
Source code for ignite.metrics.metrics_lambda

import itertools
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Union

import torch

from ignite.engine import Engine
from ignite.metrics.metric import EpochWise, Metric, MetricUsage, reinit__is_reduced

__all__ = ["MetricsLambda"]

[docs]class MetricsLambda(Metric): """ Apply a function to other metrics to obtain a new metric. The result of the new metric is defined to be the result of applying the function to the result of argument metrics. When update, this metric recursively updates the metrics it depends on. When reset, all its dependency metrics would be resetted as well. When attach, all its dependency metrics would be attached automatically (but partially, e.g :meth:`~ignite.metrics.metric.Metric.is_attached()` will return False). Args: f: the function that defines the computation args: Sequence of other metrics or something else that will be fed to ``f`` as arguments. kwargs: Sequence of other metrics or something else that will be fed to ``f`` as keyword arguments. Examples: For more information on how metric works with :class:`~ignite.engine.engine.Engine`, visit :ref:`attach-engine`. .. include:: defaults.rst :start-after: :orphan: .. testcode:: precision = Precision(average=False) recall = Recall(average=False) def Fbeta(r, p, beta): return torch.mean((1 + beta ** 2) * p * r / (beta ** 2 * p + r + 1e-20)).item() F1 = MetricsLambda(Fbeta, recall, precision, 1) F2 = MetricsLambda(Fbeta, recall, precision, 2) F3 = MetricsLambda(Fbeta, recall, precision, 3) F4 = MetricsLambda(Fbeta, recall, precision, 4) F1.attach(default_evaluator, "F1") F2.attach(default_evaluator, "F2") F3.attach(default_evaluator, "F3") F4.attach(default_evaluator, "F4") y_true = torch.tensor([1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1]) y_pred = torch.tensor([1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1]) state =[[y_pred, y_true]]) print(state.metrics["F1"]) print(state.metrics["F2"]) print(state.metrics["F3"]) print(state.metrics["F4"]) .. testoutput:: 0.8571... 0.9375... 0.9677... 0.9807... When check if the metric is attached, if one of its dependency metrics is detached, the metric is considered detached too. .. code-block:: python engine = ... precision = Precision(average=False) aP = precision.mean() aP.attach(engine, "aP") assert aP.is_attached(engine) # partially attached assert not precision.is_attached(engine) precision.detach(engine) assert not aP.is_attached(engine) # fully attached assert not precision.is_attached(engine) """ _state_dict_all_req_keys = ("_updated", "args", "kwargs") def __init__(self, f: Callable, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self.function = f self.args = list(args) # we need args to be a list instead of a tuple for state_dict/load_state_dict feature self.kwargs = kwargs self.engine: Optional[Engine] = None self._updated = False super(MetricsLambda, self).__init__(device="cpu")
[docs] @reinit__is_reduced def reset(self) -> None: for i in itertools.chain(self.args, self.kwargs.values()): if isinstance(i, Metric): i.reset() self._updated = False
[docs] @reinit__is_reduced def update(self, output: Any) -> None: if self.engine: raise ValueError( "MetricsLambda is already attached to an engine, " "and MetricsLambda can't use update API while it's attached." ) for i in itertools.chain(self.args, self.kwargs.values()): if isinstance(i, Metric): i.update(output) self._updated = True
[docs] def compute(self) -> Any: materialized = [_get_value_on_cpu(i) for i in self.args] materialized_kwargs = {k: _get_value_on_cpu(v) for k, v in self.kwargs.items()} return self.function(*materialized, **materialized_kwargs)
def _internal_attach(self, engine: Engine, usage: MetricUsage) -> None: self.engine = engine for index, metric in enumerate(itertools.chain(self.args, self.kwargs.values())): if isinstance(metric, MetricsLambda): metric._internal_attach(engine, usage) elif isinstance(metric, Metric): # NB : metrics is attached partially # We must not use is_attached() but rather if these events exist if not engine.has_event_handler(metric.started, usage.STARTED): engine.add_event_handler(usage.STARTED, metric.started) if not engine.has_event_handler(metric.iteration_completed, usage.ITERATION_COMPLETED): engine.add_event_handler(usage.ITERATION_COMPLETED, metric.iteration_completed)
[docs] def attach(self, engine: Engine, name: str, usage: Union[str, MetricUsage] = EpochWise()) -> None: if self._updated: raise ValueError( "The underlying metrics are already updated, can't attach while using reset/update/compute API." ) usage = self._check_usage(usage) # recursively attach all its dependencies (partially) self._internal_attach(engine, usage) # attach only handler on EPOCH_COMPLETED engine.add_event_handler(usage.COMPLETED, self.completed, name)
[docs] def detach(self, engine: Engine, usage: Union[str, MetricUsage] = EpochWise()) -> None: usage = self._check_usage(usage) # remove from engine super(MetricsLambda, self).detach(engine, usage) self.engine = None
[docs] def is_attached(self, engine: Engine, usage: Union[str, MetricUsage] = EpochWise()) -> bool: usage = self._check_usage(usage) # check recursively the dependencies return super(MetricsLambda, self).is_attached(engine, usage) and self._internal_is_attached(engine, usage)
def _internal_is_attached(self, engine: Engine, usage: MetricUsage) -> bool: # if no engine, metrics is not attached if engine is None: return False # check recursively if metrics are attached is_detached = False for metric in itertools.chain(self.args, self.kwargs.values()): if isinstance(metric, MetricsLambda): if not metric._internal_is_attached(engine, usage): is_detached = True elif isinstance(metric, Metric): if not engine.has_event_handler(metric.started, usage.STARTED): is_detached = True if not engine.has_event_handler(metric.iteration_completed, usage.ITERATION_COMPLETED): is_detached = True return not is_detached
def _get_value_on_cpu(v: Any) -> Any: if isinstance(v, Metric): v = v.compute() if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): v = v.cpu() return v

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