtype=torch.float64) >>> l tensor([[[ 1.0784, 0.0000], [ 1.8766, 1.7713]], [[ 0.6471, 0.0000], [ 0.2829, 0.1477]], [[ 1.3910, 0.0000], [-1.8509, 1.1014]]], dtype=torch.float64) >>> torch.allclose(torch.matmul(l, l.transpose(-2, -1)), a) True
(input, p=None, *, out=None) → Tensor Computes the condition number of a matrix
, or of each matrix in a batchedinput
, using the matrix norm defined byp
.For norms {‘fro’, ‘nuc’, inf, -inf, 1, -1} this is defined as the matrix norm of
times the matrix norm of the inverse ofinput
computed usingtorch.linalg.norm()
. While for norms {None, 2, -2} this is defined as the ratio between the largest and smallest singular values computed usingtorch.linalg.svd()
.This function supports float, double, cfloat and cdouble dtypes.
When given inputs on a CUDA device, this function may synchronize that device with the CPU depending on which norm
is used.Note
For norms {None, 2, -2},
may be a non-square matrix or batch of non-square matrices. For other norms, however,input
must be a square matrix or a batch of square matrices, and if this requirement is not satisfied a RuntimeError will be thrown.Note
For norms {‘fro’, ‘nuc’, inf, -inf, 1, -1} if
is a non-invertible matrix then a tensor containing infinity will be returned. Ifinput
is a batch of matrices and one or more of them is not invertible then a RuntimeError will be thrown.- Parameters
input (Tensor) – the input matrix of size (m, n) or the batch of matrices of size (*, m, n) where * is one or more batch dimensions.
p (int, float, inf, -inf, 'fro', 'nuc', optional) –
the type of the matrix norm to use in the computations. inf refers to
, numpy’sinf
object, or any equivalent object. The following norms can be used:p
norm for matrices
ratio of the largest singular value to the smallest singular value
Frobenius norm
nuclear norm
max(sum(abs(x), dim=1))
min(sum(abs(x), dim=1))
max(sum(abs(x), dim=0))
min(sum(abs(x), dim=0))
ratio of the largest singular value to the smallest singular value
ratio of the smallest singular value to the largest singular value
- Keyword Arguments
out (Tensor, optional) – tensor to write the output to. Default is
.- Returns
The condition number of
. The output dtype is always real valued even for complex inputs (e.g. float ifinput
is cfloat).
>>> a = torch.randn(3, 4, 4, dtype=torch.complex64) >>> torch.linalg.cond(a) >>> a = torch.tensor([[1., 0, -1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1]]) >>> torch.linalg.cond(a) tensor([1.4142]) >>> torch.linalg.cond(a, 'fro') tensor(3.1623) >>> torch.linalg.cond(a, 'nuc') tensor(9.2426) >>> torch.linalg.cond(a, float('inf')) tensor(2.) >>> torch.linalg.cond(a, float('-inf')) tensor(1.) >>> torch.linalg.cond(a, 1) tensor(2.) >>> torch.linalg.cond(a, -1) tensor(1.) >>> torch.linalg.cond(a, 2) tensor([1.4142]) >>> torch.linalg.cond(a, -2) tensor([0.7071]) >>> a = torch.randn(2, 3, 3) >>> a tensor([[[-0.9204, 1.1140, 1.2055], [ 0.3988, -0.2395, -0.7441], [-0.5160, 0.3115, 0.2619]], [[-2.2128, 0.9241, 2.1492], [-1.1277, 2.7604, -0.8760], [ 1.2159, 0.5960, 0.0498]]]) >>> torch.linalg.cond(a) tensor([[9.5917], [3.2538]]) >>> a = torch.randn(2, 3, 3, dtype=torch.complex64) >>> a tensor([[[-0.4671-0.2137j, -0.1334-0.9508j, 0.6252+0.1759j], [-0.3486-0.2991j, -0.1317+0.1252j, 0.3025-0.1604j], [-0.5634+0.8582j, 0.1118-0.4677j, -0.1121+0.7574j]], [[ 0.3964+0.2533j, 0.9385-0.6417j, -0.0283-0.8673j], [ 0.2635+0.2323j, -0.8929-1.1269j, 0.3332+0.0733j], [ 0.1151+0.1644j, -1.1163+0.3471j, -0.5870+0.1629j]]]) >>> torch.linalg.cond(a) tensor([[4.6245], [4.5671]]) >>> torch.linalg.cond(a, 1) tensor([9.2589, 9.3486])
(input) → Tensor Computes the determinant of a square matrix
, or of each square matrix in a batchedinput
.This function supports float, double, cfloat and cdouble dtypes.
When given inputs on a CUDA device, this function synchronizes that device with the CPU.
