
Source code for torchaudio.backend.common

from typing import Any, Optional

from torchaudio._internal import module_utils as _mod_utils

[docs]class AudioMetaData: """Return type of ```` function. This class is used by :ref:`"sox_io" backend<sox_io_backend>` and :ref:`"soundfile" backend with the new interface<soundfile_backend>`. :ivar int sample_rate: Sample rate :ivar int num_frames: The number of frames :ivar int num_channels: The number of channels """ def __init__(self, sample_rate: int, num_frames: int, num_channels: int): self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.num_frames = num_frames self.num_channels = num_channels
[docs]@_mod_utils.deprecated('Please migrate to `AudioMetaData`.', '0.9.0') class SignalInfo: """One of return types of ```` functions. This class is used by :ref:`"sox" backend (deprecated)<sox_backend>` and :ref:`"soundfile" backend with the legacy interface (deprecated)<soundfile_legacy_backend>`. See :ivar Optional[int] channels: The number of channels :ivar Optional[float] rate: Sampleing rate :ivar Optional[int] precision: Bit depth :ivar Optional[int] length: For :ref:`sox backend<sox_backend>`, the number of samples. (frames * channels). For :ref:`soundfile backend<soundfile_backend>`, the number of frames. """ def __init__(self, channels: Optional[int] = None, rate: Optional[float] = None, precision: Optional[int] = None, length: Optional[int] = None) -> None: self.channels = channels self.rate = rate self.precision = precision self.length = length
[docs]@_mod_utils.deprecated('Please migrate to `AudioMetaData`.', '0.9.0') class EncodingInfo: """One of return types of ```` functions. This class is used by :ref:`"sox" backend (deprecated)<sox_backend>` and :ref:`"soundfile" backend with the legacy interface (deprecated)<soundfile_legacy_backend>`. See :ivar Optional[int] encoding: sox_encoding_t :ivar Optional[int] bits_per_sample: bit depth :ivar Optional[float] compression: Compression option :ivar Any reverse_bytes: :ivar Any reverse_nibbles: :ivar Any reverse_bits: :ivar Optional[bool] opposite_endian: """ def __init__(self, encoding: Any = None, bits_per_sample: Optional[int] = None, compression: Optional[float] = None, reverse_bytes: Any = None, reverse_nibbles: Any = None, reverse_bits: Any = None, opposite_endian: Optional[bool] = None) -> None: self.encoding = encoding self.bits_per_sample = bits_per_sample self.compression = compression self.reverse_bytes = reverse_bytes self.reverse_nibbles = reverse_nibbles self.reverse_bits = reverse_bits self.opposite_endian = opposite_endian
_LOAD_DOCSTRING = r"""Loads an audio file from disk into a tensor Args: filepath: Path to audio file out: An optional output tensor to use instead of creating one. (Default: ``None``) normalization: Optional normalization. If boolean `True`, then output is divided by `1 << 31`. Assuming the input is signed 32-bit audio, this normalizes to `[-1, 1]`. If `float`, then output is divided by that number. If `Callable`, then the output is passed as a paramete to the given function, then the output is divided by the result. (Default: ``True``) channels_first: Set channels first or length first in result. (Default: ``True``) num_frames: Number of frames to load. 0 to load everything after the offset. (Default: ``0``) offset: Number of frames from the start of the file to begin data loading. (Default: ``0``) signalinfo: A sox_signalinfo_t type, which could be helpful if the audio type cannot be automatically determined. (Default: ``None``) encodinginfo: A sox_encodinginfo_t type, which could be set if the audio type cannot be automatically determined. (Default: ``None``) filetype: A filetype or extension to be set if sox cannot determine it automatically. (Default: ``None``) Returns: (Tensor, int): An output tensor of size `[C x L]` or `[L x C]` where L is the number of audio frames and C is the number of channels. An integer which is the sample rate of the audio (as listed in the metadata of the file) Example >>> data, sample_rate = torchaudio.load('foo.mp3') >>> print(data.size()) torch.Size([2, 278756]) >>> print(sample_rate) 44100 >>> data_vol_normalized, _ = torchaudio.load('foo.mp3', normalization=lambda x: torch.abs(x).max()) >>> print(data_vol_normalized.abs().max()) 1. """ _LOAD_WAV_DOCSTRING = r""" Loads a wave file. It assumes that the wav file uses 16 bit per sample that needs normalization by shifting the input right by 16 bits. Args: filepath: Path to audio file Returns: (Tensor, int): An output tensor of size `[C x L]` or `[L x C]` where L is the number of audio frames and C is the number of channels. An integer which is the sample rate of the audio (as listed in the metadata of the file) """ _SAVE_DOCSTRING = r"""Saves a Tensor on file as an audio file Args: filepath: Path to audio file src: An input 2D tensor of shape `[C x L]` or `[L x C]` where L is the number of audio frames, C is the number of channels sample_rate: An integer which is the sample rate of the audio (as listed in the metadata of the file) precision Bit precision (Default: ``16``) channels_first (bool, optional): Set channels first or length first in result. ( Default: ``True``) """ _INFO_DOCSTRING = r"""Gets metadata from an audio file without loading the signal. Args: filepath: Path to audio file Returns: (sox_signalinfo_t, sox_encodinginfo_t): A si (sox_signalinfo_t) signal info as a python object. An ei (sox_encodinginfo_t) encoding info Example >>> si, ei ='foo.wav') >>> rate, channels, encoding = si.rate, si.channels, ei.encoding """ def _impl_load(func): setattr(func, '__doc__', _LOAD_DOCSTRING) return func def _impl_load_wav(func): setattr(func, '__doc__', _LOAD_WAV_DOCSTRING) return func def _impl_save(func): setattr(func, '__doc__', _SAVE_DOCSTRING) return func def _impl_info(func): setattr(func, '__doc__', _INFO_DOCSTRING) return func


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