Source code for torchaudio.functional
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import math
from typing import Optional, Tuple
import warnings
import torch
from torch import Tensor
__all__ = [
[docs]def spectrogram(
waveform: Tensor,
pad: int,
window: Tensor,
n_fft: int,
hop_length: int,
win_length: int,
power: Optional[float],
normalized: bool
) -> Tensor:
r"""Create a spectrogram or a batch of spectrograms from a raw audio signal.
The spectrogram can be either magnitude-only or complex.
waveform (Tensor): Tensor of audio of dimension (..., time)
pad (int): Two sided padding of signal
window (Tensor): Window tensor that is applied/multiplied to each frame/window
n_fft (int): Size of FFT
hop_length (int): Length of hop between STFT windows
win_length (int): Window size
power (float or None): Exponent for the magnitude spectrogram,
(must be > 0) e.g., 1 for energy, 2 for power, etc.
If None, then the complex spectrum is returned instead.
normalized (bool): Whether to normalize by magnitude after stft
Tensor: Dimension (..., freq, time), freq is
``n_fft // 2 + 1`` and ``n_fft`` is the number of
Fourier bins, and time is the number of window hops (n_frame).
if pad > 0:
# TODO add "with torch.no_grad():" back when JIT supports it
waveform = torch.nn.functional.pad(waveform, (pad, pad), "constant")
# pack batch
shape = waveform.size()
waveform = waveform.reshape(-1, shape[-1])
# default values are consistent with librosa.core.spectrum._spectrogram
spec_f = torch.stft(
waveform, n_fft, hop_length, win_length, window, True, "reflect", False, True
# unpack batch
spec_f = spec_f.reshape(shape[:-1] + spec_f.shape[-3:])
if normalized:
spec_f /= window.pow(2.).sum().sqrt()
if power is not None:
spec_f = complex_norm(spec_f, power=power)
return spec_f
def griffinlim(
specgram: Tensor,
window: Tensor,
n_fft: int,
hop_length: int,
win_length: int,
power: float,
normalized: bool,
n_iter: int,
momentum: float,
length: Optional[int],
rand_init: bool
) -> Tensor:
r"""Compute waveform from a linear scale magnitude spectrogram using the Griffin-Lim transformation.
Implementation ported from `librosa`.
.. [1] McFee, Brian, Colin Raffel, Dawen Liang, Daniel PW Ellis, Matt McVicar, Eric Battenberg, and Oriol Nieto.
"librosa: Audio and music signal analysis in python."
In Proceedings of the 14th python in science conference, pp. 18-25. 2015.
.. [2] Perraudin, N., Balazs, P., & Søndergaard, P. L.
"A fast Griffin-Lim algorithm,"
IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (pp. 1-4),
Oct. 2013.
.. [3] D. W. Griffin and J. S. Lim,
"Signal estimation from modified short-time Fourier transform,"
IEEE Trans. ASSP, vol.32, no.2, pp.236–243, Apr. 1984.
specgram (Tensor): A magnitude-only STFT spectrogram of dimension (..., freq, frames)
where freq is ``n_fft // 2 + 1``.
window (Tensor): Window tensor that is applied/multiplied to each frame/window
n_fft (int): Size of FFT, creates ``n_fft // 2 + 1`` bins
hop_length (int): Length of hop between STFT windows. (
Default: ``win_length // 2``)
win_length (int): Window size. (Default: ``n_fft``)
power (float): Exponent for the magnitude spectrogram,
(must be > 0) e.g., 1 for energy, 2 for power, etc.
normalized (bool): Whether to normalize by magnitude after stft.
n_iter (int): Number of iteration for phase recovery process.
momentum (float): The momentum parameter for fast Griffin-Lim.
Setting this to 0 recovers the original Griffin-Lim method.
Values near 1 can lead to faster convergence, but above 1 may not converge.
length (int or None): Array length of the expected output.
rand_init (bool): Initializes phase randomly if True, to zero otherwise.
torch.Tensor: waveform of (..., time), where time equals the ``length`` parameter if given.
assert momentum < 1, 'momentum={} > 1 can be unstable'.format(momentum)
assert momentum >= 0, 'momentum={} < 0'.format(momentum)
# pack batch
shape = specgram.size()
specgram = specgram.reshape([-1] + list(shape[-2:]))
specgram = specgram.pow(1 / power)
# randomly initialize the phase
batch, freq, frames = specgram.size()
if rand_init:
angles = 2 * math.pi * torch.rand(batch, freq, frames)
angles = torch.zeros(batch, freq, frames)
angles = torch.stack([angles.cos(), angles.sin()], dim=-1) \
.to(dtype=specgram.dtype, device=specgram.device)
specgram = specgram.unsqueeze(-1).expand_as(angles)
# And initialize the previous iterate to 0
rebuilt = torch.tensor(0.)
for _ in range(n_iter):
# Store the previous iterate
tprev = rebuilt
# Invert with our current estimate of the phases
inverse = torch.istft(specgram * angles,
# Rebuild the spectrogram
rebuilt = torch.stft(inverse, n_fft, hop_length, win_length, window,
True, 'reflect', False, True)
# Update our phase estimates
angles = rebuilt
if momentum:
angles = angles - tprev.mul_(momentum / (1 + momentum))
angles = angles.div(complex_norm(angles).add(1e-16).unsqueeze(-1).expand_as(angles))
# Return the final phase estimates
waveform = torch.istft(specgram * angles,
# unpack batch
waveform = waveform.reshape(shape[:-2] + waveform.shape[-1:])
return waveform
[docs]def amplitude_to_DB(
x: Tensor,
multiplier: float,
amin: float,
db_multiplier: float,
top_db: Optional[float] = None
) -> Tensor:
r"""Turn a tensor from the power/amplitude scale to the decibel scale.
This output depends on the maximum value in the input tensor, and so
may return different values for an audio clip split into snippets vs. a
a full clip.
x (Tensor): Input tensor before being converted to decibel scale
multiplier (float): Use 10. for power and 20. for amplitude
amin (float): Number to clamp ``x``
db_multiplier (float): Log10(max(reference value and amin))
top_db (float or None, optional): Minimum negative cut-off in decibels. A reasonable number
is 80. (Default: ``None``)
Tensor: Output tensor in decibel scale
x_db = multiplier * torch.log10(torch.clamp(x, min=amin))
x_db -= multiplier * db_multiplier
if top_db is not None:
x_db = x_db.clamp(min=x_db.max().item() - top_db)
return x_db
def DB_to_amplitude(
x: Tensor,
ref: float,
power: float
) -> Tensor:
r"""Turn a tensor from the decibel scale to the power/amplitude scale.
x (Tensor): Input tensor before being converted to power/amplitude scale.
ref (float): Reference which the output will be scaled by.
power (float): If power equals 1, will compute DB to power. If 0.5, will compute DB to amplitude.
Tensor: Output tensor in power/amplitude scale.
return ref * torch.pow(torch.pow(10.0, 0.1 * x), power)
[docs]def create_fb_matrix(
n_freqs: int,
f_min: float,
f_max: float,
n_mels: int,
sample_rate: int,
norm: Optional[str] = None
) -> Tensor:
r"""Create a frequency bin conversion matrix.
n_freqs (int): Number of frequencies to highlight/apply
f_min (float): Minimum frequency (Hz)
f_max (float): Maximum frequency (Hz)
n_mels (int): Number of mel filterbanks
sample_rate (int): Sample rate of the audio waveform
norm (Optional[str]): If 'slaney', divide the triangular mel weights by the width of the mel band
(area normalization). (Default: ``None``)
Tensor: Triangular filter banks (fb matrix) of size (``n_freqs``, ``n_mels``)
meaning number of frequencies to highlight/apply to x the number of filterbanks.
Each column is a filterbank so that assuming there is a matrix A of
size (..., ``n_freqs``), the applied result would be
``A * create_fb_matrix(A.size(-1), ...)``.
if norm is not None and norm != "slaney":
raise ValueError("norm must be one of None or 'slaney'")
# freq bins
# Equivalent filterbank construction by Librosa
all_freqs = torch.linspace(0, sample_rate // 2, n_freqs)
# calculate mel freq bins
# hertz to mel(f) is 2595. * math.log10(1. + (f / 700.))
m_min = 2595.0 * math.log10(1.0 + (f_min / 700.0))
m_max = 2595.0 * math.log10(1.0 + (f_max / 700.0))
m_pts = torch.linspace(m_min, m_max, n_mels + 2)
# mel to hertz(mel) is 700. * (10**(mel / 2595.) - 1.)
f_pts = 700.0 * (10 ** (m_pts / 2595.0) - 1.0)
# calculate the difference between each mel point and each stft freq point in hertz
f_diff = f_pts[1:] - f_pts[:-1] # (n_mels + 1)
slopes = f_pts.unsqueeze(0) - all_freqs.unsqueeze(1) # (n_freqs, n_mels + 2)
# create overlapping triangles
zero = torch.zeros(1)
down_slopes = (-1.0 * slopes[:, :-2]) / f_diff[:-1] # (n_freqs, n_mels)
up_slopes = slopes[:, 2:] / f_diff[1:] # (n_freqs, n_mels)
fb = torch.max(zero, torch.min(down_slopes, up_slopes))
if norm is not None and norm == "slaney":
# Slaney-style mel is scaled to be approx constant energy per channel
enorm = 2.0 / (f_pts[2:n_mels + 2] - f_pts[:n_mels])
fb *= enorm.unsqueeze(0)
if (fb.max(dim=0).values == 0.).any():
"At least one mel filterbank has all zero values. "
f"The value for `n_mels` ({n_mels}) may be set too high. "
f"Or, the value for `n_freqs` ({n_freqs}) may be set too low."