The determinant is computed using LU factorization. LAPACK’s getrf is used for CPU inputs, and MAGMA’s getrf is used for CUDA inputs.
Backward through det internally uses
is not invertible. In this case, double backward through det will be unstable wheninput
doesn’t have distinct singular values. Seetorch.linalg.svd()
for more details.- Parameters
input (Tensor) – the input matrix of size (n, n) or the batch of matrices of size (*, n, n) where * is one or more batch dimensions.
>>> a = torch.randn(3, 3) >>> a tensor([[ 0.9478, 0.9158, -1.1295], [ 0.9701, 0.7346, -1.8044], [-0.2337, 0.0557, 0.6929]]) >>> torch.linalg.det(a) tensor(0.0934) >>> a = torch.randn(3, 2, 2) >>> a tensor([[[ 0.9254, -0.6213], [-0.5787, 1.6843]], [[ 0.3242, -0.9665], [ 0.4539, -0.0887]], [[ 1.1336, -0.4025], [-0.7089, 0.9032]]]) >>> torch.linalg.det(a) tensor([1.1990, 0.4099, 0.7386])
(input, *, out=None) -> (Tensor, Tensor) Calculates the sign and natural logarithm of the absolute value of a square matrix’s determinant, or of the absolute values of the determinants of a batch of square matrices
. The determinant can be computed withsign * exp(logabsdet)
.Supports input of float, double, cfloat and cdouble datatypes.
When given inputs on a CUDA device, this function synchronizes that device with the CPU.
The determinant is computed using LU factorization. LAPACK’s getrf is used for CPU inputs, and MAGMA’s getrf is used for CUDA inputs.
For matrices that have zero determinant, this returns
(0, -inf)
. Ifinput
is batched then the entries in the result tensors corresponding to matrices with the zero determinant have sign 0 and the natural logarithm of the absolute value of the determinant -inf.- Parameters
input (Tensor) – the input matrix of size or the batch of matrices of size where is one or more batch dimensions.
- Keyword Arguments
out (tuple, optional) – tuple of two tensors to write the output to.
- Returns
A namedtuple (sign, logabsdet) containing the sign of the determinant and the natural logarithm of the absolute value of determinant, respectively.
>>> A = torch.randn(3, 3) >>> A tensor([[ 0.0032, -0.2239, -1.1219], [-0.6690, 0.1161, 0.4053], [-1.6218, -0.9273, -0.0082]]) >>> torch.linalg.det(A) tensor(-0.7576) >>> torch.linalg.logdet(A) tensor(nan) >>> torch.linalg.slogdet(A) torch.return_types.linalg_slogdet(sign=tensor(-1.), logabsdet=tensor(-0.2776))
(input, UPLO='L', *, out=None) -> (Tensor, Tensor) Computes the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a complex Hermitian (or real symmetric) matrix
, or of each such matrix in a batchedinput
.For a single matrix
, the tensor of eigenvalues w and the tensor of eigenvectors V decompose theinput
such that input = V diag(w) Vᴴ, where Vᴴ is the transpose of V for real-valuedinput
, or the conjugate transpose of V for complex-valuedinput
.Since the matrix or matrices in
are assumed to be Hermitian, the imaginary part of their diagonals is always treated as zero. WhenUPLO
is “L”, its default value, only the lower triangular part of each matrix is used in the computation. WhenUPLO
is “U” only the upper triangular part of each matrix is used.Supports input of float, double, cfloat and cdouble dtypes.
When given inputs on a CUDA device, this function synchronizes that device with the CPU.
The eigenvalues/eigenvectors are computed using LAPACK’s syevd and heevd routines for CPU inputs, and MAGMA’s syevd and heevd routines for CUDA inputs.
The eigenvalues of real symmetric or complex Hermitian matrices are always real.
The eigenvectors of matrices are not unique, so any eigenvector multiplied by a constant remains a valid eigenvector. This function may compute different eigenvector representations on different device types. Usually the difference is only in the sign of the eigenvector.
for a related function that computes only eigenvalues. However, that function is not differentiable.- Parameters
input (Tensor) – the Hermitian n times n matrix or the batch of such matrices of size (*, n, n) where * is one or more batch dimensions.
UPLO ('L', 'U', optional) – controls whether to use the upper-triangular or the lower-triangular part of
in the computations. Default is'L'
- Keyword Arguments
out (tuple, optional) – tuple of two tensors to write the output to. Default is
.- Returns
A namedtuple (eigenvalues, eigenvectors) containing
- eigenvalues (Tensor): Shape (*, m).
The eigenvalues in ascending order.
- eigenvectors (Tensor): Shape (*, m, m).
