- torchaudio.functional.spectral_centroid(waveform: Tensor, sample_rate: int, pad: int, window: Tensor, n_fft: int, hop_length: int, win_length: int) Tensor [source]
Compute the spectral centroid for each channel along the time axis.
The spectral centroid is defined as the weighted average of the frequency values, weighted by their magnitude.
- Parameters:
waveform (Tensor) – Tensor of audio of dimension (…, time)
sample_rate (int) – Sample rate of the audio waveform
pad (int) – Two sided padding of signal
window (Tensor) – Window tensor that is applied/multiplied to each frame/window
n_fft (int) – Size of FFT
hop_length (int) – Length of hop between STFT windows
win_length (int) – Window size
- Returns:
Dimension (…, time)
- Return type: