importwarningsimporttorchfromtorch.cudaimportncclfromtorch._utilsimport_take_tensors,_flatten_dense_tensors, \
_unflatten_dense_tensors,_reorder_tensors_as,_get_device_index,_handle_complexfromtypingimportListdefbroadcast(tensor,devices=None,*,out=None):r"""Broadcasts a tensor to specified GPU devices. Args: tensor (Tensor): tensor to broadcast. Can be on CPU or GPU. devices (Iterable[torch.device, str or int], optional): an iterable of GPU devices, among which to broadcast. out (Sequence[Tensor], optional, keyword-only): the GPU tensors to store output results. .. note:: Exactly one of :attr:`devices` and :attr:`out` must be specified. Returns: - If :attr:`devices` is specified, a tuple containing copies of :attr:`tensor`, placed on :attr:`devices`. - If :attr:`out` is specified, a tuple containing :attr:`out` tensors, each containing a copy of :attr:`tensor`. """tensor=_handle_complex(tensor)ifnot((devicesisNone)^(outisNone)):raiseRuntimeError("Exactly one of 'devices' and 'out' must be specified, but got ""devices={} and out={}".format(devices,out))ifdevicesisnotNone:devices=[_get_device_index(d)fordindevices]returntorch._C._broadcast(tensor,devices)else:returntorch._C._broadcast_out(tensor,out)defbroadcast_coalesced(tensors,devices,buffer_size=10485760):"""Broadcasts a sequence tensors to the specified GPUs. Small tensors are first coalesced into a buffer to reduce the number of synchronizations. Args: tensors (sequence): tensors to broadcast. Must be on the same device, either CPU or GPU. devices (Iterable[torch.device, str or int]): an iterable of GPU devices, among which to broadcast. buffer_size (int): maximum size of the buffer used for coalescing Returns: A tuple containing copies of :attr:`tensor`, placed on :attr:`devices`. """devices=[_get_device_index(d)fordindevices]tensors=[_handle_complex(t)fortintensors]returntorch._C._broadcast_coalesced(tensors,devices,buffer_size)
[docs]defreduce_add(inputs,destination=None):"""Sums tensors from multiple GPUs. All inputs should have matching shapes, dtype, and layout. The output tensor will be of the same shape, dtype, and layout. Args: inputs (Iterable[Tensor]): an iterable of tensors to add. destination (int, optional): a device on which the output will be placed (default: current device). Returns: A tensor containing an elementwise sum of all inputs, placed on the :attr:`destination` device. """destination=_get_device_index(destination,optional=True)input_size=inputs[0].size()root_index=None# index of input tensor that already is on the correct devicefori,inpinenumerate(inputs):assertinp.device.type!="cpu","reduce_add expects all inputs to be on GPUs"ifinp.get_device()==destination:root_index=iifinp.size()!=input_size:got='x'.join(str(x)forxininp.size())expected='x'.join(str(x)forxininput_size)raiseValueError("input {} has invalid size: got {}, but expected ""{}".format(i,got,expected))ifroot_indexisNone:raiseRuntimeError("reduce_add expects destination to be on the same GPU with one of the tensors")iflen(inputs)==1:returninputs[0]ifnccl.is_available(inputs):result=torch.empty_like(inputs[root_index])nccl.reduce(inputs,output=result,root=root_index)else:destination_device=torch.device(inputs[root_index].device.type,destination)nonroot=[tfori,tinenumerate(inputs)ifi!=root_index]# make a new tensor w/o cloneresult=inputs[root_index]+nonroot[0].to(device=destination_device,non_blocking=True)forotherinnonroot[1:]:result.add_(,non_blocking=True))returnresult
defreduce_add_coalesced(inputs,destination=None,buffer_size=10485760):"""Sums tensors from multiple GPUs. Small tensors are first coalesced into a buffer to reduce the number of synchronizations. Args: inputs (Iterable[Iterable[Tensor]]): iterable of iterables that contain tensors from a single device. destination (int, optional): a device on which the output will be placed (default: current device). buffer_size (int): maximum size of the buffer used for coalescing Returns: A tuple of tensors containing an elementwise sum of each group of inputs, placed on the ``destination`` device. """# TODO: When `len(inputs) == 1` and all inputs are on `destination`, just# return `inputs`.dense_tensors:List[List]=[[]for_ininputs]# shape (num_gpus, num_tensors)output=[]ref_order=[]# process sparse ones first since they may have different sizes on different