
Source code for ignite.handlers.time_profilers

import functools
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Mapping, Sequence, Tuple, Union, cast

import torch

from ignite.engine import Engine, EventEnum, Events
from ignite.handlers.timing import Timer

[docs]class BasicTimeProfiler: """ BasicTimeProfiler can be used to profile the handlers, events, data loading and data processing times. Examples: .. code-block:: python from ignite.handlers import BasicTimeProfiler trainer = Engine(train_updater) # Create an object of the profiler and attach an engine to it profiler = BasicTimeProfiler() profiler.attach(trainer) @trainer.on(Events.EPOCH_COMPLETED) def log_intermediate_results(): profiler.print_results(profiler.get_results()), max_epochs=3) profiler.write_results('path_to_dir/time_profiling.csv') .. versionadded:: 0.4.6 """ events_to_ignore = [ Events.EXCEPTION_RAISED, Events.TERMINATE, Events.TERMINATE_SINGLE_EPOCH, Events.DATALOADER_STOP_ITERATION, ] def __init__(self) -> None: self._dataflow_timer = Timer() self._processing_timer = Timer() self._event_handlers_timer = Timer() self.dataflow_times = torch.zeros(1) self.processing_times = torch.zeros(1) self.event_handlers_times = {} # type: Dict[EventEnum, torch.Tensor] self._events = [ Events.EPOCH_STARTED, Events.EPOCH_COMPLETED, Events.ITERATION_STARTED, Events.ITERATION_COMPLETED, Events.GET_BATCH_STARTED, Events.GET_BATCH_COMPLETED, Events.COMPLETED, ] self._fmethods = [ self._as_first_epoch_started, self._as_first_epoch_completed, self._as_first_iter_started, self._as_first_iter_completed, self._as_first_get_batch_started, self._as_first_get_batch_completed, self._as_first_completed, ] self._lmethods = [ self._as_last_epoch_started, self._as_last_epoch_completed, self._as_last_iter_started, self._as_last_iter_completed, self._as_last_get_batch_started, self._as_last_get_batch_completed, self._as_last_completed, ] def _reset(self, num_epochs: int, total_num_iters: int) -> None: self.dataflow_times = torch.zeros(total_num_iters) self.processing_times = torch.zeros(total_num_iters) self.event_handlers_times = { Events.STARTED: torch.zeros(1), Events.COMPLETED: torch.zeros(1), Events.EPOCH_STARTED: torch.zeros(num_epochs), Events.EPOCH_COMPLETED: torch.zeros(num_epochs), Events.ITERATION_STARTED: torch.zeros(total_num_iters), Events.ITERATION_COMPLETED: torch.zeros(total_num_iters), Events.GET_BATCH_COMPLETED: torch.zeros(total_num_iters), Events.GET_BATCH_STARTED: torch.zeros(total_num_iters), } def _as_first_started(self, engine: Engine) -> None: if hasattr(engine.state.dataloader, "__len__"): num_iters_per_epoch = len(engine.state.dataloader) # type: ignore[arg-type] else: if engine.state.epoch_length is None: raise ValueError( "As epoch_length is not set, we can not use BasicTimeProfiler in this case." "Please, set, epoch_length=epoch_length) in order to fix this." ) num_iters_per_epoch = engine.state.epoch_length self.max_epochs = cast(int, engine.state.max_epochs) self.total_num_iters = self.max_epochs * num_iters_per_epoch self._reset(self.max_epochs, self.total_num_iters) self.event_handlers_names = { e: [ h.__qualname__ if hasattr(h, "__qualname__") else h.__class__.__name__ for (h, _, _) in engine._event_handlers[e] if "BasicTimeProfiler." not in repr(h) # avoid adding internal handlers into output ] for e in Events if e not in self.events_to_ignore } # Setup all other handlers: engine._event_handlers[Events.STARTED].append((self._as_last_started, (engine,), {})) for e, m in zip(self._events, self._fmethods): engine._event_handlers[e].insert(0, (m, (engine,), {})) for e, m in zip(self._events, self._lmethods): engine._event_handlers[e].append((m, (engine,), {})) # Let's go self._event_handlers_timer.reset() def _as_last_started(self, engine: Engine) -> None: self.event_handlers_times[Events.STARTED][0] = self._event_handlers_timer.value() def _as_first_epoch_started(self, engine: Engine) -> None: