Model Preparation for iOS Recipe ===================================== This recipe demonstrates how to prepare a PyTorch MobileNet v2 image classification model for iOS apps, and how to set up an iOS project to use the mobile-ready model file. Introduction ----------------- After a PyTorch model is trained or a pre-trained model is made available, it is normally not ready to be used in mobile apps yet. It needs to be quantized (see `Quantization Recipe `_ for more details), converted to TorchScript so iOS apps can load it and optimized for mobile apps (see `Script and Optimize for Mobile Recipe `_). Furthermore, iOS apps need to be set up correctly to enable the use of PyTorch Mobile libraries, before they can load and use the model for inference. Pre-requisites ----------------- PyTorch 1.6.0 or 1.7.0 torchvision 0.6.0 or 0.7.0 Xcode 11 or 12 Steps ----------------- 1. Get Pretrained and Quantized MobileNet v2 Model ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To get the MobileNet v2 quantized model, simply do: :: import torchvision model_quantized = torchvision.models.quantization.mobilenet_v2(pretrained=True, quantize=True) 2. Script and Optimize the Model for Mobile Apps ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Use either the script or trace method to convert the quantized model to the TorchScript format: :: import torch dummy_input = torch.rand(1, 3, 224, 224) torchscript_model = torch.jit.trace(model_quantized, dummy_input) or :: torchscript_model = torch.jit.script(model_quantized) .. warning:: The `trace` method only scripts the code path executed during the trace, so it will not work properly for models that include decision branches. See the `Script and Optimize for Mobile Recipe `_ for more details. Then optimize the TorchScript formatted model for mobile and save it: :: from torch.utils.mobile_optimizer import optimize_for_mobile torchscript_model_optimized = optimize_for_mobile(torchscript_model), "") With the total 7 or 8 (depending on if the script or trace method is called to get the TorchScript format of the model) lines of code in the two steps above, we have a model ready to be added to mobile apps. 3. Add the Model and PyTorch Library on iOS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To use the mobile-ready model `` in an iOS app, either create a new Xcode project or in your existing Xcode project, then follow the steps below: * Open a Mac Terminal, cd to your iOS app's project folder; * If your iOS app does not use Cocoapods yet, run `pod init` first to generate the `Podfile` file. * Edit `Podfile` either from Xcode or any editor, and add the following line under the target: :: pod 'LibTorch', '~>1.6.1' * Run `pod install` from the Terminal and then open your project's xcworkspace file; * Save the two files `TorchModule.h` and `` from `here `_ and drag and drop them to your project. If your project is Swift based, a message box with the title "Would you like to configure an Objective-C bridging header?" will show up; click the "Create Bridging Header" button to create a Swift to Objective-c bridging header file, and add `#import "TorchModule.h"` to the header file `-Bridging-Header.h`; * Drag and drop the model file `` to the project. After these steps, you can successfully build and run your Xcode project. To actually write code to use the model, refer to the PyTorch Mobile `iOS Code Walkthrough `_ and two complete ready-to-run sample iOS apps `HelloWorld `_ and `iOS Hackathon Example `_. Learn More ----------------- 1. `PyTorch Mobile site `_ 2. `Introduction to TorchScript `_