Features for large-scale deployments
This note talks about several extension points and tricks that might be useful when running PyTorch within a larger system or operating multiple systems using PyTorch in a larger organization.
It doesn’t cover topics of deploying models to production. Check
or one of the corresponding tutorials.
The note assumes that you either build PyTorch from source in your organization or have an ability to statically link additional code to be loaded when PyTorch is used. Therefore, many of the hooks are exposed as C++ APIs that can be triggered once in a centralized place, e.g. in static initialization code.
Fleet-wide operator profiling
PyTorch comes with torch.autograd.profiler
capable of measuring time
taken by individual operators on demand. One can use the same mechanism to do
“always ON” measurements for any process running PyTorch. It might be useful for
gathering information about PyTorch workloads running in a given process or
across the entire set of machines.
New callbacks for any operator invocation can be added with
. Hooks will be called with
struct that describes invocation
context (e.g. name). If enabled, RecordFunction::inputs()
contains arguments
of the function represented as torch::IValue
variant type. Note, that inputs
logging is relatively expensive and thus has to be enabled explicitly.
The operator callbacks also have access to at::getThreadLocalDebugInfo()
interface that returns a pointer to the struct holding the debug information. This
debug information is supposed to be set earlier with the corresponding
call. Debug information is propagated
through the forward (including async fork
tasks) and backward passes and can
be useful for passing some extra information about execution environment
(e.g. model id) from the higher layers of the application down to the operator
Invoking callbacks adds some overhead, so usually it’s useful to just randomly sample operator invocations. This can be enabled on per-callback basis with a global sampling rate specified by torch::autograd::profiler::setSamplingProbability.
Note, that pushCallback
and setSamplingProbability
are not thread-safe
and can be called only when no PyTorch operator is running. Usually, it’s a good
idea to call them once during initialization.
Here’s an example:
// Called somewhere in the program beginning
void init() {
// Sample one in a hundred operator runs randomly
/* needs_inputs */ true,
/* sampled */ true
void onFunctionEnter(const RecordFunction& fn) {
std::cerr << "Before function " << fn.name()
<< " with " << fn.inputs().size() << " inputs" << std::endl;
void onFunctionExit(const RecordFunction& fn) {
std::cerr << "After function " << fn.name();
API usage logging
When running in a broader ecosystem, for example in managed job scheduler, it’s often useful to track which binaries invoke particular PyTorch APIs. There exists simple instrumentation injected at several important API points that triggers a given callback. Because usually PyTorch is invoked in one-off python scripts, the callback fires only once for a given process for each of the APIs.
can be used to register API usage instrumentation
handler. Passed argument is going to be an “api key” identifying used point, for
example python.import
for PyTorch extension import or
if TorchScript compilation was triggered.
SetAPIUsageLogger([](const std::string& event_name) {
std::cerr << "API was used: " << event_name << std::endl;
Note for developers: new API trigger points can be added in code with
in C++ or
in Python.
Attaching metadata to saved TorchScript models
TorchScript modules can be saved as an archive file that bundles serialized
parameters and module code as TorchScript (see torch.jit.save()
). It’s
often convenient to bundle additional information together with the model, for
example, description of model producer or auxiliary artifacts.
It can be achieved by passing the _extra_files
argument to
and torch::jit::load
to store and retrieve
arbitrary binary blobs during saving process. Since TorchScript files are
regular ZIP archives, extra information gets stored as regular files inside
archive’s extra/
There’s also a global hook allowing to attach extra files to any TorchScript archive produced in the current process. It might be useful to tag models with producer metadata, akin to JPEG metadata produced by digital cameras. Example usage might look like:
SetExportModuleExtraFilesHook([](const script::Module&) {
script::ExtraFilesMap files;
files["producer_info.json"] = "{\"user\": \"" + getenv("USER") + "\"}";
return files;
Build environment considerations
TorchScript’s compilation needs to have access to the original python files as
it uses python’s inspect.getsource
call. In certain production environments
it might require explicitly deploying .py
files along with precompiled
Common extension points
PyTorch APIs are generally loosely coupled and it’s easy to replace a component with specialized version. Common extension points include:
Custom operators implemented in C++ - see tutorial for more details.
Custom data reading can be often integrated directly by invoking corresponding python library. Existing functionality of
can be utilized by extendingDataset