self._event_handlers_timer.reset() def _as_last_epoch_started(self, engine: Engine) -> None: t = self._event_handlers_timer.value() e = engine.state.epoch - 1 self.event_handlers_times[Events.EPOCH_STARTED][e] = t def _as_first_get_batch_started(self, engine: Engine) -> None: self._event_handlers_timer.reset() self._dataflow_timer.reset() def _as_last_get_batch_started(self, engine: Engine) -> None: t = self._event_handlers_timer.value() i = engine.state.iteration - 1 self.event_handlers_times[Events.GET_BATCH_STARTED][i] = t def _as_first_get_batch_completed(self, engine: Engine) -> None: self._event_handlers_timer.reset() def _as_last_get_batch_completed(self, engine: Engine) -> None: t = self._event_handlers_timer.value() i = engine.state.iteration - 1 self.event_handlers_times[Events.GET_BATCH_COMPLETED][i] = t d = self._dataflow_timer.value() self.dataflow_times[i] = d self._dataflow_timer.reset() def _as_first_iter_started(self, engine: Engine) -> None: self._event_handlers_timer.reset() def _as_last_iter_started(self, engine: Engine) -> None: t = self._event_handlers_timer.value() i = engine.state.iteration - 1 self.event_handlers_times[Events.ITERATION_STARTED][i] = t self._processing_timer.reset() def _as_first_iter_completed(self, engine: Engine) -> None: t = self._processing_timer.value() i = engine.state.iteration - 1 self.processing_times[i] = t self._event_handlers_timer.reset() def _as_last_iter_completed(self, engine: Engine) -> None: t = self._event_handlers_timer.value() i = engine.state.iteration - 1 self.event_handlers_times[Events.ITERATION_COMPLETED][i] = t def _as_first_epoch_completed(self, engine: Engine) -> None: self._event_handlers_timer.reset() def _as_last_epoch_completed(self, engine: Engine) -> None: t = self._event_handlers_timer.value() e = engine.state.epoch - 1 self.event_handlers_times[Events.EPOCH_COMPLETED][e] = t def _as_first_completed(self, engine: Engine) -> None: self._event_handlers_timer.reset() def _as_last_completed(self, engine: Engine) -> None: self.event_handlers_times[Events.COMPLETED][0] = self._event_handlers_timer.value() # Remove added handlers: engine.remove_event_handler(self._as_last_started, Events.STARTED) for e, m in zip(self._events, self._fmethods): engine.remove_event_handler(m, e) for e, m in zip(self._events, self._lmethods): engine.remove_event_handler(m, e)
[docs] def attach(self, engine: Engine) -> None: """Attach BasicTimeProfiler to the given engine. Args: engine: the instance of Engine to attach """ if not isinstance(engine, Engine): raise TypeError(f"Argument engine should be ignite.engine.Engine, but given {type(engine)}") if not engine.has_event_handler(self._as_first_started): engine._event_handlers[Events.STARTED].insert(0, (self._as_first_started, (engine,), {}))
@staticmethod def _compute_basic_stats(data: torch.Tensor) -> Dict[str, Union[str, float, Tuple[Union[float], Union[float]]]]: # compute on non-zero data: data = data[data > 0] out = [ ("total", torch.sum(data).item() if len(data) > 0 else "not yet triggered") ] # type: List[Tuple[str, Union[str, float, Tuple[Union[float], Union[float]]]]] if len(data) > 1: out += [ ("min/index", (torch.min(data).item(), torch.argmin(data).item())), ("max/index", (torch.max(data).item(), torch.argmax(data).item())), ("mean", torch.mean(data).item()), ("std", torch.std(data).item()), ] return OrderedDict(out)
[docs] def get_results(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]: """ Method to fetch the aggregated profiler results after the engine is run .. code-block:: python results = profiler.get_results() """ total_eh_time = sum( [(self.event_handlers_times[e]).sum() for e in Events if e not in self.events_to_ignore] ) # type: Union[int, torch.Tensor] event_handlers_stats = dict( [ (str(".", "_"), self._compute_basic_stats(self.event_handlers_times[e])) for e in Events if e not in self.events_to_ignore ] + [("total_time", total_eh_time)] # type: ignore[list-item] ) return OrderedDict( [ ("processing_stats", self._compute_basic_stats(self.processing_times)), ("dataflow_stats", self._compute_basic_stats(self.dataflow_times)), ("event_handlers_stats", event_handlers_stats,), ( "event_handlers_names", {str(".", "_") + "_names": v for e, v in self.event_handlers_names.items()}, ), ] )