The orthonormal eigenvectors of the
- Return type
>>> a = torch.randn(2, 2, dtype=torch.complex128) >>> a = a + a.t().conj() # creates a Hermitian matrix >>> a tensor([[2.9228+0.0000j, 0.2029-0.0862j], [0.2029+0.0862j, 0.3464+0.0000j]], dtype=torch.complex128) >>> w, v = torch.linalg.eigh(a) >>> w tensor([0.3277, 2.9415], dtype=torch.float64) >>> v tensor([[-0.0846+-0.0000j, -0.9964+0.0000j], [ 0.9170+0.3898j, -0.0779-0.0331j]], dtype=torch.complex128) >>> torch.allclose(torch.matmul(v, torch.matmul(, v.t().conj())), a) True >>> a = torch.randn(3, 2, 2, dtype=torch.float64) >>> a = a + a.transpose(-2, -1) # creates a symmetric matrix >>> w, v = torch.linalg.eigh(a) >>> torch.allclose(torch.matmul(v, torch.matmul(w.diag_embed(), v.transpose(-2, -1))), a) True
(input, UPLO='L', *, out=None) → Tensor Computes the eigenvalues of a complex Hermitian (or real symmetric) matrix
, or of each such matrix in a batchedinput
. The eigenvalues are returned in ascending order.Since the matrix or matrices in
are assumed to be Hermitian, the imaginary part of their diagonals is always treated as zero. WhenUPLO
is “L”, its default value, only the lower triangular part of each matrix is used in the computation. WhenUPLO
is “U” only the upper triangular part of each matrix is used.Supports input of float, double, cfloat and cdouble dtypes.
When given inputs on a CUDA device, this function synchronizes that device with the CPU.
The eigenvalues are computed using LAPACK’s syevd and heevd routines for CPU inputs, and MAGMA’s syevd and heevd routines for CUDA inputs.
The eigenvalues of real symmetric or complex Hermitian matrices are always real.
This function doesn’t support backpropagation, please use
instead, which also computes the eigenvectors.Note
for a related function that computes both eigenvalues and eigenvectors.- Parameters
input (Tensor) – the Hermitian n times n matrix or the batch of such matrices of size (*, n, n) where * is one or more batch dimensions.
UPLO ('L', 'U', optional) – controls whether to use the upper-triangular or the lower-triangular part of
in the computations. Default is'L'
- Keyword Arguments
out (Tensor, optional) – tensor to write the output to. Default is
>>> a = torch.randn(2, 2, dtype=torch.complex128) >>> a = a + a.t().conj() # creates a Hermitian matrix >>> a tensor([[2.9228+0.0000j, 0.2029-0.0862j], [0.2029+0.0862j, 0.3464+0.0000j]], dtype=torch.complex128) >>> w = torch.linalg.eigvalsh(a) >>> w tensor([0.3277, 2.9415], dtype=torch.float64) >>> a = torch.randn(3, 2, 2, dtype=torch.float64) >>> a = a + a.transpose(-2, -1) # creates a symmetric matrix >>> a tensor([[[ 2.8050, -0.3850], [-0.3850, 3.2376]], [[-1.0307, -2.7457], [-2.7457, -1.7517]], [[ 1.7166, 2.2207], [ 2.2207, -2.0898]]], dtype=torch.float64) >>> w = torch.linalg.eigvalsh(a) >>> w tensor([[ 2.5797, 3.4629], [-4.1605, 1.3780], [-3.1113, 2.7381]], dtype=torch.float64)
(input, tol=None, hermitian=False, *, out=None) → Tensor Computes the numerical rank of a matrix
, or of each matrix in a batchedinput
.The matrix rank is computed as the number of singular values (or absolute eigenvalues when
) that are greater than the specifiedtol
is not specified,tol
is set toS.max(dim=-1)*max(input.shape[-2:])*eps
, whereS
is the singular values (or absolute eigenvalues whenhermitian
), andeps
is the epsilon value for the datatype ofinput
. The epsilon value can be obtained using theeps
attribute oftorch.finfo
.Supports input of float, double, cfloat and cdouble dtypes.
When given inputs on a CUDA device, this function synchronizes that device with the CPU.
The matrix rank is computed using singular value decomposition (see
) by default. Ifhermitian
, theninput
is assumed to be Hermitian (symmetric if real-valued), and the computation is done by obtaining the eigenvalues (seetorch.linalg.eigvalsh()
).- Parameters
- Keyword Arguments
out (Tensor, optional) – tensor to write the output to. Default is
>>> a = torch.eye(10) >>> torch.linalg.matrix_rank(a) tensor(10) >>> b = torch.eye(10) >>> b[0, 0] = 0 >>> torch.linalg.matrix_rank(b) tensor(9) >>> a = torch.randn(4, 3, 2) >>> torch.linalg.matrix_rank(a) tensor([2, 2, 2, 2]) >>> a = torch.randn(2, 4, 2, 3) >>> torch.linalg.matrix_rank(a) tensor([[2, 2, 2, 2], [2, 2, 2, 2]]) >>> a = torch.randn(2, 4, 3, 3, dtype=torch.complex64) >>> torch.linalg.matrix_rank(a) tensor([[3, 3, 3, 3], [3, 3, 3, 3]]) >>> torch.linalg.matrix_rank(a, hermitian=True) tensor([[3, 3, 3, 3], [3, 3, 3, 3]]) >>> torch.linalg.matrix_rank(a, tol=1.0) tensor([[3, 2, 2, 2], [1, 2, 1, 2]]) >>> torch.linalg.matrix_rank(a, tol=1.0, hermitian=True) tensor([[2, 2, 2, 1], [1, 2, 2, 2]])
(input, ord=None, dim=None, keepdim=False, *, out=None, dtype=None) → Tensor Returns the matrix norm or vector norm of a given tensor.
This function can calculate one of eight different types of matrix norms, or one of an infinite number of vector norms, depending on both the number of reduction dimensions and the value of the ord parameter.
- Parameters
input (Tensor) – The input tensor. If dim is None, x must be 1-D or 2-D, unless
is None. If bothdim
are None, the 2-norm of the input flattened to 1-D will be returned. Its data type must be either a floating point or complex type. For complex inputs, the norm is calculated on of the absolute values of each element. If the input is complex and neitherdtype
is specified, the result’s data type will be the corresponding floating point type (e.g. float ifinput
is complexfloat).ord (int, float, inf, -inf, 'fro', 'nuc', optional) –
The order of norm. inf refers to
, numpy’sinf
object, or any equivalent object. The following norms can be calculated:ord
norm for matrices
norm for vectors
Frobenius norm
Frobenius norm
– not supported –
nuclear norm
– not supported –
max(sum(abs(x), dim=1))
min(sum(abs(x), dim=1))
– not supported –
sum(x != 0)
max(sum(abs(x), dim=0))
as below
min(sum(abs(x), dim=0))
as below
2-norm (largest sing. value)
as below
smallest singular value
as below
– not supported –
dim (int, 2-tuple of python:ints, 2-list of python:ints, optional) – If
is an int, vector norm will be calculated over the specified dimension. Ifdim
is a 2-tuple of ints, matrix norm will be calculated over the specified dimensions. Ifdim
is None, matrix norm will be calculated when the input tensor has two dimensions, and vector norm will be calculated when the input tensor has one dimension. Default:None
keepdim (bool, optional) – If set to True, the reduced dimensions are retained in the result as dimensions with size one. Default:
- Keyword Arguments
out (Tensor, optional) – The output tensor. Ignored if
. Default:None
dtype (
, optional) – If specified, the input tensor is cast todtype
before performing the operation, and the returned tensor’s type will bedtype
. If this argument is used in conjunction with theout
argument, the output tensor’s type must match this argument or a RuntimeError will be raised. Default:None
>>> import torch >>> from torch import linalg as LA >>> a = torch.arange(9, dtype=torch.float) - 4 >>> a tensor([-4., -3., -2., -1., 0., 1., 2., 3., 4.]) >>> b = a.reshape((3, 3)) >>> b tensor([[-4., -3., -2.], [-1., 0., 1.], [ 2., 3., 4.]]) >>> LA.norm(a) tensor(7.7460) >>> LA.norm(b) tensor(7.7460) >>> LA.norm(b, 'fro') tensor(7.7460) >>> LA.norm(a, float('inf')) tensor(4.) >>> LA.norm(b, float('inf')) tensor(9.) >>> LA.norm(a, -float('inf')) tensor(0.) >>> LA.norm(b, -float('inf')) tensor(2.) >>> LA.norm(a, 1) tensor(20.) >>> LA.norm(b, 1) tensor(7.) >>> LA.norm(a, -1) tensor(0.) >>> LA.norm(b, -1) tensor(6.) >>> LA.norm(a, 2) tensor(7.7460) >>> LA.norm(b, 2) tensor(7.3485) >>> LA.norm(a, -2) tensor(0.) >>> LA.norm(b.double(), -2) tensor(1.8570e-16, dtype=torch.float64) >>> LA.norm(a, 3) tensor(5.8480) >>> LA.norm(a, -3) tensor(0.)
Using the
argument to compute vector norms:>>> c = torch.tensor([[1., 2., 3.], ... [-1, 1, 4]]) >>> LA.norm(c, dim=0) tensor([1.4142, 2.2361, 5.0000]) >>> LA.norm(c, dim=1) tensor([3.7417, 4.2426]) >>> LA.norm(c, ord=1, dim=1) tensor([6., 6.])
