
Source code for ignite.engine.deterministic

import random
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import wraps
from typing import Callable, Generator, Iterator, Optional

import torch
from import DataLoader
from import BatchSampler

from ignite.engine.engine import Engine
from import Events
from ignite.utils import manual_seed

__all__ = ["update_dataloader", "keep_random_state", "ReproducibleBatchSampler", "DeterministicEngine"]

[docs]def update_dataloader(dataloader: DataLoader, new_batch_sampler: BatchSampler) -> DataLoader: """Helper function to replace current batch sampler of the dataloader by a new batch sampler. Function returns new dataloader with new batch sampler. Args: dataloader ( input dataloader new_batch_sampler ( new batch sampler to use Returns: DataLoader """ params_keys = [k for k in dataloader.__dict__.keys() if not k.startswith("_")] for k in ["batch_size", "sampler", "drop_last", "batch_sampler", "dataset_kind"]: if k in params_keys: params_keys.remove(k) params = {k: getattr(dataloader, k) for k in params_keys} params["batch_sampler"] = new_batch_sampler return type(dataloader)(**params)
[docs]class ReproducibleBatchSampler(BatchSampler): """Reproducible batch sampler. This class internally iterates and stores indices of the input batch sampler. This helps to start providing data batches from an iteration in a deterministic way. Usage: Setup dataloader with `ReproducibleBatchSampler` and start providing data batches from an iteration: .. code-block:: python from ignite.engine.deterministic import update_dataloader dataloader = update_dataloader(dataloader, ReproducibleBatchSampler(dataloader.batch_sampler)) # rewind dataloader to a specific iteration: dataloader.batch_sampler.start_iteration = start_iteration Args: batch_sampler ( batch sampler same as used with `` start_iteration (int, optional): optional start iteration """ def __init__(self, batch_sampler: BatchSampler, start_iteration: Optional[int] = None): if not isinstance(batch_sampler, BatchSampler): raise TypeError("Argument batch_sampler should be") self.batch_indices = None self.batch_sampler = batch_sampler self.start_iteration = start_iteration self.sampler = self.batch_sampler.sampler def setup_batch_indices(self) -> None: self.batch_indices = [] for batch in self.batch_sampler: self.batch_indices.append(batch) if self.start_iteration is not None: self.batch_indices = self.batch_indices[self.start_iteration :] self.start_iteration = None def __iter__(self) -> Generator: self.setup_batch_indices() for batch in self.batch_indices: yield batch def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.batch_sampler)
def _get_rng_states(): output = [random.getstate(), torch.get_rng_state()] try: import numpy as np output.append(np.random.get_state()) except ImportError: pass return output def _set_rng_states(rng_states): random.setstate(rng_states[0]) torch.set_rng_state(rng_states[1]) try: import numpy as np np.random.set_state(rng_states[2]) except ImportError: pass def _repr_rng_state(rng_states): from hashlib import md5 out = " ".join([md5(str(list(s)).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() for s in rng_states]) return out
[docs]def keep_random_state(func: Callable): """Helper decorator to keep random state of torch, numpy and random intact while executing a function. For more details on usage, please see :ref:`Dataflow synchronization`. Args: func (callable): function to decorate """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): rng_states = _get_rng_states() func(*args, **kwargs) _set_rng_states(rng_states) return wrapper
[docs]class DeterministicEngine(Engine): """Deterministic engine derived from :class:`~ignite.engine.engine.Engine`. "Deterministic" run is done by adding additional handlers to synchronize the dataflow and overriding some methods of :class:`~ignite.engine.engine.Engine`: .. code-block:: python for e in range(num_epochs): set_seed(seed_offset + e) if resume: setup_saved_rng_states() do_single_epoch_iterations(dataloader) If input data provider is `DataLoader`, its batch sampler is replaced by :class:`~ignite.engine.deterministic.ReproducibleBatchSampler`. .. code-block:: python for e in range(num_epochs): set_seed(seed_offset + e) setup_sampling(dataloader) if resume: setup_saved_rng_states() do_single_epoch_iterations(dataloader) Internally, `torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True` and `torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False` are also applied. For more details about dataflow synchronization, please see :ref:`Dataflow synchronization`. .. Note :: This class can produce exactly the same dataflow when resuming the run from an epoch (or more precisely from dataflow restart) and using torch `DataLoader` with `num_workers > 1` as data provider. """ def __init__(self, process_function: Callable): super(DeterministicEngine, self).