[docs] def write_results(self, output_path: str) -> None: """ Method to store the unaggregated profiling results to a csv file Args: output_path: file output path containing a filename .. code-block:: python profiler.write_results('path_to_dir/awesome_filename.csv') Examples: .. code-block:: text ----------------------------------------------------------------- epoch iteration processing_stats dataflow_stats Event_STARTED ... 1.0 1.0 0.00003 0.252387 0.125676 1.0 2.0 0.00029 0.252342 0.125123 """ try: import pandas as pd except ImportError: raise RuntimeError("Need pandas to write results as files") iters_per_epoch = self.total_num_iters // self.max_epochs epochs = torch.arange(self.max_epochs, dtype=torch.float32).repeat_interleave(iters_per_epoch) + 1 iterations = torch.arange(self.total_num_iters, dtype=torch.float32) + 1 processing_stats = self.processing_times dataflow_stats = self.dataflow_times event_started = self.event_handlers_times[Events.STARTED].repeat_interleave(self.total_num_iters) event_completed = self.event_handlers_times[Events.COMPLETED].repeat_interleave(self.total_num_iters) event_epoch_started = self.event_handlers_times[Events.EPOCH_STARTED].repeat_interleave(iters_per_epoch) event_epoch_completed = self.event_handlers_times[Events.EPOCH_COMPLETED].repeat_interleave(iters_per_epoch) event_iter_started = self.event_handlers_times[Events.ITERATION_STARTED] event_iter_completed = self.event_handlers_times[Events.ITERATION_COMPLETED] event_batch_started = self.event_handlers_times[Events.GET_BATCH_STARTED] event_batch_completed = self.event_handlers_times[Events.GET_BATCH_COMPLETED] results_dump = torch.stack( [ epochs, iterations, processing_stats, dataflow_stats, event_started, event_completed, event_epoch_started, event_epoch_completed, event_iter_started, event_iter_completed, event_batch_started, event_batch_completed, ], dim=1, ).numpy() results_df = pd.DataFrame( data=results_dump, columns=[ "epoch", "iteration", "processing_stats", "dataflow_stats", "Event_STARTED", "Event_COMPLETED", "Event_EPOCH_STARTED", "Event_EPOCH_COMPLETED", "Event_ITERATION_STARTED", "Event_ITERATION_COMPLETED", "Event_GET_BATCH_STARTED", "Event_GET_BATCH_COMPLETED", ], ) results_df.to_csv(output_path, index=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def print_results(results: Dict) -> str: """ Method to print the aggregated results from the profiler Args: results: the aggregated results from the profiler .. code-block:: python profiler.print_results(results) Examples: .. code-block:: text ---------------------------------------------------- | Time profiling stats (in seconds): | ---------------------------------------------------- total | min/index | max/index | mean | std Processing function: 157.46292 | 0.01452/1501 | 0.26905/0 | 0.07730 | 0.01258 Dataflow: 6.11384 | 0.00008/1935 | 0.28461/1551 | 0.00300 | 0.02693 Event handlers: 2.82721 - Events.STARTED: [] 0.00000 - Events.EPOCH_STARTED: [] 0.00006 | 0.00000/0 | 0.00000/17 | 0.00000 | 0.00000 - Events.ITERATION_STARTED: ['PiecewiseLinear'] 0.03482 | 0.00001/188 | 0.00018/679 | 0.00002 | 0.00001 - Events.ITERATION_COMPLETED: ['TerminateOnNan'] 0.20037 | 0.00006/866 | 0.00089/1943 | 0.00010 | 0.00003 - Events.EPOCH_COMPLETED: ['empty_cuda_cache', 'training.