return fb
[docs]def create_dct(
n_mfcc: int,
n_mels: int,
norm: Optional[str]
) -> Tensor:
r"""Create a DCT transformation matrix with shape (``n_mels``, ``n_mfcc``),
normalized depending on norm.
n_mfcc (int): Number of mfc coefficients to retain
n_mels (int): Number of mel filterbanks
norm (str or None): Norm to use (either 'ortho' or None)
Tensor: The transformation matrix, to be right-multiplied to
row-wise data of size (``n_mels``, ``n_mfcc``).
n = torch.arange(float(n_mels))
k = torch.arange(float(n_mfcc)).unsqueeze(1)
dct = torch.cos(math.pi / float(n_mels) * (n + 0.5) * k) # size (n_mfcc, n_mels)
if norm is None:
dct *= 2.0
assert norm == "ortho"
dct[0] *= 1.0 / math.sqrt(2.0)
dct *= math.sqrt(2.0 / float(n_mels))
return dct.t()
[docs]def mu_law_encoding(
x: Tensor,
quantization_channels: int
) -> Tensor:
r"""Encode signal based on mu-law companding. For more info see the
`Wikipedia Entry <>`_
This algorithm assumes the signal has been scaled to between -1 and 1 and
returns a signal encoded with values from 0 to quantization_channels - 1.
x (Tensor): Input tensor
quantization_channels (int): Number of channels
Tensor: Input after mu-law encoding
mu = quantization_channels - 1.0
if not x.is_floating_point():
x =
mu = torch.tensor(mu, dtype=x.dtype)
x_mu = torch.sign(x) * torch.log1p(mu * torch.abs(x)) / torch.log1p(mu)
x_mu = ((x_mu + 1) / 2 * mu + 0.5).to(torch.int64)
return x_mu
[docs]def mu_law_decoding(
x_mu: Tensor,
quantization_channels: int
) -> Tensor:
r"""Decode mu-law encoded signal. For more info see the
`Wikipedia Entry <>`_
This expects an input with values between 0 and quantization_channels - 1
and returns a signal scaled between -1 and 1.
x_mu (Tensor): Input tensor
quantization_channels (int): Number of channels
Tensor: Input after mu-law decoding
mu = quantization_channels - 1.0
if not x_mu.is_floating_point():
x_mu =
mu = torch.tensor(mu, dtype=x_mu.dtype)
x = ((x_mu) / mu) * 2 - 1.0
x = torch.sign(x) * (torch.exp(torch.abs(x) * torch.log1p(mu)) - 1.0) / mu
return x
[docs]def complex_norm(
complex_tensor: Tensor,
power: float = 1.0
) -> Tensor:
r"""Compute the norm of complex tensor input.
complex_tensor (Tensor): Tensor shape of `(..., complex=2)`
power (float): Power of the norm. (Default: `1.0`).
Tensor: Power of the normed input tensor. Shape of `(..., )`
# Replace by torch.norm once issue is fixed
return complex_tensor.pow(2.).sum(-1).pow(0.5 * power)
[docs]def angle(
complex_tensor: Tensor
) -> Tensor:
r"""Compute the angle of complex tensor input.
complex_tensor (Tensor): Tensor shape of `(..., complex=2)`
Tensor: Angle of a complex tensor. Shape of `(..., )`
return torch.atan2(complex_tensor[..., 1], complex_tensor[..., 0])
[docs]def magphase(
complex_tensor: Tensor,
power: float = 1.0
) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
r"""Separate a complex-valued spectrogram with shape `(..., 2)` into its magnitude and phase.
complex_tensor (Tensor): Tensor shape of `(..., complex=2)`
power (float): Power of the norm. (Default: `1.0`)
(Tensor, Tensor): The magnitude and phase of the complex tensor
mag = complex_norm(complex_tensor, power)
phase = angle(complex_tensor)
return mag, phase
[docs]def phase_vocoder(
complex_specgrams: Tensor,
rate: float,
phase_advance: Tensor
) -> Tensor:
r"""Given a STFT tensor, speed up in time without modifying pitch by a
factor of ``rate``.
complex_specgrams (Tensor): Dimension of `(..., freq, time, complex=2)`
rate (float): Speed-up factor
phase_advance (Tensor): Expected phase advance in each bin. Dimension of (freq, 1)
Tensor: Complex Specgrams Stretch with dimension of `(..., freq, ceil(time/rate), complex=2)`
>>> freq, hop_length = 1025, 512
>>> # (channel, freq, time, complex=2)
>>> complex_specgrams = torch.randn(2, freq, 300, 2)
>>> rate = 1.3 # Speed up by 30%
>>> phase_advance = torch.linspace(
>>> 0, math.pi * hop_length, freq)[..., None]
>>> x = phase_vocoder(complex_specgrams, rate, phase_advance)
>>> x.shape # with 231 == ceil(300 / 1.3)
torch.Size([2, 1025, 231, 2])
# pack batch
shape = complex_specgrams.size()
complex_specgrams = complex_specgrams.reshape([-1] + list(shape[-3:]))
time_steps = torch.arange(0,
alphas = time_steps % 1.0
phase_0 = angle(complex_specgrams[..., :1, :])
# Time Padding
complex_specgrams = torch.nn.functional.pad(complex_specgrams, [0, 0, 0, 2])
# (new_bins, freq, 2)
complex_specgrams_0 = complex_specgrams.index_select(-2, time_steps.long())
complex_specgrams_1 = complex_specgrams.index_select(-2, (time_steps + 1).long())
angle_0 = angle(complex_specgrams_0)
angle_1 = angle(complex_specgrams_1)
norm_0 = torch.norm(complex_specgrams_0, p=2, dim=-1)
norm_1 = torch.norm(complex_specgrams_1, p=2, dim=-1)
phase = angle_1 - angle_0 - phase_advance
phase = phase - 2 * math.pi * torch.round(phase / (2 * math.pi))
# Compute Phase Accum
phase = phase + phase_advance
phase =[phase_0, phase[..., :-1]], dim=-1)
phase_acc = torch.cumsum(phase, -1)
mag = alphas * norm_1 + (1 - alphas) * norm_0
real_stretch = mag * torch.cos(phase_acc)
imag_stretch = mag * torch.sin(phase_acc)
complex_specgrams_stretch = torch.stack([real_stretch, imag_stretch], dim=-1)
# unpack batch
complex_specgrams_stretch = complex_specgrams_stretch.reshape(shape[:-3] + complex_specgrams_stretch.shape[1:])
return complex_specgrams_stretch
[docs]def lfilter(
waveform: Tensor,
a_coeffs: Tensor,
b_coeffs: Tensor,
clamp: bool = True,
) -> Tensor:
r"""Perform an IIR filter by evaluating difference equation.
waveform (Tensor): audio waveform of dimension of ``(..., time)``. Must be normalized to -1 to 1.
a_coeffs (Tensor): denominator coefficients of difference equation of dimension of ``(n_order + 1)``.
Lower delays coefficients are first, e.g. ``[a0, a1, a2, ...]``.
Must be same size as b_coeffs (pad with 0's as necessary).
b_coeffs (Tensor): numerator coefficients of difference equation of dimension of ``(n_order + 1)``.
Lower delays coefficients are first, e.g. ``[b0, b1, b2, ...]``.
Must be same size as a_coeffs (pad with 0's as necessary).
clamp (bool, optional): If ``True``, clamp the output signal to be in the range [-1, 1] (Default: ``True``)
Tensor: Waveform with dimension of ``(..., time)``.
# pack batch
shape = waveform.size()
waveform = waveform.reshape(-1, shape[-1])
assert (a_coeffs.size(0) == b_coeffs.size(0))
assert (len(waveform.size()) == 2)
assert (waveform.device == a_coeffs.device)
assert (b_coeffs.device == a_coeffs.device)
device = waveform.device
dtype = waveform.dtype
n_channel, n_sample = waveform.size()
n_order = a_coeffs.size(0)
n_sample_padded = n_sample + n_order - 1
assert (n_order > 0)
# Pad the input and create output
padded_waveform = torch.zeros(n_channel, n_sample_padded, dtype=dtype, device=device)
padded_waveform[:, (n_order - 1):] = waveform
padded_output_waveform = torch.zeros(n_channel, n_sample_padded, dtype=dtype, device=device)
# Set up the coefficients matrix
# Flip coefficients' order
a_coeffs_flipped = a_coeffs.flip(0)
b_coeffs_flipped = b_coeffs.flip(0)
# calculate windowed_input_signal in parallel
# create indices of original with shape (n_channel, n_order, n_sample)
window_idxs = torch.arange(n_sample, device=device).unsqueeze(0) + torch.arange(n_order, device=device).unsqueeze(1)
window_idxs = window_idxs.repeat(n_channel, 1, 1)
window_idxs += (torch.arange(n_channel, device=device).unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1) * n_sample_padded)
window_idxs = window_idxs.long()
# (n_order, ) matmul (n_channel, n_order, n_sample) -> (n_channel, n_sample)
input_signal_windows = torch.matmul(b_coeffs_flipped, torch.take(padded_waveform, window_idxs))
for i_sample, o0 in enumerate(input_signal_windows.t()):
windowed_output_signal = padded_output_waveform[:, i_sample:(i_sample + n_order)]
o0.addmv_(windowed_output_signal, a_coeffs_flipped, alpha=-1)
padded_output_waveform[:, i_sample + n_order - 1] = o0
output = padded_output_waveform[:, (n_order - 1):]
if clamp:
output = torch.clamp(output, min=-1., max=1.)
