[docs]classPostLocalSGDOptimizer(torch.optim.Optimizer):r""" Wraps an arbitrary :class:`torch.optim.Optimizer` and runs `post-local SGD <https://arxiv.org/abs/1808.07217>`_, This optimizer runs local optimizer at every step. After the warm-up stage, it averages parameters periodically afer the local optimizer is applied. Args: optim: The local optimizer. averager: A model averager instance to run post-localSGD algorithm. Example:: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP("undefined variables") >>> import torch >>> import torch.distributed as dist >>> import torch.distributed.algorithms.model_averaging.averagers as averagers >>> import torch.nn as nn >>> from torch.distributed.optim import PostLocalSGDOptimizer >>> from torch.distributed.algorithms.ddp_comm_hooks.post_localSGD_hook import ( >>> PostLocalSGDState, >>> post_localSGD_hook, >>> ) >>> >>> model = nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel( >>> module, device_ids=[rank], output_device=rank >>> ) >>> >>> # Register a post-localSGD communication hook. >>> state = PostLocalSGDState(process_group=None, subgroup=None, start_localSGD_iter=100) >>> model.register_comm_hook(state, post_localSGD_hook) >>> >>> # Create a post-localSGD optimizer that wraps a local optimizer. >>> # Note that ``warmup_steps`` used in ``PostLocalSGDOptimizer`` must be the same as >>> # ``start_localSGD_iter`` used in ``PostLocalSGDState``. >>> local_optim = torch.optim.SGD(params=model.parameters(), lr=0.01) >>> opt = PostLocalSGDOptimizer( >>> optim=local_optim, >>> averager=averagers.PeriodicModelAverager(period=4, warmup_steps=100) >>> ) >>> >>> # In the first 100 steps, DDP runs global gradient averaging at every step. >>> # After 100 steps, DDP runs gradient averaging within each subgroup (intra-node by default), >>> # and post-localSGD optimizer runs global model averaging every 4 steps after applying the local optimizer. >>> for step in range(0, 200): >>> opt.zero_grad() >>> loss = loss_fn(output, labels) >>> loss.backward() >>> opt.step() """def__init__(self,optim:torch.optim.Optimizer,averager:averagers.ModelAverager):self.optim=optimself.param_groups=self.optim.param_groupsself.averager=averager@propertydefstate(self):returnself.optim.statedef__repr__(self):returnself.optim.__repr__()
[docs]defstate_dict(self):r""" This is the same as :class:`torch.optim.Optimizer` :meth:`state_dict`, but adds an extra entry to record model averager's step to the checkpoint to ensure reload does not cause unnecessary warm up again. """optim_state_dict=self.optim.state_dict()optim_state_dict['step']=self.averager.stepreturnoptim_state_dict
[docs]defload_state_dict(self,state_dict):r""" This is the same as :class:`torch.optim.Optimizer` :meth:`load_state_dict`, but also restores model averager's step value to the one saved in the provided ``state_dict``. If there is no ``"step"`` entry in ``state_dict``, it will raise a warning and initialize the model averager's step to 0. """self.optim.load_state_dict(state_dict)if'step'instate_dict:self.averager.step=state_dict['step']else:warnings.warn("Loaded state dict does not contain a step counter for an averager. ""Setting step counter to 0.")self.averager.step=0
[docs]defstep(self):r""" Performs a single optimization step (parameter update). """self.optim.step()self.averager.average_parameters(params=self.param_groups)
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