<locals>.log_elapsed_time', ] 2.57860 | 0.11529/0 | 0.14977/13 | 0.12893 | 0.00790 - Events.COMPLETED: [] not yet triggered """ def to_str(v: Union[str, tuple]) -> str: if isinstance(v, str): return v elif isinstance(v, tuple): return f"{v[0]:.5f}/{v[1]}" return f"{v:.5f}" def odict_to_str(d: Mapping) -> str: out = " | ".join([to_str(v) for v in d.values()]) return out others = { k: odict_to_str(v) if isinstance(v, OrderedDict) else v for k, v in results["event_handlers_stats"].items() } others.update(results["event_handlers_names"]) output_message = """ ---------------------------------------------------- | Time profiling stats (in seconds): | ---------------------------------------------------- total | min/index | max/index | mean | std Processing function: {processing_stats} Dataflow: {dataflow_stats} Event handlers: {total_time:.5f} - Events.STARTED: {STARTED_names} {STARTED} - Events.EPOCH_STARTED: {EPOCH_STARTED_names} {EPOCH_STARTED} - Events.ITERATION_STARTED: {ITERATION_STARTED_names} {ITERATION_STARTED} - Events.ITERATION_COMPLETED: {ITERATION_COMPLETED_names} {ITERATION_COMPLETED} - Events.EPOCH_COMPLETED: {EPOCH_COMPLETED_names} {EPOCH_COMPLETED} - Events.COMPLETED: {COMPLETED_names} {COMPLETED} """.format( processing_stats=odict_to_str(results["processing_stats"]), dataflow_stats=odict_to_str(results["dataflow_stats"]), **others, ) print(output_message) return output_message
[docs]class HandlersTimeProfiler: """ HandlersTimeProfiler can be used to profile the handlers, data loading and data processing times. Custom events are also profiled by this profiler Examples: .. code-block:: python from ignite.handlers import HandlersTimeProfiler trainer = Engine(train_updater) # Create an object of the profiler and attach an engine to it profiler = HandlersTimeProfiler() profiler.attach(trainer) @trainer.on(Events.EPOCH_COMPLETED) def log_intermediate_results(): profiler.print_results(profiler.get_results()), max_epochs=3) profiler.write_results('path_to_dir/time_profiling.csv') .. versionadded:: 0.4.6 """ EVENT_FILTER_THESHOLD_TIME = 0.0001 def __init__(self) -> None: self._dataflow_timer = Timer() self._processing_timer = Timer() self._event_handlers_timer = Timer() self.dataflow_times = [] # type: List[float] self.processing_times = [] # type: List[float] self.event_handlers_times = {} # type: Dict[EventEnum, Dict[str, List[float]]] @staticmethod def _get_callable_name(handler: Callable) -> str: # get name of the callable handler return getattr(handler, "__qualname__", handler.__class__.__name__) def _create_wrapped_handler(self, handler: Callable, event: EventEnum) -> Callable: @functools.wraps(handler) def _timeit_handler(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self._event_handlers_timer.reset() handler(*args, **kwargs) t = self._event_handlers_timer.value() hname = self._get_callable_name(handler) # filter profiled time if the handler was attached to event with event filter if not hasattr(handler, "_parent") or t >= self.EVENT_FILTER_THESHOLD_TIME: self.event_handlers_times[event][hname].append(t) # required to revert back to original handler after profiling setattr(_timeit_handler, "_profiler_original", handler) return _timeit_handler def _timeit_processing(self) -> None: # handler used for profiling processing times t = self._processing_timer.value() self.processing_times.append(t) def _timeit_dataflow(self) -> None: # handler used for profiling dataflow times t = self._dataflow_timer.value() self.dataflow_times.append(t) def _reset(self, event_handlers_names: Mapping[EventEnum, List[str]]) -> None: # reset the variables used for profiling self.dataflow_times = [] self.processing_times = [] self.event_handlers_times = {e: {h: [] for h in event_handlers_names[e]} for e in event_handlers_names} @staticmethod def _is_internal_handler(handler: Callable) -> bool: # checks whether the handler is internal return any(n in repr(handler) for n in ["HandlersTimeProfiler.", "Timer."]) def _detach_profiler_handlers(self, engine: Engine) -> None: # reverts handlers to original handlers for e in engine._event_handlers: for i, (func, args, kwargs) in enumerate(engine._event_handlers[e]): if hasattr(func, "_profiler_original"): engine._event_handlers[e][i] = (func._profiler_original, args, kwargs) def _as_first_started(self, engine: