
Source code for ignite.utils

import as collections
import functools
import logging
import random
import sys
import warnings
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, TextIO, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union, cast

import torch

__all__ = ["convert_tensor", "apply_to_tensor", "apply_to_type", "to_onehot", "setup_logger", "manual_seed"]

[docs]def convert_tensor( input_: Union[torch.Tensor, collections.Sequence, collections.Mapping, str, bytes], device: Optional[Union[str, torch.device]] = None, non_blocking: bool = False, ) -> Union[torch.Tensor, collections.Sequence, collections.Mapping, str, bytes]: """Move tensors to relevant device.""" def _func(tensor: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return, non_blocking=non_blocking) if device is not None else tensor return apply_to_tensor(input_, _func)
[docs]def apply_to_tensor( input_: Union[torch.Tensor, collections.Sequence, collections.Mapping, str, bytes], func: Callable ) -> Union[torch.Tensor, collections.Sequence, collections.Mapping, str, bytes]: """Apply a function on a tensor or mapping, or sequence of tensors. """ return apply_to_type(input_, torch.Tensor, func)
[docs]def apply_to_type( input_: Union[Any, collections.Sequence, collections.Mapping, str, bytes], input_type: Union[Type, Tuple[Type[Any], Any]], func: Callable, ) -> Union[Any, collections.Sequence, collections.Mapping, str, bytes]: """Apply a function on a object of `input_type` or mapping, or sequence of objects of `input_type`. """ if isinstance(input_, input_type): return func(input_) if isinstance(input_, (str, bytes)): return input_ if isinstance(input_, collections.Mapping): return cast(Callable, type(input_))( {k: apply_to_type(sample, input_type, func) for k, sample in input_.items()} ) if isinstance(input_, tuple) and hasattr(input_, "_fields"): # namedtuple return cast(Callable, type(input_))(*(apply_to_type(sample, input_type, func) for sample in input_)) if isinstance(input_, collections.Sequence): return cast(Callable, type(input_))([apply_to_type(sample, input_type, func) for sample in input_]) raise TypeError((f"input must contain {input_type}, dicts or lists; found {type(input_)}"))
[docs]def to_onehot(indices: torch.Tensor, num_classes: int) -> torch.Tensor: """Convert a tensor of indices of any shape `(N, ...)` to a tensor of one-hot indicators of shape `(N, num_classes, ...) and of type uint8. Output's device is equal to the input's device`. .. versionchanged:: 0.4.3 This functions is now torchscriptable. """ new_shape = (indices.shape[0], num_classes) + indices.shape[1:] onehot = torch.zeros(new_shape, dtype=torch.uint8, device=indices.device) return onehot.scatter_(1, indices.unsqueeze(1), 1)
[docs]def setup_logger( name: Optional[str] = None, level: int = logging.INFO, stream: Optional[TextIO] = None, format: str = "%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s", filepath: Optional[str] = None, distributed_rank: Optional[int] = None, ) -> logging.Logger: """Setups logger: name, level, format etc. Args: name (str, optional): new name for the logger. If None, the standard logger is used. level (int): logging level, e.g. CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG. stream (TextIO, optional): logging stream. If None, the standard stream is used (sys.stderr). format (str): logging format. By default, `%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s`. filepath (str, optional): Optional logging file path. If not None, logs are written to the file. distributed_rank (int, optional): Optional, rank in distributed configuration to avoid logger setup for workers. If None, distributed_rank is initialized to the rank of process. Returns: logging.Logger For example, to improve logs readability when training with a trainer and evaluator: .. code-block:: python from ignite.utils import setup_logger trainer = ... evaluator = ... trainer.logger = setup_logger("trainer") evaluator.logger = setup_logger("evaluator"), max_epochs=10) # Logs will look like # 2020-01-21 12:46:07,356 trainer INFO: Engine run starting with max_epochs=5. # 2020-01-21 12:46:07,358 trainer INFO: Epoch[1] Complete. Time taken: 00:5:23 # 2020-01-21 12:46:07,358 evaluator INFO: Engine run starting with max_epochs=1. # 2020-01-21 12:46:07,358 evaluator INFO: Epoch[1] Complete. Time taken: 00:01:02 # ... .. versionchanged:: 0.4.3 Added ``stream`` parameter. """ logger = logging.getLogger(name) # don't propagate to ancestors # the problem here is to attach handlers to loggers # should we provide a default configuration less open ? if name is not None: logger.propagate = False # Remove previous handlers if logger.hasHandlers(): for h in list(logger.handlers): logger.removeHandler(h) formatter = logging.Formatter(format) if distributed_rank is None: import ignite.distributed as idist distributed_rank = idist.get_rank() if distributed_rank > 0: logger.addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) else: logger.setLevel(level) ch = logging.StreamHandler(stream=stream) ch.setLevel(level) ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) if filepath is not None: fh = logging.FileHandler(filepath) fh.setLevel(level) fh.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(fh) return logger
[docs]def manual_seed(seed: int) -> None: """Setup random state from a seed for `torch`, `random` and optionally `numpy` (if can be imported). Args: seed (int): Random state seed .. versionchanged:: 0.4.3 Added ``torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed)``. """ random.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) try: import numpy as np np.random.seed(seed) except ImportError: pass
def deprecated( deprecated_in: str, removed_in: str = "", reasons: Tuple[str, ...] = (), raise_exception: bool = False ) -> Callable: F = TypeVar("F", bound=Callable[..., Any]) def decorator(func: F) -> F: func_doc = func.__doc__ if func.__doc__ else "" deprecation_warning = ( f"This function has been deprecated since version {deprecated_in}" + (f" and will be removed in version {removed_in}" if removed_in else "") + ".\n Please refer to the documentation for more details." ) @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Callable: if raise_exception: raise DeprecationWarning(deprecation_warning) warnings.warn(deprecation_warning, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return func(*args, **kwargs) appended_doc = f".. deprecated:: {deprecated_in}" + ("\n\n\t" if len(reasons) else "") for reason in reasons: appended_doc += "\n\t- " + reason wrapper.__doc__ = f"**Deprecated function**.\n\n {func_doc}{appended_doc}" return cast(F, wrapper) return decorator

© Copyright 2024, PyTorch-Ignite Contributors. Last updated on 12/09/2024, 2:09:04 PM.

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