

class torchdata.datapipes.iter.FSSpecSaver(source_datapipe: IterDataPipe[Tuple[Any, Union[bytes, bytearray, str]]], mode: str = 'w', filepath_fn: Optional[Callable] = None, **kwargs)

Takes in a DataPipe of tuples of metadata and data, saves the data to the target path (generated by the filepath_fn and metadata), and yields the resulting fsspec path (functional name: save_by_fsspec).

  • source_datapipe – Iterable DataPipe with tuples of metadata and data

  • mode – Mode in which the file will be opened for write the data ("w" by default)

  • filepath_fn – Function that takes in metadata and returns the target path of the new file

  • kwargs – Extra options that make sense to a particular storage connection, e.g. host, port, username, password, etc.


>>> from torchdata.datapipes.iter import IterableWrapper
>>> def filepath_fn(name: str) -> str:
>>>     return dir_path + name
>>> name_to_data = {"1.txt": b"DATA1", "2.txt": b"DATA2", "3.txt": b"DATA3"}
>>> source_dp = IterableWrapper(sorted(name_to_data.items()))
>>> fsspec_saver_dp = source_dp.save_by_fsspec(filepath_fn=filepath_fn, mode="wb")
>>> res_file_paths = list(fsspec_saver_dp)


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