Engine) -> None: # wraps original handlers for profiling self.event_handlers_names = { e: [ self._get_callable_name(h) for (h, _, _) in engine._event_handlers[e] if not self._is_internal_handler(h) ] for e in engine._allowed_events } self._reset(self.event_handlers_names) for e in engine._allowed_events: for i, (func, args, kwargs) in enumerate(engine._event_handlers[e]): if not self._is_internal_handler(func): engine._event_handlers[e][i] = (self._create_wrapped_handler(func, e), args, kwargs) # processing timer engine.add_event_handler(Events.ITERATION_STARTED, self._processing_timer.reset) engine._event_handlers[Events.ITERATION_COMPLETED].insert(0, (self._timeit_processing, (), {})) # dataflow timer engine.add_event_handler(Events.GET_BATCH_STARTED, self._dataflow_timer.reset) engine._event_handlers[Events.GET_BATCH_COMPLETED].insert(0, (self._timeit_dataflow, (), {})) # revert back the wrapped handlers with original handlers at the end engine.add_event_handler(Events.COMPLETED, self._detach_profiler_handlers)
[docs] def attach(self, engine: Engine) -> None: """Attach HandlersTimeProfiler to the given engine. Args: engine: the instance of Engine to attach """ if not isinstance(engine, Engine): raise TypeError(f"Argument engine should be ignite.engine.Engine, but given {type(engine)}") if not engine.has_event_handler(self._as_first_started): engine._event_handlers[Events.STARTED].insert(0, (self._as_first_started, (engine,), {}))
[docs] def get_results(self) -> List[List[Union[str, float]]]: """ Method to fetch the aggregated profiler results after the engine is run .. code-block:: python results = profiler.get_results() """ total_eh_time = sum( [ sum(self.event_handlers_times[e][h]) for e in self.event_handlers_times for h in self.event_handlers_times[e] ] ) total_eh_time = round(float(total_eh_time), 5,) def compute_basic_stats( times: Union[Sequence, torch.Tensor] ) -> List[Union[str, float, Tuple[Union[str, float], Union[str, float]]]]: data = torch.as_tensor(times, dtype=torch.float32) # compute on non-zero data: data = data[data > 0] total = round(torch.sum(data).item(), 5) if len(data) > 0 else "not triggered" # type: Union[str, float] min_index = ("None", "None") # type: Tuple[Union[str, float], Union[str, float]] max_index = ("None", "None") # type: Tuple[Union[str, float], Union[str, float]] mean = "None" # type: Union[str, float] std = "None" # type: Union[str, float] if len(data) > 0: min_index = (round(torch.min(data).item(), 5), torch.argmin(data).item()) max_index = (round(torch.max(data).item(), 5), torch.argmax(data).item()) mean = round(torch.mean(data).item(), 5) if len(data) > 1: std = round(torch.std(data).item(), 5) return [total, min_index, max_index, mean, std] event_handler_stats = [ [ h, getattr(e, "name", str(e)), *compute_basic_stats(torch.tensor(self.event_handlers_times[e][h], dtype=torch.float32)), ] for e in self.event_handlers_times for h in self.event_handlers_times[e] ] event_handler_stats.append(["Total", "", total_eh_time, "", "", "", ""]) event_handler_stats.append(["Processing", "None", *compute_basic_stats(self.processing_times)]) event_handler_stats.append(["Dataflow", "None", *compute_basic_stats(self.dataflow_times)]) return event_handler_stats
[docs] def write_results(self, output_path: str) -> None: """ Method to store the unaggregated profiling results to a csv file Args: output_path: file output path containing a filename .. code-block:: python profiler.write_results('path_to_dir/awesome_filename.csv') Examples: .. code-block:: text ----------------------------------------------------------------- # processing_stats dataflow_stats training.<locals>.log_elapsed_time (EPOCH_COMPLETED) ... 