# unpack batch
output = output.reshape(shape[:-1] + output.shape[-1:])
return output
[docs]def biquad(
waveform: Tensor,
b0: float,
b1: float,
b2: float,
a0: float,
a1: float,
a2: float
) -> Tensor:
r"""Perform a biquad filter of input tensor. Initial conditions set to 0.
waveform (Tensor): audio waveform of dimension of `(..., time)`
b0 (float): numerator coefficient of current input, x[n]
b1 (float): numerator coefficient of input one time step ago x[n-1]
b2 (float): numerator coefficient of input two time steps ago x[n-2]
a0 (float): denominator coefficient of current output y[n], typically 1
a1 (float): denominator coefficient of current output y[n-1]
a2 (float): denominator coefficient of current output y[n-2]
Tensor: Waveform with dimension of `(..., time)`
device = waveform.device
dtype = waveform.dtype
output_waveform = lfilter(
torch.tensor([a0, a1, a2], dtype=dtype, device=device),
torch.tensor([b0, b1, b2], dtype=dtype, device=device)
return output_waveform
def _dB2Linear(x: float) -> float:
return math.exp(x * math.log(10) / 20.0)
[docs]def highpass_biquad(
waveform: Tensor,
sample_rate: int,
cutoff_freq: float,
Q: float = 0.707
) -> Tensor:
r"""Design biquad highpass filter and perform filtering. Similar to SoX implementation.
waveform (Tensor): audio waveform of dimension of `(..., time)`
sample_rate (int): sampling rate of the waveform, e.g. 44100 (Hz)
cutoff_freq (float): filter cutoff frequency
Q (float, optional): (Default: ``0.707``)
Tensor: Waveform dimension of `(..., time)`
w0 = 2 * math.pi * cutoff_freq / sample_rate
alpha = math.sin(w0) / 2. / Q
b0 = (1 + math.cos(w0)) / 2
b1 = -1 - math.cos(w0)
b2 = b0
a0 = 1 + alpha
a1 = -2 * math.cos(w0)
a2 = 1 - alpha
return biquad(waveform, b0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2)
[docs]def lowpass_biquad(
waveform: Tensor,
sample_rate: int,
cutoff_freq: float,
Q: float = 0.707
) -> Tensor:
r"""Design biquad lowpass filter and perform filtering. Similar to SoX implementation.
waveform (torch.Tensor): audio waveform of dimension of `(..., time)`
sample_rate (int): sampling rate of the waveform, e.g. 44100 (Hz)
cutoff_freq (float): filter cutoff frequency
Q (float, optional): (Default: ``0.707``)
Tensor: Waveform of dimension of `(..., time)`
w0 = 2 * math.pi * cutoff_freq / sample_rate
alpha = math.sin(w0) / 2 / Q
b0 = (1 - math.cos(w0)) / 2
b1 = 1 - math.cos(w0)
b2 = b0
a0 = 1 + alpha
a1 = -2 * math.cos(w0)
a2 = 1 - alpha
return biquad(waveform, b0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2)
[docs]def allpass_biquad(
waveform: Tensor,
sample_rate: int,
central_freq: float,
Q: float = 0.707
) -> Tensor:
r"""Design two-pole all-pass filter. Similar to SoX implementation.
waveform(torch.Tensor): audio waveform of dimension of `(..., time)`
sample_rate (int): sampling rate of the waveform, e.g. 44100 (Hz)
central_freq (float): central frequency (in Hz)
Q (float, optional): (Default: ``0.707``)
Tensor: Waveform of dimension of `(..., time)`
w0 = 2 * math.pi * central_freq / sample_rate
alpha = math.sin(w0) / 2 / Q
b0 = 1 - alpha
b1 = -2 * math.cos(w0)
b2 = 1 + alpha
a0 = 1 + alpha
a1 = -2 * math.cos(w0)
a2 = 1 - alpha
return biquad(waveform, b0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2)
[docs]def bandpass_biquad(
waveform: Tensor,
sample_rate: int,
central_freq: float,
Q: float = 0.707,
const_skirt_gain: bool = False
) -> Tensor:
r"""Design two-pole band-pass filter. Similar to SoX implementation.
waveform (Tensor): audio waveform of dimension of `(..., time)`
sample_rate (int): sampling rate of the waveform, e.g. 44100 (Hz)
central_freq (float): central frequency (in Hz)
Q (float, optional): (Default: ``0.707``)
const_skirt_gain (bool, optional) : If ``True``, uses a constant skirt gain (peak gain = Q).
If ``False``, uses a constant 0dB peak gain. (Default: ``False``)
Tensor: Waveform of dimension of `(..., time)`
w0 = 2 * math.pi * central_freq / sample_rate
alpha = math.sin(w0) / 2 / Q
temp = math.sin(w0) / 2 if const_skirt_gain else alpha
b0 = temp
b1 = 0.
b2 = -temp
a0 = 1 + alpha
a1 = -2 * math.cos(w0)
a2 = 1 - alpha
return biquad(waveform, b0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2)
[docs]def bandreject_biquad(
waveform: Tensor,
sample_rate: int,
central_freq: float,
Q: float = 0.707
) -> Tensor:
r"""Design two-pole band-reject filter. Similar to SoX implementation.
waveform (Tensor): audio waveform of dimension of `(..., time)`
sample_rate (int): sampling rate of the waveform, e.g. 44100 (Hz)
central_freq (float): central frequency (in Hz)
Q (float, optional): (Default: ``0.707``)
Tensor: Waveform of dimension of `(..., time)`
w0 = 2 * math.pi * central_freq / sample_rate
alpha = math.sin(w0) / 2 / Q
b0 = 1.
b1 = -2 * math.cos(w0)
b2 = 1.
a0 = 1 + alpha
a1 = -2 * math.cos(w0)
a2 = 1 - alpha
return biquad(waveform, b0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2)
[docs]def equalizer_biquad(
waveform: Tensor,
sample_rate: int,
center_freq: float,
gain: float,
Q: float = 0.707
) -> Tensor:
r"""Design biquad peaking equalizer filter and perform filtering. Similar to SoX implementation.
waveform (Tensor): audio waveform of dimension of `(..., time)`
sample_rate (int): sampling rate of the waveform, e.g. 44100 (Hz)
center_freq (float): filter's central frequency
gain (float): desired gain at the boost (or attenuation) in dB
Q (float, optional): (Default: ``0.707``)
Tensor: Waveform of dimension of `(..., time)`
w0 = 2 * math.pi * center_freq / sample_rate
A = math.exp(gain / 40.0 * math.log(10))
alpha = math.sin(w0) / 2 / Q
b0 = 1 + alpha * A
b1 = -2 * math.cos(w0)
b2 = 1 - alpha * A
a0 = 1 + alpha / A
a1 = -2 * math.cos(w0)
a2 = 1 - alpha / A
return biquad(waveform, b0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2)
[docs]def band_biquad(
waveform: Tensor,
sample_rate: int,
central_freq: float,
Q: float = 0.707,
noise: bool = False
) -> Tensor:
r"""Design two-pole band filter. Similar to SoX implementation.
waveform (Tensor): audio waveform of dimension of `(..., time)`
sample_rate (int): sampling rate of the waveform, e.g. 44100 (Hz)
central_freq (float): central frequency (in Hz)
Q (float, optional): (Default: ``0.707``).
noise (bool, optional) : If ``True``, uses the alternate mode for un-pitched audio (e.g. percussion).
If ``False``, uses mode oriented to pitched audio, i.e. voice, singing,
or instrumental music (Default: ``False``).
Tensor: Waveform of dimension of `(..., time)`
w0 = 2 * math.pi * central_freq / sample_rate
bw_Hz = central_freq / Q
a0 = 1.
a2 = math.exp(-2 * math.pi * bw_Hz / sample_rate)
a1 = -4 * a2 / (1 + a2) * math.cos(w0)
b0 = math.sqrt(1 - a1 * a1 / (4 * a2)) * (1 - a2)
if noise:
mult = math.sqrt(((1 + a2) * (1 + a2) - a1 * a1) * (1 - a2) / (1 + a2)) / b0
b0 *= mult
b1 = 0.
b2 = 0.
return biquad(waveform, b0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2)
[docs]def treble_biquad(
waveform: Tensor,
sample_rate: int,
gain: float,
central_freq: float = 3000,
Q: float = 0.707
) -> Tensor:
r"""Design a treble tone-control effect. Similar to SoX implementation.
waveform (Tensor): audio waveform of dimension of `(..., time)`
sample_rate (int): sampling rate of the waveform, e.g. 44100 (Hz)
gain (float): desired gain at the boost (or attenuation) in dB.
central_freq (float, optional): central frequency (in Hz). (Default: ``3000``)
Q (float, optional): (Default: ``0.707``).
Tensor: Waveform of dimension of `(..., time)`
w0 = 2 * math.pi * central_freq / sample_rate
alpha = math.sin(w0) / 2 / Q
A = math.exp(gain / 40 * math.log(10))
temp1 = 2 * math.sqrt(A) * alpha
temp2 = (A - 1) * math.cos(w0)
temp3 = (A + 1) * math.cos(w0)
b0 = A * ((A + 1) + temp2 + temp1)
b1 = -2 * A * ((A - 1) + temp3)
b2 = A * ((A + 1) + temp2 - temp1)
a0 = (A + 1) - temp2 + temp1
a1 = 2 * ((A - 1) - temp3)
a2 = (A + 1) - temp2 - temp1
return biquad(waveform, b0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2)
[docs]def bass_biquad(
waveform: Tensor,
sample_rate: int,
gain: float,
central_freq: float = 100,
Q: float = 0.707
) -> Tensor:
r"""Design a bass tone-control effect. Similar to SoX implementation.
waveform (Tensor): audio waveform of dimension of `(..., time)`
sample_rate (int): sampling rate of the waveform, e.g. 44100 (Hz)
gain (float): desired gain at the boost (or attenuation) in dB.
central_freq (float, optional): central frequency (in Hz). (Default: ``100``)
Q (float, optional): (Default: ``0.707``).
