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  • (prototype) Flight Recorder for Debugging Stuck Jobs

(prototype) Flight Recorder for Debugging Stuck Jobs

Author: Chirag Pandya, Junjie Wang

What you will learn

  • Learn about a new tool for debugging stuck jobs during distributed training.

  • Learn how you can enable the tool and use the collected data for analyzing stuck jobs.


  • PyTorch version 2.5 or later.

  • tabulate. You can install by running pip install tabulate.


An AI distributed training job refers to the process of training a machine learning model using multiple devices, such as GPUs or CPUs, connected in a network. This approach allows for faster and more efficient training of large models that require significant computational resources. An engineer’s goal is to complete an AI training job as quickly as possible and make continuous improvements so that subsequent training can be done faster. A trained, usable model is the final desired outcome. One of the biggest impediment to completing training is the concept of a stuck job.

A distributed AI training job is considered stuck when it stops making meaningful progress for an extended period of time.

A job can get stuck for various reasons:

  • Data Starvation: This occurs when the training job is not receiving data at the expected rate, possibly due to issues with the data pipeline or the data source.

  • Resource Constraints: If the system running the job does not have enough computational resources (such as CPU, GPU, or memory), the job might not be able to proceed.

  • Network Issues: In a distributed training setup, different parts of the model or data may be processed on different devices. If there are network issues, communication between these devices may be disrupted, causing the job to get stuck.

  • Software Bugs or Errors: Errors in the training code or the underlying libraries and frameworks can also cause a job to get stuck.

  • Synchronization Issues: In distributed training, different parts of the computation are often run in parallel and need to be synchronized at certain points. If this synchronization fails, the job can get stuck. For example, a deadlock can occur if one or more ranks fail to join a collective while the remaining ranks have joined. This results in an indefinite wait for the job to progress.

Flight Recorder, as the name suggests, captures diagnostics information as collectives run. The captured diagnostic information is used to help identify the root causes of issues when jobs become stuck. Flight Recorder consists of two core parts:

  • The collection portion: when enabled, information about collectives is recorded in an in-memory circular buffer. Upon job timeout, or on demand, the in-memory buffer can be retrieved or dumped to file.

  • An analyzer script is available in the tools/flight_recorder directory (details below).

    The analyzer script runs known heuristics using the collected data and attempts to automatically identify the underlying issue that caused the job to stall.

Enabling Flight Recorder

There are three required environment variables to get the initial version of Flight Recorder working.

  • TORCH_NCCL_TRACE_BUFFER_SIZE = (0, N): Setting N to a positive number enables collection. N represents the number of entries that will be kept internally in a circular buffer. We recommended to set this value at 2000. The default value is 2000.

  • TORCH_NCCL_DUMP_ON_TIMEOUT = (true, false): Setting this to true will write out diagnostic files to disk on job timeout. If enabled, there will be one file per rank output in the job’s running directory. The default value is false.

  • TORCH_NCCL_DEBUG_INFO_TEMP_FILE: Setting the path where the flight recorder will be dumped with file prefix. One file per rank. The default value is /tmp/nccl_trace_rank_.

Optional settings:

  • TORCH_NCCL_TRACE_CPP_STACK = (true, false): Setting this to true enables C++ stack traces to be captured in Flight Recorder. C++ stack traces can be useful in providing the exact code path from a PyTorch Python call down to the primitive C++ implementation. Also see TORCH_SYMBOLIZE_MODE in additional settings.

  • TORCH_NCCL_ENABLE_TIMING = (true, false): Setting this to true will enable additional cuda events at the start of each collective and records the duration of each collective. This may incur some CPU overhead. In the collected data, the duration field indicates how long each collective took to execute.

Additional Settings

  • TORCH_SYMBOLIZE_MODE = (dladdr, addr2line, fast): This setting determines the program used to retrieve C++ traces from a running program.

