torch.func Whirlwind Tour
What is torch.func?
torch.func, previously known as functorch, is a library for JAX-like composable function transforms in PyTorch.
A “function transform” is a higher-order function that accepts a numerical function and returns a new function that computes a different quantity.
torch.func has auto-differentiation transforms (
returns a function that computes the gradient off
), a vectorization/batching transform (vmap(f)
returns a function that computesf
over batches of inputs), and others.These function transforms can compose with each other arbitrarily. For example, composing
computes a quantity called per-sample-gradients that stock PyTorch cannot efficiently compute today.
Why composable function transforms?
There are a number of use cases that are tricky to do in PyTorch today: - computing per-sample-gradients (or other per-sample quantities)
running ensembles of models on a single machine
efficiently batching together tasks in the inner-loop of MAML
efficiently computing Jacobians and Hessians
efficiently computing batched Jacobians and Hessians
Composing vmap()
, grad()
, vjp()
, and jvp()
allows us to express the above without designing a separate subsystem for each.
What are the transforms?
(gradient computation)
is our gradient computation transform. It returns a new function
that computes the gradients of func
. It assumes func
returns a single-element
Tensor and by default it computes the gradients of the output of func
to the first input.
import torch
from torch.func import grad
x = torch.randn([])
cos_x = grad(lambda x: torch.sin(x))(x)
assert torch.allclose(cos_x, x.cos())
# Second-order gradients
neg_sin_x = grad(grad(lambda x: torch.sin(x)))(x)
assert torch.allclose(neg_sin_x, -x.sin())
Note: vmap()
imposes restrictions on the code that it can be used on. For more
details, please see UX Limitations.
is a transform that adds a dimension to all Tensor
operations in func
. vmap(func)
returns a new function that maps func
over some dimension (default: 0) of each Tensor in inputs.
vmap is useful for hiding batch dimensions: one can write a function func that
runs on examples and then lift it to a function that can take batches of
examples with vmap(func)
, leading to a simpler modeling experience:
import torch
from torch.func import vmap
batch_size, feature_size = 3, 5
weights = torch.randn(feature_size, requires_grad=True)
def model(feature_vec):
# Very simple linear model with activation
assert feature_vec.dim() == 1
examples = torch.randn(batch_size, feature_size)
result = vmap(model)(examples)
When composed with grad()
, vmap()
can be used to compute per-sample-gradients:
from torch.func import vmap
batch_size, feature_size = 3, 5
def model(weights,feature_vec):
# Very simple linear model with activation
assert feature_vec.dim() == 1
def compute_loss(weights, example, target):
y = model(weights, example)
return ((y - target) ** 2).mean() # MSELoss
weights = torch.randn(feature_size, requires_grad=True)
examples = torch.randn(batch_size, feature_size)
targets = torch.randn(batch_size)
inputs = (weights,examples, targets)
grad_weight_per_example = vmap(grad(compute_loss), in_dims=(None, 0, 0))(*inputs)
(vector-Jacobian product)
The vjp()
transform applies func
to inputs
and returns a new function
that computes the vector-Jacobian product (vjp) given some cotangents
from torch.func import vjp
inputs = torch.randn(3)
func = torch.sin
cotangents = (torch.randn(3),)
outputs, vjp_fn = vjp(func, inputs); vjps = vjp_fn(*cotangents)
(Jacobian-vector product)
The jvp()
transforms computes Jacobian-vector-products and is also known as
“forward-mode AD”. It is not a higher-order function unlike most other transforms,
but it returns the outputs of func(inputs)
as well as the jvps.
from torch.func import jvp
x = torch.randn(5)
y = torch.randn(5)
f = lambda x, y: (x * y)
_, out_tangent = jvp(f, (x, y), (torch.ones(5), torch.ones(5)))
assert torch.allclose(out_tangent, x + y)
, jacfwd()
, and hessian()
The jacrev()
transform returns a new function that takes in x
and returns
the Jacobian of the function with respect to x
using reverse-mode AD.
from torch.func import jacrev
x = torch.randn(5)
jacobian = jacrev(torch.sin)(x)
expected = torch.diag(torch.cos(x))
assert torch.allclose(jacobian, expected)
can be composed with vmap()
to produce batched jacobians:
x = torch.randn(64, 5)
jacobian = vmap(jacrev(torch.sin))(x)
assert jacobian.shape == (64, 5, 5)
is a drop-in replacement for jacrev that computes Jacobians using
forward-mode AD:
from torch.func import jacfwd
x = torch.randn(5)
jacobian = jacfwd(torch.sin)(x)
expected = torch.diag(torch.cos(x))
assert torch.allclose(jacobian, expected)
Composing jacrev()
with itself or jacfwd()
can produce hessians:
def f(x):
return x.sin().sum()
x = torch.randn(5)
hessian0 = jacrev(jacrev(f))(x)
hessian1 = jacfwd(jacrev(f))(x)
is a convenience function that combines jacfwd and jacrev:
from torch.func import hessian
def f(x):
return x.sin().sum()
x = torch.randn(5)
hess = hessian(f)(x)