
Source code for ignite.distributed.launcher

from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional

from ignite.distributed import utils as idist
from ignite.utils import setup_logger

__all__ = [

[docs]class Parallel: """Distributed launcher context manager to simplify distributed configuration setup for multiple backends: - backends from native torch distributed configuration: "nccl", "gloo" and "mpi" (if available) - XLA on TPUs via `pytorch/xla <>`_ (if installed) - using `Horovod distributed framework <>`_ (if installed) Namely, it can: 1) Spawn ``nproc_per_node`` child processes and initialize a processing group according to provided ``backend`` (useful for standalone scripts). 2) Only initialize a processing group given the ``backend`` (useful with tools like `torchrun`_, `horovodrun`_, etc). Args: backend: backend to use: `nccl`, `gloo`, `xla-tpu`, `horovod`. If None, no distributed configuration. nproc_per_node: optional argument, number of processes per node to specify. If not None, :meth:`` will spawn ``nproc_per_node`` processes that run input function with its arguments. nnodes: optional argument, number of nodes participating in distributed configuration. If not None, :meth:`` will spawn ``nproc_per_node`` processes that run input function with its arguments. Total world size is `nproc_per_node * nnodes`. This option is only supported by native torch distributed module. For other modules, please setup ``spawn_kwargs`` with backend specific arguments. node_rank: optional argument, current machine index. Mandatory argument if ``nnodes`` is specified and larger than one. This option is only supported by native torch distributed module. For other modules, please setup ``spawn_kwargs`` with backend specific arguments. master_addr: optional argument, master node TCP/IP address for torch native backends (`nccl`, `gloo`). Mandatory argument if ``nnodes`` is specified and larger than one. master_port: optional argument, master node port for torch native backends (`nccl`, `gloo`). Mandatory argument if ``master_addr`` is specified. init_method: optional argument to specify processing group initialization method for torch native backends (`nccl`, `gloo`). Default, "env://". See more info: `dist.init_process_group`_. spawn_kwargs: kwargs to ``idist.spawn`` function. Examples: 1) Single node or Multi-node, Multi-GPU training launched with `torchrun` or `horovodrun`_ tools Single node option with 4 GPUs .. code-block:: bash torchrun --nproc_per_node=4 # or if installed horovod horovodrun -np=4 python Multi-node option : 2 nodes with 8 GPUs each .. code-block:: bash ## node 0 torchrun --nnodes=2 --node_rank=0 --master_addr=master --master_port=3344 \ --nproc_per_node=8 # or if installed horovod horovodrun -np 16 -H hostname1:8,hostname2:8 python ## node 1 torchrun --nnodes=2 --node_rank=1 --master_addr=master --master_port=3344 \ --nproc_per_node=8 User code is the same for both options: .. code-block:: python # import ignite.distributed as idist def training(local_rank, config, **kwargs): # ... print(idist.get_rank(), ": run with config:", config, "- backend=", idist.backend()) # ... backend = "nccl" # or "horovod" if package is installed config = {"key": "value"} with idist.Parallel(backend=backend) as parallel:, config, a=1, b=2) 2) Single node, Multi-GPU training launched with `python` .. code-block:: bash python .. code-block:: python # import ignite.distributed as idist def training(local_rank, config, **kwargs): # ... print(idist.get_rank(), ": run with config:", config, "- backend=", idist.backend()) # ... backend = "nccl" # or "horovod" if package is installed # no "init_method" was specified , "env://" will be used with idist.Parallel(backend=backend, nproc_per_node=4) as parallel:, config, a=1, b=2) Initializing the process using ``file://`` .. code-block:: python with idist.Parallel(backend=backend, init_method='file:///d:/tmp/some_file', nproc_per_node=4) as parallel:, config, a=1, b=2) Initializing the process using ``tcp://`` .. code-block:: python with idist.Parallel(backend=backend, init_method='tcp://', nproc_per_node=4) as parallel:, config, a=1, b=2) 3) Single node, Multi-TPU training launched with `python` .. code-block:: bash python .. code-block:: python # import ignite.distributed as idist def training(local_rank, config, **kwargs): # ... print(idist.get_rank(), ": run with config:", config, "- backend=", idist.backend()) # ... config = {"key": "value"} with idist.Parallel(backend="xla-tpu", nproc_per_node=8) as parallel:, config, a=1, b=2) 4) Multi-node, Multi-GPU training launched with `python`. For example, 2 nodes with 8 GPUs: Using torch native distributed framework: .. code-block:: bash # node 0 python --node_rank=0 # node 1 python --node_rank=1 .. code-block:: python # import ignite.distributed as idist def training(local_rank, config, **kwargs): # ... print(idist.get_rank(), ": run with config:", config, "- backend=", idist.backend()) # ... dist_config = { "nproc_per_node": 8, "nnodes": 2, "node_rank": args.node_rank, "master_addr": "master", "master_port": 15000 } config = {"key": "value"} with idist.Parallel(backend="nccl", **dist_config) as parallel:, config, a=1, b=2) .. _torchrun: .. _horovodrun: .. _dist.init_process_group: .. versionchanged:: 0.4.2 ``backend`` now accepts `horovod` distributed framework. .. versionchanged:: 0.4.5 ``init_method`` added. """ def __init__( self, backend: Optional[str] = None, nproc_per_node: Optional[int] = None, nnodes: Optional[int] = None, node_rank: Optional[int] = None, master_addr: Optional[str] = None, master_port: Optional[int] = None, init_method: Optional[str] = None, **spawn_kwargs: Any, ) -> None: if backend is not None: if backend not in idist.available_backends(): raise ValueError(f"Unknown backend '{backend}'. Available backends: {idist.available_backends()}") else: arg_names = ["nproc_per_node", "nnodes", "node_rank", "master_addr", "master_port"] arg_values = [nproc_per_node, nnodes, node_rank, master_addr, master_port] for name, value in zip(arg_names, arg_values): if value is not None: raise ValueError(f"If backend is None, argument '{name}' should be also None, but given {value}") self.backend = backend self._spawn_params = None self.init_method = init_method if self.backend is not None: if nproc_per_node is not None: self._spawn_params = self._setup_spawn_params( nproc_per_node, nnodes, node_rank, master_addr, master_port, init_method, **spawn_kwargs ) # The logger will be setup after the idist.initialize() call self._logger = None @staticmethod def _setup_spawn_params( nproc_per_node: int, nnodes: Optional[int] = None, node_rank: Optional[int] = None, master_addr: Optional[str] = None, master_port: Optional[int] = None, init_method: Optional[str] = None, **spawn_kwargs: Any, ) -> Dict: if nproc_per_node < 1: raise ValueError(f"Argument nproc_per_node should positive, but given {nproc_per_node}") if nnodes is None: nnodes = 1 if nnodes < 1: raise ValueError(f"Argument nnodes should positive, but given {nnodes}") if node_rank is None: if nnodes > 1: raise ValueError("If number of nodes larger than one, arguments node_rank should be given") node_rank = 0 if node_rank >= nnodes or node_rank < 0: raise ValueError(f"Argument node_rank should be between 0 and {nnodes - 1}, but given {node_rank}") if nnodes > 1 and (master_addr is None or master_port is None) and init_method is None: raise ValueError( "If number of nodes larger than one, arguments master_addr and master_port or init_method " f"should be specified, but given master_addr={master_addr}, master_port={master_port} and " f"init_method={init_method}." ) params = { "nproc_per_node": nproc_per_node, "nnodes": nnodes, "node_rank": node_rank, "master_addr": master_addr, "master_port": master_port, "init_method": init_method, } params.update(spawn_kwargs) return {k: v for k, v in params.items() if v is not None}
[docs] def run(self, func: Callable, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Execute ``func`` with provided arguments in distributed context. Args: func: function to execute. First argument of the function should be `local_rank` - local process index. args: positional arguments of ``func`` (without `local_rank`). kwargs: keyword arguments of ``func``. Examples: .. code-block:: python def training(local_rank, config, **kwargs): # ... print(idist.get_rank(), ": run with config:", config, "- backend=", idist.backend()) # ... config = {"key": "value"} with idist.Parallel(backend=backend) as parallel:, config, a=1, b=2) """ if self._spawn_params is not None and self.backend is not None: # type: ignore[attr-defined] f"Spawn function '{func}' in {self._spawn_params['nproc_per_node']} processes" ) idist.spawn(self.backend, func, args=args, kwargs_dict=kwargs, **self._spawn_params) else:"- Run '{func}' in {idist.get_world_size()} processes") # type: ignore[attr-defined] local_rank = idist.get_local_rank() func(local_rank, *args, **kwargs)"End of run") # type: ignore[attr-defined]
def __enter__(self) -> "Parallel": if self.backend is not None and self._spawn_params is None: idist.initialize(self.backend, init_method=self.init_method) # The logger can be setup from now since idist.initialize() has been called (if needed) self._logger = setup_logger(__name__ + "." + self.__class__.__name__) # type: ignore[assignment] if self.backend is not None: if self._spawn_params is None: # type: ignore[attr-defined] f"Initialized processing group with backend: '{self.backend}'" ) else: # type: ignore[attr-defined] f"Initialized distributed launcher with backend: '{self.backend}'" ) msg = "\n\t".join([f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in self._spawn_params.items() if v is not None])"- Parameters to spawn processes: \n\t{msg}") # type: ignore[attr-defined] return self def __exit__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: if (self.backend is not None) and self._spawn_params is None: # type: ignore[attr-defined] f"Finalized processing group with backend: '{self.backend}'" ) idist.finalize()

© Copyright 2024, PyTorch-Ignite Contributors. Last updated on 10/21/2024, 9:50:29 AM.

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