[docs]defset_rng_state(new_state:torch.Tensor)->None:r"""Sets the random number generator state. .. note: This function only works for CPU. For CUDA, please use torch.manual_seed(seed), which works for both CPU and CUDA. Args: new_state (torch.ByteTensor): The desired state """default_generator.set_state(new_state)
[docs]defget_rng_state()->torch.Tensor:r"""Returns the random number generator state as a `torch.ByteTensor`."""returndefault_generator.get_state()
[docs]defmanual_seed(seed)->torch._C.Generator:r"""Sets the seed for generating random numbers. Returns a `torch.Generator` object. Args: seed (int): The desired seed. Value must be within the inclusive range `[-0x8000_0000_0000_0000, 0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff]`. Otherwise, a RuntimeError is raised. Negative inputs are remapped to positive values with the formula `0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff + seed`. """seed=int(seed)importtorch.cudaifnottorch.cuda._is_in_bad_fork():torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed)returndefault_generator.manual_seed(seed)
[docs]defseed()->int:r"""Sets the seed for generating random numbers to a non-deterministic random number. Returns a 64 bit number used to seed the RNG. """seed=default_generator.seed()importtorch.cudaifnottorch.cuda._is_in_bad_fork():torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed)returnseed
[docs]definitial_seed()->int:r"""Returns the initial seed for generating random numbers as a Python `long`. """returndefault_generator.initial_seed()
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanagerdeffork_rng(devices=None,enabled=True,_caller="fork_rng",_devices_kw="devices")->Generator:""" Forks the RNG, so that when you return, the RNG is reset to the state that it was previously in. Args: devices (iterable of CUDA IDs): CUDA devices for which to fork the RNG. CPU RNG state is always forked. By default, :meth:`fork_rng` operates on all devices, but will emit a warning if your machine has a lot of devices, since this function will run very slowly in that case. If you explicitly specify devices, this warning will be suppressed enabled (bool): if ``False``, the RNG is not forked. This is a convenience argument for easily disabling the context manager without having to delete it and unindent your Python code under it. """importtorch.cudaglobal_fork_rng_warned_already# Internal arguments:# _caller: the function which called fork_rng, which the user used# _devices_kw: the devices keyword of _callerifnotenabled:yieldreturnifdevicesisNone:num_devices=torch.cuda.device_count()ifnum_devices>1andnot_fork_rng_warned_already:warnings.warn(("CUDA reports that you have {num_devices} available devices, and you ""have used {caller} without explicitly specifying which devices are being used. ""For safety, we initialize *every* CUDA device by default, which ""can be quite slow if you have a lot of GPUs. If you know that you are only ""making use of a few CUDA devices, set the environment variable CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES ""or the '{devices_kw}' keyword argument of {caller} with the set of devices ""you are actually using. For example, if you are using CPU only, ""set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES= or devices=[]; if you are using ""GPU 0 only, set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 or devices=[0]. To initialize ""all devices and suppress this warning, set the '{devices_kw}' keyword argument ""to `range(torch.cuda.device_count())`.").format(num_devices=num_devices,caller=_caller,devices_kw=_devices_kw))_fork_rng_warned_already=Truedevices=list(range(num_devices))else:# Protect against user passing us a generator; we need to traverse this# multiple times but a generator will be exhausted upon first traversaldevices=list(devices)cpu_rng_state=torch.get_rng_state()gpu_rng_states=[]fordeviceindevices:gpu_rng_states.append(torch.cuda.get_rng_state(device))try:yieldfinally:torch.set_rng_state(cpu_rng_state)fordevice,gpu_rng_stateinzip(devices,gpu_rng_states):torch.cuda.set_rng_state(gpu_rng_state,device)
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