
Source code for torchaudio.pipelines._wav2vec2

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Any

from torch.hub import load_state_dict_from_url

from torchaudio.models import wav2vec2_model, Wav2Vec2Model

__all__ = []

[docs]@dataclass class Wav2Vec2Bundle: """torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2Bundle() Data class that bundles associated information to use pretrained Wav2Vec2Model. This class provides interfaces for instantiating the pretrained model along with the information necessary to retrieve pretrained weights and additional data to be used with the model. Torchaudio library instantiates objects of this class, each of which represents a different pretrained model. Client code should access pretrained models via these instances. Please see below for the usage and the available values. Example - Feature Extraction >>> import torchaudio >>> >>> bundle = torchaudio.pipelines.HUBERT_BASE >>> >>> # Build the model and load pretrained weight. >>> model = bundle.get_model() Downloading: 100%|███████████████████████████████| 360M/360M [00:06<00:00, 60.6MB/s] >>> >>> # Resample audio to the expected sampling rate >>> waveform = torchaudio.functional.resample(waveform, sample_rate, bundle.sample_rate) >>> >>> # Extract acoustic features >>> features, _ = model.extract_features(waveform) """ # noqa: E501 _path: str _params: Dict[str, Any] _sample_rate: float @property def sample_rate(self) -> float: """Sample rate of the audio that the model is trained on. :type: float """ return self._sample_rate
[docs] def get_model(self, *, dl_kwargs=None) -> Wav2Vec2Model: # Overriding the signature so that the return type is correct on Sphinx """get_model(self, *, dl_kwargs=None) -> torchaudio.models.Wav2Vec2Model Construct the model and load the pretrained weight. The weight file is downloaded from the internet and cached with :func:`torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url` Args: dl_kwargs (dictionary of keyword arguments): Passed to :func:`torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url`. """ model = wav2vec2_model(**self._params) url = f'{self._path}' dl_kwargs = {} if dl_kwargs is None else dl_kwargs state_dict = load_state_dict_from_url(url, **dl_kwargs) model.load_state_dict(state_dict) model.eval() return model
[docs]@dataclass class Wav2Vec2ASRBundle(Wav2Vec2Bundle): """torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2ASRBundle() Data class that bundles associated information to use pretrained Wav2Vec2Model. This class provides interfaces for instantiating the pretrained model along with the information necessary to retrieve pretrained weights and additional data to be used with the model. Torchaudio library instantiates objects of this class, each of which represents a different pretrained model. Client code should access pretrained models via these instances. Please see below for the usage and the available values. Example - ASR >>> import torchaudio >>> >>> bundle = torchaudio.pipelines.HUBERT_ASR_LARGE >>> >>> # Build the model and load pretrained weight. >>> model = bundle.get_model() Downloading: 100%|███████████████████████████████| 1.18G/1.18G [00:17<00:00, 73.8MB/s] >>> >>> # Check the corresponding labels of the output. >>> labels = bundle.get_labels() >>> print(labels) ('<s>', '<pad>', '</s>', '<unk>', '|', 'E', 'T', 'A', 'O', 'N', 'I', 'H', 'S', 'R', 'D', 'L', 'U', 'M', 'W', 'C', 'F', 'G', 'Y', 'P', 'B', 'V', 'K', "'", 'X', 'J', 'Q', 'Z') >>> >>> # Resample audio to the expected sampling rate >>> waveform = torchaudio.functional.resample(waveform, sample_rate, bundle.sample_rate) >>> >>> # Infer the label probability distribution >>> emissions, _ = model(waveform) >>> >>> # Pass emission to decoder >>> # `ctc_decode` is for illustration purpose only >>> transcripts = ctc_decode(emissions, labels) """ # noqa: E501 _labels: Tuple[str]