Tensor: Waveform of dimension of `(..., time)`
w0 = 2 * math.pi * central_freq / sample_rate
alpha = math.sin(w0) / 2 / Q
A = math.exp(gain / 40 * math.log(10))
temp1 = 2 * math.sqrt(A) * alpha
temp2 = (A - 1) * math.cos(w0)
temp3 = (A + 1) * math.cos(w0)
b0 = A * ((A + 1) - temp2 + temp1)
b1 = 2 * A * ((A - 1) - temp3)
b2 = A * ((A + 1) - temp2 - temp1)
a0 = (A + 1) + temp2 + temp1
a1 = -2 * ((A - 1) + temp3)
a2 = (A + 1) + temp2 - temp1
return biquad(waveform, b0 / a0, b1 / a0, b2 / a0, a0 / a0, a1 / a0, a2 / a0)
[docs]def deemph_biquad(
waveform: Tensor,
sample_rate: int
) -> Tensor:
r"""Apply ISO 908 CD de-emphasis (shelving) IIR filter. Similar to SoX implementation.
waveform (Tensor): audio waveform of dimension of `(..., time)`
sample_rate (int): sampling rate of the waveform, Allowed sample rate ``44100`` or ``48000``
Tensor: Waveform of dimension of `(..., time)`
if sample_rate == 44100:
central_freq = 5283
width_slope = 0.4845
gain = -9.477
elif sample_rate == 48000:
central_freq = 5356
width_slope = 0.479
gain = -9.62
raise ValueError("Sample rate must be 44100 (audio-CD) or 48000 (DAT)")
w0 = 2 * math.pi * central_freq / sample_rate
A = math.exp(gain / 40.0 * math.log(10))
alpha = math.sin(w0) / 2 * math.sqrt((A + 1 / A) * (1 / width_slope - 1) + 2)
temp1 = 2 * math.sqrt(A) * alpha
temp2 = (A - 1) * math.cos(w0)
temp3 = (A + 1) * math.cos(w0)
b0 = A * ((A + 1) + temp2 + temp1)
b1 = -2 * A * ((A - 1) + temp3)
b2 = A * ((A + 1) + temp2 - temp1)
a0 = (A + 1) - temp2 + temp1
a1 = 2 * ((A - 1) - temp3)
a2 = (A + 1) - temp2 - temp1
return biquad(waveform, b0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2)
[docs]def riaa_biquad(
waveform: Tensor,
sample_rate: int
) -> Tensor:
r"""Apply RIAA vinyl playback equalisation. Similar to SoX implementation.
waveform (Tensor): audio waveform of dimension of `(..., time)`
sample_rate (int): sampling rate of the waveform, e.g. 44100 (Hz).
Allowed sample rates in Hz : ``44100``,``48000``,``88200``,``96000``
Tensor: Waveform of dimension of `(..., time)`
if (sample_rate == 44100):
zeros = [-0.2014898, 0.9233820]
poles = [0.7083149, 0.9924091]
elif (sample_rate == 48000):
zeros = [-0.1766069, 0.9321590]
poles = [0.7396325, 0.9931330]
elif (sample_rate == 88200):
zeros = [-0.1168735, 0.9648312]
poles = [0.8590646, 0.9964002]
elif (sample_rate == 96000):
zeros = [-0.1141486, 0.9676817]
poles = [0.8699137, 0.9966946]
raise ValueError("Sample rate must be 44.1k, 48k, 88.2k, or 96k")
# polynomial coefficients with roots zeros[0] and zeros[1]
b0 = 1.
b1 = -(zeros[0] + zeros[1])
b2 = (zeros[0] * zeros[1])
# polynomial coefficients with roots poles[0] and poles[1]
a0 = 1.
a1 = -(poles[0] + poles[1])
a2 = (poles[0] * poles[1])
# Normalise to 0dB at 1kHz
y = 2 * math.pi * 1000 / sample_rate
b_re = b0 + b1 * math.cos(-y) + b2 * math.cos(-2 * y)
a_re = a0 + a1 * math.cos(-y) + a2 * math.cos(-2 * y)
b_im = b1 * math.sin(-y) + b2 * math.sin(-2 * y)
a_im = a1 * math.sin(-y) + a2 * math.sin(-2 * y)
g = 1 / math.sqrt((b_re ** 2 + b_im ** 2) / (a_re ** 2 + a_im ** 2))
b0 *= g
b1 *= g
b2 *= g
return biquad(waveform, b0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2)
[docs]def contrast(
waveform: Tensor,
enhancement_amount: float = 75.
) -> Tensor:
r"""Apply contrast effect. Similar to SoX implementation.
Comparable with compression, this effect modifies an audio signal to make it sound louder
waveform (Tensor): audio waveform of dimension of `(..., time)`
enhancement_amount (float): controls the amount of the enhancement
Allowed range of values for enhancement_amount : 0-100
Note that enhancement_amount = 0 still gives a significant contrast enhancement
Tensor: Waveform of dimension of `(..., time)`
if not 0 <= enhancement_amount <= 100:
raise ValueError("Allowed range of values for enhancement_amount : 0-100")
contrast = enhancement_amount / 750.
temp1 = waveform * (math.pi / 2)
temp2 = contrast * torch.sin(temp1 * 4)
output_waveform = torch.sin(temp1 + temp2)
return output_waveform
[docs]def dcshift(
waveform: Tensor,
shift: float,
limiter_gain: Optional[float] = None
) -> Tensor:
r"""Apply a DC shift to the audio. Similar to SoX implementation.
This can be useful to remove a DC offset
(caused perhaps by a hardware problem in the recording chain) from the audio
waveform (Tensor): audio waveform of dimension of `(..., time)`
shift (float): indicates the amount to shift the audio
Allowed range of values for shift : -2.0 to +2.0
limiter_gain (float): It is used only on peaks to prevent clipping
It should have a value much less than 1 (e.g. 0.05 or 0.02)
Tensor: Waveform of dimension of `(..., time)`
output_waveform = waveform
limiter_threshold = 0.
if limiter_gain is not None:
limiter_threshold = 1.0 - (abs(shift) - limiter_gain)
if limiter_gain is not None and shift > 0:
mask = waveform > limiter_threshold
temp = (waveform[mask] - limiter_threshold) * limiter_gain / (1 - limiter_threshold)
output_waveform[mask] = (temp + limiter_threshold + shift).clamp(max=limiter_threshold)
output_waveform[~mask] = (waveform[~mask] + shift).clamp(min=-1, max=1)
elif limiter_gain is not None and shift < 0:
mask = waveform < -limiter_threshold
temp = (waveform[mask] + limiter_threshold) * limiter_gain / (1 - limiter_threshold)
output_waveform[mask] = (temp - limiter_threshold + shift).clamp(min=-limiter_threshold)
output_waveform[~mask] = (waveform[~mask] + shift).clamp(min=-1, max=1)
output_waveform = (waveform + shift).clamp(min=-1, max=1)
return output_waveform
[docs]def overdrive(
waveform: Tensor,
gain: float = 20,
colour: float = 20
) -> Tensor:
r"""Apply a overdrive effect to the audio. Similar to SoX implementation.
This effect applies a non linear distortion to the audio signal.
waveform (Tensor): audio waveform of dimension of `(..., time)`
gain (float): desired gain at the boost (or attenuation) in dB
Allowed range of values are 0 to 100
colour (float): controls the amount of even harmonic content in the over-driven output
Allowed range of values are 0 to 100
Tensor: Waveform of dimension of `(..., time)`
actual_shape = waveform.shape
device, dtype = waveform.device, waveform.dtype
# convert to 2D (..,time)
waveform = waveform.view(-1, actual_shape[-1])
gain = _dB2Linear(gain)
colour = colour / 200
last_in = torch.zeros(waveform.shape[:-1], dtype=dtype, device=device)
last_out = torch.zeros(waveform.shape[:-1], dtype=dtype, device=device)
temp = waveform * gain + colour
mask1 = temp < -1
temp[mask1] = torch.tensor(-2.0 / 3.0, dtype=dtype, device=device)
# Wrapping the constant with Tensor is required for Torchscript
mask2 = temp > 1
temp[mask2] = torch.tensor(2.0 / 3.0, dtype=dtype, device=device)
mask3 = (~mask1 & ~mask2)
temp[mask3] = temp[mask3] - (temp[mask3]**3) * (1. / 3)
output_waveform = torch.zeros_like(waveform, dtype=dtype, device=device)
# TODO: Implement a torch CPP extension
for i in range(waveform.shape[-1]):
last_out = temp[:, i] - last_in + 0.995 * last_out
last_in = temp[:, i]
output_waveform[:, i] = waveform[:, i] * 0.5 + last_out * 0.75
return output_waveform.clamp(min=-1, max=1).view(actual_shape)
[docs]def phaser(
waveform: Tensor,
sample_rate: int,
gain_in: float = 0.4,
gain_out: float = 0.74,
delay_ms: float = 3.0,
decay: float = 0.4,
mod_speed: float = 0.5,
sinusoidal: bool = True
) -> Tensor:
r"""Apply a phasing effect to the audio. Similar to SoX implementation.
