importctypesimporttorchfrom._utilsimport_dummy_typeifnothasattr(torch._C,'_CudaStreamBase'):# Define dummy base classestorch._C.__dict__['_CudaStreamBase']=_dummy_type('_CudaStreamBase')torch._C.__dict__['_CudaEventBase']=_dummy_type('_CudaEventBase')
[docs]classStream(torch._C._CudaStreamBase):r"""Wrapper around a CUDA stream. A CUDA stream is a linear sequence of execution that belongs to a specific device, independent from other streams. See :ref:`cuda-semantics` for details. Args: device(torch.device or int, optional): a device on which to allocate the stream. If :attr:`device` is ``None`` (default) or a negative integer, this will use the current device. priority(int, optional): priority of the stream. Can be either -1 (high priority) or 0 (low priority). By default, streams have priority 0. .. note:: Although CUDA versions >= 11 support more than two levels of priorities, in PyTorch, we only support two levels of priorities. """def__new__(cls,device=None,priority=0,**kwargs):# setting device manager is expensive, so we avoid it unless necessaryifdeviceisNoneor"_cdata"inkwargs:returnsuper(Stream,cls).__new__(cls,priority=priority,**kwargs)else:withtorch.cuda.device(device):returnsuper(Stream,cls).__new__(cls,priority=priority,**kwargs)
[docs]defwait_event(self,event):r"""Makes all future work submitted to the stream wait for an event. Args: event (torch.cuda.Event): an event to wait for. .. note:: This is a wrapper around ``cudaStreamWaitEvent()``: see `CUDA Stream documentation`_ for more info. This function returns without waiting for :attr:`event`: only future operations are affected. .. _CUDA Stream documentation: """event.wait(self)
[docs]defwait_stream(self,stream):r"""Synchronizes with another stream. All future work submitted to this stream will wait until all kernels submitted to a given stream at the time of call complete. Args: stream (Stream): a stream to synchronize. .. note:: This function returns without waiting for currently enqueued kernels in :attr:`stream`: only future operations are affected. """self.wait_event(stream.record_event())
[docs]defrecord_event(self,event=None):r"""Records an event. Args: event (torch.cuda.Event, optional): event to record. If not given, a new one will be allocated. Returns: Recorded event. """ifeventisNone:event=Event()event.record(self)returnevent
[docs]defquery(self):r"""Checks if all the work submitted has been completed. Returns: A boolean indicating if all kernels in this stream are completed."""returnsuper(Stream,self).query()
[docs]defsynchronize(self):r"""Wait for all the kernels in this stream to complete. .. note:: This is a wrapper around ``cudaStreamSynchronize()``: see `CUDA Stream documentation`_ for more info. """super(Stream,self).synchronize()
[docs]classExternalStream(Stream):r"""Wrapper around an externally allocated CUDA stream. This class is used to wrap streams allocated in other libraries in order to facilitate data exchange and multi-library interactions. .. note:: This class doesn't manage the stream life-cycle, it is the user responsibility to keep the referenced stream alive while this class is being used. Args: stream_ptr(int): Integer representation of the `cudaStream_t` value. allocated externally. device(torch.device or int, optional): the device where the stream was originally allocated. if device is specified incorrectly, subsequent launches using this stream may fail. """def__new__(cls,stream_ptr,device=None,**kwargs):withtorch.cuda.device(device):returnsuper(ExternalStream,cls).__new__(cls,stream_ptr=stream_ptr,**kwargs)
[docs]classEvent(torch._C._CudaEventBase):r"""Wrapper around a CUDA event. CUDA events are synchronization markers that can be used to monitor the device's progress, to accurately measure timing, and to synchronize CUDA streams. The underlying CUDA events are lazily initialized when the event is first recorded or exported to another process. After creation, only streams on the same device may record the event. However, streams on any device can wait on the event. Args: enable_timing (bool, optional): indicates if the event should measure time (default: ``False``) blocking (bool, optional): if ``True``, :meth:`wait` will be blocking (default: ``False``) interprocess (bool): if ``True``, the event can be shared between processes (default: ``False``) .. _CUDA Event Documentation: """def__new__(cls,enable_timing=False,blocking=False,interprocess=False):returnsuper(Event,cls).__new__(cls,enable_timing=enable_timing,blocking=blocking,interprocess=interprocess)
[docs]@classmethoddeffrom_ipc_handle(cls,device,handle):r"""Reconstruct an event from an IPC handle on the given device."""returnsuper(Event,cls).from_ipc_handle(device,handle)
[docs]defrecord(self,stream=None):r"""Records the event in a given stream. Uses ``torch.cuda.current_stream()`` if no stream is specified. The stream's device must match the event's device."""ifstreamisNone:stream=torch.cuda.current_stream()super(Event,self).record(stream)
[docs]defwait(self,stream=None):r"""Makes all future work submitted to the given stream wait for this event. Use ``torch.cuda.current_stream()`` if no stream is specified. .. note:: This is a wrapper around ``cudaStreamWaitEvent()``: see `CUDA Event documentation`_ for more info. """ifstreamisNone:stream=torch.cuda.current_stream()super(Event,self).wait(stream)
[docs]defquery(self):r"""Checks if all work currently captured by event has completed. Returns: A boolean indicating if all work currently captured by event has completed. """returnsuper(Event,self).query()
[docs]defelapsed_time(self,end_event):r"""Returns the time elapsed in milliseconds after the event was recorded and before the end_event was recorded. """returnsuper(Event,self).elapsed_time(end_event)
[docs]defsynchronize(self):r"""Waits for the event to complete. Waits until the completion of all work currently captured in this event. This prevents the CPU thread from proceeding until the event completes. .. note:: This is a wrapper around ``cudaEventSynchronize()``: see `CUDA Event documentation`_ for more info. """super(Event,self).synchronize()
[docs]defipc_handle(self):r"""Returns an IPC handle of this event. If not recorded yet, the event will use the current device. """returnsuper(Event,self).ipc_handle()
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