[docs] def get_labels( self, *, bos: str = '<s>', pad: str = '<pad>', eos: str = '</s>', unk: str = '<unk>', ) -> Tuple[str]: """The output class labels (only applicable to fine-tuned bundles) The first four tokens are BOS, padding, EOS and UNK tokens and they can be customized. Args: bos (str, optional): Beginning of sentence token. (default: ``'<s>'``) pad (str, optional): Padding token. (default: ``'<pad>'``) eos (str, optional): End of sentence token. (default: ``'</s>'``) unk (str, optional): Token for unknown class. (default: ``'<unk>'``) Returns: Tuple[str]: For models fine-tuned on ASR, returns the tuple of strings representing the output class labels. Example >>> import torchaudio >>> torchaudio.models.HUBERT_ASR_LARGE.get_labels() ('<s>', '<pad>', '</s>', '<unk>', '|', 'E', 'T', 'A', 'O', 'N', 'I', 'H', 'S', 'R', 'D', 'L', 'U', 'M', 'W', 'C', 'F', 'G', 'Y', 'P', 'B', 'V', 'K', "'", 'X', 'J', 'Q', 'Z') """ # noqa: E501 if self._labels is None: raise ValueError('Pre-trained models do not have labels.') return (bos, pad, eos, unk, *self._labels)
def _get_labels(): return ( '|', 'E', 'T', 'A', 'O', 'N', 'I', 'H', 'S', 'R', 'D', 'L', 'U', 'M', 'W', 'C', 'F', 'G', 'Y', 'P', 'B', 'V', 'K', "'", 'X', 'J', 'Q', 'Z', ) WAV2VEC2_BASE = Wav2Vec2Bundle( _path='wav2vec2_fairseq_base_ls960.pth', _params={ 'extractor_mode': 'group_norm', 'extractor_conv_layer_config': [ (512, 10, 5), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 2, 2), (512, 2, 2), ], 'extractor_conv_bias': False, 'encoder_embed_dim': 768, 'encoder_projection_dropout': 0.1, 'encoder_pos_conv_kernel': 128, 'encoder_pos_conv_groups': 16, 'encoder_num_layers': 12, 'encoder_num_heads': 12, 'encoder_attention_dropout': 0.1, 'encoder_ff_interm_features': 3072, 'encoder_ff_interm_dropout': 0.0, 'encoder_dropout': 0.1, 'encoder_layer_norm_first': False, 'encoder_layer_drop': 0.05, "aux_num_out": None, }, _sample_rate=16000, ) WAV2VEC2_BASE.__doc__ = """wav2vec 2.0 model with "Base" configuration. Pre-trained on 960 hours of unlabeled audio from *LibriSpeech* dataset [:footcite:`7178964`] (the combination of "train-clean-100", "train-clean-360", and "train-other-500"). Not fine-tuned. Originally published by the authors of *wav2vec 2.0* [:footcite:`baevski2020wav2vec`] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [`License <>`__, `Source <>`__] Please refer to :func:`torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2Bundle` for the usage. """ # noqa: E501 WAV2VEC2_ASR_BASE_10M = Wav2Vec2ASRBundle( _path='wav2vec2_fairseq_base_ls960_asr_ll10m.pth', _params={ 'extractor_mode': 'group_norm', 'extractor_conv_layer_config': [ (512, 10, 5), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 2, 2), (512, 2, 2), ], 'extractor_conv_bias': False, 'encoder_embed_dim': 768, 'encoder_projection_dropout': 0.1, 'encoder_pos_conv_kernel': 128, 'encoder_pos_conv_groups': 16, 'encoder_num_layers': 12, 'encoder_num_heads': 12, 'encoder_attention_dropout': 0.1, 'encoder_ff_interm_features': 3072, 'encoder_ff_interm_dropout': 0.0, 'encoder_dropout': 0.1, 'encoder_layer_norm_first': False, 'encoder_layer_drop': 0.05, "aux_num_out": 32, }, _labels=_get_labels(), _sample_rate=16000, ) WAV2VEC2_ASR_BASE_10M.