waveform (Tensor): audio waveform of dimension of `(..., time)`
sample_rate (int): sampling rate of the waveform, e.g. 44100 (Hz)
gain_in (float): desired input gain at the boost (or attenuation) in dB
Allowed range of values are 0 to 1
gain_out (float): desired output gain at the boost (or attenuation) in dB
Allowed range of values are 0 to 1e9
delay_ms (float): desired delay in milli seconds
Allowed range of values are 0 to 5.0
decay (float): desired decay relative to gain-in
Allowed range of values are 0 to 0.99
mod_speed (float): modulation speed in Hz
Allowed range of values are 0.1 to 2
sinusoidal (bool): If ``True``, uses sinusoidal modulation (preferable for multiple instruments)
If ``False``, uses triangular modulation (gives single instruments a sharper phasing effect)
(Default: ``True``)
Tensor: Waveform of dimension of `(..., time)`
Scott Lehman, Effects Explained,
actual_shape = waveform.shape
device, dtype = waveform.device, waveform.dtype
# convert to 2D (channels,time)
waveform = waveform.view(-1, actual_shape[-1])
delay_buf_len = int((delay_ms * .001 * sample_rate) + .5)
delay_buf = torch.zeros(waveform.shape[0], delay_buf_len, dtype=dtype, device=device)
mod_buf_len = int(sample_rate / mod_speed + .5)
if sinusoidal:
wave_type = 'SINE'
wave_type = 'TRIANGLE'
mod_buf = _generate_wave_table(wave_type=wave_type,
phase=math.pi / 2,
delay_pos = 0
mod_pos = 0
output_waveform_pre_gain_list = []
waveform = waveform * gain_in
delay_buf = delay_buf * decay
waveform_list = [waveform[:, i] for i in range(waveform.size(1))]
delay_buf_list = [delay_buf[:, i] for i in range(delay_buf.size(1))]
mod_buf_list = [mod_buf[i] for i in range(mod_buf.size(0))]
for i in range(waveform.shape[-1]):
idx = int((delay_pos + mod_buf_list[mod_pos]) % delay_buf_len)
mod_pos = (mod_pos + 1) % mod_buf_len
delay_pos = (delay_pos + 1) % delay_buf_len
temp = (waveform_list[i]) + (delay_buf_list[idx])
delay_buf_list[delay_pos] = temp * decay
output_waveform = torch.stack(output_waveform_pre_gain_list, dim=1).to(dtype=dtype, device=device)
return output_waveform.clamp(min=-1, max=1).view(actual_shape)
def _generate_wave_table(
wave_type: str,
data_type: str,
table_size: int,
min: float,
max: float,
phase: float,
device: torch.device
) -> Tensor:
r"""A helper fucntion for phaser. Generates a table with given parameters
wave_type (str): SINE or TRIANGULAR
data_type (str): desired data_type ( `INT` or `FLOAT` )
table_size (int): desired table size
min (float): desired min value
max (float): desired max value
phase (float): desired phase
device (torch.device): Torch device on which table must be generated
Tensor: A 1D tensor with wave table values
phase_offset = int(phase / math.pi / 2 * table_size + 0.5)
t = torch.arange(table_size, device=device, dtype=torch.int32)
point = (t + phase_offset) % table_size
d = torch.zeros_like(point, device=device, dtype=torch.float64)
if wave_type == 'SINE':
d = (torch.sin( / table_size * 2 * math.pi) + 1) / 2
elif wave_type == 'TRIANGLE':
d = * 2 / table_size
value = 4 * point // table_size
d[value == 0] = d[value == 0] + 0.5
d[value == 1] = 1.5 - d[value == 1]
d[value == 2] = 1.5 - d[value == 2]
d[value == 3] = d[value == 3] - 1.5
d = d * (max - min) + min
if data_type == 'INT':
mask = d < 0
d[mask] = d[mask] - 0.5
d[~mask] = d[~mask] + 0.5
d =
elif data_type == 'FLOAT':
d =
return d
[docs]def flanger(
waveform: Tensor,
sample_rate: int,
delay: float = 0.,
depth: float = 2.,
regen: float = 0.,
width: float = 71.,
speed: float = 0.5,
phase: float = 25.,
modulation: str = 'sinusoidal',
interpolation: str = 'linear'
) -> Tensor:
r"""Apply a flanger effect to the audio. Similar to SoX implementation.
waveform (Tensor): audio waveform of dimension of `(..., channel, time)` .
Max 4 channels allowed
sample_rate (int): sampling rate of the waveform, e.g. 44100 (Hz)
delay (float): desired delay in milliseconds(ms)
Allowed range of values are 0 to 30
depth (float): desired delay depth in milliseconds(ms)
Allowed range of values are 0 to 10
regen (float): desired regen(feeback gain) in dB
Allowed range of values are -95 to 95
width (float): desired width(delay gain) in dB
Allowed range of values are 0 to 100
speed (float): modulation speed in Hz
Allowed range of values are 0.1 to 10
phase (float): percentage phase-shift for multi-channel
Allowed range of values are 0 to 100
modulation (str): Use either "sinusoidal" or "triangular" modulation. (Default: ``sinusoidal``)
interpolation (str): Use either "linear" or "quadratic" for delay-line interpolation. (Default: ``linear``)
Tensor: Waveform of dimension of `(..., channel, time)`
Scott Lehman, Effects Explained,
if modulation not in ('sinusoidal', 'triangular'):
raise ValueError("Only 'sinusoidal' or 'triangular' modulation allowed")
if interpolation not in ('linear', 'quadratic'):
raise ValueError("Only 'linear' or 'quadratic' interpolation allowed")
actual_shape = waveform.shape
device, dtype = waveform.device, waveform.dtype
if actual_shape[-2] > 4:
raise ValueError("Max 4 channels allowed")
# convert to 3D (batch, channels, time)
waveform = waveform.view(-1, actual_shape[-2], actual_shape[-1])
# Scaling
feedback_gain = regen / 100
delay_gain = width / 100
channel_phase = phase / 100
delay_min = delay / 1000
delay_depth = depth / 1000
n_channels = waveform.shape[-2]
if modulation == 'sinusoidal':
wave_type = 'SINE'
wave_type = 'TRIANGLE'
# Balance output:
in_gain = 1. / (1 + delay_gain)
delay_gain = delay_gain / (1 + delay_gain)
# Balance feedback loop:
delay_gain = delay_gain * (1 - abs(feedback_gain))
delay_buf_length = int((delay_min + delay_depth) * sample_rate + 0.5)
delay_buf_length = delay_buf_length + 2
delay_bufs = torch.zeros(waveform.shape[0], n_channels, delay_buf_length, dtype=dtype, device=device)
delay_last = torch.zeros(waveform.shape[0], n_channels, dtype=dtype, device=device)
lfo_length = int(sample_rate / speed)
table_min = math.floor(delay_min * sample_rate + 0.5)
table_max = delay_buf_length - 2.
lfo = _generate_wave_table(wave_type=wave_type,
phase=3 * math.pi / 2,
output_waveform = torch.zeros_like(waveform, dtype=dtype, device=device)
delay_buf_pos = 0
lfo_pos = 0
channel_idxs = torch.arange(0, n_channels, device=device)
for i in range(waveform.shape[-1]):
delay_buf_pos = (delay_buf_pos + delay_buf_length - 1) % delay_buf_length
cur_channel_phase = (channel_idxs * lfo_length * channel_phase + .5).to(torch.int64)
delay_tensor = lfo[(lfo_pos + cur_channel_phase) % lfo_length]
frac_delay = torch.frac(delay_tensor)
delay_tensor = torch.floor(delay_tensor)
int_delay =
temp = waveform[:, :, i]
delay_bufs[:, :, delay_buf_pos] = temp + delay_last * feedback_gain
delayed_0 = delay_bufs[:, channel_idxs, (delay_buf_pos + int_delay) % delay_buf_length]
int_delay = int_delay + 1
delayed_1 = delay_bufs[:, channel_idxs, (delay_buf_pos + int_delay) % delay_buf_length]
int_delay = int_delay + 1
if interpolation == 'linear':
delayed = delayed_0 + (delayed_1 - delayed_0) * frac_delay
delayed_2 = delay_bufs[:, channel_idxs, (delay_buf_pos + int_delay) % delay_buf_length]
int_delay = int_delay + 1
delayed_2 = delayed_2 - delayed_0
delayed_1 = delayed_1 - delayed_0
a = delayed_2 * .5 - delayed_1
b = delayed_1 * 2 - delayed_2 * .5
delayed = delayed_0 + (a * frac_delay + b) * frac_delay
delay_last = delayed
output_waveform[:, :, i] = waveform[:, :, i] * in_gain + delayed * delay_gain
lfo_pos = (lfo_pos + 1) % lfo_length
return output_waveform.clamp(min=-1, max=1).view(actual_shape)
[docs]def mask_along_axis_iid(
specgrams: Tensor,
mask_param: int,
mask_value: float,
axis: int
) -> Tensor:
Apply a mask along ``axis``. Mask will be applied from indices ``[v_0, v_0 + v)``, where
``v`` is sampled from ``uniform(0, mask_param)``, and ``v_0`` from ``uniform(0, max_v - v)``.
specgrams (Tensor): Real spectrograms (batch, channel, freq, time)
mask_param (int): Number of columns to be masked will be uniformly sampled from [0, mask_param]
mask_value (float): Value to assign to the masked columns
axis (int): Axis to apply masking on (2 -> frequency, 3 -> time)
Tensor: Masked spectrograms of dimensions (batch, channel, freq, time)
if axis != 2 and axis != 3:
raise ValueError('Only Frequency and Time masking are supported')
device = specgrams.device
dtype = specgrams.dtype
value = torch.rand(specgrams.shape[:2], device=device, dtype=dtype) * mask_param
min_value = torch.rand(specgrams.shape[:2], device=device, dtype=dtype) * (specgrams.size(axis) - value)
# Create broadcastable mask
mask_start = min_value[..., None, None]
mask_end = (min_value + value)[..., None, None]
mask = torch.arange(0, specgrams.size(axis), device=device, dtype=dtype)
# Per batch example masking
specgrams = specgrams.transpose(axis, -1)
specgrams.masked_fill_((mask >= mask_start) & (mask < mask_end), mask_value)
specgrams = specgrams.transpose(axis, -1)
return specgrams
[docs]def mask_along_axis(
specgram: Tensor,
mask_param: int,
mask_value: float,
axis: int
) -> Tensor:
Apply a mask along ``axis``. Mask will be applied from indices ``[v_0, v_0 + v)``, where
``v`` is sampled from ``uniform(0, mask_param)``, and ``v_0`` from ``uniform(0, max_v - v)``.