Using the
argument to compute matrix norms:>>> m = torch.arange(8, dtype=torch.float).reshape(2, 2, 2) >>> LA.norm(m, dim=(1,2)) tensor([ 3.7417, 11.2250]) >>> LA.norm(m[0, :, :]), LA.norm(m[1, :, :]) (tensor(3.7417), tensor(11.2250))
(input, rcond=1e-15, hermitian=False, *, out=None) → Tensor Computes the pseudo-inverse (also known as the Moore-Penrose inverse) of a matrix
, or of each matrix in a batchedinput
.The singular values (or the absolute values of the eigenvalues when
) that are below the specifiedrcond
threshold are treated as zero and discarded in the computation.Supports input of float, double, cfloat and cdouble datatypes.
When given inputs on a CUDA device, this function synchronizes that device with the CPU.
The pseudo-inverse is computed using singular value decomposition (see
) by default. Ifhermitian
, theninput
is assumed to be Hermitian (symmetric if real-valued), and the computation of the pseudo-inverse is done by obtaining the eigenvalues and eigenvectors (seetorch.linalg.eigh()
If singular value decomposition or eigenvalue decomposition algorithms do not converge then a RuntimeError will be thrown.
- Parameters
input (Tensor) – the input matrix of size (m, n) or the batch of matrices of size (*, m, n) where * is one or more batch dimensions.
rcond (float, Tensor, optional) – the tolerance value to determine the cutoff for small singular values. Must be broadcastable to the singular values of
as returned bytorch.svd()
. Default is1e-15
.hermitian (bool, optional) – indicates whether
is Hermitian. Default isFalse
- Keyword Arguments
out (Tensor, optional) – The output tensor. Ignored if
. Default isNone
>>> input = torch.randn(3, 5) >>> input tensor([[ 0.5495, 0.0979, -1.4092, -0.1128, 0.4132], [-1.1143, -0.3662, 0.3042, 1.6374, -0.9294], [-0.3269, -0.5745, -0.0382, -0.5922, -0.6759]]) >>> torch.linalg.pinv(input) tensor([[ 0.0600, -0.1933, -0.2090], [-0.0903, -0.0817, -0.4752], [-0.7124, -0.1631, -0.2272], [ 0.1356, 0.3933, -0.5023], [-0.0308, -0.1725, -0.5216]]) Batched linalg.pinv example >>> a = torch.randn(2, 6, 3) >>> b = torch.linalg.pinv(a) >>> torch.matmul(b, a) tensor([[[ 1.0000e+00, 1.6391e-07, -1.1548e-07], [ 8.3121e-08, 1.0000e+00, -2.7567e-07], [ 3.5390e-08, 1.4901e-08, 1.0000e+00]], [[ 1.0000e+00, -8.9407e-08, 2.9802e-08], [-2.2352e-07, 1.0000e+00, 1.1921e-07], [ 0.0000e+00, 8.9407e-08, 1.0000e+00]]]) Hermitian input example >>> a = torch.randn(3, 3, dtype=torch.complex64) >>> a = a + a.t().conj() # creates a Hermitian matrix >>> b = torch.linalg.pinv(a, hermitian=True) >>> torch.matmul(b, a) tensor([[ 1.0000e+00+0.0000e+00j, -1.1921e-07-2.3842e-07j, 5.9605e-08-2.3842e-07j], [ 5.9605e-08+2.3842e-07j, 1.0000e+00+2.3842e-07j, -4.7684e-07+1.1921e-07j], [-1.1921e-07+0.0000e+00j, -2.3842e-07-2.9802e-07j, 1.0000e+00-1.7897e-07j]]) Non-default rcond example >>> rcond = 0.5 >>> a = torch.randn(3, 3) >>> torch.linalg.pinv(a) tensor([[ 0.2971, -0.4280, -2.0111], [-0.0090, 0.6426, -0.1116], [-0.7832, -0.2465, 1.0994]]) >>> torch.linalg.pinv(a, rcond) tensor([[-0.2672, -0.2351, -0.0539], [-0.0211, 0.6467, -0.0698], [-0.4400, -0.3638, -0.0910]]) Matrix-wise rcond example >>> a = torch.randn(5, 6, 2, 3, 3) >>> rcond = torch.rand(2) # different rcond values for each matrix in a[:, :, 0] and a[:, :, 1] >>> torch.linalg.pinv(a, rcond) >>> rcond = torch.randn(5, 6, 2) # different rcond value for each matrix in 'a' >>> torch.linalg.pinv(a, rcond)
(input, full_matrices=True, compute_uv=True, *, out=None) -> (Tensor, Tensor, Tensor) Computes the singular value decomposition of either a matrix or batch of matrices
.” The singular value decomposition is represented as a namedtuple(U, S, Vh)
, such that . Ifinput
is a batch of tensors, thenU
, andVh
are also batched with the same batch dimensions asinput
(default), the method returns the reduced singular value decomposition i.e., if the last two dimensions ofinput
, then the returned U and V matrices will contain only orthonormal columns.If
, the returned U and Vh will be empy tensors with no elements and the same device asinput
. Thefull_matrices
argument has no effect whencompute_uv
is False.The dtypes of
are the same asinput
will always be real-valued, even ifinput
is complex.Note
Unlike NumPy’s
, this always returns a namedtuple of three tensors, even whencompute_uv=False
. This behavior may change in a future PyTorch release.Note
The singular values are returned in descending order. If
is a batch of matrices, then the singular values of each matrix in the batch is returned in descending order.Note
The implementation of SVD on CPU uses the LAPACK routine ?gesdd (a divide-and-conquer algorithm) instead of ?gesvd for speed. Analogously, the SVD on GPU uses the cuSOLVER routines gesvdj and gesvdjBatched on CUDA 10.1.243 and later, and uses the MAGMA routine gesdd on earlier versions of CUDA.