__doc__ = """Build "base" wav2vec2 model with an extra linear module Pre-trained on 960 hours of unlabeled audio from *LibriSpeech* dataset [:footcite:`7178964`] (the combination of "train-clean-100", "train-clean-360", and "train-other-500"), and fine-tuned for ASR on 10 minutes of transcribed audio from *Libri-Light* dataset [:footcite:`librilight`] ("train-10min" subset). Originally published by the authors of *wav2vec 2.0* [:footcite:`baevski2020wav2vec`] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [`License <>`__, `Source <>`__] Please refer to :func:`torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2ASRBundle` for the usage. """ # noqa: E501 WAV2VEC2_ASR_BASE_100H = Wav2Vec2ASRBundle( 'wav2vec2_fairseq_base_ls960_asr_ls100.pth', { 'extractor_mode': 'group_norm', 'extractor_conv_layer_config': [ (512, 10, 5), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 2, 2), (512, 2, 2), ], 'extractor_conv_bias': False, 'encoder_embed_dim': 768, 'encoder_projection_dropout': 0.1, 'encoder_pos_conv_kernel': 128, 'encoder_pos_conv_groups': 16, 'encoder_num_layers': 12, 'encoder_num_heads': 12, 'encoder_attention_dropout': 0.1, 'encoder_ff_interm_features': 3072, 'encoder_ff_interm_dropout': 0.0, 'encoder_dropout': 0.1, 'encoder_layer_norm_first': False, 'encoder_layer_drop': 0.05, "aux_num_out": 32, }, _labels=_get_labels(), _sample_rate=16000, ) WAV2VEC2_ASR_BASE_100H.__doc__ = """Build "base" wav2vec2 model with an extra linear module Pre-trained on 960 hours of unlabeled audio from *LibriSpeech* dataset [:footcite:`7178964`] (the combination of "train-clean-100", "train-clean-360", and "train-other-500"), and fine-tuned for ASR on 100 hours of transcribed audio from "train-clean-100" subset. Originally published by the authors of *wav2vec 2.0* [:footcite:`baevski2020wav2vec`] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [`License <>`__, `Source <>`__] Please refer to :func:`torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2ASRBundle` for the usage. """ # noqa: E501 WAV2VEC2_ASR_BASE_960H = Wav2Vec2ASRBundle( 'wav2vec2_fairseq_base_ls960_asr_ls960.pth', { "extractor_mode": "group_norm", "extractor_conv_layer_config": [ (512, 10, 5), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 2, 2), (512, 2, 2), ], "extractor_conv_bias": False, "encoder_embed_dim": 768, "encoder_projection_dropout": 0.1, "encoder_pos_conv_kernel": 128, "encoder_pos_conv_groups": 16, "encoder_num_layers": 12, "encoder_num_heads": 12, "encoder_attention_dropout": 0.1, "encoder_ff_interm_features": 3072, "encoder_ff_interm_dropout": 0.0, "encoder_dropout": 0.1, "encoder_layer_norm_first": False, "encoder_layer_drop": 0.05, "aux_num_out": 32, }, _labels=_get_labels(), _sample_rate=16000, ) WAV2VEC2_ASR_BASE_960H.__doc__ = """Build "base" wav2vec2 model with an extra linear module Pre-trained on 960 hours of unlabeled audio from *LibriSpeech* dataset [:footcite:`7178964`] (the combination of "train-clean-100", "train-clean-360", and "train-other-500"), and fine-tuned for ASR on the same audio with the corresponding transcripts. Originally published by the authors of *wav2vec 2.0* [:footcite:`baevski2020wav2vec`] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [`License <>`__, `Source <>`__] Please refer to :func:`torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2ASRBundle` for the usage. """ # noqa: E501 WAV2VEC2_LARGE = Wav2Vec2Bundle( 'wav2vec2_fairseq_large_ls960.pth', { "extractor_mode": "group_norm", "extractor_conv_layer_config": [ (512, 10, 5), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 2, 2), (512, 2, 2), ], "extractor_conv_bias": False, "encoder_embed_dim": 1024, "encoder_projection_dropout": 0.1, "encoder_pos_conv_kernel": 128, "encoder_pos_conv_groups": 16, "encoder_num_layers": 24, "encoder_num_heads": 16, "encoder_attention_dropout": 0.1, "encoder_ff_interm_features": 4096, "encoder_ff_interm_dropout": 0.0, "encoder_dropout": 0.0, "encoder_layer_norm_first": False, "encoder_layer_drop": 0.2, "aux_num_out": None, }, _sample_rate=16000, ) WAV2VEC2_LARGE.