Using Max-Autotune Compilation on CPU for Better Performance¶
Author: Jiong Gong, Leslie Fang, Chunyuan Wu
In this tutorial, you will learn how to boost your PyTorch models’ performance on CPU by leveraging the max-autotune mode in the Inductor CPU backend. Explore the activation process, understand the differences from traditional methods, and integrate max-autotune into your code for enhanced computational efficiency. Dive into the use of advanced GEMM templates for faster processing and superior runtime performance.
The max-autotune
mode for the Inductor CPU backend in torch.compile
(RFC link)
profiles multiple implementations of operations at compile time and selects the best-performing one,
trading longer compilation times for improved runtime performance. This enhancement is particularly beneficial for GEMM-related operations.
In the Inductor CPU backend, we’ve introduced a C++ template-based GEMM implementation as an alternative to the ATen-based approach that relies on oneDNN and MKL libraries.
This is similar to the max-autotune mode on CUDA, where implementations from ATen, Triton, and CUTLASS are considered.
We have covered most popular data types, including FP32, BF16, FP16, and INT8, with epilogue fusions for x86 CPUs.
While the development is still in progress, we have already seen promising speedups over pure ATen-based GEMMs as measured by the three benchmark suites and the inference of LLMs.
Activating the max-autotune
To activate the max-autotune
mode in PyTorch, set the mode
argument to max-autotune
when compiling your model using torch.compile
If you prefer to bypass the tuning process and always use the C++ template implementations, you can configure this via an environment variable:
The below code is an example of using the max-autotune
mode on a simple neural network with a linear layer followed by a ReLU activation.
In the C++ template-based GEMM implementation, we will pre-pack the weight for good cache usage.
In the case of inference which is the primary scenario of CPU AI workloads,
model weights are constant and we pack them upfront during compilation
so that the data accesses are contiguous within the cache blocks.
Thus, We only support frozen model with torch.no_grad
or the inference mode.
You need to set the environment variable export TORCHINDUCTOR_FREEZING=1
and ensure that both the compilation and inference steps are executed within the torch.no_grad
import torch
from torch._inductor import config
config.trace.log_autotuning_results = True # enable the log of autotuning results
class M(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(
self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(
self.relu = torch.nn.ReLU()
def forward(self, x):
x = self.linear(x)
x = self.relu(x)
return x
amp_enabled = True
batch_size = 64
in_features = 16
out_features = 32
bias = True
x = torch.randn(batch_size, in_features)
model = M(in_features, out_features, bias)
with torch.no_grad(), torch.cpu.amp.autocast(enabled=amp_enabled):
compiled = torch.compile(model, mode="max-autotune") # turn on "max-autotune" mode
y = compiled(x)
When running the above code snippet, you will see the autotuning result (the performance numbers are for demonstration purposes). In this example, C++ template outperforms ATen kernel so that it will be selected.
AUTOTUNE linear_unary(64x16, 32x16, 32)
cpp_packed_gemm_0 0.2142 ms 100.0%
_linear_pointwise 0.2441 ms 87.7%
We could check the generated output code by setting export TORCH_LOGS="+output_code"
When C++ template is selected, we won’t have torch.ops.mkldnn._linear_pointwise.default
(for bfloat16) or torch.ops.mkl._mkl_linear.default
(for float32)
in the generated code anymore, instead, we’ll find kernel based on CPP GEMM template cpp_fused__to_copy_relu_1
(only part of the code is demonstrated below for simplicity) with the bias and relu epilogues fused inside the C++ GEMM template kernel.
The generated code differs by CPU architecture and is implementation-specific, which is subject to change.
cpp_fused__to_copy_relu_1 = async_compile.cpp_pybinding(['const bfloat16*', 'const bfloat16*', 'const bfloat16*', 'bfloat16*'], '''
template <bool accum>
inline void kernel_micro_gemm_amx_kernel_32_2(
AMXState& amx_state,
const bfloat16* __restrict__ A,
const bfloat16* __restrict__ B,
float* __restrict__ C,
int64_t K,
int64_t lda,
int64_t ldb,
int64_t ldc,
uint8_t tilecfg_rows
) {
template <bool accum>
inline void kernel_micro_gemm(
AMXState& amx_state,
const bfloat16* __restrict__ A,
const bfloat16* __restrict__ B,
float* __restrict__ C,
int64_t M,
int64_t N,
int64_t K,
int64_t lda,
int64_t ldb,
int64_t ldc
) {
extern "C"
void kernel(const bfloat16* X, const bfloat16* W, const bfloat16* inp, bfloat16* Y)
constexpr int64_t num_threads = 40;
constexpr int64_t N = 32;
constexpr int64_t K = 16;
constexpr int64_t M = static_cast<int64_t>(64L);
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(40)
const int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
for (int64_t mc_block_id = 0; mc_block_id < num_Mc_blocks_per_thread; mc_block_id++) {
for (int64_t nc = n_block_start; nc < n_block_end; nc += Nc_blocks) {
for (int64_t kc = k_block_start; kc < k_block_end; kc += Kc_blocks) {
for (int64_t nci = nc; nci < nc_block_end; nci++) {
if (kc == k_block_start) {
} else {
// Epilogue fusion here for bias and relu
#pragma GCC ivdep
for(int64_t x0=static_cast<int64_t>(0L); x0<static_cast<int64_t>(m_end + ((-1L)*m_start)); x0+=static_cast<int64_t>(1L))
for(int64_t x1=static_cast<int64_t>(0L); x1<static_cast<int64_t>(16L*(c10::div_floor_integer(static_cast<int64_t>((n_end + ((-1L)*n_start))), static_cast<int64_t>(16L)))); x1+=static_cast<int64_t>(16L))
auto tmp0 = at::vec::Vectorized<bfloat16>::loadu(inp + static_cast<int64_t>(n_start + x1), static_cast<int64_t>(16));
auto tmp2 = at::vec::Vectorized<float>::loadu(local_acc_buf + static_cast<int64_t>(x1 + (Nc_blocks*Nr*x0)), static_cast<int64_t>(16));
auto tmp1 = at::vec::convert<float>(tmp0);
auto tmp3 = tmp1 + tmp2;
auto tmp4 = at::vec::convert<bfloat16>(tmp3);
auto tmp5 = static_cast<float>(0.0);
auto tmp6 = at::vec::Vectorized<float>(tmp5);
auto tmp7 = at::vec::maximum(tmp3, tmp6);
auto tmp8 = at::vec::convert<bfloat16>(tmp7); + static_cast<int64_t>(n_start + x1 + (32L*m_start) + (32L*x0)), static_cast<int64_t>(16));
In this tutorial, we introduced max-autotune support on CPU with GEMM template. We explained the API to activate this feature, and demonstrated the generated code of the GEMM template.
This feature is in prototype stage. If you have any feature requests or run into any issues, please file a bug report at GitHub issues.