The returned matrix U will be transposed, i.e. with strides
U.contiguous().transpose(-2, -1).stride()
Gradients computed using U and Vh may be unstable if
is not full rank or has non-unique singular values.Note
, the gradients onU[..., :, min(m, n):]
andV[..., :, min(m, n):]
will be ignored in backward as those vectors can be arbitrary bases of the subspaces.Note
The S tensor can only be used to compute gradients if
is True.Note
Since U and V of an SVD is not unique, each vector can be multiplied by an arbitrary phase factor while the SVD result is still correct. Different platforms, like Numpy, or inputs on different device types, may produce different U and V tensors.
- Parameters
input (Tensor) – the input tensor of size where * is zero or more batch dimensions consisting of matrices.
full_matrices (bool, optional) – controls whether to compute the full or reduced decomposition, and consequently the shape of returned
. Defaults to True.compute_uv (bool, optional) – whether to compute U and V or not. Defaults to True.
out (tuple, optional) – a tuple of three tensors to use for the outputs. If compute_uv=False, the 1st and 3rd arguments must be tensors, but they are ignored. E.g. you can pass (torch.Tensor(), out_S, torch.Tensor())
>>> import torch >>> a = torch.randn(5, 3) >>> a tensor([[-0.3357, -0.2987, -1.1096], [ 1.4894, 1.0016, -0.4572], [-1.9401, 0.7437, 2.0968], [ 0.1515, 1.3812, 1.5491], [-1.8489, -0.5907, -2.5673]]) >>> >>> # reconstruction in the full_matrices=False case >>> u, s, vh = torch.linalg.svd(a, full_matrices=False) >>> u.shape, s.shape, vh.shape (torch.Size([5, 3]), torch.Size([3]), torch.Size([3, 3])) >>> torch.dist(a, u @ torch.diag(s) @ vh) tensor(1.0486e-06) >>> >>> # reconstruction in the full_matrices=True case >>> u, s, vh = torch.linalg.svd(a) >>> u.shape, s.shape, vh.shape (torch.Size([5, 5]), torch.Size([3]), torch.Size([3, 3])) >>> torch.dist(a, u[:, :3] @ torch.diag(s) @ vh) >>> torch.dist(a, u[:, :3] @ torch.diag(s) @ vh) tensor(1.0486e-06) >>> >>> # extra dimensions >>> a_big = torch.randn(7, 5, 3) >>> u, s, vh = torch.linalg.svd(a_big, full_matrices=False) >>> torch.dist(a_big, u @ torch.diag_embed(s) @ vh) tensor(3.0957e-06)
(input, other, *, out=None) → Tensor Computes the solution
to the matrix equationmatmul(input, x) = other
with a square matrix, or batches of such matrices,input
and one or more right-hand side vectorsother
. Ifinput
is batched andother
is not, thenother
is broadcast to have the same batch dimensions asinput
. The resulting tensor has the same shape as the (possibly broadcast)other
.Supports input of
is a non-square or non-invertible matrix, or a batch containing non-square matrices or one or more non-invertible matrices, then a RuntimeError will be thrown.Note
When given inputs on a CUDA device, this function synchronizes that device with the CPU.