__doc__ = """Build "large" wav2vec2 model. Pre-trained on 960 hours of unlabeled audio from *LibriSpeech* dataset [:footcite:`7178964`] (the combination of "train-clean-100", "train-clean-360", and "train-other-500"). Not fine-tuned. Originally published by the authors of *wav2vec 2.0* [:footcite:`baevski2020wav2vec`] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [`License <>`__, `Source <>`__] Please refer to :func:`torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2Bundle` for the usage. """ # noqa: E501 WAV2VEC2_ASR_LARGE_10M = Wav2Vec2ASRBundle( 'wav2vec2_fairseq_large_ls960_asr_ll10m.pth', { "extractor_mode": "group_norm", "extractor_conv_layer_config": [ (512, 10, 5), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 2, 2), (512, 2, 2), ], "extractor_conv_bias": False, "encoder_embed_dim": 1024, "encoder_projection_dropout": 0.1, "encoder_pos_conv_kernel": 128, "encoder_pos_conv_groups": 16, "encoder_num_layers": 24, "encoder_num_heads": 16, "encoder_attention_dropout": 0.1, "encoder_ff_interm_features": 4096, "encoder_ff_interm_dropout": 0.0, "encoder_dropout": 0.0, "encoder_layer_norm_first": False, "encoder_layer_drop": 0.2, "aux_num_out": 32, }, _labels=_get_labels(), _sample_rate=16000, ) WAV2VEC2_ASR_LARGE_10M.__doc__ = """Build "large" wav2vec2 model with an extra linear module Pre-trained on 960 hours of unlabeled audio from *LibriSpeech* dataset [:footcite:`7178964`] (the combination of "train-clean-100", "train-clean-360", and "train-other-500"), and fine-tuned for ASR on 10 minutes of transcribed audio from *Libri-Light* dataset [:footcite:`librilight`] ("train-10min" subset). Originally published by the authors of *wav2vec 2.0* [:footcite:`baevski2020wav2vec`] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [`License <>`__, `Source <>`__] Please refer to :func:`torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2ASRBundle` for the usage. """ # noqa: E501 WAV2VEC2_ASR_LARGE_100H = Wav2Vec2ASRBundle( 'wav2vec2_fairseq_large_ls960_asr_ls100.pth', { "extractor_mode": "group_norm", "extractor_conv_layer_config": [ (512, 10, 5), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 2, 2), (512, 2, 2), ], "extractor_conv_bias": False, "encoder_embed_dim": 1024, "encoder_projection_dropout": 0.1, "encoder_pos_conv_kernel": 128, "encoder_pos_conv_groups": 16, "encoder_num_layers": 24, "encoder_num_heads": 16, "encoder_attention_dropout": 0.1, "encoder_ff_interm_features": 4096, "encoder_ff_interm_dropout": 0.0, "encoder_dropout": 0.0, "encoder_layer_norm_first": False, "encoder_layer_drop": 0.2, "aux_num_out": 32, }, _labels=_get_labels(), _sample_rate=16000, ) WAV2VEC2_ASR_LARGE_100H.