All examples will have the same mask interval.
specgram (Tensor): Real spectrogram (channel, freq, time)
mask_param (int): Number of columns to be masked will be uniformly sampled from [0, mask_param]
mask_value (float): Value to assign to the masked columns
axis (int): Axis to apply masking on (1 -> frequency, 2 -> time)
Tensor: Masked spectrogram of dimensions (channel, freq, time)
# pack batch
shape = specgram.size()
specgram = specgram.reshape([-1] + list(shape[-2:]))
value = torch.rand(1) * mask_param
min_value = torch.rand(1) * (specgram.size(axis) - value)
mask_start = (min_value.long()).squeeze()
mask_end = (min_value.long() + value.long()).squeeze()
assert mask_end - mask_start < mask_param
if axis == 1:
specgram[:, mask_start:mask_end] = mask_value
elif axis == 2:
specgram[:, :, mask_start:mask_end] = mask_value
raise ValueError('Only Frequency and Time masking are supported')
# unpack batch
specgram = specgram.reshape(shape[:-2] + specgram.shape[-2:])
return specgram
[docs]def compute_deltas(
specgram: Tensor,
win_length: int = 5,
mode: str = "replicate"
) -> Tensor:
r"""Compute delta coefficients of a tensor, usually a spectrogram:
.. math::
d_t = \frac{\sum_{n=1}^{\text{N}} n (c_{t+n} - c_{t-n})}{2 \sum_{n=1}^{\text{N}} n^2}
where :math:`d_t` is the deltas at time :math:`t`,
:math:`c_t` is the spectrogram coeffcients at time :math:`t`,
:math:`N` is ``(win_length-1)//2``.
specgram (Tensor): Tensor of audio of dimension (..., freq, time)
win_length (int, optional): The window length used for computing delta (Default: ``5``)
mode (str, optional): Mode parameter passed to padding (Default: ``"replicate"``)
Tensor: Tensor of deltas of dimension (..., freq, time)
>>> specgram = torch.randn(1, 40, 1000)
>>> delta = compute_deltas(specgram)
>>> delta2 = compute_deltas(delta)
device = specgram.device
dtype = specgram.dtype
# pack batch
shape = specgram.size()
specgram = specgram.reshape(1, -1, shape[-1])
assert win_length >= 3
n = (win_length - 1) // 2
# twice sum of integer squared
denom = n * (n + 1) * (2 * n + 1) / 3
specgram = torch.nn.functional.pad(specgram, (n, n), mode=mode)
kernel = torch.arange(-n, n + 1, 1, device=device, dtype=dtype).repeat(specgram.shape[1], 1, 1)
output = torch.nn.functional.conv1d(specgram, kernel, groups=specgram.shape[1]) / denom
# unpack batch
output = output.reshape(shape)
return output
def gain(
waveform: Tensor,
gain_db: float = 1.0
) -> Tensor:
r"""Apply amplification or attenuation to the whole waveform.
waveform (Tensor): Tensor of audio of dimension (..., time).
gain_db (float, optional) Gain adjustment in decibels (dB) (Default: ``1.0``).
Tensor: the whole waveform amplified by gain_db.
if (gain_db == 0):
return waveform
ratio = 10 ** (gain_db / 20)
return waveform * ratio
def _add_noise_shaping(
dithered_waveform: Tensor,
waveform: Tensor
) -> Tensor:
r"""Noise shaping is calculated by error:
error[n] = dithered[n] - original[n]
noise_shaped_waveform[n] = dithered[n] + error[n-1]
wf_shape = waveform.size()
waveform = waveform.reshape(-1, wf_shape[-1])
dithered_shape = dithered_waveform.size()
dithered_waveform = dithered_waveform.reshape(-1, dithered_shape[-1])
error = dithered_waveform - waveform
# add error[n-1] to dithered_waveform[n], so offset the error by 1 index
zeros = torch.zeros(1, dtype=error.dtype, device=error.device)
for index in range(error.size()[0]):
err = error[index]
error_offset =, err))
error[index] = error_offset[:waveform.size()[1]]
noise_shaped = dithered_waveform + error
return noise_shaped.reshape(dithered_shape[:-1] + noise_shaped.shape[-1:])
def _apply_probability_distribution(
waveform: Tensor,
density_function: str = "TPDF"
) -> Tensor:
r"""Apply a probability distribution function on a waveform.
Triangular probability density function (TPDF) dither noise has a
triangular distribution; values in the center of the range have a higher
probability of occurring.
Rectangular probability density function (RPDF) dither noise has a
uniform distribution; any value in the specified range has the same
probability of occurring.
Gaussian probability density function (GPDF) has a normal distribution.
The relationship of probabilities of results follows a bell-shaped,
or Gaussian curve, typical of dither generated by analog sources.
waveform (Tensor): Tensor of audio of dimension (..., time)
probability_density_function (str, optional): The density function of a
continuous random variable (Default: ``"TPDF"``)
Options: Triangular Probability Density Function - `TPDF`
Rectangular Probability Density Function - `RPDF`
Gaussian Probability Density Function - `GPDF`
Tensor: waveform dithered with TPDF
# pack batch
shape = waveform.size()
waveform = waveform.reshape(-1, shape[-1])
channel_size = waveform.size()[0] - 1
time_size = waveform.size()[-1] - 1
random_channel = int(torch.randint(channel_size, [1, ]).item()) if channel_size > 0 else 0
random_time = int(torch.randint(time_size, [1, ]).item()) if time_size > 0 else 0
number_of_bits = 16
up_scaling = 2 ** (number_of_bits - 1) - 2
signal_scaled = waveform * up_scaling
down_scaling = 2 ** (number_of_bits - 1)
signal_scaled_dis = waveform
if (density_function == "RPDF"):
RPDF = waveform[random_channel][random_time] - 0.5
signal_scaled_dis = signal_scaled + RPDF
elif (density_function == "GPDF"):
# TODO Replace by distribution code once
# is resolved
# gaussian = torch.distributions.normal.Normal(torch.mean(waveform, -1), 1).sample()
num_rand_variables = 6
gaussian = waveform[random_channel][random_time]
for ws in num_rand_variables * [time_size]:
rand_chan = int(torch.randint(channel_size, [1, ]).item())
gaussian += waveform[rand_chan][int(torch.randint(ws, [1, ]).item())]
signal_scaled_dis = signal_scaled + gaussian
# dtype needed for
TPDF = torch.bartlett_window(time_size + 1, dtype=signal_scaled.dtype, device=signal_scaled.device)
TPDF = TPDF.repeat((channel_size + 1), 1)
signal_scaled_dis = signal_scaled + TPDF
quantised_signal_scaled = torch.round(signal_scaled_dis)
quantised_signal = quantised_signal_scaled / down_scaling
# unpack batch
return quantised_signal.reshape(shape[:-1] + quantised_signal.shape[-1:])
def dither(
waveform: Tensor,
density_function: str = "TPDF",
noise_shaping: bool = False
) -> Tensor:
r"""Dither increases the perceived dynamic range of audio stored at a
particular bit-depth by eliminating nonlinear truncation distortion
(i.e. adding minimally perceived noise to mask distortion caused by quantization).
waveform (Tensor): Tensor of audio of dimension (..., time)
density_function (str, optional): The density function of a continuous random variable (Default: ``"TPDF"``)
Options: Triangular Probability Density Function - `TPDF`
Rectangular Probability Density Function - `RPDF`
Gaussian Probability Density Function - `GPDF`
noise_shaping (bool, optional): a filtering process that shapes the spectral
energy of quantisation error (Default: ``False``)
Tensor: waveform dithered
dithered = _apply_probability_distribution(waveform, density_function=density_function)
if noise_shaping:
return _add_noise_shaping(dithered, waveform)
return dithered
def _compute_nccf(
waveform: Tensor,
sample_rate: int,
frame_time: float,
freq_low: int
) -> Tensor:
Compute Normalized Cross-Correlation Function (NCCF).
.. math::
\phi_i(m) = \frac{\sum_{n=b_i}^{b_i + N-1} w(n) w(m+n)}{\sqrt{E(b_i) E(m+b_i)}},
:math:`\phi_i(m)` is the NCCF at frame :math:`i` with lag :math:`m`,
:math:`w` is the waveform,
:math:`N` is the length of a frame,
:math:`b_i` is the beginning of frame :math:`i`,
:math:`E(j)` is the energy :math:`\sum_{n=j}^{j+N-1} w^2(n)`.