    The default setting is addr2line.

    fast is a new experimental mode that is shown to be much faster than the traditional addr2line. Use this setting in conjunction with TORCH_NCCL_TRACE_CPP_STACK to collect C++ traces in the Flight Recorder data.

  • If you prefer not to have the flight recorder data dumped into the local disk but rather onto your own storage, you can define your own writer class. This class should inherit from class ::c10d::DebugInfoWriter (code) and then register the new writer using ::c10d::DebugInfoWriter::registerWriter (code) before we initiate PyTorch distributed.

Retrieving Flight Recorder Data via an API

You can also retrieve Flight Recorder data with an API call. The API with the default arguments is shown below:

torch._C._distributed_c10d._dump_nccl_trace(includeCollectives=True, includeStackTraces=True, onlyActive=False)

To view the data, you can unpickle it as shown below:

t = pickle.loads(torch._C._distributed_c10d._dump_nccl_trace())

Flight Recorder File Formats

Flight Recorder files are dumped in pickle format. Files are written to local disks or mounted shared NFS folders.

The contents of a Flight Recorder unpickled file are shown below:

  "version": "2.5",
  "pg_config": {
    "0": {
    "name": "0",
    "desc": "default_pg",
    "ranks": "[0, 1]"
  "pg_status": {
    "0": {
    "last_enqueued_collective": 2,
    "last_started_collective": -1,
    "last_completed_collective": 2
  "entries": [
    "frames": [
    "name": "test_short_pickle",
    "filename": "pytorch/test/distributed/test_c10d_nccl.py",
    "line": 3647
    "name": "spawn_main",
    "filename": ".conda/envs/pytorch-3.10/lib/python3.10/multiprocessing/spawn.py",
    "line": 116
    "name": "<module>",
    "filename": "<string>",
    "line": 1
    "record_id": 0,
    "pg_id": 0,
    "process_group": ("0", "default_pg"),
    "collective_seq_id": 1,
    "p2p_seq_id": 0,
    "op_id": 1,
    "profiling_name": "nccl:all_reduce",
    "time_created_ns": 1724779239936775119,
    "input_sizes": [[3, 4]],
    "input_dtypes": ["Float"],
    "output_sizes": [[3, 4]],
    "output_dtypes": ["Float"],
    "state": "completed",
    "time_discovered_started_ns": null,
    "time_discovered_completed_ns": 1724779239975811724,
    "retired": true,
    "timeout_ms": 600000,
    "is_p2p": false

Analyzing Flight Recorder Dumps

We have convenient scripts available in pytorch/tools/flight_recorder directory for analyzing captured data.

To run the convenience script, follow these steps:

  1. Copy all files from a rank into a single directory.

  2. To run the script, use this command:

python fr_trace.py <dump dir containing trace files> [-o <output file>]

If you install the PyTorch nightly build or build from scratch with USE_DISTRIBUTED=1, you can directly use the following command directly:

torchfrtrace <dump dir containing trace files> [-o <output file>]

Currently, we support two modes for the analyzer script. The first mode allows the script to apply some heuristics to the parsed flight recorder dumps to generate a report identifying potential culprits for the timeout. The second mode is simply outputs the raw dumps. By default, the script prints flight recoder dumps for all ranks and all ``ProcessGroups``(PGs). This can be narrowed down to certain ranks and PGs using the –selected-ranks argument for ranks and –pg-filters argument for PGs. An example command is:

Caveat: tabulate module is needed, so you might need pip install it first.

python fr_trace.py <dump dir containing trace files> -j [--selected-ranks i j k ...] [--pg-filters tp dp]
torchfrtrace <dump dir containing trace files> -j [--selected-ranks i j k ...] [--pg-filters 0 2]


In this tutorial, we have learned about a new PyTorch diagnostic tool called Flight Recorder. We have discussed how to enable Flight Recorder to collect diagnostic data from a machine. Additionally, we explored how to analyze the data captured from the Flight Recorder using a convenience script located in the tools/flight_recorder directory of the PyTorch repository.


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