__doc__ = """Build "large" wav2vec2 model with an extra linear module Pre-trained on 960 hours of unlabeled audio from *LibriSpeech* dataset [:footcite:`7178964`] (the combination of "train-clean-100", "train-clean-360", and "train-other-500"), and fine-tuned for ASR on 100 hours of transcribed audio from the same dataset ("train-clean-100" subset). Originally published by the authors of *wav2vec 2.0* [:footcite:`baevski2020wav2vec`] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [`License <>`__, `Source <>`__] Please refer to :func:`torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2ASRBundle` for the usage. """ # noqa: E501 WAV2VEC2_ASR_LARGE_960H = Wav2Vec2ASRBundle( 'wav2vec2_fairseq_large_ls960_asr_ls960.pth', { "extractor_mode": "group_norm", "extractor_conv_layer_config": [ (512, 10, 5), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 2, 2), (512, 2, 2), ], "extractor_conv_bias": False, "encoder_embed_dim": 1024, "encoder_projection_dropout": 0.1, "encoder_pos_conv_kernel": 128, "encoder_pos_conv_groups": 16, "encoder_num_layers": 24, "encoder_num_heads": 16, "encoder_attention_dropout": 0.1, "encoder_ff_interm_features": 4096, "encoder_ff_interm_dropout": 0.0, "encoder_dropout": 0.0, "encoder_layer_norm_first": False, "encoder_layer_drop": 0.2, "aux_num_out": 32, }, _labels=_get_labels(), _sample_rate=16000, ) WAV2VEC2_ASR_LARGE_960H.__doc__ = """Build "large" wav2vec2 model with an extra linear module Pre-trained on 960 hours of unlabeled audio from *LibriSpeech* dataset [:footcite:`7178964`] (the combination of "train-clean-100", "train-clean-360", and "train-other-500"), and fine-tuned for ASR on the same audio with the corresponding transcripts. Originally published by the authors of *wav2vec 2.0* [:footcite:`baevski2020wav2vec`] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [`License <>`__, `Source <>`__] Please refer to :func:`torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2ASRBundle` for the usage. """ # noqa: E501 WAV2VEC2_LARGE_LV60K = Wav2Vec2Bundle( 'wav2vec2_fairseq_large_lv60k.pth', { "extractor_mode": "layer_norm", "extractor_conv_layer_config": [ (512, 10, 5), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 2, 2), (512, 2, 2), ], "extractor_conv_bias": True, "encoder_embed_dim": 1024, "encoder_projection_dropout": 0.1, "encoder_pos_conv_kernel": 128, "encoder_pos_conv_groups": 16, "encoder_num_layers": 24, "encoder_num_heads": 16, "encoder_attention_dropout": 0.1, "encoder_ff_interm_features": 4096, "encoder_ff_interm_dropout": 0.0, "encoder_dropout": 0.0, "encoder_layer_norm_first": True, "encoder_layer_drop": 0.0, "aux_num_out": None, }, _sample_rate=16000, ) WAV2VEC2_LARGE_LV60K.__doc__ = """Build "large-lv60k" wav2vec2 model. Pre-trained on 60,000 hours of unlabeled audio from *Libri-Light* dataset [:footcite:`librilight`]. Not fine-tuned. Originally published by the authors of *wav2vec 2.0* [:footcite:`baevski2020wav2vec`] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [`License <>`__, `Source <>`__] Please refer to :func:`torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2Bundle` for the usage. """ # noqa: E501 WAV2VEC2_ASR_LARGE_LV60K_10M = Wav2Vec2ASRBundle( 'wav2vec2_fairseq_large_lv60k_asr_ll10m.pth', { "extractor_mode": "layer_norm", "extractor_conv_layer_config": [ (512, 10, 5), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 2, 2), (512, 2, 2), ], "extractor_conv_bias": True, "encoder_embed_dim": 1024, "encoder_projection_dropout": 0.1, "encoder_pos_conv_kernel": 128, "encoder_pos_conv_groups": 16, "encoder_num_layers": 24, "encoder_num_heads": 16, "encoder_attention_dropout": 0.1, "encoder_ff_interm_features": 4096, "encoder_ff_interm_dropout": 0.0, "encoder_dropout": 0.0, "encoder_layer_norm_first": True, "encoder_layer_drop": 0.0, "aux_num_out": 32, }, _labels=_get_labels(), _sample_rate=16000, ) WAV2VEC2_ASR_LARGE_LV60K_10M.