EPSILON = 10 ** (-9)
# Number of lags to check
lags = int(math.ceil(sample_rate / freq_low))
frame_size = int(math.ceil(sample_rate * frame_time))
waveform_length = waveform.size()[-1]
num_of_frames = int(math.ceil(waveform_length / frame_size))
p = lags + num_of_frames * frame_size - waveform_length
waveform = torch.nn.functional.pad(waveform, (0, p))
# Compute lags
output_lag = []
for lag in range(1, lags + 1):
s1 = waveform[..., :-lag].unfold(-1, frame_size, frame_size)[..., :num_of_frames, :]
s2 = waveform[..., lag:].unfold(-1, frame_size, frame_size)[..., :num_of_frames, :]
output_frames = (
(s1 * s2).sum(-1)
/ (EPSILON + torch.norm(s1, p=2, dim=-1)).pow(2)
/ (EPSILON + torch.norm(s2, p=2, dim=-1)).pow(2)
nccf =, -1)
return nccf
def _combine_max(
a: Tuple[Tensor, Tensor],
b: Tuple[Tensor, Tensor],
thresh: float = 0.99
) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
Take value from first if bigger than a multiplicative factor of the second, elementwise.
mask = (a[0] > thresh * b[0])
values = mask * a[0] + ~mask * b[0]
indices = mask * a[1] + ~mask * b[1]
return values, indices
def _find_max_per_frame(
nccf: Tensor,
sample_rate: int,
freq_high: int
) -> Tensor:
For each frame, take the highest value of NCCF,
apply centered median smoothing, and convert to frequency.
Note: If the max among all the lags is very close
to the first half of lags, then the latter is taken.
lag_min = int(math.ceil(sample_rate / freq_high))
# Find near enough max that is smallest
best = torch.max(nccf[..., lag_min:], -1)
half_size = nccf.shape[-1] // 2
half = torch.max(nccf[..., lag_min:half_size], -1)
best = _combine_max(half, best)
indices = best[1]
# Add back minimal lag
indices += lag_min
# Add 1 empirical calibration offset
indices += 1
return indices
def _median_smoothing(
indices: Tensor,
win_length: int
) -> Tensor:
Apply median smoothing to the 1D tensor over the given window.
# Centered windowed
pad_length = (win_length - 1) // 2
# "replicate" padding in any dimension
indices = torch.nn.functional.pad(
indices, (pad_length, 0), mode="constant", value=0.
indices[..., :pad_length] = * [indices[..., pad_length].unsqueeze(-1)], dim=-1)
roll = indices.unfold(-1, win_length, 1)
values, _ = torch.median(roll, -1)
return values
[docs]def detect_pitch_frequency(
waveform: Tensor,
sample_rate: int,
frame_time: float = 10 ** (-2),
win_length: int = 30,
freq_low: int = 85,
freq_high: int = 3400,
) -> Tensor:
r"""Detect pitch frequency.
It is implemented using normalized cross-correlation function and median smoothing.
waveform (Tensor): Tensor of audio of dimension (..., freq, time)
sample_rate (int): The sample rate of the waveform (Hz)
frame_time (float, optional): Duration of a frame (Default: ``10 ** (-2)``).
win_length (int, optional): The window length for median smoothing (in number of frames) (Default: ``30``).
freq_low (int, optional): Lowest frequency that can be detected (Hz) (Default: ``85``).
freq_high (int, optional): Highest frequency that can be detected (Hz) (Default: ``3400``).
Tensor: Tensor of freq of dimension (..., frame)
# pack batch
shape = list(waveform.size())
waveform = waveform.reshape([-1] + shape[-1:])
nccf = _compute_nccf(waveform, sample_rate, frame_time, freq_low)
indices = _find_max_per_frame(nccf, sample_rate, freq_high)
indices = _median_smoothing(indices, win_length)
# Convert indices to frequency
EPSILON = 10 ** (-9)
freq = sample_rate / (EPSILON +
# unpack batch
freq = freq.reshape(shape[:-1] + list(freq.shape[-1:]))
return freq
[docs]def sliding_window_cmn(
waveform: Tensor,
cmn_window: int = 600,
min_cmn_window: int = 100,
center: bool = False,
norm_vars: bool = False,
) -> Tensor:
Apply sliding-window cepstral mean (and optionally variance) normalization per utterance.
waveform (Tensor): Tensor of audio of dimension (..., freq, time)
cmn_window (int, optional): Window in frames for running average CMN computation (int, default = 600)
min_cmn_window (int, optional): Minimum CMN window used at start of decoding (adds latency only at start).
Only applicable if center == false, ignored if center==true (int, default = 100)
center (bool, optional): If true, use a window centered on the current frame
(to the extent possible, modulo end effects). If false, window is to the left. (bool, default = false)
norm_vars (bool, optional): If true, normalize variance to one. (bool, default = false)
Tensor: Tensor of freq of dimension (..., frame)
input_shape = waveform.shape
num_frames, num_feats = input_shape[-2:]
waveform = waveform.view(-1, num_frames, num_feats)
num_channels = waveform.shape[0]
dtype = waveform.dtype
device = waveform.device
last_window_start = last_window_end = -1
cur_sum = torch.zeros(num_channels, num_feats, dtype=dtype, device=device)
cur_sumsq = torch.zeros(num_channels, num_feats, dtype=dtype, device=device)
cmn_waveform = torch.zeros(
num_channels, num_frames, num_feats, dtype=dtype, device=device)
for t in range(num_frames):
window_start = 0
window_end = 0
if center:
window_start = t - cmn_window // 2
window_end = window_start + cmn_window
window_start = t - cmn_window
window_end = t + 1
if window_start < 0:
window_end -= window_start
window_start = 0
if not center:
if window_end > t:
window_end = max(t + 1, min_cmn_window)
if window_end > num_frames:
window_start -= (window_end - num_frames)
window_end = num_frames
if window_start < 0:
window_start = 0
if last_window_start == -1:
input_part = waveform[:, window_start: window_end - window_start, :]
cur_sum += torch.sum(input_part, 1)
if norm_vars:
cur_sumsq += torch.cumsum(input_part ** 2, 1)[:, -1, :]
if window_start > last_window_start:
frame_to_remove = waveform[:, last_window_start, :]
cur_sum -= frame_to_remove
if norm_vars:
cur_sumsq -= (frame_to_remove ** 2)
if window_end > last_window_end:
frame_to_add = waveform[:, last_window_end, :]
cur_sum += frame_to_add
if norm_vars:
cur_sumsq += (frame_to_add ** 2)
window_frames = window_end - window_start
last_window_start = window_start
last_window_end = window_end
cmn_waveform[:, t, :] = waveform[:, t, :] - cur_sum / window_frames
if norm_vars:
if window_frames == 1:
cmn_waveform[:, t, :] = torch.zeros(
num_channels, num_feats, dtype=dtype, device=device)
variance = cur_sumsq
variance = variance / window_frames
variance -= ((cur_sum ** 2) / (window_frames ** 2))
variance = torch.pow(variance, -0.5)
cmn_waveform[:, t, :] *= variance
cmn_waveform = cmn_waveform.view(input_shape[:-2] + (num_frames, num_feats))
if len(input_shape) == 2:
cmn_waveform = cmn_waveform.squeeze(0)
return cmn_waveform
def _measure(
measure_len_ws: int,
samples: Tensor,
spectrum: Tensor,
noise_spectrum: Tensor,
spectrum_window: Tensor,
spectrum_start: int,
spectrum_end: int,
cepstrum_window: Tensor,
cepstrum_start: int,
cepstrum_end: int,
noise_reduction_amount: float,
measure_smooth_time_mult: float,
noise_up_time_mult: float,
noise_down_time_mult: float,
index_ns: int,
boot_count: int
) -> float:
assert spectrum.size()[-1] == noise_spectrum.size()[-1]
samplesLen_ns = samples.size()[-1]
dft_len_ws = spectrum.size()[-1]
dftBuf = torch.zeros(dft_len_ws)
_index_ns = torch.tensor([index_ns] + [
(index_ns + i) % samplesLen_ns
for i in range(1, measure_len_ws)
dftBuf[:measure_len_ws] = \
samples[_index_ns] * spectrum_window[:measure_len_ws]
# memset(c->dftBuf + i, 0, (p->dft_len_ws - i) * sizeof(*c->dftBuf));
# lsx_safe_rdft((int)p->dft_len_ws, 1, c->dftBuf);
_dftBuf = torch.rfft(dftBuf, 1)
# memset(c->dftBuf, 0, p->spectrum_start * sizeof(*c->dftBuf));
mult: float = boot_count / (1. + boot_count) \
if boot_count >= 0 \
else measure_smooth_time_mult
_d = complex_norm(_dftBuf[spectrum_start:spectrum_end])
spectrum[spectrum_start:spectrum_end].mul_(mult).add_(_d * (1 - mult))
_d = spectrum[spectrum_start:spectrum_end] ** 2
_zeros = torch.zeros(spectrum_end - spectrum_start)
_mult = _zeros \
if boot_count >= 0 \
else torch.where(
_d > noise_spectrum[spectrum_start:spectrum_end],
torch.tensor(noise_up_time_mult), # if
torch.tensor(noise_down_time_mult) # else
noise_spectrum[spectrum_start:spectrum_end].mul_(_mult).add_(_d * (1 - _mult))
_d = torch.sqrt(
_d - noise_reduction_amount * noise_spectrum[spectrum_start:spectrum_end]))
_cepstrum_Buf: Tensor = torch.zeros(dft_len_ws >> 1)
_cepstrum_Buf[spectrum_start:spectrum_end] = _d * cepstrum_window
_cepstrum_Buf[spectrum_end:dft_len_ws >> 1].zero_()
# lsx_safe_rdft((int)p->dft_len_ws >> 1, 1, c->dftBuf);
_cepstrum_Buf = torch.rfft(_cepstrum_Buf, 1)
result: float = float(torch.sum(
result = \
math.log(result / (cepstrum_end - cepstrum_start)) \
if result > 0 \
else -math.inf
return max(0, 21 + result)
[docs]def vad(
waveform: Tensor,
sample_rate: int,
trigger_level: float = 7.0,
trigger_time: float = 0.25,
search_time: float = 1.0,
allowed_gap: float = 0.25,
pre_trigger_time: float = 0.0,
# Fine-tuning parameters
boot_time: float = .35,
noise_up_time: float = .1,
noise_down_time: float = .01,
noise_reduction_amount: float = 1.35,
measure_freq: float = 20.0,
measure_duration: Optional[float] = None,
measure_smooth_time: float = .4,
hp_filter_freq: float = 50.,
lp_filter_freq: float = 6000.,
hp_lifter_freq: float = 150.,
lp_lifter_freq: float = 2000.,
) -> Tensor:
r"""Voice Activity Detector. Similar to SoX implementation.