- Parameters
- Keyword Arguments
out (Tensor, optional) – The output tensor. Ignored if
. Default:None
>>> A = torch.eye(3) >>> b = torch.randn(3) >>> x = torch.linalg.solve(A, b) >>> torch.allclose(A @ x, b) True
Batched input:
>>> A = torch.randn(2, 3, 3) >>> b = torch.randn(3, 1) >>> x = torch.linalg.solve(A, b) >>> torch.allclose(A @ x, b) True >>> b = torch.rand(3) # b is broadcast internally to (*A.shape[:-2], 3) >>> x = torch.linalg.solve(A, b) >>> x.shape torch.Size([2, 3]) >>> Ax = A @ x.unsqueeze(-1) >>> torch.allclose(Ax, b.unsqueeze(-1).expand_as(Ax)) True
(input, ind=2, *, out=None) → Tensor Computes a tensor
such thattensordot(input_inv, input, ind) == I_n
(inverse tensor equation), whereI_n
is the n-dimensional identity tensor andn
is equal toinput.ndim
. The resulting tensorinput_inv
has shape equal toinput.shape[ind:] + input.shape[:ind]
.Supports input of
data types.Note
is not invertible or does not satisfy the requirementprod(input.shape[ind:]) == prod(input.shape[:ind])
, then a RuntimeError will be thrown.Note
is a 2-dimensional tensor andind=1
, this function computes the (multiplicative) inverse ofinput
, equivalent to callingtorch.inverse()
.- Parameters
input (Tensor) – A tensor to invert. Its shape must satisfy
prod(input.shape[:ind]) == prod(input.shape[ind:])
.ind (int) – A positive integer that describes the inverse tensor equation. See
for details. Default: 2.
- Keyword Arguments
out (Tensor, optional) – The output tensor. Ignored if
. Default:None
>>> a = torch.eye(4 * 6).reshape((4, 6, 8, 3)) >>> ainv = torch.linalg.tensorinv(a, ind=2) >>> ainv.shape torch.Size([8, 3, 4, 6]) >>> b = torch.randn(4, 6) >>> torch.allclose(torch.tensordot(ainv, b), torch.linalg.tensorsolve(a, b)) True >>> a = torch.randn(4, 4) >>> a_tensorinv = torch.linalg.tensorinv(a, ind=1) >>> a_inv = torch.inverse(a) >>> torch.allclose(a_tensorinv, a_inv) True
(input, other, dims=None, *, out=None) → Tensor Computes a tensor
such thattensordot(input, x, dims=x.ndim) = other
. The resulting tensorx
has the same shape asinput[other.ndim:]
.Supports real-valued and complex-valued inputs.
does not satisfy the requirementprod(input.shape[other.ndim:]) == prod(input.shape[:other.ndim])
after (optionally) moving the dimensions usingdims
, then a RuntimeError will be thrown.- Parameters
input (Tensor) – “left-hand-side” tensor, it must satisfy the requirement
prod(input.shape[other.ndim:]) == prod(input.shape[:other.ndim])
.other (Tensor) – “right-hand-side” tensor of shape
.dims (Tuple[int]) – dimensions of
to be moved before the computation. Equivalent to callinginput = movedim(input, dims, range(len(dims) - input.ndim, 0))
. If None (default), no dimensions are moved.
- Keyword Arguments
out (Tensor, optional) – The output tensor. Ignored if
. Default:None
>>> a = torch.eye(2 * 3 * 4).reshape((2 * 3, 4, 2, 3, 4)) >>> b = torch.randn(2 * 3, 4) >>> x = torch.linalg.tensorsolve(a, b) >>> x.shape torch.Size([2, 3, 4]) >>> torch.allclose(torch.tensordot(a, x, dims=x.ndim), b) True >>> a = torch.randn(6, 4, 4, 3, 2) >>> b = torch.randn(4, 3, 2) >>> x = torch.linalg.tensorsolve(a, b, dims=(0, 2)) >>> x.shape torch.Size([6, 4]) >>> a = a.permute(1, 3, 4, 0, 2) >>> a.shape[b.ndim:] torch.Size([6, 4]) >>> torch.allclose(torch.tensordot(a, x, dims=x.ndim), b, atol=1e-6) True
(input, *, out=None) → Tensor Computes the multiplicative inverse matrix of a square matrix
, or of each square matrix in a batchedinput
. The result satisfies the relation:matmul(inv(input),input)
.Supports input of float, double, cfloat and cdouble data types.
When given inputs on a CUDA device, this function synchronizes that device with the CPU.
The inverse matrix is computed using LAPACK’s getrf and getri routines for CPU inputs. For CUDA inputs, cuSOLVER’s getrf and getrs routines as well as cuBLAS’ getrf and getri routines are used if CUDA version >= 10.1.243, otherwise MAGMA’s getrf and getri routines are used instead.
is a non-invertible matrix or non-square matrix, or batch with at least one such matrix, then a RuntimeError will be thrown.- Parameters
input (Tensor) – the square (n, n) matrix or the batch of such matrices of size (*, n, n) where * is one or more batch dimensions.
