
torchtrtc is a CLI application for using the Torch-TensorRT compiler. It serves as an easy way to compile a TorchScript Module with Torch-TensorRT from the command-line to quickly check support or as part of a deployment pipeline. All basic features of the compiler are supported including post training quantization (though you must already have a calibration cache file to use the PTQ feature). The compiler can output two formats, either a TorchScript program with the TensorRT engine embedded or the TensorRT engine itself as a PLAN file.

All that is required to run the program after compilation is for C++ linking against or in Python importing the torch_tensorrt package. All other aspects of using compiled modules are identical to standard TorchScript. Load with torch.jit.load() and run like you would run any other module.

torchtrtc [input_file_path] [output_file_path]
  [input_specs...] {OPTIONS}

  torchtrtc is a compiler for TorchScript, it will compile and optimize
  TorchScript programs to run on NVIDIA GPUs using TensorRT


    -h, --help                        Display this help menu
    Verbiosity of the compiler
      -v, --verbose                     Dumps debugging information about the
                                        compilation process onto the console
      -w, --warnings                    Disables warnings generated during
                                        compilation onto the console (warnings
                                        are on by default)
      --i, --info                       Dumps info messages generated during
                                        compilation onto the console
    --build-debuggable-engine         Creates a debuggable engine
    --allow-gpu-fallback              (Only used when targeting DLA
                                      (device-type)) Lets engine run layers on
                                      GPU if they are not supported on DLA
    --require-full-compilation        Require that the model should be fully
                                      compiled to TensorRT or throw an error
                                      Check the support for end to end
                                      compilation of a specified method in the
                                      TorchScript module
    --disable-tf32                    Prevent Float32 layers from using the
                                      TF32 data format
    --sparse-weights                  Enable sparsity for weights of conv and
                                      FC layers
    --enable-precision=[precision...] (Repeatable) Enabling an operating
                                      precision for kernels to use when
                                      building the engine (Int8 requires a
                                      calibration-cache argument) [ float |
                                      float32 | f32 | fp32 | half | float16 |
                                      f16 | fp16 | int8 | i8 | char ]
                                      (default: float)
    -d[type], --device-type=[type]    The type of device the engine should be
                                      built for [ gpu | dla ] (default: gpu)
    --gpu-id=[gpu_id]                 GPU id if running on multi-GPU platform
                                      (defaults to 0)
    --dla-core=[dla_core]             DLACore id if running on available DLA
                                      (defaults to 0)
    --engine-capability=[capability]  The type of device the engine should be
                                      built for [ standard | safety |
                                      dla_standalone ]
                                      Path to calibration cache file to use
                                      for post training quantization
    --torch-executed-op=[op_name...]  (Repeatable) Operator in the graph that
                                      should always be run in PyTorch for
                                      execution (partial compilation must be
                                      (Repeatable) Module that should always
                                      be run in Pytorch for execution (partial
                                      compilation must be enabled)
    --min-block-size=[num_ops]        Minimum number of contiguous TensorRT
                                      supported ops to compile a subgraph to
    --embed-engine                    Whether to treat input file as a
                                      serialized TensorRT engine and embed it
                                      into a TorchScript module (device spec
                                      must be provided)
    --num-min-timing-iter=[num_iters] Number of minimization timing iterations
                                      used to select kernels
                                      Number of averaging timing iterations
                                      used to select kernels
    --workspace-size=[workspace_size] Maximum size of workspace given to
    --threshold=[threshold]           Maximum acceptable numerical deviation
                                      from standard torchscript output
                                      (default 2e-5)
    --no-threshold-check              Skip checking threshold compliance
    --truncate, --truncate-64bit      Truncate weights that are provided in
                                      64bit to 32bit (Long, Double to Int,
    --save-engine                     Instead of compiling a full a
                                      TorchScript program, save the created
                                      engine to the path specified as the
                                      output path
    input_file_path                   Path to input TorchScript file
    output_file_path                  Path for compiled TorchScript (or
                                      TensorRT engine) file
    input_specs...                    Specs for inputs to engine, can either
                                      be a single size or a range defined by
                                      Min, Optimal, Max sizes, e.g.
                                      Data Type and format can be specified by
                                      adding an "@" followed by dtype and "%"
                                      followed by format to the end of the
                                      shape spec. e.g. "(3, 3, 32,
    "--" can be used to terminate flag options and force all following
    arguments to be treated as positional options


torchtrtc tests/modules/ ssd_trt.ts "[(1,3,300,300); (1,3,512,512); (1, 3, 1024, 1024)]@f16%contiguous" -p f16