__doc__ = """Build "large-lv60k" wav2vec2 model with an extra linear module Pre-trained on 60,000 hours of unlabeled audio from *Libri-Light* dataset [:footcite:`librilight`], and fine-tuned for ASR on 10 minutes of transcribed audio from the same dataset ("train-10min" subset). Originally published by the authors of *wav2vec 2.0* [:footcite:`baevski2020wav2vec`] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [`License <>`__, `Source <>`__] Please refer to :func:`torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2ASRBundle` for the usage. """ # noqa: E501 WAV2VEC2_ASR_LARGE_LV60K_100H = Wav2Vec2ASRBundle( 'wav2vec2_fairseq_large_lv60k_asr_ls100.pth', { "extractor_mode": "layer_norm", "extractor_conv_layer_config": [ (512, 10, 5), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 2, 2), (512, 2, 2), ], "extractor_conv_bias": True, "encoder_embed_dim": 1024, "encoder_projection_dropout": 0.1, "encoder_pos_conv_kernel": 128, "encoder_pos_conv_groups": 16, "encoder_num_layers": 24, "encoder_num_heads": 16, "encoder_attention_dropout": 0.1, "encoder_ff_interm_features": 4096, "encoder_ff_interm_dropout": 0.0, "encoder_dropout": 0.0, "encoder_layer_norm_first": True, "encoder_layer_drop": 0.0, "aux_num_out": 32, }, _labels=_get_labels(), _sample_rate=16000, ) WAV2VEC2_ASR_LARGE_LV60K_100H.__doc__ = """Build "large-lv60k" wav2vec2 model with an extra linear module Pre-trained on 60,000 hours of unlabeled audio from *Libri-Light* dataset [:footcite:`librilight`], and fine-tuned for ASR on 100 hours of transcribed audio from *LibriSpeech* dataset [:footcite:`7178964`] ("train-clean-100" subset). Originally published by the authors of *wav2vec 2.0* [:footcite:`baevski2020wav2vec`] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [`License <>`__, `Source <>`__] Please refer to :func:`torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2ASRBundle` for the usage. """ # noqa: E501 WAV2VEC2_ASR_LARGE_LV60K_960H = Wav2Vec2ASRBundle( 'wav2vec2_fairseq_large_lv60k_asr_ls960.pth', { "extractor_mode": "layer_norm", "extractor_conv_layer_config": [ (512, 10, 5), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 2, 2), (512, 2, 2), ], "extractor_conv_bias": True, "encoder_embed_dim": 1024, "encoder_projection_dropout": 0.1, "encoder_pos_conv_kernel": 128, "encoder_pos_conv_groups": 16, "encoder_num_layers": 24, "encoder_num_heads": 16, "encoder_attention_dropout": 0.1, "encoder_ff_interm_features": 4096, "encoder_ff_interm_dropout": 0.0, "encoder_dropout": 0.0, "encoder_layer_norm_first": True, "encoder_layer_drop": 0.0, "aux_num_out": 32, }, _labels=_get_labels(), _sample_rate=16000, ) WAV2VEC2_ASR_LARGE_LV60K_960H.__doc__ = """Build "large-lv60k" wav2vec2 model with an extra linear module Pre-trained on 60,000 hours of unlabeled audio from *Libri-Light* [:footcite:`librilight`] dataset, and fine-tuned for ASR on 960 hours of transcribed audio from *LibriSpeech* dataset [:footcite:`7178964`] (the combination of "train-clean-100", "train-clean-360", and "train-other-500"). Originally published by the authors of *wav2vec 2.0* [:footcite:`baevski2020wav2vec`] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [`License <>`__, `Source <>`__] Please refer to :func:`torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2ASRBundle` for the usage. """ # noqa: E501 WAV2VEC2_XLSR53 = Wav2Vec2Bundle( 'wav2vec2_fairseq_large_xlsr53.pth', { "extractor_mode": "layer_norm", "extractor_conv_layer_config": [ (512, 10, 5), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 2, 2), (512, 2, 2), ], "extractor_conv_bias": True, "encoder_embed_dim": 1024, "encoder_projection_dropout": 0.0, "encoder_pos_conv_kernel": 128, "encoder_pos_conv_groups": 16, "encoder_num_layers": 24, "encoder_num_heads": 16, "encoder_attention_dropout": 0.0, "encoder_ff_interm_features": 4096, "encoder_ff_interm_dropout": 0.0, "encoder_dropout": 0.0, "encoder_layer_norm_first": True, "encoder_layer_drop": 0.0, "aux_num_out": None, }, _sample_rate=16000, ) WAV2VEC2_XLSR53.