1 0.00003 0.252387 0.125676 2 0.00029 0.252342 0.125123 """ try: import pandas as pd except ImportError: raise RuntimeError("Need pandas to write results as files") processing_stats = torch.tensor(self.processing_times, dtype=torch.float32) dataflow_stats = torch.tensor(self.dataflow_times, dtype=torch.float32) cols = [processing_stats, dataflow_stats] headers = ["processing_stats", "dataflow_stats"] for e in self.event_handlers_times: for h in self.event_handlers_times[e]: headers.append(f"{h} ({getattr(e, 'name', str(e))})") cols.append(torch.tensor(self.event_handlers_times[e][h], dtype=torch.float32)) # Determine maximum length max_len = max([x.numel() for x in cols]) count_col = torch.arange(max_len, dtype=torch.float32) + 1 cols.insert(0, count_col) headers.insert(0, "#") # pad all tensors to have same length cols = [torch.nn.functional.pad(x, pad=(0, max_len - x.numel()), mode="constant", value=0) for x in cols] results_dump = torch.stack(cols, dim=1,).numpy() results_df = pd.DataFrame(data=results_dump, columns=headers,) results_df.to_csv(output_path, index=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def print_results(results: List[List[Union[str, float]]]) -> None: """ Method to print the aggregated results from the profiler Args: results: the aggregated results from the profiler .. code-block:: python profiler.print_results(results) Examples: .. code-block:: text ----------------------------------------- ----------------------- -------------- ... Handler Event Name Total(s) ----------------------------------------- ----------------------- -------------- run.<locals>.log_training_results EPOCH_COMPLETED 19.43245 run.<locals>.log_validation_results EPOCH_COMPLETED 2.55271 run.<locals>.log_time EPOCH_COMPLETED 0.00049 run.<locals>.log_intermediate_results EPOCH_COMPLETED 0.00106 run.<locals>.log_training_loss ITERATION_COMPLETED 0.059 run.<locals>.log_time COMPLETED not triggered ----------------------------------------- ----------------------- -------------- Total 22.04571 ----------------------------------------- ----------------------- -------------- Processing took total 11.29543s [min/index: 0.00393s/1875, max/index: 0.00784s/0, mean: 0.00602s, std: 0.00034s] Dataflow took total 16.24365s [min/index: 0.00533s/1874, max/index: 0.01129s/937, mean: 0.00866s, std: 0.00113s] """ # adopted implementation of torch.autograd.profiler.build_table handler_column_width = max([len(item[0]) for item in results]) + 4 # type: ignore[arg-type] event_column_width = max([len(item[1]) for item in results]) + 4 # type: ignore[arg-type] DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH = 14 headers = [ "Handler", "Event Name", "Total(s)", "Min(s)/IDX", "Max(s)/IDX", "Mean(s)", "Std(s)", ] # Have to use a list because nonlocal is Py3 only... SPACING_SIZE = 2 row_format_lst = [""] header_sep_lst = [""] line_length_lst = [-SPACING_SIZE] def add_column(padding: int, text_dir: str = ">") -> None: row_format_lst[0] += "{: " + text_dir + str(padding) + "}" + (" " * SPACING_SIZE) header_sep_lst[0] += "-" * padding + (" " * SPACING_SIZE) line_length_lst[0] += padding + SPACING_SIZE add_column(handler_column_width, text_dir="<") add_column(event_column_width, text_dir="<") for _ in headers[2:]: add_column(DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH) row_format = row_format_lst[0] header_sep = header_sep_lst[0] result = [] def append(s: str) -> None: result.append(s) result.append("\n") result.append("\n") append(header_sep) append(row_format.format(*headers)) append(header_sep) for row in results[:-3]: # format min/idx and max/idx row[3] = "{}/{}".format(*row[3]) # type: ignore[misc] row[4] = "{}/{}".format(*row[4]) # type: ignore[misc] append(row_format.format(*row)) append(header_sep) # print total handlers time row append(row_format.format(*results[-3])) append(header_sep) summary_format = "{} took total {}s [min/index: {}, max/index: {}, mean: {}s, std: {}s]" for row in results[-2:]: row[3] = "{}s/{}".format(*row[3]) # type: ignore[misc] row[4] = "{}s/{}".format(*row[4]) # type: ignore[misc] del row[1] append(summary_format.format(*row)) print("".join(result))

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