Attempts to trim silence and quiet background sounds from the ends of recordings of speech.
The algorithm currently uses a simple cepstral power measurement to detect voice,
so may be fooled by other things, especially music.
The effect can trim only from the front of the audio,
so in order to trim from the back, the reverse effect must also be used.
waveform (Tensor): Tensor of audio of dimension `(..., time)`
sample_rate (int): Sample rate of audio signal.
trigger_level (float, optional): The measurement level used to trigger activity detection.
This may need to be cahnged depending on the noise level, signal level,
and other characteristics of the input audio. (Default: 7.0)
trigger_time (float, optional): The time constant (in seconds)
used to help ignore short bursts of sound. (Default: 0.25)
search_time (float, optional): The amount of audio (in seconds)
to search for quieter/shorter bursts of audio to include prior
to the detected trigger point. (Default: 1.0)
allowed_gap (float, optional): The allowed gap (in seconds) between
quiteter/shorter bursts of audio to include prior
to the detected trigger point. (Default: 0.25)
pre_trigger_time (float, optional): The amount of audio (in seconds) to preserve
before the trigger point and any found quieter/shorter bursts. (Default: 0.0)
boot_time (float, optional) The algorithm (internally) uses adaptive noise
estimation/reduction in order to detect the start of the wanted audio.
This option sets the time for the initial noise estimate. (Default: 0.35)
noise_up_time (float, optional) Time constant used by the adaptive noise estimator
for when the noise level is increasing. (Default: 0.1)
noise_down_time (float, optional) Time constant used by the adaptive noise estimator
for when the noise level is decreasing. (Default: 0.01)
noise_reduction_amount (float, optional) Amount of noise reduction to use in
the detection algorithm (e.g. 0, 0.5, ...). (Default: 1.35)
measure_freq (float, optional) Frequency of the algorithm’s
processing/measurements. (Default: 20.0)
measure_duration: (float, optional) Measurement duration.
(Default: Twice the measurement period; i.e. with overlap.)
measure_smooth_time (float, optional) Time constant used to smooth
spectral measurements. (Default: 0.4)
hp_filter_freq (float, optional) "Brick-wall" frequency of high-pass filter applied
at the input to the detector algorithm. (Default: 50.0)
lp_filter_freq (float, optional) "Brick-wall" frequency of low-pass filter applied
at the input to the detector algorithm. (Default: 6000.0)
hp_lifter_freq (float, optional) "Brick-wall" frequency of high-pass lifter used
in the detector algorithm. (Default: 150.0)
lp_lifter_freq (float, optional) "Brick-wall" frequency of low-pass lifter used
in the detector algorithm. (Default: 2000.0)
Tensor: Tensor of audio of dimension (..., time).
measure_duration: float = 2.0 / measure_freq \
if measure_duration is None \
else measure_duration
measure_len_ws = int(sample_rate * measure_duration + .5)
measure_len_ns = measure_len_ws
# for (dft_len_ws = 16; dft_len_ws < measure_len_ws; dft_len_ws <<= 1);
dft_len_ws = 16
while (dft_len_ws < measure_len_ws):
dft_len_ws *= 2
measure_period_ns = int(sample_rate / measure_freq + .5)
measures_len = math.ceil(search_time * measure_freq)
search_pre_trigger_len_ns = measures_len * measure_period_ns
gap_len = int(allowed_gap * measure_freq + .5)
fixed_pre_trigger_len_ns = int(pre_trigger_time * sample_rate + .5)
samplesLen_ns = fixed_pre_trigger_len_ns + search_pre_trigger_len_ns + measure_len_ns
spectrum_window = torch.zeros(measure_len_ws)
for i in range(measure_len_ws):
# sox.h:741 define SOX_SAMPLE_MIN (sox_sample_t)SOX_INT_MIN(32)
spectrum_window[i] = 2. / math.sqrt(float(measure_len_ws))
# lsx_apply_hann(spectrum_window, (int)measure_len_ws);
spectrum_window *= torch.hann_window(measure_len_ws, dtype=torch.float)
spectrum_start: int = int(hp_filter_freq / sample_rate * dft_len_ws + .5)
spectrum_start: int = max(spectrum_start, 1)
spectrum_end: int = int(lp_filter_freq / sample_rate * dft_len_ws + .5)
spectrum_end: int = min(spectrum_end, dft_len_ws // 2)
cepstrum_window = torch.zeros(spectrum_end - spectrum_start)
for i in range(spectrum_end - spectrum_start):
cepstrum_window[i] = 2. / math.sqrt(float(spectrum_end) - spectrum_start)
# lsx_apply_hann(cepstrum_window,(int)(spectrum_end - spectrum_start));
cepstrum_window *= torch.hann_window(spectrum_end - spectrum_start, dtype=torch.float)
cepstrum_start = math.ceil(sample_rate * .5 / lp_lifter_freq)
cepstrum_end = math.floor(sample_rate * .5 / hp_lifter_freq)
cepstrum_end = min(cepstrum_end, dft_len_ws // 4)
assert cepstrum_end > cepstrum_start
noise_up_time_mult = math.exp(-1. / (noise_up_time * measure_freq))
noise_down_time_mult = math.exp(-1. / (noise_down_time * measure_freq))
measure_smooth_time_mult = math.exp(-1. / (measure_smooth_time * measure_freq))
trigger_meas_time_mult = math.exp(-1. / (trigger_time * measure_freq))
boot_count_max = int(boot_time * measure_freq - .5)
measure_timer_ns = measure_len_ns
boot_count = measures_index = flushedLen_ns = samplesIndex_ns = 0
# pack batch
shape = waveform.size()
waveform = waveform.view(-1, shape[-1])
n_channels, ilen = waveform.size()
mean_meas = torch.zeros(n_channels)
samples = torch.zeros(n_channels, samplesLen_ns)
spectrum = torch.zeros(n_channels, dft_len_ws)
noise_spectrum = torch.zeros(n_channels, dft_len_ws)
measures = torch.zeros(n_channels, measures_len)
has_triggered: bool = False
num_measures_to_flush: int = 0
pos: int = 0
while (pos < ilen and not has_triggered):
measure_timer_ns -= 1
for i in range(n_channels):
samples[i, samplesIndex_ns] = waveform[i, pos]
# if (!p->measure_timer_ns) {
if (measure_timer_ns == 0):
index_ns: int = \
(samplesIndex_ns + samplesLen_ns - measure_len_ns) % samplesLen_ns
meas: float = _measure(
measures[i, measures_index] = meas
mean_meas[i] = mean_meas[i] * trigger_meas_time_mult + meas * (1. - trigger_meas_time_mult)
has_triggered = has_triggered or (mean_meas[i] >= trigger_level)
if has_triggered:
n: int = measures_len
k: int = measures_index
jTrigger: int = n
jZero: int = n
j: int = 0
for j in range(n):
if (measures[i, k] >= trigger_level) and (j <= jTrigger + gap_len):
jZero = jTrigger = j
elif (measures[i, k] == 0) and (jTrigger >= jZero):
jZero = j
k = (k + n - 1) % n
j = min(j, jZero)
# num_measures_to_flush = range_limit(j, num_measures_to_flush, n);
num_measures_to_flush = (min(max(num_measures_to_flush, j), n))
# end if has_triggered
# end if (measure_timer_ns == 0):
# end for
samplesIndex_ns += 1
pos += 1
# end while
if samplesIndex_ns == samplesLen_ns:
samplesIndex_ns = 0
if measure_timer_ns == 0:
measure_timer_ns = measure_period_ns
measures_index += 1
measures_index = measures_index % measures_len
if boot_count >= 0:
boot_count = -1 if boot_count == boot_count_max else boot_count + 1
if has_triggered:
flushedLen_ns = (measures_len - num_measures_to_flush) * measure_period_ns
samplesIndex_ns = (samplesIndex_ns + flushedLen_ns) % samplesLen_ns
res = waveform[:, pos - samplesLen_ns + flushedLen_ns:]
# unpack batch
return res.view(shape[:-1] + res.shape[-1:])