- Keyword Arguments
out (Tensor, optional) – The output tensor. Ignored if
. Default isNone
>>> x = torch.rand(4, 4) >>> y = torch.linalg.inv(x) >>> z =, y) >>> z tensor([[ 1.0000, -0.0000, -0.0000, 0.0000], [ 0.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000], [ 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000], [ 0.0000, -0.0000, -0.0000, 1.0000]]) >>> torch.max(torch.abs(z - torch.eye(4))) # Max non-zero tensor(1.1921e-07) >>> # Batched inverse example >>> x = torch.randn(2, 3, 4, 4) >>> y = torch.linalg.inv(x) >>> z = torch.matmul(x, y) >>> torch.max(torch.abs(z - torch.eye(4).expand_as(x))) # Max non-zero tensor(1.9073e-06) >>> x = torch.rand(4, 4, dtype=torch.cdouble) >>> y = torch.linalg.inv(x) >>> z =, y) >>> z tensor([[ 1.0000e+00+0.0000e+00j, -1.3878e-16+3.4694e-16j, 5.5511e-17-1.1102e-16j, 0.0000e+00-1.6653e-16j], [ 5.5511e-16-1.6653e-16j, 1.0000e+00+6.9389e-17j, 2.2204e-16-1.1102e-16j, -2.2204e-16+1.1102e-16j], [ 3.8858e-16-1.2490e-16j, 2.7756e-17+3.4694e-17j, 1.0000e+00+0.0000e+00j, -4.4409e-16+5.5511e-17j], [ 4.4409e-16+5.5511e-16j, -3.8858e-16+1.8041e-16j, 2.2204e-16+0.0000e+00j, 1.0000e+00-3.4694e-16j]], dtype=torch.complex128) >>> torch.max(torch.abs(z - torch.eye(4, dtype=torch.cdouble))) # Max non-zero tensor(7.5107e-16, dtype=torch.float64)
(input, mode='reduced', *, out=None) -> (Tensor, Tensor) Computes the QR decomposition of a matrix or a batch of matrices
, and returns a namedtuple (Q, R) of tensors such that with being an orthogonal matrix or batch of orthogonal matrices and being an upper triangular matrix or batch of upper triangular matrices.Depending on the value of
this function returns the reduced or complete QR factorization. See below for a list of valid modes.Note
Differences with
is not implementedunlike
, this function always returns a tuple of two tensors. Whenmode='r'
, the Q tensor is an empty tensor. This behavior may change in a future PyTorch release.
Backpropagation is not supported for
. Usemode='reduced'
instead.Backpropagation is also not supported if the first columns of any matrix in
are not linearly independent. While no error will be thrown when this occurs the values of the “gradient” produced may be anything. This behavior may change in the future.Note
This function uses LAPACK for CPU inputs and MAGMA for CUDA inputs, and may produce different (valid) decompositions on different device types or different platforms.
- Parameters
input (Tensor) – the input tensor of size where * is zero or more batch dimensions consisting of matrices of dimension .
mode (str, optional) –
if k = min(m, n) then:
: returns (Q, R) with dimensions (m, k), (k, n) (default)'complete'
: returns (Q, R) with dimensions (m, m), (m, n)'r'
: computes only R; returns (Q, R) where Q is empty and R has dimensions (k, n)
- Keyword Arguments
out (tuple, optional) – tuple of Q and R tensors. The dimensions of Q and R are detailed in the description of
>>> a = torch.tensor([[12., -51, 4], [6, 167, -68], [-4, 24, -41]]) >>> q, r = torch.linalg.qr(a) >>> q tensor([[-0.8571, 0.3943, 0.3314], [-0.4286, -0.9029, -0.0343], [ 0.2857, -0.1714, 0.9429]]) >>> r tensor([[ -14.0000, -21.0000, 14.0000], [ 0.0000, -175.0000, 70.0000], [ 0.0000, 0.0000, -35.0000]]) >>>, r).round() tensor([[ 12., -51., 4.], [ 6., 167., -68.], [ -4., 24., -41.]]) >>>, q).round() tensor([[ 1., 0., 0.], [ 0., 1., -0.], [ 0., -0., 1.]]) >>> q2, r2 = torch.linalg.qr(a, mode='r') >>> q2 tensor([]) >>> torch.equal(r, r2) True >>> a = torch.randn(3, 4, 5) >>> q, r = torch.linalg.qr(a, mode='complete') >>> torch.allclose(torch.matmul(q, r), a) True >>> torch.allclose(torch.matmul(q.transpose(-2, -1), q), torch.eye(5)) True