gpusfortensor_at_gpusinzip(*inputs):ifall(t.is_sparsefortintensor_at_gpus):result=reduce_add(tensor_at_gpus,destination)# this will be sparse toooutput.append(result)ref_order.append(tensor_at_gpus[0])else:forcoll,tinzip(dense_tensors,tensor_at_gpus):coll.append(t.to_dense()ift.is_sparseelset)ref_order.append(dense_tensors[0][-1])itrs=[_take_tensors(tensors,buffer_size)fortensorsindense_tensors]# now the dense ones, which have consistent sizesforchunksinzip(*itrs):flat_tensors=[_flatten_dense_tensors(chunk)forchunkinchunks]# (num_gpus,)flat_result=reduce_add(flat_tensors,destination)fortin_unflatten_dense_tensors(flat_result,chunks[0]):# The unflattened tensors do not share storage, and we don't expose# base flat tensor anyways, so give them different version counters.# See NOTE [ Version Counter in comm.*_coalesced ]output.append(,ref_order))
[docs]defscatter(tensor,devices=None,chunk_sizes=None,dim=0,streams=None,*,out=None):"""Scatters tensor across multiple GPUs. Args: tensor (Tensor): tensor to scatter. Can be on CPU or GPU. devices (Iterable[torch.device, str or int], optional): an iterable of GPU devices, among which to scatter. chunk_sizes (Iterable[int], optional): sizes of chunks to be placed on each device. It should match :attr:`devices` in length and sums to ``tensor.size(dim)``. If not specified, :attr:`tensor` will be divided into equal chunks. dim (int, optional): A dimension along which to chunk :attr:`tensor`. Default: ``0``. streams (Iterable[Stream], optional): an iterable of Streams, among which to execute the scatter. If not specified, the default stream will be utilized. out (Sequence[Tensor], optional, keyword-only): the GPU tensors to store output results. Sizes of these tensors must match that of :attr:`tensor`, except for :attr:`dim`, where the total size must sum to ``tensor.size(dim)``. .. note:: Exactly one of :attr:`devices` and :attr:`out` must be specified. When :attr:`out` is specified, :attr:`chunk_sizes` must not be specified and will be inferred from sizes of :attr:`out`. Returns: - If :attr:`devices` is specified, a tuple containing chunks of :attr:`tensor`, placed on :attr:`devices`. - If :attr:`out` is specified, a tuple containing :attr:`out` tensors, each containing a chunk of :attr:`tensor`. """tensor=_handle_complex(tensor)ifoutisNone:devices=[_get_device_index(d)fordindevices]returntuple(torch._C._scatter(tensor,devices,chunk_sizes,dim,streams))else:ifdevicesisnotNone:raiseRuntimeError("'devices' must not be specified when 'out' is specified, but ""got devices={}".format(devices))ifchunk_sizesisnotNone:raiseRuntimeError("'chunk_sizes' must not be specified when 'out' is specified, ""but got chunk_sizes={}".format(chunk_sizes))returntuple(torch._C._scatter_out(tensor,out,dim,streams))
defgather(tensors,dim=0,destination=None,*,out=None):r"""Gathers tensors from multiple GPU devices. Args: tensors (Iterable[Tensor]): an iterable of tensors to gather. Tensor sizes in all dimensions other than :attr:`dim` have to match. dim (int, optional): a dimension along which the tensors will be concatenated. Default: ``0``. destination (torch.device, str, or int, optional): the output device. Can be CPU or CUDA. Default: the current CUDA device. out (Tensor, optional, keyword-only): the tensor to store gather result. Its sizes must match those of :attr:`tensors`, except for :attr:`dim`, where the size must equal ``sum(tensor.size(dim) for tensor in tensors)``. Can be on CPU or CUDA. .. note:: :attr:`destination` must not be specified when :attr:`out` is specified. Returns: - If :attr:`destination` is specified, a tensor located on :attr:`destination` device, that is a result of concatenating :attr:`tensors` along :attr:`dim`. - If :attr:`out` is specified, the :attr:`out` tensor, now containing results of concatenating :attr:`tensors` along :attr:`dim`. """tensors=[_handle_complex(t)fortintensors]ifoutisNone:ifdestination==-1:warnings.warn('Using -1 to represent CPU tensor is deprecated. Please use a ''device object or string instead, e.g., "cpu".')destination=_get_device_index(destination,allow_cpu=True,optional=True)returntorch._C._gather(tensors,dim,destination)else:ifdestinationisnotNone:raiseRuntimeError("'destination' must not be specified when 'out' is specified, but ""got destination={}".format(destination))returntorch._C._gather_out(tensors,out,dim)
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