__init__(process_function) self.state_dict_user_keys.append("rng_states") self.add_event_handler(Events.STARTED, self._init_run) self.add_event_handler(Events.DATALOADER_STOP_ITERATION | Events.TERMINATE_SINGLE_EPOCH, self._setup_seed)
[docs] def state_dict(self) -> OrderedDict: state_dict = super(DeterministicEngine, self).state_dict() state_dict["rng_states"] = _get_rng_states() return state_dict
def _init_run(self) -> None: seed = torch.randint(0, int(1e9), (1,)).item() self.state.seed = seed if not hasattr(self.state, "rng_states"): self.state.rng_states = None if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False def _setup_engine(self) -> None: self._dataloader_len = self._get_data_length(self.state.dataloader) # if input data is torch dataloader we replace batch sampler by a batch sampler # such that its random sampling indices are reproducible by prefetching them before data iteration if isinstance(self.state.dataloader, DataLoader): # attribute _dataset_kind is introduced since 1.3.0 => before 1.3.0 all datasets are map-like can_patch_dataloader = True if hasattr(self.state.dataloader, "_dataset_kind"): from import _DatasetKind _dataloader_kind = self.state.dataloader._dataset_kind can_patch_dataloader = _dataloader_kind == _DatasetKind.Map if can_patch_dataloader: if (self._dataloader_len is not None) and hasattr(self.state.dataloader.sampler, "epoch"): if self._dataloader_len != self.state.epoch_length: warnings.warn( "When defined engine's epoch length is different of input dataloader length, " "distributed sampler indices can not be setup in a reproducible manner" ) batch_sampler = self.state.dataloader.batch_sampler if not (batch_sampler is None or isinstance(batch_sampler, ReproducibleBatchSampler)): self.state.dataloader = update_dataloader( self.state.dataloader, ReproducibleBatchSampler(batch_sampler) ) iteration = self.state.iteration self._dataloader_iter = self._from_iteration(iteration) # Below we define initial counter value for _run_once_on_dataset to measure a single epoch if self.state.epoch_length is not None: iteration %= self.state.epoch_length self._init_iter.append(iteration) # restore rng state if in the middle in_the_middle = self.state.iteration % self._dataloader_len > 0 if self._dataloader_len is not None else False if (getattr(self.state, "rng_states", None) is not None) and in_the_middle: _set_rng_states(self.state.rng_states) self.state.rng_states = None def _from_iteration(self, iteration: int) -> Iterator: data = self.state.dataloader if isinstance(data, DataLoader): try: # following is unsafe for IterableDatasets iteration %= len(data.batch_sampler) # Synchronize dataflow according to state.iteration self._setup_seed() if iteration > 0: # batch sampler is ReproducibleBatchSampler data.batch_sampler.start_iteration = iteration return iter(data) except TypeError as e: # Probably we can do nothing with DataLoader built upon IterableDatasets pass"Resuming from iteration for provided data will fetch data until required iteration ...") if hasattr(data, "__len__"): iteration %= len(data) # Synchronize dataflow from the begining self._setup_seed(iteration=0) data_iter = iter(data) counter = 0 while counter < iteration: try: next(data_iter) counter += 1 except StopIteration: data_iter = iter(data) return data_iter def _setup_seed(self, _=None, iter_counter=None, iteration=None): if iter_counter is None: le = self._dataloader_len if self._dataloader_len is not None else 1 else: le = iter_counter if iteration is None: iteration = self.state.iteration manual_seed(self.state.seed + iteration // le)

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