__doc__ = """wav2vec 2.0 model with "Base" configuration. Trained on 56,000 hours of unlabeled audio from multiple datasets ( *Multilingual LibriSpeech* [:footcite:`Pratap_2020`], *CommonVoice* [:footcite:`ardila2020common`] and *BABEL* [:footcite:`Gales2014SpeechRA`]). Not fine-tuned. Originally published by the authors of *Unsupervised Cross-lingual Representation Learning for Speech Recognition* [:footcite:`conneau2020unsupervised`] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [`License <>`__, `Source <>`__] Please refer to :func:`torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2Bundle` for the usage. """ # noqa: E501 HUBERT_BASE = Wav2Vec2Bundle( 'hubert_fairseq_base_ls960.pth', { 'extractor_mode': 'group_norm', 'extractor_conv_layer_config': [ (512, 10, 5), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 2, 2), (512, 2, 2), ], 'extractor_conv_bias': False, 'encoder_embed_dim': 768, 'encoder_projection_dropout': 0.1, 'encoder_pos_conv_kernel': 128, 'encoder_pos_conv_groups': 16, 'encoder_num_layers': 12, 'encoder_num_heads': 12, 'encoder_attention_dropout': 0.1, 'encoder_ff_interm_features': 3072, 'encoder_ff_interm_dropout': 0.0, 'encoder_dropout': 0.1, 'encoder_layer_norm_first': False, 'encoder_layer_drop': 0.05, 'aux_num_out': None, }, _sample_rate=16000, ) HUBERT_BASE.__doc__ = """HuBERT model with "Base" configuration. Pre-trained on 960 hours of unlabeled audio from *LibriSpeech* dataset [:footcite:`7178964`] (the combination of "train-clean-100", "train-clean-360", and "train-other-500"). Not fine-tuned. Originally published by the authors of *HuBERT* [:footcite:`hsu2021hubert`] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [`License <>`__, `Source <>`__] Please refer to :func:`torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2Bundle` for the usage. """ # noqa: E501 HUBERT_LARGE = Wav2Vec2Bundle( 'hubert_fairseq_large_ll60k.pth', { 'extractor_mode': 'layer_norm', 'extractor_conv_layer_config': [ (512, 10, 5), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 2, 2), (512, 2, 2), ], 'extractor_conv_bias': False, 'encoder_embed_dim': 1024, 'encoder_projection_dropout': 0.0, 'encoder_pos_conv_kernel': 128, 'encoder_pos_conv_groups': 16, 'encoder_num_layers': 24, 'encoder_num_heads': 16, 'encoder_attention_dropout': 0.0, 'encoder_ff_interm_features': 4096, 'encoder_ff_interm_dropout': 0.0, 'encoder_dropout': 0.0, 'encoder_layer_norm_first': True, 'encoder_layer_drop': 0.0, 'aux_num_out': None, }, _sample_rate=16000, ) HUBERT_LARGE.__doc__ = """HuBERT model with "Large" configuration. Pre-trained on 60,000 hours of unlabeled audio from *Libri-Light* dataset [:footcite:`librilight`]. Not fine-tuned. Originally published by the authors of *HuBERT* [:footcite:`hsu2021hubert`] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [`License <>`__, `Source <>`__] Please refer to :func:`torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2Bundle` for the usage. """ # noqa: E501 HUBERT_XLARGE = Wav2Vec2Bundle( 'hubert_fairseq_xlarge_ll60k.pth', { 'extractor_mode': 'layer_norm', 'extractor_conv_layer_config': [ (512, 10, 5), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 2, 2), (512, 2, 2), ], 'extractor_conv_bias': False, 'encoder_embed_dim': 1280, 'encoder_projection_dropout': 0.0, 'encoder_pos_conv_kernel': 128, 'encoder_pos_conv_groups': 16, 'encoder_num_layers': 48, 'encoder_num_heads': 16, 'encoder_attention_dropout': 0.0, 'encoder_ff_interm_features': 5120, 'encoder_ff_interm_dropout': 0.0, 'encoder_dropout': 0.0, 'encoder_layer_norm_first': True, 'encoder_layer_drop': 0.0, 'aux_num_out': None, }, _sample_rate=16000, ) HUBERT_XLARGE.__doc__ = """HuBERT model with "Extra Large" configuration. Pre-trained on 60,000 hours of unlabeled audio from *Libri-Light* dataset [:footcite:`librilight`]. Not fine-tuned. Originally published by the authors of *HuBERT* [:footcite:`hsu2021hubert`] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [`License <>`__, `Source <>`__] Please refer to :func:`torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2Bundle` for the usage. """ # noqa: E501 HUBERT_ASR_LARGE = Wav2Vec2ASRBundle( 'hubert_fairseq_large_ll60k_asr_ls960.pth', { 'extractor_mode': 'layer_norm', 'extractor_conv_layer_config': [ (512, 10, 5), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 2, 2), (512, 2, 2), ], 'extractor_conv_bias': False, 'encoder_embed_dim': 1024, 'encoder_projection_dropout': 0.0, 'encoder_pos_conv_kernel': 128, 'encoder_pos_conv_groups': 16, 'encoder_num_layers': 24, 'encoder_num_heads': 16, 'encoder_attention_dropout': 0.0, 'encoder_ff_interm_features': 4096, 'encoder_ff_interm_dropout': 0.1, 'encoder_dropout': 0.0, 'encoder_layer_norm_first': True, 'encoder_layer_drop': 0.1, 'aux_num_out': 32, }, _labels=_get_labels(), _sample_rate=16000, ) HUBERT_ASR_LARGE.__doc__ = """HuBERT model with "Large" configuration. Pre-trained on 60,000 hours of unlabeled audio from *Libri-Light* dataset [:footcite:`librilight`], and fine-tuned for ASR on 960 hours of transcribed audio from *LibriSpeech* dataset [:footcite:`7178964`] (the combination of "train-clean-100", "train-clean-360", and "train-other-500"). Originally published by the authors of *HuBERT* [:footcite:`hsu2021hubert`] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [`License <>`__, `Source <>`__] Please refer to :func:`torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2ASRBundle` for the usage. """ # noqa: E501 HUBERT_ASR_XLARGE = Wav2Vec2ASRBundle( 'hubert_fairseq_xlarge_ll60k_asr_ls960.pth', { 'extractor_mode': 'layer_norm', 'extractor_conv_layer_config': [ (512, 10, 5), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 3, 2), (512, 2, 2), (512, 2, 2), ], 'extractor_conv_bias': False, 'encoder_embed_dim': 1280, 'encoder_projection_dropout': 0.0, 'encoder_pos_conv_kernel': 128, 'encoder_pos_conv_groups': 16, 'encoder_num_layers': 48, 'encoder_num_heads': 16, 'encoder_attention_dropout': 0.0, 'encoder_ff_interm_features': 5120, 'encoder_ff_interm_dropout': 0.1, 'encoder_dropout': 0.0, 'encoder_layer_norm_first': True, 'encoder_layer_drop': 0.1, 'aux_num_out': 32, }, _labels=_get_labels(), _sample_rate=16000, ) HUBERT_ASR_XLARGE.__doc__ = """HuBERT model with "Extra Large" configuration. Pre-trained on 60,000 hours of unlabeled audio from *Libri-Light* dataset [:footcite:`librilight`], and fine-tuned for ASR on 960 hours of transcribed audio from *LibriSpeech* dataset [:footcite:`7178964`] (the combination of "train-clean-100", "train-clean-360", and "train-other-500"). Originally published by the authors of *HuBERT* [:footcite:`hsu2021hubert`] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [`License <>`__, `Source <>`__] Please refer to :func:`torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2ASRBundle` for the usage. """ # noqa: E501


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